MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 70

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Ye Xiao's words seemed to be ironic "Only you can come so quietly".

Zhou Li's complexion changed, and a sense of humiliation surged in his heart. He thought he was also a top-notch supernatural being, but in front of this person, he seemed to be nothing, and he didn't need to pay attention to it at all.

However, where the strength lies, the weak are in front of the former, and any self-esteem is superfluous. He smiled wryly: "If you want to kill, kill it."

Ye Xiao didn't do anything immediately: "You threatened her with earth-type abilities, what do you want her to do?"

Zhou Li looked at him and smiled: "I asked her to leave you and do things for me. Ye Xiao, you can gain a foothold here so quickly, except for your own ability, you have nothing to do with her, right? There is such a Wood-type abilities, who dares to be rude? You are really lucky, I was the first to know her."

This matter has almost become a knot in his heart. He was the one who met Lin Tantan first when the end of the world just broke out. He eats more and rests more, but he remembers it in his heart. After he found out that he did this, his physical discomfort subsided soon, and he awakened his powers. He knew that she was really not an ordinary person, and he wanted to find her.

It's a pity to meet again, she has already joined someone else's team.

The more he found out that she was capable, the more Zhou Li couldn't help thinking, obviously he was the person he knew first, and then he regretted and regretted, like he missed a treasure, it was really hard for him to let go, so he always set his sights on her body, trying to pull her back.

Ye Xiao's expression is still cold: "Like you, you only know how to stare at one person, and attribute your failure to missing someone. Even if she is your partner, even if you are not forced to leave, you will Can't protect her."

"If I were you, I wouldn't have anything to do with Li Qun in the first place. If I got involved in this muddy water, it wouldn't be a problem if someone had the strength to form a school of my own. Zhou Li, you have no courage to even miss her. Shouldn't have any qualifications."

Zhou Li's face was extremely ugly, and it was a great humiliation for an ambitious person like him to be told face to face that he had no courage, even more humiliating than saying that he was too weak.

He stared at Ye Xiao with sharp eyes: "You are courageous, but you are just a chess piece that obeys orders and does things. In the eyes of the superiors, you are a handy knife. Now Lin Tantan belongs to the three-line supernatural powers. The secret is spreading, do you think those powerful people above will let her be in such a small place, and spend time, energy and precious abilities meaninglessly on a group of civilians?"

"Even if you can stop those who have bad intentions, there are many big people who are truly open-minded and worry about the country and the people. Your Miss Lin is so kind. , can you keep her? After all, you are just a small person, and you can't give her the best, let alone give her a stage to truly show her worth."

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes, and the breath around him became more and more stagnant.

But Zhou Li seemed to want to have a good time at once.

"You probably like her, but do you think there will be fewer people who like her? She is like an inexperienced person with little experience, so she can be coaxed by you. When you meet more people in the future, Can you guarantee that you are the best one? Women are different from men, if they fall in love with someone, it is unreasonable at all, and when the time comes, will she still have you, her former little companion, in her eyes? "

Zhou Li smiled triumphantly. He knew that he would not survive today. He was jealous of Ye Xiao. He couldn't tell whether it was because of Lin Tantan's jealousy, or because of his supernatural powers, or because he was better developed than himself. The jealousy between male creatures is also unreasonable and even more extreme than that between females. In short, he is jealous of him, and it is good to watch him change his face before he dies.

Ye Xiao looked at him without saying a word, and suddenly the knife made of condensed air resting on Zhou Li's neck suddenly moved away and cut towards his shoulder.

"Ah!" Zhou Li screamed, but then he shut his mouth tightly and only grunted. Even at the last moment, he had his own pride and didn't want to be too embarrassed.

There was only a trace of **** skin on his arm connecting to his shoulder, the blood splashed all over the bed, and the smell of blood permeated instantly.

Ye Xiao said in a cold voice: "After dawn, get out of the base."

Zhou Li clutched his shoulders and raised his head suddenly: "Aren't you going to kill me?"

Ye Xiao turned to leave, but Zhou Li was irritated by his contemptuous attitude: "I am a lightning-type power user, if you don't kill me, I will definitely make a comeback!"

Ye Xiao turned back and said coldly: "I didn't kill you because what you did didn't end in death. I cut off your arm because you hurt her hand. If you want to take revenge on me, it's up to you."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and took two steps, then suddenly asked, "Does Zhou Yan have supernatural powers?"

Zhou Li was still digesting his words, and subconsciously said, "No, he doesn't have supernatural powers."

Ye Xiao said no more, walked out and went to another house.

Breaking the lock and entering, the inside was dim, and things were thrown all over the floor. The man sitting on the sofa covered his head, as if decadent or angry. There was a person lying down beside the sofa, obviously dead.

The door was opened suddenly, the person on the sofa stood up and took out a gun: "Who!"

This person is Zhou Yan.

Even in the dim light, Ye Xiao could see him clearly, except for his face, he looked like an ordinary man.

Zhou Yan opened his eyes wide: "Ye Xiao?!" He immediately changed his attitude, hurriedly turned on the light and said with a smile: "Captain Ye, why did you come here? Are you looking for my brother? He is in his room ,not here."

Ye Xiao just looked at him, Zhou Yan couldn't figure out why he came, worried that he was coming for him, so he quickly glanced at the corpse beside the sofa.

