MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 76

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Li Qun asked nervously, "Where are those people?"

His confidants also looked confused: "I don't know, I haven't seen anyone."

"When is this, people are coming, where are they going at this time!" Li Qun was running around in a hurry, calmed down and thought about the plan carefully.

People are ambushed all around, that Zhou Yan is waiting behind, but the people who ambushes are his people, although they are all elites, but I don’t know how to suppress dozens of people together in the mud Ye Xiao, he was really not sure, there was Zhou Yan, but that guy said it was a third line, but he was just saying it nicely, and he was a neurotic in essence.

That mustache told him to delay as much as possible, what was his last move?

Li Qun didn't think about killing Ye Xiao, he just wanted them to get out of here quickly, and don't stand here to embarrass him, but now it's not a question of whether he wants to, since he has taken this step, of course he hopes to kill Ye Xiao in one fell swoop Ye Xiao.

I just hope those few people are more reliable.

He didn't know, he regarded them as the main force of this Hongmen Banquet, they left him a long time ago, went to another place to ambush, and they missed nothing, they were very annoyed.

Ye Xiao has already arrived here.

On the surface, he brought a team of people, one Lin Tantan, one Xu Li, one Mei Bosheng with the field control ability, one Fan Fang who can freeze the surroundings, and there are three other people with abilities, one is There are people with lightning abilities, one has the ability to see through, and the other is a person with space abilities.

As a matter of course, everyone else was stopped except him.

But Ye Xiao ignored it, waved his hand, and a few gusts of wind pushed away the people blocking the way, and the guns pointed at them were all pressed down, and he led the people into Li Qun's camp just like that.

Li Qun's site is pretty good, with a large piece of flat land, buildings, and training grounds, where tens of thousands of soldiers are stationed. Of course, these soldiers are worthwhile, and only a part of them are real full-time soldiers, and many of them were recruited by Li Qun himself. But even so, these tens of thousands of people are also Li Qun's confidant team and his greatest reliance.

Normally, Li Qun would feel very at ease surrounded by this army, which was also the biggest reason why he finally agreed to cooperate, but when Ye Xiao just walked in with seven people in a big way, he was still flustered.

He swallowed, forced a smile and said, "Come on, sit down."

Because he wanted to delay time, he also asked someone to prepare some food, reluctantly pretended to invite him to dinner, and then told Ye Xiao that he was going to the capital, most of his staff here, the entire foundation, Guessing it was also for Ye Xiao, they turned hostility into friendship and so on.

The look of scratching his head and trying to say something made others feel anxious for him.

Ye Xiao also didn't want to go around in circles with him: "You asked me to come here to ambush me, right? You don't have many powerful supernatural beings under your command, but now you have Zhou Yan, but he must not be the only one, how many have you invited?" Foreign aid, let’s call out together, don’t dawdle, let’s all have a better time.”

Li Qun stared at him.

Ye Xiao smiled, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Li Qun involuntarily stumbled towards him. He was pressed on the chair beside him, and Mei Bosheng pulled out a rope and tied it firmly to the chair, and hung it around his neck. Something dark.

Mei Bosheng laughed viciously and said, "It's remotely controlled. If you're not good, pop! It will blow you up to the bone."

Li Qun was dumbfounded. Some of his confidants in the arena couldn't react to this at all. The people who had been staying close to him and acting as personal guards were able to react, but they were tripped by an inexplicable force after taking a step, and they were pinned to the ground and couldn't move.

Ye Xiao smiled lightly: "It's a personal grievance to let irrelevant people back away, so there is no need to add unnecessary cannon fodder."

Li Qun was still speechless.

Mei Bosheng pressed on his hand, there was a sizzling sound, and then an indescribable pain came to his mind, Li Qun screamed, and when he looked down, his hands seemed to be corroded by the venom, his flesh and blood They were all bubbling and turning black.

He hurriedly yelled: "Back off, everyone back off, the plan is cancelled!" Damn it, what are you lying in ambush for, these few are not human at all!

Ye Xiao: "Stand back five hundred meters."

"Five hundred meters, back five hundred meters!" Li Qun scolded a few hesitant confidants in the field: "Get out of here, why are you still standing here!" The flesh on his hands was rotten to the bone up!

Turning around, he said to Ye Xiao: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, it's not that I want to make things difficult for you, I was forced!"

Ye Xiao tilted his head slightly, and asked the person with the lightning ability and the person with the clairvoyance ability to go out and have a look. They came back and said that the outsiders and the ambush people had indeed retreated, and there was no one else upstairs. One left.

The clairvoyant looked at the ceiling: "It's the one whose head was cut off in half, and he's right above."

Ye Xiao looked up at the ceiling: "There is only one Zhou Yan, what about the others?"

