MTL - Too Early-Chapter 18 Hegemony in prison

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"" Lao Ye looked at the newly-introduced monster disciple and swallowed his mouth and said: "The teacher said that he should be reasonable..."

Qin Haoxuan smiled. He knew very well when he was a small student. He told the truth to people who reasoned. He said that the reason is a fool with the unreasonable person. Once there was a great scholar who went to talk with Jiang Yang’s thief, and the result was a thief. Go to the head.

In front of these individuals, they still use fists to communicate, which is the fastest way to communicate! For the next seven days, everyone is better, come on! Big home fist, good reasoning!

Qin Haoxuan grabbed and sat on the nearest old leaf, and punched him in his chest, but after listening to a few voices, Yuan Li exhausted his ribs and broke several pieces, lying on the ground and mourning.

Losing the old leaves, he did not hesitate to pounce on another man, picking up the iron fist and hesitating without hesitation...

There is still a few spiritual powers in the body. The three-leaf disciples of Sui Miao also want to resist. When the cohesive spirit re-energizes the law, it is necessary to attack Qin Haoxuan again. Qin Haoxuan glances at him. Qin Haoxuan can’t be called a fierce look. In the middle, the strong man of the three-leaf of Miao Miao was suddenly stunned. He only felt that his soul seemed to have been hit hard. His mind was blank, and the spirit of the hand was not only not hit, but Qin Haoxuan who was immediately rushed up. Into the pig's head, at the end of the end, I also stepped on a few feet!

After a long time, the disciple who was attacked by Qin Haoxuan's gods looked at his eyes again, just like seeing a ghost. Recalling the heavy wounds that the soul had suffered just now, the fear of the soul fluttering made him sleepy for many years.

What is a beating? The people who were cleaned up by Qin Haoxuan deeply understood what was called a beating.

The two law enforcement disciples who peeked behind the iron gate looked at each other. They thought that Qin Haoxuan had to eat a big loss. I didn’t expect him to be not only okay, enjoy a new meal, but also an enemy. The cultivator of the second and third leaves of the country screamed and cried.

After the lesson was over, the group did not say revenge, even if they were close to Qin Haoxuan, they were joking, a monster that would not hurt if they hit, they dare to provoke, it’s not a birthday sling, it’s too long.

The "newcomer meal" lags behind, and the heat in Qin Haoxuan has risen again. Although the heat wave of the magma cellar offsets some of the heat in the body, if there is still some heat, if it is not dry, it needs to be eliminated by cultivation.

Qin Haoxuan transported the Taoist magical Dafa, including the magma of the magma violent heat, pouring into his body, the violent temperament in the spiritual power, others must be carefully removed, if they are inhaled, they are bound to go into flames, but Qin Haoxuan But it is completely unnecessary. Wu Xiu’s body is extremely tough. When this kind of spirit is mixed with violent heat, it is neutralized with the violent temper of his body, like a cool hand gently touching him. Hot body.

Some of these spiritual powers are poured into the sinensis, and some of them enter the bone marrow. Although the speed of cultivation is not as fast as the purple spirit, it is much faster than the outside.

However, some people just do not want Qin Haoxuan to be too moist, even if he has been confined.

At dusk, in a hidden house, this is the residential area of ​​the Lingtian Valley comrades. Zhang is standing here and surrounded by a group of confessed disciples.

"Maybe you all know that my fellow Qin Haoxuan and I have contradictions. I interrupted several ribs last year. Now he is locked in the magma cellar. I don't want to give him a chance to turn over!" I mean, I swept over these hard-working brothers and said: "I have greeted a law enforcement disciple. As long as someone is willing to make a mistake, he will help me to send people into the magma! I want Qin Haoxuan to have nowhere to escape! ”

Zhang said madly, and then said: "When I am in the future, I will have a place in the early days of teaching. I will not forget the people who helped me today!"

At the beginning, there are tens of thousands of disciples, and there are countless people who can be strong. It is quite difficult to stand out among these people. It is very difficult to get rid of the identity of the comrades, but if there is a purple disciple with unlimited potential to give such a promise, It is a great temptation to say that the future is so beautiful, but at least it can help him to get rid of the servant who is in the eye and have a very low status, and enjoy the treatment of ordinary disciples.

The comrades in the rush have rushed to sign up.

"I am going!" A man with a similar appearance and Yuan Shanhu had a punch in a thick tree with a waist, but when he heard it, the big tree broke and fell to the ground and made a loud noise. Loud, depressing other people's messy registration, said: "I am Yuanshanhu's cousin, Yuan Shanxiang! Xian Miaojing Wuye! Qin Haoxuan harmed my cousin with injury and confinement, I will not lightly excuse him!"

Every more than one leaf of Xian Miaojing, the strength must be one level higher. The five leaves of Xian Miaojing are already higher in these comrades. After Yuan Shanxiang signed up, other disciples who were not as good as they were shut up.

Looking at Yuan Shanxiang's muscles full of explosiveness, and the strength of his hand, he smiled with satisfaction, Qin Haoxuan, Qin Haoxuan, can you still be harder than that tree!

