MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 22 Magic Council 8th Research Institute

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黑 The dark mist in front of me was full, and I didn't see my five fingers. I didn't speak, and the whole person seemed to be trapped in the purest and quietest death. Even the soul was confused and no idea appeared.

Suddenly, a grayish color shone through the thick black mist. Downey shuddered and got rid of the frozen state of mind, and found himself standing in a wilderness full of black gravel. The sky was gray and bleak, as always The sight of the necropolis world, and not far away there stands a dark and broken palace, simple and desolate, grand and majestic, exuding an endless taste of death.

Alas, Downey's heartbeat speeded up again unknowingly, as if something in the old palace was calling himself. This throbbing was so strong, so clear, and so irresistible.

"Is something in the palace calling me?" A duck-like voice sounded in Downey's heart.

Donny looked back slightly, and found that Sami, Carl and a fat man were standing behind him, looking at the palace not far away.

Whoa, who is this fat man?

Don't ask this question, he can have a nightmare with himself, can be included in Carl's mind call, he should be very close to himself, but unfortunately he did not bring a notebook ...

The ghost behind Sammy shivered and buried his face tightly around Sammy's neck, seemingly very afraid of the Black Palace and its contents, but at the same time, his hands were pulling Sammy's The body seemed to be urging him into the palace and approaching the thing.

"Is this a 'dream' at this level?" Carl murmured half-confusedly and half-heartedly, and then sulked like he gave a charge order, "Let's go in and see!"

Downey and Sammy did not answer, because under that strong call, they have already moved forward.

I walked through the deserted and cold black wilderness, and the four approached the black palace and saw the gate carved with the pale pattern.

花纹 These patterns are weird and twisted, mysterious and ancient, and seem to contain some hard-to-touch laws.

Alas, alas!

Suddenly, loud and screaming came, scaring Downey, Sammy and others.

Carr made a defensive posture, eager to look at the place where the sound came, can make a sound in this dreamland similar to the necropolis world, "the attacker" is either powerful or not strange!

I saw the top of a broken stone pillar near the gate, and a half-rotten owl was standing. Its black rotten body showed pale bones, its wings were gray and scattered, and its head and one eye had been corrupted. A black hole, with a strange tawny color, was looking at Donny and others indifferently. The screams of "Woohoo" and "Woohoo" continued to be heard in the mouth, hearing the courage of Downey, Sammy and Jones Fear of cold, trembling slightly, is this the messenger of death? Is this a note of urgency?

"It's nothing strange that an owl can keep its original appearance in the palace. Have you never seen an undead creature? I haven't dissected such an owl, and there are 50 of them ..." Carl said slightly disappointed.

At this time, Downey thanked Carl for his humor, which relieved him from the squeak and weird owl call, otherwise he suspected that his soul would be broken a little here and become a part of the palace, although it is not clear Why Karl is not affected, but his feelings are real!

"Go in." After Carl said eloquently, he opened the door with a mysterious pattern.

The gate opened silently, dark inside, as if there were countless monsters hidden.

Alas, the moment the door opened, Donny, Sammy, and Jones all clearly sensed that thing, it was right in front, right in front of the hall!

"come quickly!"

"come quickly!"

Summoned as if it had become a substantive voice, Downey and others took a subconscious step, but Carl looked around and curiously looked around, silver and purple eyes were full of desire for exploration.

The more I walked forward, the clearer the call sounded.

"Come on! You will gain great power and you will have a long life!"

"Come on! Power, wealth, glory and beauty are waiting for you!"

"Come on! No need to study hard, study, and gain unparalleled power in no time!"

"噗." During the call, Carl burst out laughing, waking up Donnie, Sammy, and Jones with congested heads.

"What are you laughing at?" Downey asked subconsciously.

Carl couldn't help laughing and said: "The temptation is so different before and after. The first two sentences are very formal and ambitious, and the last one is too specific. Haha, you can master the power without hard study and research. Prepared by people who have taken the unified entrance exam. I seem to see a wretched uncle figure holding a donut and telling the little girl, come with me, there is something delicious every day, no need to go to school No need to complete the exercises anymore, haha, don't you think this is stingy, funny? "

"I don't think ..." Sammy blurted out.

Downey and Jones also nodded, and Carl's humor was odd.