"Run away, run away, motherfucker! I'm not talking about you, those people are just donating me. They said they were going to kill you after receiving the mission, and they said it was approved by Min Yande. I don’t cooperate, if you see me mixing with Zhou Yan now, you won’t let me go, I was forced!” Li Qun cried, he didn’t understand why it became like this, He knew that his side wasn't the right thing, otherwise he wouldn't just talk about wanting Ye Xiao to look good again and again, and he didn't dare to come to the truth, but he never thought of such a dish.

He doesn't know, it's not his talent, but she herself is too good. Once he, the core figure, is controlled, and then give orders to make people retreat, let alone tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people can only shrink back obediently with.

Ye Xiao just took a fancy to him not to be frightened but to save his life, let irrelevant people leave the battlefield first.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zhou Yan was the only ultimate move waiting for him.

After making sure that there was no one else nearby, Ye Xiao was not in a hurry to interrogate Li Qun. He looked at the ceiling and waved lightly to make people disperse. Dao, a huge square cement block fell down, followed by a person, and hit the table with a lot of food.

As soon as this person fell, there was an invisible wind net to envelop him, and he suddenly burst out a huge fireball, shattering the invisible wind net, and rushed towards Ye Xiao at an extremely fast speed, almost instantly It will arrive.

Just at this moment, a circle of black matter enveloped him, making him feel as if he was walking in an extremely viscous slurry, his speed suddenly slowed down, his skin began to corrode, and at the same time, a layer of white ice flowed from his body. The soles of his feet spread and covered them, making his joints rub with each step.

This is Mei Bosheng and Fan Fang making moves at the same time.

The thunder and lightning in the hands of the lightning-type ability user is ready to be released at any time.

The clairvoyant and space power user, as well as Lin Tantan, Xu Li, and Li Qun are all outside the battle circle, a very safe place.

So when Zhou Yan walked up to Ye Xiao, stretched out his corroded hand from the black field to grab Ye Xiao's collar, and stared at him with his single eye, Ye Xiao didn't react immediately.

Instead he looked directly into the eye.

Zhou Yan didn't seem to feel the pain in his body. He seemed to have grasped Ye Xiao's weakness and kept asking him triumphantly, "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?"

Ye Xiao's eyes sometimes slacken and sometimes condense. When they slacken, they seem to sink into an endless abyss. There is resistance and struggle in the depths of his eyes. When they are condensed, his eyes are surprisingly bright and sharp.

He is constantly switching between these two states.

Lin Tantan was startled, what was he doing?

"What's the matter?" The people around asked this question in a low voice.

Lin Tantan understood that Ye Xiao was resisting the effect of Zhou Yan's ability, she was a little speechless, was this draining Zhou Yan of his last value? Or is it that he is still brooding because of the Taoism last time.

No, Ye Xiao's state is not so much against Zhou Yan's ability, but rather against the problem itself.

She clearly saw a trace of suppressed pain in his eyes.

who are you? What's wrong with this question?

If most people are asked this way, they won't have any obstacles in answering, right?

Before she could think clearly, Ye Xiao closed his eyes, and then stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Yan's hand. Everyone saw a red fire thorn in Zhou Yan's hand, and Ye Xiao pulled his hand away, lightly With a light delivery, Zhou Yan was thrown to the ground by him. Zhou Yan screamed and wanted to get up, but only half of his forehead was suddenly pierced by a wind blade.

He froze and fell to the ground, motionless.

Blood gushed out.

Lin Tantan came to Ye Xiao's side, his eyes were still closed, he took a deep breath before slowly opening them, his eyes were bloodshot, but his eyes were still clear, his expression was calm and resolute as usual, as if nothing had happened .

Others will only think that he has put in some effort to resist Zhou Yan just now, but Lin Tantan feels sorry for him.

Did he experience any struggle just now?

She couldn't help holding his arm, Ye Xiao also shook the back of her hand, and said to the others: "Be careful not to approach him."

He looked at Zhou Yan who fell on the ground, this time he wanted to see how he would survive.

After waiting for about three minutes, when everyone didn't know why they had to wait, Zhou Yan's body suddenly trembled, and he opened his eyes again, staring at Ye Xiao after being dazed for a moment: "You ! You killed me! You killed me again!"

As he said that, he thought about Ye Xiao pounced on him, and became even more irrational than before.

Everyone else's eyes widened in shock, Ye Xiao just waved his hand, and another wind blade sent Zhou Yan to die, this time piercing his heart.

After another three minutes, Zhou Yan woke up again, and then died again, this time his throat was cut, and he pulled out on the ground for a long time.

When he was twitching, Ye Xiao also hesitated, and whispered to Lin Tantan: "If you are afraid, don't read it, I want to see what the limit of his ability is."

Lin Tantan shook his head: "I'm not afraid."

The other lady present, Fan Fang's face turned pale, and Li Qun, who was still wearing a **** around her neck, almost collapsed on the chair, what's the matter!

When Zhou Yan woke up for the third time, Ye Xiao cut open his main artery and watched him bled to death.

There will never be a resurrection this time, he thought.

However, in the end Zhou Yan came back to life. This time, he was like a mummy, his walking was unsteady, and he couldn't speak clearly. He wobbled towards Ye Xiao: "Ye... Xiao..."

