MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 100

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Ye Xiao lowered his head and saw Lin Tantan's movements, and saw her face was in a trance, her eyes sank, hugged her tighter, and whispered in her ear: "Did you see it?"

Lin Tantan: "What?"

"When the zombie's head flew down just now, I saw that your expression was not right. It seemed to be facing you. You saw its eyes, didn't you?"

Lin Tantan held the warm little hamster in his hand, was silent for a while, then nodded: "Yeah."

Ye Xiao held her shoulders with his hands a little harder, but his tone sounded very relaxed: "It's okay, your symptoms were milder than theirs before?"

Lin Tantan nodded, but her heart was still a little heavy. She felt that the reason her symptoms were mild was because the distance between them was too far, and the distance between her and those eyes was no more than ten meters.

She exhaled and laughed: "The zombie is already dead, I don't believe I can still be entangled to death by a dead zombie, by the way, it left this for you."

She gave Ye Xiao the magnificent and extraordinary wind element crystal nucleus in the dark, and Ye Xiao took it. It is hard to imagine that the crystal nucleus in his mind is so beautiful while the zombie is so ugly.

Lin Tantan said in a low voice again: "The zombie should be a dual-element zombie. One ability is the wind element, and the other ability is the ability to make people have nightmares. I thought the second ability would be stronger, but look. Its crystal nucleus, its main ability is still the wind element."

After thinking about it, he said: "It's a pity that so many zombies have died, and the crystal cores haven't been picked up. When the tide of corpses is resolved, scavenging must be a very sought-after job. I will also come out at that time, and I will specifically look for zombie corpses to dig crystals." nuclear."

The crystal nuclei in the minds of zombies will not disappear even if they don't take them away immediately after they "death", but if they don't pick them up, they will benefit others, and may even benefit those mutated animals and plants, which is tantamount to creating enemies for human beings. When Lin Tan talked about the hundreds of thousands of zombies that died in the two seas of fire during the day, it really hurt his heart.

Knowing that she was changing the subject, Ye Xiao smiled cooperatively and said, "Don't you have enough crystal cores?"

"Then I can't always reach out to you and Bai Cheng, I'm going to use the crystal core soon."

The more I think about it, the more I feel that it is necessary to pick up this wasteland. At that time, I will send all the little guys under my hands to help dig.

Ye Xiao stroked her hair: "Then you have to take this little guy with you, otherwise you might not be able to fit it in." He poked the sleeping little hamster, "How much space does it have?"

"It's gotten a little bigger recently, there are two cubes, right?"

The two started talking in a low voice like this, and many other people were also talking softly. Many people were not asleep, especially those who were recruited. .

But as the night got deeper and deeper, the supermarket still fell silent, and Lin Tantan's head began to get up little by little. Ye Xiao felt distressed when he saw it: "Why don't you sleep for a while."

Lin Tantan immediately woke up, shook his head, rubbed his eyes, looked at a figure in the dark, and said in a hoarse voice, "What time is it?"

"A quarter past zero."

Lin Tantan sighed weakly, half of the night had passed after half a day, obviously felt that it had been a long time.

She stretched her legs and moved her shoulders, feeling a little sore and tired. Sitting like this was really difficult. She looked into the darkness and said lazily, "I don't want to sleep."

Ye Xiao frowned: "I can't stay up all the time." She hasn't had a good rest recently, and she worked hard just now.

Lin Tantan said: "Maybe I'm not tired enough, I'll sleep when I'm tired." She yawned, "Oh, so boring."

Ye Xiao was silent for a moment, then pulled her up: "Come with me."

Lin Tantan followed him curiously, and the two quietly left through the back door of the supermarket. The supermarket was on the third floor of a shopping mall, and there were stairs not far from the back door. Ye Xiao turned on the flashlight and led her up the stairs.

The blood in the corridor was mottled, it was very old blood, and the smell had faded, it was a little frightening to see, and there was a lot of **** on the ground.

When I came to the rooftop, being blown by the night wind, Lin Tantan became much more energetic. Looking up at the sky, the moon had already slanted, but the moonlight was still bright and clear. Extraordinarily bright and bright, twinkling.

The faint roar of the zombies could be heard from a distance, or the occasional one or two explosions accompanied by flashes of fire, it should be that the zombies had stepped into a trap.

Lin Tantan: "Why are we here?"

Ye Xiao said: "When I used to be unable to sleep or calm down, I would come out to do training, and when I was tired after training, I would fall asleep easily. I don't know if it will work for you."

Lin Tantan was eager to try: "What kind of training?" Is it the kind of particularly powerful and passionate military martial arts or something?

Ye Xiao smiled.

