MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 73

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The next day Lin Tantan went to see the mixed-race youth again, oh, his name is Luther, a rather exotic name.

Luther was fed stomach after stomach of sugarcane juice, his body exuded a strong smell of sugar, he recovered somewhat, but Lin Tantan was worried that he would get diabetes.

Lin Tantan came here today mainly to help Lv Jianping pick out qualified ingredients. The square-faced uncle with thinning hair looked helpless: "The sugarcane field was destroyed, and only a few sugarcanes were brought back. See if there are any wood It's about supernatural powers... The research institute has been working on a supernatural power testing instrument for many days, so I'm really bothering you."

Lin Tantan picked and picked, only one sugarcane has wood-type abilities, and the others are just ordinary mutated sugarcane, she asked while picking, "Who destroyed the sugarcane field?"

"I don't know who it is. They say they only have half a head. Maybe they are zombies. Will there be zombies that eat sugarcane?" Lu Jianping said in a funny tone. He seems to be a very easy-going person in private, but Lin Tantan also Not sure if he was intentionally trying to be this easygoing in front of himself.

Lin Tantan was taken aback, zombies only eat raw flesh and blood, I've never heard of zombies that like to chew on sugarcane.

"Is it wrong?"


Fortunately, the sugarcane field was destroyed, and someone discovered a field of wild rice stems. Several mutated wild rice stems were dug out of it, one of which had the ability of the water system, and it had a good effect when it was mashed into juice and given to Luther to drink.

Lin Tantan turned around and told Ye Xiao about this: "I never thought that Lu Jianping would cherish the lives of his subordinates so much. The three mutated plants with supernatural powers must have cost a lot."

Ye Xiao was a little distracted, she glanced at him, she was infusing energy to Ye Xiao at this moment to promote the growth of his ribs, this was the first time she saw him distracted during the treatment.

Ye Xiao came back to his senses: "You mean, a person with only half a head?"

"Yeah, do you know there is such a person, or have you seen such a zombie?"

Ye Xiao didn't speak, but he thought of a person unexpectedly, and then denied it. That person must be dead. Even if he was bitten by a zombie after death, he still couldn't become a zombie.

It's just that he still cared a little bit in his heart, calmly suppressed this hidden worry, and said to Lin Tantan: "Lu Se is a child adopted by Lu Jianping, of course he cares."

"Ah, so that's the case."

"It is said that it was the product of his old friend's affair when he was abroad. Later, his old friend passed away unexpectedly. Lu Jianping couldn't bear to have no descendants for his friend. After learning about this, he went abroad and found someone in the orphanage. It took a lot of time. It took a lot of twists and turns to bring people back."

"Then Lu Jianping is really caring. He can raise a friend's child as if it were his own."

Ye Xiao's expression froze slightly, but then he returned to normal, and Lin Tantan didn't notice.

After Ye Xiao recovered from his injuries, he left the base again, and began to look for a target with only half a head. Before he found this target, he found several corpses one after another.

Without exception, these corpses died at the hands of fire-type supernatural beings. There were no signs of fighting on their bodies, only a scorched black hole in their chests, and their eyes were still in a state of confusion after death.

With such a familiar injury, Ye Xiao stood up from the latest corpse and looked at the ruins of the city under the sun with a very stern face.

Zhou Yan is not dead, and no matter why he was still alive after half of his head was cut off, just talking about his way of killing people is venting his anger? What are you announcing? Still practicing?

The person who died earlier was just an ordinary person alone, and from the beginning there were supernatural beings. This time, there were two supernatural beings. Can he distract two people at the same time?

Lin Tantan didn't know anything about it at this time. She still went to the shantytowns, but only half a day a day, and only two or three hours a day after a few days.

The number of flu patients is decreasing day by day, and because mutated animals have entered people's diet, it can be clearly seen that more people eat meat these days. The meat of mutated animals is more nutritious even if it has no supernatural powers. Some people are obviously still sick, but they may gradually recover from their illness after taking it for a few days.

Free clinics are slowly being withdrawn.

And Lin Tantan's clinic is still overcrowded, which is also caused by mutated food.

Some people are very unlucky and have no way of detection. They eat poisonous things, some people are not nourished at once, some people eat mutated meat that is too hard, have indigestion, some people are allergic, and a large number of people are in contact with mutated animals. injured in the fight.

In short, doctors do not worry about being out of business at any time.

But because the patient group has changed to a different type, many wood-type supernatural beings can't adapt to it for a while, and the treatment efficiency is particularly low.