Lin Tantan couldn't help but squeezed Ye Xiao's hand tightly.

Ye Xiao covered her eyes with his hand, looked at Zhou Yan, and sighed: "It's a very good ability, but unfortunately, it's over here." After saying that, the wind blade flashed, and Zhou Yan's head fell off.

As if realizing that he was forced to die this time, when Zhou Yan's head fell to the ground, he showed a hysterical expression, and his one-eyed eyes widened in fear: "No, you can't kill me, I can't die, I am a three-line power user, I have an immortal body, I am the chosen one of heaven! I, I still want to achieve the emperor's dominance!"

In a series of howling, Lin Tantan pulled Ye Xiao's hand slightly, but Zhou Yan suddenly turned to look at Lin Tantan: "You! It's all because of you!"

Ye Xiao frowned, and was about to do something to help him die faster, when Zhou Yan's head finally uttered its last breath, and it just froze there.

It was impossible to come back to life again.

Li Qun trembled all over, tilted his head, and was actually fainted by fright.

Others also have different expressions.

Ye Xiao's expression was calm, he just asked the space power user to take out the gasoline, poured it on the corpse with his own hands, and set it on fire, even leaving blood all over the ground.

He seemed to feel that this was too slow, so he asked Mei Bosheng to call a few fire-type supernatural beings, and directly burned them with supernatural fire. The corpse was quickly burned, but the house was relatively well preserved.

And Lin Tantan had a particularly cold expression, and had been watching this scene quietly.

The future first president of the new century, Zhou Yan, who created the entire Zhou family's glorious period of hundreds of years, fell in the third month of the last days.

She couldn't express how she felt. She had thought countless times that if she could come to the end of the world, she would kill Zhou Yan as soon as possible. She really hated this man, but now that he is really dead, she felt a little at a loss .

He is the president.

On the way back, she asked Ye Xiao, "Is he really the chosen one?"

Ye Xiao was thinking about something, he was startled when he heard this, and then laughed: "It's just an extra ability, and this ability is a bit special, what is the chosen one, it's just that he thinks highly of himself. And if he is the chosen one , What am I, the one who killed the Chosen One? Why didn’t a thunder come down to condemn me?”

Lin Tantan hurriedly covered his mouth, and quickly looked towards the sky. There was neither rumbling thunder that shook the sky, nor did it seem like there was going to be a heavy rain immediately, as if the whole world mourned for him. Zhou Yan's death Doesn't seem to have any effect.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and glared at Ye Xiao: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Ye Xiao whose mouth was covered: "..."

The soft palm was pressed against his lips, and he didn't even dare to breathe too hard.

Lin Tantan was also a little embarrassed, she put her hands down, her palms were slightly wet, she wiped her clothes quietly, and said in a low voice: "If you have something, don't talk nonsense." Probably because she is time-traveling, I still believe in certain things, but I am also taboo.

In the end, Zhou Yan stared at her with hatred, but she was not afraid at all, she would rather kill Zhou Yan, and let all the influence and consequences fall on her.

Thinking about it this way, she suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Yes, if Zhou Yan is really the chosen one, what is Ye Xiao, a **** who removes obstacles for the chosen one, and then retires at the most appropriate moment? ?

There is not so much right and wrong in this world, there is not so much predestined relationship, there is only that she hopes that the person she likes can live a good life.

Lin Tantan suddenly paused in his heart, the person he likes...

I used to know that I liked Ye Xiao, but that kind of liking was only for idols and spiritual pillars, but now...

He and Ye Xiao watched with gentle and deep eyes, at this moment Lin Tantan suddenly couldn't convince himself anymore.

There is no way to convince him that it is normal and ordinary care for him.

There is no way to convince myself that I have a clear conscience towards him.

The blood on her face faded little by little, and she slowly lowered her head.

The warm and soft touch in the palm of her hand seemed to have always existed, and it became more and more clear, making her whole hand seem to be scalded.

Ye Xiao watched her face change with some worry: "What's wrong?"

Lin Tantan shook his head: "A little tired."

Ye Xiao patted her head habitually: "Then go back and rest."

Lin Tantan started off: "Don't touch my head all the time,"


Lin Tantan looked up and smiled: "I'm not a child, you can't always touch my head just because I'm shorter than you."

Ye Xiao looked down at her, always felt that there seemed to be something more in her smile, not as brisk as before.

She's like, a little sad, even... like she's about to cry.

The author has something to say: Tan Tan actually noticed it a long time ago. There are many places ahead, she just didn’t dare to think about it, and then Ye Xiao kept putting it away...Why does she always feel that the CP of the powder produces less sugar? In addition to really not (spreading hands), it is also because her mentality is gradually changing, well, this does not show much, you can think that I am forcing the explanation

After so, are you still chasing me? Hahaha did you forget the fivesome? A moment of silence... I've been wanting to write the latter part of the story for a long time, and finally I'm going to write it hahaha!