MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 36

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Ye Xiao and Bai Cheng laughed so hard at the laughter, they looked at each other, and were a little surprised that she was so close that she was directly on the door, and neither of them noticed it.

Ye Xiao came back to his senses, and immediately raised his foot to chase after him.

Lin Tantan ran away from the scene quickly, and looked at his phone secretly when he found a cover. Hey, the scene he wanted to shoot the most was missed. When they talked later, their postures and expressions changed a little, that feeling of burning love It's lighter.

But... I still made money, Lin Tantan hehehe pulled the photos into a new folder and set a password.

Suddenly she heard a strange sound and listened intently. She turned on the flashlight on her mobile phone and shone it. Under a drain cover on the side of the road, she saw something scratching and biting.

As soon as she shone the light, the thing seemed to be frightened, and it quickly stopped moving and was about to shrink back, but how did Lin Tantan let it run away easily, and a green belt flew out, tying the thing up. stand up.

Then she pried up the cement ditch cover, took the thing out, and looked at it with the light of her mobile phone. Seeing that there was nothing else underneath, she put the ditch cover back on.

Then she looked at the thing she caught. It was very fat and big, with a pointed head and a fat body. It had a long tail, gray fur, and a lot of hair. It looked very healthy, but it looked a little dirty. . Lin chatted happily. This is a mutant mouse, which can be three to four times the size of a normal mouse. Its two eyes are quite agile, and it is desperately trying to break free from her shackles.

She wanted to get a zombie mouse, but it would be nice to have a mutant mouse. She stood up and tugged at the wooden strap: "Is it my luck or your luck? Come, come with me."

The big mouse was still squeaking and trying to struggle against the ditch cover, but Lin Tantan couldn't make it, so it could only lie on the ground like a dead mouse in despair, being dragged away by Lin Tantan.

When Lin Tantan turned around, he saw a tall figure walking towards him. Even though the surroundings were pitch black, he recognized Ye Xiao at a glance. She just took a sneak peek and took a photo. : "Look what I caught!"

Lin Tantan wanted to pick up the big mouse to show off, but who would have thought that the big mouse would jump up when she was unawares, bursting out with great strength, and was about to run away.

Lin Tantan was dragged by it and couldn't stand still. Fortunately, Ye Xiao came over quickly to help her, and grabbed her wooden belt by the way, dragged back the mouse that flew into the air, and stepped on it.

"Squeak! Squeak!" The mouse struggled hard, and Ye Xiao put more force on his feet. It let out a shrill cry, and obediently lay down on the ground, not daring to move any more.

Ye Xiao: "What is this? A mouse?"

"Yeah, I caught it from under the drain."

"I can't see clearly here. Let's go back and look again. I'll get it." Ye Xiao asked Lin Tantan to avoid it, and Lin Tantan looked at him: "But if I let go, the strap will fall apart soon. .”

I almost forgot that this was her ability, not a real rope, and Ye Xiao didn't have any rope on her body, so she had to let her continue to maintain the belt, and pulled the lower part by herself, and pulled the one who was pretending to be dead. mouse.

The big mouse seemed to know that he couldn't escape, so he started to move his paws dejectedly.

Ye Xiao was surprised, this mouse has a bit of humanity.

Lin Tantan was full of thoughts: Hey, he held his hands so well that the edges of his palms touched her own. She quietly extended some straps to keep their hands from rubbing.

Bai Cheng was still writing and drawing on his seat, when he saw the two people who had left one after the other came back, and came back from a walk together. He took a closer look: "Mouse?"

Under the light, the appearance of the big mouse was completely revealed. It was an enlarged version of the ordinary house mouse. Compared with the ordinary house mouse, its fur was glossier and thicker, its claws were sharper, and its eyes were more agile. When it saw Bai Cheng, it probably knew that he was not an easy guy to deal with. One against three, it completely gave up the idea of ​​running away, and resigned itself to its fate and lay down on the ground.

Bai Cheng frowned: "Now the mice are this big?"

"I don't know, it's the first time I saw it. It was scratching under the drain and was about to run out. I just discovered it." Lin Tantan said, and saw the mouse's paws randomly scratching the ground twice. Deep paw prints were dug out, and the corners of the eyes of the three twitched. This is a concrete floor.

Lin Tan talked about something, so he found a steel bar and stretched it in front of the mouse. The mouse was not interested at first, but after a while, it started to gnaw, not completely broken, but the teeth marks were clearly visible.

This is about to evolve into an iron-eating beast, right?

Both Ye Xiao and Bai Cheng realized the seriousness of the matter, and ordinary people would definitely not be able to deal with such a mouse.

They asked someone to bring over a live chicken, which was one of the few poultry here, and let the mouse scratch its paw, and found no infection, so it was a little relieved, but as they are now Birds have been found to be divided into zombie birds and mutated birds. I am afraid that this mouse also has zombie mice, and even other animals will undergo similar changes.