Lin Tantan took some time to sort out some cases, and then called wood-type supernatural powers to hold a meeting upstairs in the clinic.

"...Treating with supernatural powers is actually the same as seeing a doctor with an ordinary doctor. First, it is to detect the lesion, and then use limited supernatural powers to treat the lesion. In the past, the flu patients mainly focused on the respiratory system, but this time it mainly targets the digestive system. , Some toxins are absorbed into the blood and invade the whole body, so let your energy spread throughout the patient's body..."

"Here are some typical patients I sorted out, including my thinking and steps in treating them. Take a look." Lin Tantan spoke in a relatively simple way. Mingze said: "You can tell them later how to judge whether the patient has indigestion or food poisoning from the patient's complaint. You are better at this."

"Yes." Mingze replied very simply. He has now become Lin Tantan's assistant and apprentice. In terms of medicine, he is a professional doctor who knows more than Lin Tantan, but he has too much knowledge about the use of abilities. Need to learn from her.

In fact, he is already better. He can deduce what to do from the patient's complaint. Most of the wood-type supernatural powers had nothing to do with the medical field before. When facing a patient, the other party complained of a stuffy nose, so they put the supernatural power on the nose. If the other party says they want to vomit, they will treat the stomach. If they are sensitive and talented people with supernatural powers, that's okay, but most people are relatively dull, and it is difficult to make effective treatments at the beginning.

The same is true for flu patients. Lin Tantan recorded many typical cases, and held several meetings with them during the break time, only then did he train this group of wood-type supernatural beings to be able to act independently.

"If you still don't understand, you can come to me and ask." Lin Tantan was about to leave this humble conference room, when someone raised his hand suddenly and said, "Doctor Lin, can I join you?"

Lin Tantan stood still and looked at the young man standing up. The young man wore gold-rimmed glasses and looked less than thirty years old. When he smiled, he had a delicate and elegant temperament, which was easy to be liked.

Lin Tantan has some impressions of him. She is a resident staff member of the free clinic. She has good abilities and can earn a lot of food from her every day. She was also a doctor before the end of the world, and she seems to be in the same hospital as Mingze.

She went to see Mingze, and sure enough, the latter's face was already dark.

The young man with glasses asked again: "Can I join your team? I promise to be loyal, and I will not have any disagreements, and I will obey all arrangements."

The "your team" he said means to be a member of the team led by Ye Xiao. In this small conference room, there is a long table, and those who can sit at the long table are all "our own people". They had repeatedly confirmed their identities and character abilities through Bai Cheng, and only a dozen or so people were gathered in these few days. The rest were hired by Lin Tantan to earn wages, so they could only sit around with a stool, or just stand.

Lin Tantan said before that you can ask her if you don’t understand, and everyone agrees that only your own people can disturb her. If you are a hired worker who doesn’t know what kind of power you belong to, don’t think too beautifully. Lin Tantan teaches you how to use abilities When I was willing to take them with me and not charge tuition fees, I should have secretly smiled.

Lin Tantan said: "I don't care about this kind of thing, you can talk to Bai Cheng."

"Okay, I understand." The young man said with a smile, not at all discouraged.

Mingze glanced at him, and said to Lin Tantan: "Miss Lin, go and do your business, just leave it to me here."

"Okay." Lin Tantan walked out of the meeting room, and as soon as the door closed, he heard Mingze's cold voice coming from inside: "Let me tell you about some main symptoms and manifestations of the digestive system..."

Well, Mingze is good everywhere, but the people are a little too cold.

The pocket moved, and a little chestnut-colored hamster crawled out of her pocket and stood on her shoulder. She tilted her head and rubbed against the little bodyguard's face, and suddenly felt a strong gaze betting on her. Looking over his head, he saw a man squatting on the ground teasing a big fat squirrel. Both the man and the mouse looked over. The man's eyes were calm, but the big squirrel seemed to have a sad face and was about to crawl over.

Lin Tantan quickly said: "You can't, you are too heavy, don't jump on me!"

Dahui paused, staring at the little hamster that was grabbing Lin Tantan's shoulder, twisted its fat body and crawled away, and went down the stairs, dragging its long tail behind it, looking very disappointed.

Lin Tantan didn't care to appease this big guy who had been in a tantrum since she brought the little hamster with her, and looked at the person who was still squatting on the ground: "Why are you here?" Looking at the time, it was indeed lunch break what.

Ye Xiao stood up, his slender figure was clearly revealed, Lin Tantan changed from looking down on him to looking up at him, he smiled and said, "Come and see you."

