MTL - Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive the Disaster Year-Chapter 17 Giving alms to the refugees, forming an unexpected friendship

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Chapter 17: Giving alms to the refugees and making an unexpected connection

Grandma Qin cut the green garlic sprouts growing on the garlic into shreds.

  Stir-fry the fat part of the pork belly into fragrant oil, first add the shredded garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the shredded pork and stir-fry.

 Sprinkle with fine grained salt and throw in two or three peppercorns.

Smoke slowly rises from the chimney, the fire is roaring, and a plate of fragrant fried pork with garlic sprouts is cooked!

Shen Ningning had been standing by the stove from the beginning, looking forward to it and licking her mouth several times with her pink tongue.

Just in time, the pot cooking rice on the side was also bubbling.

 When the lid is lifted, the white rice has clear grains and exudes a pure rice aroma.

Shen Ningning felt her mouth watering.

 The food is out of the pot.

Green garlic sprouts and alternately fat and thin shredded pork, covered with rice, just mix it and it’s delicious!

Grandma Qin and the little guy held bowls and sat on the threshold to taste.

"Grandma, eat more meat!" Shen Ningning found that Grandma Qin had given her all the meat, and the little guy quickly gave some to Grandma's bowl.

 Afterwards, she enjoyed it by herself.

However, my hands are too small and I can’t use chopsticks very well.

At the end of the meal, there were two grains of white rice on her face, and Grandma Qin took them off with a smile.

This was the most delicious meal that Shen Ningning had eaten, and she consumed a large bowl.

Grandma Qin said with a smile: "Good boy, eat slowly. Grandma has raised the garlic in the water. When the garlic sprouts grow again, I will make scrambled eggs for you!"

 Shen Ningning’s eyes suddenly lit up!

  Taste the sweetness of the harvest, that night, she planted the ground in the fairyland all night.

Although she didn't recognize the type of seeds, Shen Ningning picked eight kinds of seedlings that were pleasing to her eyes and buried them directly in the soil.

Sixteen square pieces of land were occupied, leaving fourteen pieces of fertile land, which Shen Ningning planned to keep for now.

 Early the next morning, she packed the Polygonum multiflorum into a package and prepared to go to the city to sell it.

Grandma Qin has already cooked delicious Yangchun noodles for her.

The noodles made by hand are strong, lightly seasoned with salt and pepper, topped with a fried egg and sprinkled with a handful of wild onions.

Shen Ningning ate with satisfaction and her face turned red.

The Black Wolf King and his pack of wolves stood nearby, escorting the little guy away from Wolf Mountain with his eyes.

 The medicine shop owner and the groom he brought were already waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing the little guy's figure, the shopkeeper hurriedly greeted him: "Miss, the sun is very hot today. This is a medicine bag to relieve the heat. Please accept it."

His attitude was too flattering, and he obviously saw Shen Ningning's strength.

 The little guy took it generously: "Thank you, grandpa shopkeeper."

"Little miss, just call me shopkeeper Fang." The shopkeeper smiled with a round face and helped Shen Ningning get into her carriage.

 On the carriage.

 The medicine shop owner took out the prepared snacks and put them on the small table.

"Little miss, I have something important to do in my medicine shop later. Can you come on the carriage and let me take a look at the medicinal materials? If they are good, we will set a price. When we get to the shop, I will send someone to give you some money. "The shopkeeper asked in a flattering tone.

Shen Ningning was eating her own red fruit and nodded slightly when she heard the words.

 She took off the package she was carrying, and after untying it, there were three dark-brown Polygonum multiflorum stalks inside.

It also has leaves and stems, thick and thick, top quality!

 The medicine shop owner couldn't move his eyes away and touched it back and forth several times.

 I just feel like I’m going to get rich!

Last time Shen Ningning sold him the purple Ganoderma lucidum, he resold it all for nine hundred taels!

He said: "In this case, I will still give the young lady eighty taels, but this time we will calculate the amount."

"These two weigh about three kilograms, and this one is bigger, so it's four kilograms. I'll put it together for the little lady alone, and I'll give you six hundred taels. What do you think, little miss?"

 When Shen Ningning heard this number, she hesitated.