After a while, Lin Tantan stepped on a clod of soil to pad her feet, and leaned on the edge of the roof. There was a long sniper rifle on it. She put her hand on it, opened the night vision goggles, and aimed at the zombies on the street.

The zombie was imprisoned by Ye Xiao with supernatural powers, and the zombie who went out for a walk at night was suddenly turned into a quiet target.

But even static targets are not so easy to hit.

Lin Tantan put his finger on the trigger, pressed it lightly, and there was a slight sound of the bullet popping out of the chamber. A hundred meters away, the bullet hit a place two or three meters away from the zombie.

She frowned, her right shoulder was slightly numb from the recoil of the gun, she re-aimed, and fired again, this time the bullet flew over the zombie's head and hit the ground.

Ye Xiao said: "Don't rush, take your time, adjust your breathing, don't be distracted."

Lin Tantan was calm, and this time he aimed for a longer time, and finally hit...the zombie's stomach.

Well, this is progress too.

Then a shot to the shoulder, and finally a shot to the head.

She wiped the sweat from her brow: "Really, I can aim very well with my supernatural ability. If it's a gun..." She looked at this black and domineering heavy sniper, and shook her head. She couldn't control this kind of thing well.

Ye Xiao said: "Are you still coming?"


Then Ye Xiao picked a new zombie, this time the distance was a bit far, Lin Tantan still fired several shots before hitting it.

The next one is farther away.

Anyway, all the zombies within sight on the rooftop were destroyed, and of course the bullets were also damaged. Now bullets are very precious things, and those who can be ruined like this are local tyrants.

This shooting training lasted for more than two hours, until all the nearby zombies were killed, and no new zombies appeared for a while, Lin Tantan stopped shooting, and then found that the whole body was so sore and his mind was dizzy Shen Shen, this was the reaction of her high concentration of mental power. She yawned again and again, and felt even more sleepy as soon as her mental head passed.

She was so sleepy that she forgot all her resistance to sleep, and just wanted to have a bed for her to lie down immediately.

Ye Xiao picked her up very understandingly, instead of going to the supermarket, he found a clean place to sit down on the spot, let her sit on him, and let the little hamster spit out a blanket to wrap her up stand up.

"Go to sleep, I'm here." He said softly, Lin Tantan rubbed his shoulders, hummed softly, closed his eyes, and fell asleep within a few seconds.

The little hamster who was woken up several times looked at this and that, got into the blanket, found a comfortable place by himself, and went to sleep.

Ye Xiao glanced at his watch, memorized the time, and then looked at her embarrassingly, five minutes, ten minutes, no response, twenty minutes, thirty minutes, and it was peaceful, Ye Xiao gradually felt relieved.

But just when he was relieved, Lin Tantan's cerebral cortex gradually became active. After about half an hour of rest, all the neurons were refreshed, and they had the energy to start mischievous again.

Lin Tantan opened her eyes in a trance, and the surroundings were pitch black. She was at a loss for a long time, and felt the cold water rushing past her, and she also felt a clear sense of suspension, as if she was in the water, and there was another Various swollen and corrupt corpses flowed in front of her eyes, she gradually realized, ah, she was in the water.

In the river!

In the river that Ye Xiao fell into!

She started to paddle her hands and feet vigorously, but the river water was like a thick paste, which made her movements very difficult. Even with all the strength in her body, she could only swim a little distance.

She started to panic, started to worry, full of panic, turned around to search, but apart from three or two horrible corpses, she couldn't see anything.

She shouted silently and exerted more strength, the river water was suddenly able to paddle, it was no longer a paste, but turned into real running water, she paddled desperately, but she couldn't swim, by the way, with different Can... Hey, what is a supernatural power? By the way, the ability is the energy in her body.

She tried her best to mobilize her abilities, and after tossing for a long time, she was finally able to swim smoothly. She left her original position, and she moved forward like a swimming fish. She left those terrible corpses behind, and she was looking for Ye Xiao. However, All she saw was darkness, nothing, no one to be seen anywhere, only boundless darkness and suffocation, as if she was the only one left in the world.

She wept in fear.

She stopped crying and tried her best to float up. She didn't know how long she floated, and finally surfaced, but she only saw a dark and distorted sky. , she still couldn't find anything.

She cried even more frightened, she called Ye Xiao's name, but there was no response, she dived into the bottom of the water again, everywhere was black, no, no, nothing!

Ye Xiao felt the body of the person in his arms stiffen, struggled slightly, his face was tightly wrinkled, his expression was sad and painful, and he even started crying softly. He looked at the time and saw that it was only thirty-two minutes. He called her name: "Talk, wake up! Talk!"

Lin Tantan suddenly heard Ye Xiao's voice in the darkness, it was him, he was calling her!