In March, the weather was still cold, but Ye Xiao had already taken off his winter clothes, and only wore two or three thin coats, although his winter clothes were not that thick either.

In short, the clothes perfectly showed his good figure. Lin Tantan couldn't help but glanced at his chest. Well, it was very symmetrical, strong and full, but most likely it was still padded.

"..." Ye Xiao was helpless, what does this little look mean?

"Is the meeting over?"

"Yeah, let's go downstairs."

Downstairs is the clinic hall. Although it is lunch break, there are many people in the hall. When they saw a huge mouse crawling down, most of them were startled and frightened, and they ran away one after another. Some people took it for granted and knew that this mutant mouse was Lin talked about raising.

At the top of the stairs, a young man was leaning against the wall with his sword in his arms. When he saw the two people coming down, he stood up straight.

Lin Tantan was a little surprised: "Xu Li? You're here too?"

Ye Xiao said, "Tell me in the consultation room."

Entering Lin Tantan's clinic, he said, "Let Xu Li follow you from now on."

"Ah? What?" Lin Tantan was too surprised. Although Ye Xiao said that she would change a few bodyguards for her, it wasn't that people with supernatural powers didn't like her, but Jiang Zhongyi, who was a supernatural person, felt that he was not calm enough, and others came to find her. Qu felt that neither of them could be fully trusted, and maybe she was not half as strong as her when she encountered danger.

So much so that it hasn't been settled yet, but Xu Li's words are still too unexpected.

Ye Xiao also had his own considerations: Although Xu Li didn't have superpowers, he was stronger than ordinary people with superpowers, but because he didn't have superpowers, he had to attack from close quarters, and the risk of facing zombies was too high. Now that the manpower is gradually sufficient, he doesn't want to let Xu Li go out of the base to take risks, but if he is placed in the base, this person is too introverted and doesn't like to interact with people at all. The corner is in a daze until the end of time.

So it's just right to talk about protecting Lin.

He was still hesitating before, but after learning that Zhou Yan was still alive and his ability was getting stronger and stronger, he finally made this decision. Although Xu Li obeys everything and has a soft personality, but because he has practiced martial arts since childhood, his determination is very firm, and there is almost nothing that can shake him.

Lin Tantan looked at Ye Xiao and Xu Li: "Did something happen?"

Ye Xiao then told about Zhou Yan's affairs, including that he killed him once, but the other party came back to life for some reason.

"He has dual abilities? How is that possible? No, that's not the point. You mean you can't kill him? Are you sure he's really dead?"

"I cut off half of his head." Ye Xiao said.

Well, this should be a certain death, but since it is certain death, how can it still survive, Lin Tantan sat on the chair, holding the little hamster in his hand. Could it be that because Zhou Yan is the future president and the most important role, he cannot die due to luck? Don't be kidding me, okay?

If he is still the president of the new century in the end, what will Ye Xiao do? That guy came to power, even if Ye Xiao was alive and well, he would have to deal with Ye Xiao. In history, when Ye Xiao died, he would do everything possible to erase the traces of Ye Xiao's existence. That is a psychopath who can't accept the existence of someone stronger than himself!

Ye Xiao knew from her reaction what the principle of Zhou Yan's ability was, and why she was able to come back from the dead, and she was completely unaware of it.

He said: "People are outside the base now, and there are strict inspections when entering the base. He should not be able to sneak in. Let Xu Li follow you just in case. Xu Li is determined, and he should not be easily affected by his abilities. I will come again Give you a few people, no less than four people around you at any time."

Lin Tantan nodded, she knew the importance, just looked at Xu Li, she couldn't help but said: "Will Xu Li be too talented to follow me?"

Xu Li smiled shyly at her: "No, I am suitable for this."

Lin Tantan said, of course I know you are very good at protecting people, but the problem is your bodyguard Bai Cheng!

Xu Li has never awakened any abilities in history, but he has always been Bai Cheng's last and strongest protection force. Since Bai Cheng is the real manager of the Zhengyang base, and has a space that outsiders can't figure out the size but is said to be very, very large, with a very, very large amount of material space, he has always been the target of various forces, and Xu Li protects him. He escaped many crises until the last time he died with him.

In the end, what happened to this person who became the object of protection now? In terms of importance, she doesn't think she can compare to Bai Cheng.

The author has something to say: Zhou Yan didn’t die because he had a three-line ability, not because of any aura. He was kept to promote the next plot and introduce a few new characters. This was done in the outline. He is very will be offline soon