"Can you hear the call?" Suddenly, Downey came to his senses, didn't he keep saying he couldn't feel the call?

Car laughed, "I have some special abilities ..."

He didn't explain too much, Wen Wentian's face was full of strong curiosity, and he seemed to want to see this unsavoury "tempter" quickly.

The puppet passed through the hall, with seven steps in front, and a deep and majestic black throne above the steps.

Above the throne was a peculiar black full-body armor, which glowed with cold light, sitting there like a real person.

It sits quietly, but it seems to be stuffing this world, dominating everything, behind the helmet mask is the invisible darkness, just like death that everyone cannot escape and see through.

As soon as I saw this whole body of armor, the heartbeat of Donny, Sammy and Jones changed from intense to soothing, his eyes were confused, his expression was intoxicated, and his right hand was outstretched.

The power of horror is near, and the thrill of mastering everything is so clear, as long as you get a part of the whole body of armor and wear it on yourself, you can easily get it!

怎么 How can such temptations resist the apprenticeships of Downey, Sammy and Jones?

Even if he keeps awake Carl, he frowns lightly at this moment, his expression is changing again and again, watching Donny and others to get this black armor.

In the black wilderness full of gravel, two figures were silently looking at the huge palace. It was Felipe and the former young man who was full of vitality.

"Sure enough ..." The young man sneered, his slightly lazy expression remained unchanged.

As soon as Donny, Sammy, and Jones touched the weird armor, he suddenly extended his right hand and pressed it into the void in front of him.

Suddenly, his whole body became unreal, as if diffused, everywhere, and the entire black wilderness shook with it, and the ground quickly cracked.

Felipe inserted his hands and watched the changes silently, his expression still flat.

Strength, wealth, and glory are about to be obtained. Downey's heart is hot, and his eyes exude a real desire, and his palms can already touch the cold armor.

But at this moment, the ground shook violently, causing Donny, Sammy, and Jones to fall to the ground.

The slightly sober Donny suddenly saw that cracks appeared on the seductive armor, and then shattered silently, turning into a mass of black and white gray.

As soon as he saw this black and white and gray that could not be described, Tangny felt that his mind was frozen, and he seemed to fall into eternal silence, and even his body began to rot.

Crackling, clear crackling sounded.

Donny opened his eyes suddenly and looked around, but his expression was frozen again. He thought he had gotten rid of the dream, but the surrounding scene was still unfamiliar.

This is an endless darkness, one by one, silver or golden magic runes are shining like stars, they are connected into different constellations, and they are connected into a bright nebula.

In the flowing magic symbol, the black, white, gray, and quiet anomaly did not give Donny the feeling of dying as soon as he saw it.

"Where is this?" Downey asked subconsciously, not expecting an answer at all.

Kekar's voice sounded again, half-confidently: "Familiar place ..."

Donnie then realized that Carl, Sammy and Fat were still around him.

Squeak, the sound of the door opening came, and Donny looked at it in solitude, and saw a silver-white door highlighted in the starry sky. Outside the door came a handsome old man wearing a bright red and gorgeous magic robe. Energetic.

"Ah ..." Karl sighed with surprise and joy ~ ~ The old man seemed to sense something, and looked at it suddenly, and those slightly hazy red eyes flashed with electricity.

Donny was shocked, as if paralyzed by electricity, then lost his thoughts and fell into darkness.

Darkness dissipated, Donny turned up and sat up, panting continually, meanwhile, he looked around again, then quietly relieved.

光线 The light outside the window was dim, and the room was quiet and peaceful. It was his own bedroom, and finally got rid of the nightmare!

But the old man was really horrible. He only glanced at him in his dream, and he was completely awake.

"It's finally awake ..." Sammy and the fat man's voices sounded one after another.

Carle was mentally abnormal, and he laughed horribly. He heard Donny tremble with fear, for fear that there was still something wrong.

"Karl, are you okay?" He asked tentatively.

Uh ...

The dream was shattered. Felipe and the mysterious young man did not appear in the place where they had entered the "dream" before, but instead appeared in a metal tunnel, and the surrounding walls were covered with silver "hive" decoration.

The two did not speak, and they walked a distance, and saw a deep and restrained silver-grey door, with a few popular words written next to the door:

"The Eighth Institute of the Magic Council-Godlike Research Room". (To be continued "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 为 嗨 而 生". If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.)