On her face, which was flushed by the heat wave, she had a pair of bright black eyes, which were clear and clear.

The little guy expressed doubts: "Grandpa shopkeeper, you said last time that Polygonum multiflorum is an expensive medicinal material in your store. Since it is expensive, does it only cost 80 taels per pound? Then why did you have to weigh it when you bought my purple Ganoderma last time? "

Shopkeeper Fang’s heart skipped a beat.     It's just bad.

 This little girl is so smart!

He smiled apologetically: "The world is not good now, and there are few buyers for expensive medicinal materials. Even if I buy them, I have to worry about not being able to sell them."

After hearing this, Shen Ningning nodded kindly: "Okay, just give me six hundred taels."

Shopkeeper Fang beamed with joy: "Okay, okay! I'll get some money for the little lady when I get to the shop!"

 The little guy has already made plans in his mind.

 She planned to give Granny Chen two hundred taels and buy some things to meet her brother, because she had moved and had to tell her brother where she lived in her new home.

 Finally, she wants to buy some necessities for her new home.

Hmm, I have to go to the jade shop. She likes to eat jade in her fairyland. I want to see if there is any good one!

 Six hundred taels, that should be enough?

As we were approaching the gate of the capital, a stench blew in the wind outside the window.

Shopkeeper Fang took the lead and covered his mouth and nose, reminding Shen Ningning: "Little miss, this dead person smells bad, so you should hold your breath."

The little guy covered his mouth and nose, opened the curtain with one hand and looked out.

Last time she came, there were many refugees sitting on the roadside.

At this moment, most of the refugees fell to the ground, their faces glowing with deathly blue.

 “Are they dead?” Shen Ningning was a little frightened.

Storekeeper Fang sighed: "Yes, the drought has resulted in no food. The rich and powerful are not afraid, but these people suffer."

"Either starving to death or dying of thirst. I heard that the river in the city is going to dry up. It's just the beginning of summer. If it doesn't rain again... ugh!"

He said with emotion: "Four years ago, the Imperial Master predicted that the birth of Lucky Girl would solve the severe drought! Only the heavy rain that fell on the day of Lucky Girl's birth almost flooded the capital. Unfortunately, it hasn't rained much since then. After the rain.”

"I think what the Imperial Master said is not entirely correct." Shopkeeper Fang said, feeling that he had said too much, and immediately changed the subject with a smile: "What are you going to sell me next time, young lady?"

Shen Ningning thought: " depends on your mood."

 If she needs a lot of money, she will sell expensive medicinal materials. If she is not short of money, she will sell some ordinary medicines.

 At this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly.

It turned out that they had already arrived at the city gate, and when the surrounding refugees who were still alive heard the movement of the carriage, they all ran over like hungry ghosts pouncing on food!

 “Eat! Eat!”

Their stench was so bad that the carriage was blocked by water.

 The medicine shop owner raised the curtain and shouted angrily: "Get out, get out!"

However, the hungry and anxious refugees didn't care about this. They saw that some people were trying to pull the coachman down and get into the carriage.

Shen Ningning hurriedly threw the cakes on the table out.

 In an instant, all the refugees were attracted and rushed towards the food.

At this moment, a dirty and agile refugee snatched away all the cakes.

He was immediately surrounded by all the refugees. They punched him hard, but the man tried his best to stuff food into his mouth.

Shen Ningning became anxious when she saw that he was desperately protecting his food and being beaten continuously.

 “Stop fighting! There is water here!” She threw out the water bag she brought.

The refugees immediately let the man go and started fighting for the water bag.

The drug store owner thought these people were really crazy, so he immediately urged the groom: "Hurry up and enter the city!"

Shen Ningning held the car window worriedly and looked back with her little head.

The man who had been beaten just now was sitting on the ground eating cakes and looking in her direction with his shiny black eyes.

 Looks like he's fine.

Shen Ningning withdrew her gaze with relief.

Ning Ning is recommended today, so dear friends, in order to keep Ning Ning’s popularity, remember to come and see her every day, vote and check in and comment! I hope Ning Ning can show good results in the recommendation, **** bum!



 (End of this chapter)