They discussed to block all the sewers, drains, etc., and at the same time go out to various places tomorrow to see how many rats and animals have become like this.

"Then this mouse? Killed it?" Both of them looked at the mouse on the ground. Lin Tantan squatted there watching it gnawing on the steel bar. It had already gnawed out several pieces. This ordinary cage rope must not be able to trap it, no Killing can still make Lin Tantan **** with supernatural powers all the time?

"Don't kill it first, let me raise it for two days first." Lin Tantan said, she always felt that this mouse is not simple, counting time, these animals running on the ground have just mutated, but this mouse seems to be too powerful , which made her think of something.

There are many examples in the apocalypse, similar to the pets raised before the apocalypse mutated, and then became the owner's loyal bodyguard.

Lin Tantan certainly has no shortage of bodyguards, but just like humans have their own organizations, mutant animals also have their own teams. In the last few years, the essence is that the human race and other mutant animals, zombies, and zombie animals Games and fights among these different populations.

Mostly combat, but there are also examples of mutual cooperation.

It is said that there are two typical examples in the last days. Both are bases that are not very powerful, have a small population, and are isolated from the world. The reason why they can survive is that the former is because the base is built at the foot of a mountain, and The mutated monkeys on the mountain maintain a friendly and peaceful relationship, and when one side is in trouble, the other side will help; the latter is because it is built on a high mountain, and it has become a good neighbor with the mutated pine trees all over the mountain.

When Lin talked about it, she wondered if she could learn from it and make a mutated rat group as a thug or something. She felt that this mouse was unusual and had the potential to be the leader of the mutated rat group.

Ye Xiao's expression was a bit strange: "You want to raise it?"

"Try it." Lin Tantan said, "Don't worry, I'll be careful, it doesn't infect people anyway."

Ye Xiao still tried to dissuade her: "If you want to raise such an animal, next time you meet a dog, how about I pick one for you? Dogs are more obedient and smarter." Looks like he can raise it well, "Otherwise cats are not bad." Don't girls like cats more? Raising a mouse, that picture is so beautiful, right?

Lin Tantan said, "Let's talk about it next time there is a dog. Anyway, I think this mouse is quite eye-catching."

Ye Xiao: "..."

Lin Tantan said with a smile: "If you really don't know how to raise them well, you will kill them and eat their meat." The meat of mutated animals is also very nourishing, and it contains some energy, even if it is rat meat, there are many people rushing for it.

Hearing that she said slaughtering and eating meat, the mouse that was gnawing on the steel bars gave a pause.

Lin Tantan glanced at it, frowned slightly, stood up and said, "Then I'll go back first."

Ye Xiao said, "I'll see you off."

"No, no, you keep busy with your work." Lin Tantan said hastily.

Ye Xiao still insisted on showing it: "What if it escapes again?"

"It's simple." Lin Tantangan wrapped the mouse into a green ball with wooden wide bands, without a single hair exposed, and just held it in his hand, just like carrying a ball, with fluorescent lights role.

"I was unprepared just now. Can I let it succeed if I am prepared?" Lin Tantan was quite self-satisfied, quite confident in his own strength, and waved his hand, "I'm leaving, no need to send it away, really."

Ye Xiao could only watch her walk into the night alone, her back looked extraordinarily chic and sturdy, and suddenly felt that she was very useless.

Bai Cheng looked at it for a long time, and finally let out a muffled laugh. Fortunately, he gave up quickly, such a girl is not easy to chase.

Ye Xiao looked back at him quietly, Bai Cheng patted his shoulder: "Keep working hard."

Here, Lin Tantan carried the green ball all the way back. She was startled by two groups of patrolmen on the way, and asked her what she was holding. Lin Tantan was very calm: "It's nothing, a fluorescent ball."

The other party said: "This green fluorescent ball is really scary when viewed from a distance." A shiny green ball rose from the ground and floated over like that.

Lin Tantan returned to 302 and turned on the small light in the living room. The light was dim and unstable, after all, it was powered by a generator. She took off the obstructive coat, carried the mouse into the bathroom, put it in the bathtub, and unwrapped the large package, revealing the mouse that seemed to be stupefied.

Seeing that she was alone, the mouse's first reaction was to run away.

Lin Tantan quickly wrapped its four paws, causing it to fall back as soon as it jumped up.

"Squeak!" The mouse looked a little annoyed.

"You want to run, but you still want to run if it falls into my hands?"

"Squeak!" The mouse grinned out its sharp teeth. The mouse-eyed look was very fierce. The sharp teeth were still shining with golden light, and the hair on its neck was also blown away.

