MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 86 Our harem

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"What do you say, the end of the king is succeeded?!" Liang stood in front of a Qingwa farmhouse and looked at his nephew with a pale face. This news is tantamount to her big loss. She snorted in disbelief. "How could it be the king, the king of Rui? What about Rui Wang?"

Liang Hong looked at his aunt like this and sighed: "Rui Wang was troubled by the imperial spirit before the first emperor. Fortunately, the emperor was very generous and did not impose heavy punishment. He only punished him before he confessed to the mourning hall."

"Rui Wang is not the most favored by the first emperor, why is this?" Liang's foot was awkward, and he cried after half a sigh. "What should she do, what should she do?" Now Rui Wang can't be an emperor, a child. It’s just a jealousy. What better days can I have in the future?

Liang Hong saw that her aunt was crying so badly that she didn't know how to comfort herself. At that time, he did not agree with the cousin to be a servant. Now that the Ruiwang House has lost power, can the cousin be comfortable for the rest of his life?

He looked at the Qingwa farmhouse behind his aunt and couldn't help but think of the three cousins ​​of the Changde government. The big cousin married to the end of the king, now the end of the king is the emperor, the big cousin is the queen of the nails, just to wait until after the filial piety can be truly Jinfeng. Although the second cousin was a prostitute, but after the song family fell, there was a wealthy show who married her. In the end, the three cousins ​​born to the aunt became a shackle.

Is this the uncle's retribution for the aunt who was desperate? Liang Hong took out a small bag of silver from the baggage: "Auntie, our family is going to move back to the old West County. You can hold these silver two." When he saw Liang’s standing, he put the silver into her hands. Emperor Dengji, I am sure that I will forgive some people. I have already asked someone to inquire. My uncle will soon be able to come out of the dungeon. By then, you will live well. I am here to say goodbye to you."

He also lived in Qujiafu for a long time. Now the family is leaving, and he can only leave such a small bag of money.

"Is the cousin going away?" Qu Wang came out of the house. He wore a gray cloth with a gray smock, and his hair was messy. It looked very embarrassing.

Liang Hong looked at his cousin like this, and some of his heart was awkward: "Farewell, take care."

Qu Wang looked at the back of his cousin, and the panic in his heart grew bigger and bigger. Now even the cousin family has moved away. The older sister who has been treated harshly by her mother will become a queen. Their family can still live their lives. Go on? Suddenly he hated his mother. If the mother was better than her long sister, they would not fall to the point where they are today.

Liang’s unwillingness to look at the direction of the palace, looked back at the wolf-stricken son, could not come up in one breath, straight out of the past, before falling into the dark, she saw his son’s confused and helpless eyes.

For example, in the future, the palace is busy making a group. The first emperors of the emperor are going to move out from the place where they lived. After the pets, they have had a good time, but they moved to the place where the emperors lived in the harem. There are no children. If the position is not as good as the position, it will only be carried out in a palace in the suburbs of Beijing.

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾As for those who have been favored by the Emperor and have no points, according to the old methods of the past, they all sent them to a Taoist temple in the suburbs of Beijing to make a good life.

Qu sighed and sighed, closing the list: "According to the ancestral system, these favored women must be sent to the Taoist temple?"

Qian Changxin looked at the list of eyes closed by the goddess and replied: "Returning to the goddess, this is a consistent practice in the past. It is not necessary to send these girls who have passed the grace to enter the Taoist temple."

"In this case, these people are also arranged to go to the Beijing suburbs. Although the palace is not more comfortable than the palace, it is better than the bitter Taoist temple." Qu 裾 裾 , , , , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Silver, but there are people who can spend more." All the Taoist Taoist temples can have any incense, go to such a place, there is no difference with sin, as a woman, she can not have a woman Hobby.

Qingde Emperor has been a emperor for decades, and he has been so fond of such a woman. In the context of this dynasty, it is really not greedy.

"The maiden is very thick, and the slaves are told to go down." Qian Changxin took the list and took out a drawing from his arms. "The Queen Mother has moved from the Kuiyuan Palace to Changning Palace. This is the renovation of the Kuiyuan Palace. I don't know the goddess. What needs to be changed?" The Queen Mother moved away, and the new owner is the one in front of him.

Qu Liang took a look at the drawings, only to think that the vertical line of the horizontal line looked dizzy, and said: "I have to look at the drawings first, I think there is no big problem."

When Qian Changxin saw it, he did not say much. After saying that the emperor had come over to use the dinner, he retired.

Qufu is standing at the window in the apse of the Tianqi Palace, and you can see the Kuiyuan Palace on the central axis with the Tianqi Palace. These two are the only palaces built on the right side. The distance between the two palaces is also the closest. However, the former owners of the two palaces were in the same way as the strangers, and they were like each other. There was no feeling of death until death.

She listened to Jin Yu’s talk about the things that happened when the emperor died, and Jin Yukou was very good. He said that the scene at the time was like he was at the scene. Because of this, Qu Weijun felt that the people in the harem were not easy.