She became excited, and her mind became clear for a moment, yes, she was dreaming, as long as she woke up, it would be fine! She floated up again, and the sound was getting closer and clearer, and she laughed, but as soon as she surfaced, the whole scene changed again.

It is no longer the dark sky, no longer the boundless water surface, in front of her is a huge screen, on which a picture is playing, she sees a man standing in the tide of corpses, smiling and closing his eyes, and then The whole person exploded. She stared blankly, and burst into tears. The little nurse next to her hurriedly wiped her face: "Oh, Doctor Lin, don't cry, it's all fake, it's a movie, it was made by people."

She squeezed the tissue, feeling extremely uncomfortable: "But such things have happened in history, I... No, I'm going to find him! No, I should be by his side! Why did I come back again?"

She looked in disbelief at where she was, the screening room in the hospital? How come here? Isn't she already dead? She wanted to run out to find someone, but she couldn't feel her legs. She saw a wheelchair beside her, yes, she couldn't stand up!

Her legs are growing well and look healthy, but she just can't feel the existence of the legs, and she can't control them. Even if she manages to guide the earth ability to the legs, she still can't stand up. She knew that multi-line abilities would have such and other problems, she also saw it and stopped torturing, but at this moment she hated her disability so much, because she couldn't stand up to find Ye Xiao!

She moved herself into the wheelchair and rowed out. People came and went in the hospital. Everyone smiled and called her "Doctor Lin" when they saw her. She grabbed them anxiously and asked, "Where is Ye Xiao? Where is Xiao?"

They tilted their heads and looked strange: "Who is Ye Xiao?"

"Ah, Ye Xiao, is that famous person in history, right? May I find you a biography of him?"

"There are also many."

"Movie, do you want to watch a movie? A new one has been remade recently."

They talked in a hurry, but Lin Tantan shook his head repeatedly.

No, no, no, I don't want to watch movies, I don't want to watch, I just want to see him, I want to feel him in real life, stay by his side, and touch him all the time!

She pushed the wheelchair around, and there were many, many people, but none of them were the ones she was looking for.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" she yelled, and then everyone disappeared, leaving only her and an empty hospital, and she suddenly panicked even more, she searched everywhere, Pushing the wheelchair around, but found nothing, even she herself was trapped in this hospital, unable to find the exit.

She looked up suddenly and saw the huge electronic clock on the wall with the year 2331 written on it, and she froze immediately.

Yes, this is 2331, three hundred years later, and he was three hundred years ago. There was more than three hundred years between them. She trembled all over, and there was a huge tearing pain in her heart. The acquired abilities began to uncontrollably, she suddenly had a splitting headache, and her body convulsed.

Ye Xiao found that after he called Tan Tan's name, her expression eased and she stopped crying. Although she didn't wake up, she seemed to have calmed down. He was relieved, but after a while, she continued to struggle When he got up, he seemed very, very anxious, and finally his body convulsed directly.

He was shocked and continued to call her, but this time it was useless. The little hamster crawled out of the blanket, and crawled over the two of them helplessly and anxiously, chirping and chirping.

Ye Xiao shouted to it: "Water, give me water!"

The little hamster quickly spit out several bottles of water, Ye Xiao unscrewed it and poured it on Lin Tantan's face.

In the hospital, Lin Tantan's body was convulsed. She felt the same pain as when she first learned to practice the power, as if a knife was cutting in her body.

She fell down from the wheelchair and cried out in pain: "Teacher, teacher, I feel so uncomfortable, I can't hold on anymore."

A gentle and loving woman's voice sounded: "Talk, do you want to live? If you want to live, you have to persevere. Think about your parents, they are very worried about you."

Lin Tantan still shook his head, I can't, I can't.

In the severe pain, her mind gradually collapsed, and the woman's voice became tense and severe: "Talk, don't sleep, you won't be able to wake up if you fall asleep! Talk, you have to learn to control the energy in your body, talk, cheer up ,do not give up!"

Lin Tantan still fell into a coma little by little. At this moment, a basin of water suddenly splashed on her face.

Ye Xiao poured a bottle of water all over Lin Tantan's face, her body shook, and then went limp again, she still didn't wake up, his face became more serious.

In the dream, Lin Tantan suddenly sat up from the water, gasping for breath, looking at everything in front of her in surprise. This is her exclusive ward, and she is lying in a nutrition warehouse, connected to the game room. An advanced version, the water on the face is the nutrient solution. She is familiar with all this, but why is she here? Huh? Shouldn't she be here? By the way, where was she last moment and what was she doing?

My mind was blank and I couldn't remember anything, but beside me, my parents and younger brother gathered around: "Talk, you're awake!" "Sister, you're finally awake!"

