MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 26 Different people have different roads

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When it comes to dressing, women will have a lot of words, which is the best rouge, which is the most exquisite ring, where is a very good embroidered mother, in short, there are unlimited topics.

The three dresses in the room are also different in style. Ning Wangxuan is dignified and steady, with a goose-yellow embroidered skirt, a pure white cloak draped outside, and the hair is made into Yuanbao, with a whole set of gemstone heads, looking dignified and distinguished. Rui Wang’s body was not covered with a cloak, but he wore a silver rat coat and a sly sly, beautiful and elegant, with some books.

Qu 裾 裾 裾 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , There are a lot of people who can do this.

"The second emperor's embroidered butterfly on the skirt is beautiful." Wei Qing's eyes swept over the pleats of the cloak. "At first glance, it's like it."

"I have won the prize, and I am following some gimmicks. I don’t have many things on weekdays. I just toss these things out." Qu 裾 裾 picked up the eyebrows. "I don't use other embroidered mothers. I just want them to get them. It’s enough to get the door."

"Which of you are there, there is no one on the needle line. The second word is modest. I am very beautiful with this skirt." Qin Bai’s mouth is exaggerated in his mouth, but he feels that the second skin is lighter. This dress is more stressful, there is no poetry and book talent, what is the difference with the laity?

The other ladies in the room praised each of the three people, and they were full of extravagance and exquisite atmosphere, and then degraded themselves to set off. For them, the appreciation of plum is not the most important thing. What is important is that the three masters are happy, and they are the completion of this feast.

Wei Qingyi was the oldest among the three, so his posture was the most stable. When he talked with Qu Weijun and Qin Bailu, he also brought some kind of loving taste. When she waited for these ministers, they almost got it. Don't praise them any more, save them."

The ministers were busy and laughed and said that they were telling the truth, and they were not praised.

Qu Fu looked at a woman in a room, all of them had a natural smile on their faces, as if they were more happy than one. At this time, she was unconsciously tired of these people, but she thought that when these people returned to the house, they would naturally be held, and they said, fortunately, she did not become a woman, or she lived in this era. It is even harder.

"Two sisters, I heard that Mrs. Changde Gong was sick in these days. Even this time, there is no way to enjoy Mei. I don’t know how it is now?" Qin Bailu looked at the eyes and smiled with a smile. Suddenly, "Even the three ladies on the government house were sick for the mother, and they fell ill?"

The song is light and frowning, and the smile on the corner of the eye is not reduced: "Is it?"

"The second is actually not knowing?" Qin Bailu seems to laugh and laugh, and the language is unexpected. "It seems that I asked the wrong person."

Putting down the tea pot in your hand, twitching and pushing the cup to the side, "The younger brother is really bright and clear, and the second wife thanked you for telling me here." After that, he stood up and said, "I don’t know when this snow Only after the stop, the younger brothers and sisters should not resign, but there are many things in the house, and the second step is to take a step." After that, regardless of the expression of Qin Bailu, he helped the guardian of the green, and turned to support the hand of the raft. go.

When the people in the room stunned, they were busy standing up and sending them. Who knows that Wang Duan had already left the door.

Qin Bailu did not think that Qu Weijun would actually leave the person directly, and the person who had been laughing all the time, this face actually said that change would change. She was rarely stunned by her face, and she screamed and screamed.

Wei Qingqi smiled and got up, but he did not hesitate to say goodbye. Obviously he didn't want to stay here to give Qin Bailu a face. Ning Wang is not close to He Hao, but he is better than He Yuan. Why should she give her? Qin Bailu deliberately supported his face and went to sin.

As soon as the two kings left, they continued to walk more than half of their lives. The few others left behind were only the family members of He Yuan’s officials.

"Wang Hao, this end of the king is only too direct," holding Wei Qingyi's close-fitting whisper, "Slaves smashed Rui Wang's face changed."

"It’s good to change her face. She looks at the girl’s appearance, and she doesn’t have to get bored.” Wei Qing took out the attic and taunted. “Who is not aware of this in the capital, Changde’s wife, who is slow to wait for Wang Hao, Qin Bailu’s words. Actually, she said that she is ignorant and filial. She wants to be deliberate and disgusting."

"Even if this is the case, but Duan Wanghao is gone, isn't it that people say she is not filial?" He looked around and saw no one coming over, and then he said, "I really don't think that Duan Wang is such a temper."