All of this Qin Haoxuan didn't know, and it wasn't expected that Zhang's madness would be so urgent. When he closed his eyes and did not know how many hours he had passed, he suddenly heard the snoring of the iron door opening, and a burst of rice scented into the nose, which made Qin Haoxuan, who was still meditating, unable to sit still.

Rely on! What happened today, even if I was hungry for a day, I was not so hungry, starving me!

Smell the smell of the food, not only Qin Haoxuan is not calm, those who were injured by him, eyes of the goddess lying in the corner of the seedlings, also looked good!

Live a group of starving ghosts to reincarnate.

Eating, for ordinary people, is a daily necessity, even a must for every meal.

For newcomers who have been locked into the confinement, it can usually only be a luxury.

The food intake of the cultivator is very large. In the place of the magma cellar, it is much more to eat and supplement the excessive physical exertion. If you do not eat one day, you can imagine how difficult it is.

"Open the meal, open the meal!"

The rice-drained disciple divides a large pot of rice into sixteen pieces. He looks at the new Qin Haoxuan with pity. If the newcomer is not very capable of playing or having a background, the first day without food is already the law of the mountain.

However, what surprised the disciples was that the usual meals had not been put down yet. The old fritters had already rushed over like a wolf. Today they wanted to come but did not dare to come over, just staring at Qin Haoxuan with fearful eyes.

How is this going?

The disciples who gave the meal were a little bit turning, but are these people afraid of this newcomer? When you look closely, you find that they are more or less bruised, and the oldest leaf that usually calls the most fierce, a face is swollen into a pig! And the newcomer is intact and harmless. Can it be that this group of people is being bullied by the newcomers?

No reason! This new look at the vertical view is just the beginning of planting the sacred roots. It has just been broken, and even the roots are far apart. It is even more than a thousand miles away from the emergence of seedlings! And even if he is emerging, can't he be the opponent of Xian Miaojing master? What's more, here are the strong seedlings like the wolf-like tigers. Everyone's expertise is to make troubles, this is sent here, and among them there are the strongest of the three-leaf of the seedlings!

As if to confirm his doubts, Qin Haoxuan Shi Shiran stood up and walked to the door, took over his own meals and gorged, and the old oils were stunned by Qin Haoxuan, although they were hungry and had a chest back. But no one dared to approach.

After Qin Haoxuan took his own meal and returned to the previous position, the group of old oils that had been hanged up were swarming up to receive the meal.

Qin Haoxuan had finished eating his meals in three or two. Since the cultivation of immortals, he can eat 20 hoes per meal. The practice of physical fitness is a reason. Another reason is that the rice in the early days is particularly fragrant, but also contains A special kind of power that happens to complement the enormous amount of physical strength spent on cultivation!

I used to think that the gods are not eating the fireworks. Now it seems to be completely nonsense. It is no exaggeration to describe the immortals with a rice bucket!

After eating a large bowl of rice, Qin Haoxuan still feels hungry. When I saw the old oil, I found that there was still more than half of the bowl in the bowl that I had just received, so I went straight and stopped their glutinous rice movement. The rice-drained disciples were stunned and swept away the fifteen old oily daring rice, even the other diners who looked at his eating, couldn’t help but sigh: !"

The disciples who sent the rice felt a whirlwind, and he was used to bullying the weak, but he was the first to see the weak bully!

Looking at the fierce eating of Qin Haoxuan, the old oils who dared to speak out were whispering together.

"With our realm of strength, I can't hurt him. What do you say is his freak?"

"It is said that the strongest martial arts can defeat the monks of the Seven Leaves of Xian But the martial arts masters can't cultivate the immortals, because Wuxian can't integrate, I think he is probably the martial art innate?"

"Definitely! Otherwise, a common man, how could it be our opponent!"

The martial arts congenital master is the extremely powerful existence of the human world. Without great perseverance, the great opportunity is not congenital. The old oily people look at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes more than a few taboos.

After eating and drinking, Qin Haoxuan continued to cultivate. The magma mantle was a confined place in the eyes of others. In the eyes of Qin Haoxuan, it was a pottery hole for cultivation. Only seven days, we must hurry to cultivate and fully digest the power of a leaf of Jinlian. This opportunity is too rare!

"Hao Xuan brother, Hao Xuan brother."

In a familiar and soft call, Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes from cultivation and saw the face of Xu Yu outside the iron gate. At this time, her pretty face was too low in breathing due to excessive temperature, and she was red with purple. A silent move came to my heart. He walked through the road from Lingtian Valley to the magma floor. He knew how hard it was to go and how dangerous it was. Now his body is not as strong as his own Xu Yu. The danger has come.

"This is the note for the lecture this afternoon. Let me see it. I heard that it is very hot and brought you some water." Xu Yu walked to Qin Haoxuan and handed in a notebook and found a water bag.

Qin Haoxuan clearly saw her lips because of the hot, dry blood marks, a soft corner in the atrium was instantly touched, and the kettle that she had stuffed was handed back, saying: "You drink, run the mouth."

"Nothing, I am not thirsty." Xu Yu looked at the old oils who were surrounded, and looked at Qin Haoxuan. He said: "I went to find a teacher. As a result, I went to teach and went out. I didn't see it. Teach him the old man..."