They were beyond pleasantly surprised.

Lin Tantan looked at them in surprise: "What's wrong with me?"

Mother Lin wiped away her tears, and Father Lin said solemnly and joyfully, "You, your powers have collapsed. The dean said that you may not live long. We know that you have unfulfilled wishes and want to see your idol. So I applied to the country to design a whole series of experience games for you, how is it, have you seen Ye Xiao? Are you having fun?"

Lin Tantan was in a daze, and then his face paled a little bit: "Holographic,"

Father Lin said: "Yeah, don't you like Ye Xiao the most? The dean said, if you're lucky, you may still recover under the stimulation of the game. No, your abilities have recovered! Tan, it's great that you survived, this time it really scared your parents and your brother."

Lin Tantan couldn't hear what he was saying, and his teeth chattered: "Game? How could it be a game? Everything is fake? How is it possible?"

She looked at this familiar room in horror, as if she saw a ghost: "I really saw Ye Xiao, he was alive! We even fell in love, he said he liked me, and I liked him too, we are together now !...He's all right! He's not dead!"

The three members of the Lin family looked at her in surprise: "Sister Tan Tan, what are you talking about?"

Lin Tantan desperately crawled out of the game room. She turned down the entire bookshelf, and all the books hit her all over her face, but she felt no pain. She searched among the piles of books and opened them. In the history book, I opened Ye Xiao's personal biography, and it was still the same record.

Died in 2026 at the age of 34.

Lin Tantan burst into tears, how could there be no change! Why is it still the same! The time of death, reason, and life experience have not changed at all, and even the scandal with Bai Cheng has not disappeared at all.

She hasn't changed anything, no, she has no past at all, she hasn't seen Ye Xiao, everything is just a game! all fake!

She hugged her head and cried, crying and screaming, hysterically, hoarsely, exhausting all her strength, as if this could change everything.

Her parents watched her in horror and called the doctors in, who held her down and sedated her.

Ye Xiao pressed Lin Tantan, who was struggling and crying, fearing that she would hurt him, so he called out her name in horror, and finally yelled out: "Lin Tantan!"

Lin Tantan was startled suddenly and opened his eyes.

Overhead is the starry night sky, a bright moon that is about to set, under the moonlight is a familiar face, looking at him full of worry, anxiety, distress and fear, everything is so real.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and wet her already tear-stained face again, she rushed forward and hugged his neck tightly: "Ye Xiao! Ye Xiao!"

Ye Xiao hugged her and patted her on the back: "It's okay, it's okay, it's my fault, I shouldn't force you to sleep, I'm here."

Lin Tantan was still calling his name, her voice was full of fear and panic, that dream was so real, it seemed as if it was a fake at this moment, she was completely confused, she just wanted to hug this person tightly, Whether it is true or false, she will not let go.

She cried and said: "I almost couldn't find you, they said you were fake, everything was fake, how could it be fake! I really found you, I was really with you , not a game, this is all true, right! I will change everything!"

She was incoherent, but Ye Xiao understood. Her nightmare was that she couldn't find him. Someone said he was a fake?

His heart was sore and painful as if hit by a boulder, and he comforted her softly: "Of course I am real. If you don't believe me, if you touch me, it is warm and exists, right?"

Lin Tantan hugged him, refusing to let go for a moment, buried his face in his neck, sobbing softly, still in shock, murmured: "I don't know, that dream is so real, maybe one day, it will be real. Someone would wake me up, take me out of the game room, tell me it was just a game, it was all fiction."

Looking at the rooftop under the moonlight, she felt nervously that all this was formed by a mass of data.

The holographic game three hundred years later is so real, she has also played it, it is like a brand new and real world.

Because I know it, I am even more afraid.

She raised her head suddenly, looked at the sky, looked at the moon tilted to the horizon, and even felt that there was a pair of eyes hidden there, watching everything that happened here behind the screen.

Because this is just a game! Can't players see everything that happens in the game?

Her teeth chattered.

Ye Xiao sensed her extreme uneasiness, pulled her away, held her tear-wet face, and gently wiped away the embarrassing tears on her face, then under her gaze, slightly raised his chin, and gently kissed her face between her eyebrows. He kissed again tenderly: "It's true, I'm real, everything here is also true, do you feel it?"

Lin Tantan looked at him steadily, looked at his gentle eyebrows, looked at his sincere expression, looked at his firm and compassionate look, suddenly rushed forward and kissed his lips, and threw him to the ground .

The little hamster caught on the clothes on Ye Xiao's arm hurriedly jumped away, ran away a little bit, looked back, saw the two lying on the ground hugging each other, and opened their eyes wider and wider: "Squeak?"

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future