That is less than, he returned without success, and had a headache because of using the ability. This winking thing kept asking him how much benefit he could get, and whether he could follow him in the future. Someone knocked on the coffee table, this kid was useless, he just knocked to death.

Ye Xiao also looked at the corpse, Zhou Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said: "A ignorant little brother, I taught him a few words, but he became hypocritical and hit the table by himself... Well, I didn't think my brother would Go to Miss Lin, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble, I apologize to you and Miss Lin on his behalf."

Ye Xiao had already inquired about who he was, and now he had a face-to-face contact with him, and his understanding was even deeper. Slick, cunning, selfish, good at making money, never a word of truth in his mouth, now it seems very vicious,

You can't achieve great things, but you can be a real villain. If you are lucky, you may even have a fortune.

Ye Xiao originally couldn't control such a person, but his hand was too long.

Ye Xiao didn't know what secrets Lin Tantan had, he would not take the initiative to explore, because he respected her and didn't want to make her unhappy, and he would not allow others to explore her secrets.

Ye Xiao said: "Zhou Yan, what is your ability?"

Zhou Yan was startled: "Ability? I don't have any ability?"

"Then you go to die." A wind blade slashed at the center of Zhou Yan's eyebrows.

Zhou Yan's eyes widened. It was too fast. He only felt that he was enveloped by death, and he had no time to react. He didn't even have time to lift the gun in his hand, so he released a fireball the next moment.

This fireball is small, but very compact. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the domineering energy it contains. Once it is hit by the wind blade, it will explode, blowing up the house beyond recognition. Zhou Yan is ready to escape in the chaos ready.

However, when the extremely fast wind blade was about to hit the fireball, it suddenly unfolded and turned into a wind net, enveloping the fireball.

It was like an extremely tight glass cover, which was not wrapped enough, and the air inside was sucked out, so the powerful fireball, like a misfired shell, went out silently, with a puff, exhausting the last shine.

Zhou Yan's eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

His strongest blow, a life-saving trick that he had groped for a long time and only used in critical moments, was cracked just like that, so easily, like crushing a bug.

He looked at Ye Xiao with tearing eyes, at this moment he felt the humiliation his brother felt not long ago, he no longer blindly pretended to be humble to please, but kept throwing fireballs.

However, no matter how many he threw, Ye Xiao stretched out his hand and extinguished them one by one, as if he was just a childish ghost who threw balloons.

Zhou Yan gasped, realizing that he couldn't defeat the person in front of him at all, he hurriedly said: "I said, I said, my ability is the fire element, and you have seen it, my ability..." He wanted to say Very strong, but thinking of the performance just now, I can only grit my teeth and say, "Not weak, I can do things for you and let you drive me. You don't have a strong fire element in your team yet, so I can fill this gap."

The other party wanted to kill him, but what he wanted was to fill one of the most important positions of the other party's subordinates. This was not begging for mercy, it was simply a self-recommendation.

Zhou Yan felt that he was very important and that he would achieve a great career, so even at the critical moment of life and death, he still thought that he would be useful, and the other party would definitely change his mind because of his ability.

It was almost a firm thought, but the next moment a wind blade pierced his shoulder, and he rolled over the sofa and fell behind the sofa. He was so painful that he couldn't even get up, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Ye Xiao walked over and picked him up from behind the sofa: "Is it only the fire element that is strong? You are more than that capable, right? There should be a special ability, right?"

Zhou Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Ye Xiao knew he guessed right.

The two brothers are also strange, the elder brother has a powerful thunder-type ability, the first thing he does when he enters the base is to seek refuge with others, the younger brother has dual-element abilities but keeps pretending to be an ordinary person.

At this moment, Zhou Yan suddenly looked directly into Ye Xiao's eyes: "Who are you?"

Ye Xiao's eyes were confused for a moment, his consciousness was scattered by a strange force, he had an urge to blurt out his name, a name he had almost completely forgotten, but at the moment he spoke, he held back No, that's not his name, his name is Ye Xiao, it can only be Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao hugged his head, as if an iron rod was stirring heavily inside it, making him want to cut his head open, he managed to find a sliver of reason, and struggled out from the confusion and severe pain.

It was only two seconds before and after.

Zhou Yan was taken aback when he saw his reaction, he just asked a question casually, of course not to get an answer, but whenever he asked someone what question, the other party would lose consciousness and answer the most authentic answer, and in this process, even if Even if they killed them, they wouldn't resist. If it weren't for this ability being too weak now, he would be more satisfied with this ability.

You can not only ask what you want to know, but also engage in sneak attacks.

He asked Ye Xiao this question because he wanted to launch a sneak attack. He didn't expect his reaction to be unexpected, but who cares, he seized the opportunity and brewed a huge fireball on Ye Xiao's chest. run.

Ye Xiao was blasted into the wall, and when he raised his hand, a wind blade sliced ​​through the head of Zhou Yan who was jumping out of the window. Zhou Yan screamed, turned out of the window, and never got up again.


Ye Xiao panted while holding the ground with one hand, looked at the burnt and smoldering sunken part of his chest, and smiled helplessly.

Unexpectedly, the boat capsized in the gutter.

After a while, he stood up with the help of the wall and walked to the window. Zhou Yan was lying on the ground with his limbs distorted, half of his head was cut off, and he was breathless.

Because of Zhou Yan's scream, there was some movement nearby, and Ye Xiao quickly left here.