Lin Tantan was not frightened at all: "Gold-type abilities, right? See if you can get it, let's compare whose gold-type is better." She swiped a few times, and the golden light flashed a few times, bringing the mouse back with the one in front of her. The steel bar was cut into eight sections in an instant, and rolled away in the white and smooth bathtub with clangs.


The mouse huddled itself into a ball, trembling.

Lin Tantan was satisfied: "Be honest and don't move. I'll take a bath for you to see how dirty you are." She said that a trickle flowed out of the palm of her right hand, which wet the mouse's fur, and then squeezed a big lump to bathe. Expose it to the mouse, and rub it all until it is full of bubbles.

She only had one hand to operate, and the mouse was deterred, probably because its paws were bound, and it was strange to squat and let Lin talk about rubbing, rounding and flattening, and only when it felt uncomfortable, it would yell twice.

"Why do you think you are a mouse? It doesn't matter if you're a hamster or a vole. It's so ugly when you take it out, so you're a working mouse, you know?"

"Do you have younger brothers under your command? Call me as many as you have?"

"Can you fight zombie animals?"

"Can you inquire about the news? Can you kill zombies?"

After rambling for a long time, I wiped the shower gel several times, rinsed and rinsed again, and finally it was clean.

Lin Tan talked about his thoughts, and a cluster of small red flames appeared in the palm of his hand. The mouse looked scared, but when it found that Lin Tantan didn't want to burn it with flames, but to dry its fur, it gradually calmed down, and narrowed its eyes to enjoy it: "Squeak!" The long tail also swayed up.

This sound is much more docile than before, with the meaning of obedience.

After the mouse mutated, it became much smarter. A human with four abilities was too much of a deterrent to it. There was nothing unacceptable in obeying such a powerful person.

After drying the mouse fur, the mouse swelled up instantly, the light gray fur was smooth and smooth, and there was a handful of inconspicuous golden hairs on the top of the head, which was not very similar to ordinary house mice. Very cute.

Lin Tantan walked out of the bathroom, and it obediently followed behind. Lin Tantan gave it a ham from the coffee table, and it ate it a few times, and Lin Tantan threw it a gold crystal nucleus , it seemed happier, holding the crystal nucleus and eating it like a biscuit.

Lin Tantan squinted his eyes, the crystal nucleus that would detonate if used improperly by the human supernatural power was actually crushed and swallowed by the mouse one by one.

She touched this guy's unflattering pointed head: "Be obedient, there are delicious and big ones, and the crystal nucleus will not miss you."

The next day, that is, on January 15th, several teams were sent out to the west of the city to investigate, and they came back to report that they saw some mutated animals and zombie animals.

These two types are easy to distinguish. Mutated animals generally become larger, stronger, and more powerful in combat. As long as there is enough food, they are not so aggressive towards people and will not be infected.

Zombie animals are just like zombies, their whole body is rotten, and they rarely have a piece of good skin. They seem embarrassed to go out without getting pus all over their bodies, and they all scream. They are even more manic and ignorant. It can be said that eating endlessly is contagious.

That is, not long after getting the news, some zombie cats and dogs came from the west of the city. They came after the latest batch of survivors. Huang, dripping halazi, barking heavily and gruffly, like the kind of demon from **** in anime, very penetrating.

They were mixed among some zombies and approached slowly, knowing that there were countless delicacies behind the high wall.

The zombies were blocked by the ditch, and they fell into the ditch one after another, but the cats and dogs did not, their jumping ability still existed, especially one of the zombie black cats with scarlet eyes howled and leaped forward, and jumped onto the high wall , The sharp claws rushed up to the top of the wall with two swipes, and was blown away by a wind blade the next moment, separated from the body and fell heavily into the ditch.

Ye Xiao stood expressionlessly on top of the wall, looking at these zombie cats and dogs indifferently.

And on his left and right, there are people guarding their posts every short distance. Among these people, there are ordinary people, there are also supernatural beings with rich experience in dealing with the enemy, and some have already been trained under Lin Tantan. New abilities.

At a glance, there are quite a few people, and it is really spectacular to build an artificial barrier on top of this high wall.

When a few more cats and dogs rushed up, a female supernatural user in her thirties seemed to be rubbing something in her hands, and an ice thorn appeared soon, stabbing the zombie of the big dog.

Another female supernatural user released a red and burning fireball, which hit a zombie cat in the head.

When a zombie dog with a broken leg slowly climbed up from the bottom of the ditch, a young man put his hands against the high wall under his feet, muttering something to cheer him up, and then, two sticks protruded from the wall under the zombie dog's feet. The soil thorn pierces the belly of a zombie dog that almost seems to be crawling on the wall because of its short legs.

Lin Tantan was also on the wall, watching the performance of these supernatural beings who had left under him, he touched his chin with some relief, and finally looked a little decent.

The author has something to say: Ye Xiao: I often feel distressed because the person I like is too capable, but let me show my boyfriend power!