"Whoever has no pain in his heart," Wei Qing said with a blank expression on the snow. "The upstairs of the city knows that Changde’s wife is not merciful, and she is not afraid of others. What's more, in this capital city, who is going to say a king for the Changde Gong's wife? The royal person is right, of course, right, but the mistake is also right. Doesn't the family's Wang Hao respect the Qingqing waiting lady?"

After reading some broken books, I thought I was amazing. Wei Qingying sneered, according to her, Qin Bailu was stupid to read and read, and those words were what she said to her sister-in-law? It is no wonder that Qu Wei ridiculed Qin Bailu's eyes and ears, she is today, this day, the news that Ning Wangfu knows about the capital city will be heard tomorrow.

Who has nothing to see? In the future, the official of the capital city said that it is not necessary to be jealous of the Ning Wangfu. She is happy to see this good show. However, this scorn is really daring, and it is not the power of anyone who can walk away.

At this time, carrying the sloppy sedan chair, slowly moving toward the gate. Qu 裾 裾 sitting in the sedan chair, no other people's imaginary anger. In the spirit that you will not let me happy, I will make you embarrassed. If she dares to leave, she will not be afraid to make a bad relationship with Qin Bailu. Besides, even if she does not face her face, the relationship between the two will not be good in the future.

The swaying sedan suddenly stopped, and the whispered voice heard the next person’s visit. She slightly picked up the curtains next to him and saw a man in a white cloak. He took an **** and stood five steps away from the sedan. Open place.

This person is actually Rui Wang He Yuan. Qu 裾 裾 immediately released the curtains, sitting on the sedan and silent.

He Yuan looked at the curtains that were slightly shaking on the sedan chair, and bent over and shouted: "I have seen the second."

"Three uncles are polite." Qu 裾 没 is not interested in a man who looks like a woman, faint should respond to the sentence, "Today, thank you for your hospitality, but the weather is not early, then let go."

"The second confession," He Yuan put his hand behind his back and watched the sedan chair swaying away, and saw a small **** rushing over.

"Wang Ye, the person who was only in the doorman's door came to report that it was the prince's sedan chair parked at the government gate, but he did not know that he did not enter the government."

Looking at the distant sedan chair, He Yuanxiao laughed: "Since the king's good brother does not enter the government, the king is not good to bother." Actually, I personally came to pick it up. ?

When he said this, he saw a few sedan chairs in the direction of Merlin, and turned and walked to the side, avoiding the sedan chair of these son-in-law. I know that Qin Bailu’s banquet for the son-in-law today, he has no opinion, but he is not interested in his family’s hobby. It is no wonder that when a woman says that a woman has no talent, she is a German. The woman who sees more books in this book is a sentimental. When does plum blossom not look like?

Roche sat in the sedan chair, thinking about what happened at the banquet, and faintly felt that the niece at home was different from the past, although the words were still not much different from the past, but the body was full of momentum. It seems that Duan Wangye really treats her well, otherwise the niece will not have the guts to give Rui Wang a face.

The sedan chair stopped in the gate, and Roche took the sedan chair and found several ladies standing here, as if waiting for something.

"What's wrong with this?" She went to a lady who had a good date, and whispered, "Why don't you go?"

"The end of the king's sedan is outside," the lady lifted her chin and motioned her to look at the gate, then smiled. "I am screaming at the king who really hurts you."

Roche heard the words and looked at the door, just to see the niece of his own family holding the hand of the king, the red cloak dragged on the white snow, especially beautiful.

Taking advantage of the end of the king to wait for the prostitute to sit in the sedan and then sit in, Roche retracted his gaze, staring at the sights of the people around him, the smile on his face is no different.

Wei Qingyu supported the prostitute's hand and stood behind the door, watching the seat of the king's palace lifted away, and his look was a bit stunned. She broke her heart for Ning Wangfu, and she did not see her like Wang. In addition to the outstanding appearance, Qu Fuzhen, where and how to have her? Is it difficult for her to do everything, not as good as a slap in the face?

It is said that Qu 裾 裾 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意Now that the cloak has been dragged in the snow, naturally it can no longer be worn.

Wang Fu naturally does not lack these silver, but she is used to the house, the government has a fixed amount of up and down, she is not used to luxury. As a wife, why bother to learn those servants who spend their entire lives in dressing?

"Wang Hao?" She saw her around, and she looked at her with concern.

"Let's go," Wei Qingxiao smiled, why should he compare with Qufu. When she is tired of her, her current scent will become extravagant, and her behavior will become willful and artificial. And I don't need the prosperity of this time, because no matter when she will be the most solemn and sage of Ning Wang.

This is also the way the royal wife should go. 2k novel reading network