The calm and rationality of the Queen, the sorrow of Shugui, and the heartbreaking spirit of Jinggui, and even the gentle and elegant of the Tianqi Palace.

Qingde Emperor is holding the hand of Jinggui, and some people say that he left with a smile. This makes the songs scorned and some do not understand. The true love of Qingde Emperor is not a shame, how come to the end, but instead Is it expensive?

Also, who is the "deaf" or "deaf" that the emperor first read, is it a noble woman or other woman?

On the day of the emperor’s burial, Qu 裾 裾 珩 珩 珩 裾 裾 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 戴 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆 庆She was crying and crying. When the funeral was over, she almost felt that her legs were not legs, and her eyes were quickly becoming "sewed" eyes. The numbness and filial clothes on her body could almost unscrew the water.

Waiting to go back to the palace, it was late at night, Qu Fu squatting in the bath tub, I felt that I had survived. Just dressed, I saw He Wei wearing a plain gauze.

He slammed into the house, although he was tired, but he did not fall down because of the sun in the hot sun. He took the cotton cloth in his hand and wiped the wet hair for the song: "It’s been hard for you in the past few days." He sighed. "After a few days, you have to pick up the people in the house. How do you determine their position? Can you have an idea?"

In accordance with the rules, in addition to opening a wife, the other women of the new emperor must wait for the emperor's big line to enter the palace on the 27th, and the official seal will have to wait for more than three months. But no matter what, the arrangement must be arranged, even if it can not be immediately sealed, but who should seal what grade, who lives where, must be fixed in advance.

Qu Weijun grabbed the cotton cloth in his hand and slowly wiped it. "They are the emperor's embarrassment, and I can decide."

Looking at the other side's faint brow, He Wei's heart was awkward. He sighed and held his hand on the hair. "They are just the harem, you are my queen, a woman who wants to spend the rest of my life. Of course, these things can be decided by you."

Qu 裾 裾 suddenly laughed, she threw the cotton cloth aside, watching He Xiao smiled: "The emperor, can you talk?"

Although Qu Weijun said these words in a joke, but He Wei is inexplicable, the other side's sentence is particularly serious.

His heart shook, watching her slowly and solemnly point her head down and leaned over and kissed her forehead. "I said everything is true."

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾Also unchanged.

How long does He He can tolerate her, how long she will be arrogant, and the day when He Wei can't tolerate her, she will die if she is too big.

Life has never died since ancient times, but it is cool or grievous.

I noticed that the other side became inexplicably energetic. He did not understand why she changed so fast, but the point of sorrow was disappeared without a trace. He smiled again and picked up the cotton cloth to rub his hair. .

"Jiang's birth is not more than Feng's, but it is very calm, and it is better to go forward and retreat. It is better to be her as a jealousy, and live in Yuping Palace. Roche is silent, honest, and suitable for three products. Han is the first to serve you, but born is actually Low, it is better to seal a good five. As for Feng, although born well, but by the side as an acolyte, I have no good feelings for her, her grade is set by the emperor yourself." Sexuality expresses his likes and dislikes. As for how he thinks, she is too lazy to manage so much.

He Wei did not think that Qu Weijun would directly say to himself that he did not like an acolyte. Seeing her look like what you think, he feels very good: "Others do what you want, as for Feng. Since you don't like it, I don't like her either, so I seal a talented person. How can she be an old man in Wangfu, which is not suitable for seven products."

For the last sentence of He Wei, which is similar to the explanation, Qu Wei squinted at him: "This is what the emperor has set, and I have nothing to do with it."

"I don't mean that I don't like her, what do you do with you," He said, touching her hair, and found that she had done almost the same thing, and she got up. "It's not early, today you are tired, a little earlier. Go to sleep."

Because of the hot filial period, they couldn't even stay private for a long time, let alone the house, and gently smiled and sent him out of the door of the apse. He reached out and dialed his hair, and the smile on his lips became more and more obvious.

In the thirty-fourth year of Qingde, the Dalong Dynasty celebrated the death of the emperor, and the emperor was succeeded. Because the emperor had just passed away, the new emperor was mournful. He said that he still used Qingde as the yuan and wanted to keep his filial piety for three years. Although they feel the emperor's filial piety, but the emperor is so busy and honorable, filial piety for three years is really hurting the dragon body and the society is not good, so after the ministers of the Manchu dynasty have been asking for countless times, the new emperor reluctantly promised to be in the month of the month and keep the filial piety in March.

As a result, the new emperor pleaded guilty many times before the emperor's spiritual position, and the daily fragrant incense continued, this move attracted the praise of the world's students, and many people made a book for this to show the new emperor's filial piety.

Regardless of the former dynasty, after the first emperor's squad in January, Qu 裾 裾 finally ordered people to welcome the imperial palace to enter the palace.

Of course, apart from He Wei and a few close-knit people, no one knows that the palaces of these aides are not decided by the emperor, but by the queen.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Chaoyang, 囧 囧 就 习惯 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,哒2k novel reading network