MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 2 Difficult status quo

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The torrential rain is pouring down like a waterfall falling from the sky, hitting the ground, splashing with a faint mist of water, and the surroundings are completely dark, except for the occasional lightning flashes in the sky, bright and dazzling, as if a ghostless man.

In such a night, no one dares to go out. The heavy rain has isolated every house from the world. It not only makes people scared, but also has a strange sense of security that is not afraid of others coming in. The water curtain is like a house. City walls.

In a common two-story house in the city, a young man in a bright red magic robe was staring blankly at the rain curtain, his eyes were dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking. His appearance was about twenty years old, his pupils were red, his facial features The beauty is splendid, like the bursting but shining Thunder Lightning Snake, full of vitality, and the faint scroll of his body adds to his elegance, forming a unique temperament.

"Fernando, did you tell those words to Count Pefoss?" The door of the room opened with a squeak, and a young man dressed in "fashion" came in. He wore a popular black high-necked coat with a high neckline. He reached the top of his head and his ears were completely covered by the shadow.

His cheeks were long, his features were correct, and he had a small moustache. He also had a learned temperament.

"Of course I said it! When did I mess things up?" The young man, called Fernando, turned his head, whispered almost roaringly, and then he waved to stop the other's approach, "Roland, I told you, don't Too close to me! "

Roland held back a smile, dared not say anything, and consciously stood a little farther, because he was thin and taller than the short Fernan.

"How did Count Pefos react?" Roland touched his moustache. The expression began to become serious.

Fernando said angrily: "What's the reaction? It's only the first time he met, he hasn't even figured out what happened! If he dares to promise anything like this, I would suspect a trap!"

He speaks with energy, his short body seems to contain infinite power.

"Also, take your time, but we have to move some place tomorrow, don't be caught by the group of" black claw dogs. "Roland nodded slightly," the black claw dogs "are their vigil against many magicians Human titles come from the black gloves they wear.

Fernando had no comment on this, although he was more irritable. In the past, the teacher dared to collide because of a certain wrong knowledge of magic. Regardless of the middle-class rigorous teacher-student relationship inherited from the ancient magic empire, he was hunted by the vigil for so long that even his own teacher was killed by them in cooperation with the cardinal. What else did he despise and arrogant?

"It's best to hide in a crypt outside the city first," Fernando said calmly. then. His gaze shifted to the table. An unadorned belt was placed there, and suddenly he became angry again. "Roland, why do you want me to wear this belt to see Count Pefoss? It is interesting to be a woman?"

Roland lowered his head to avoid laughing and accidentally venturing. He raised his head after a while, saying "seriously and seriously": "You are a young high-level magician, the hope of the empire, and you have killed the Cardinal, and you have been 'hacked' The claw dogs are watching, and become part of the purification sequence, how could Count Pefos not recognize you? If he regrets then, maybe a cardinal or an epic knight will chase him down, and now it ’s better, He can't figure out who we are. As long as he shows strength and position, it will be more conducive to cooperation. "

"It's enough to use the change system spell to change the appearance!" Fernan was not deceived a bit, and his bright red eyes seemed to be full of storms.

Roland stepped back subconsciously: "But don't even change xìng, wouldn't it be easier to recognize? And, moreover, you have a bad temper and a poisonous mouth. As a man, it's easy to irritate Count Pefus and change to a The words of pretty ladies are relatively more communication and negotiation. "

"We don't lack female wizards." Fernando mumbled a little at the explanation.

Roland spread his hands: "But they are not high-level and easily caught. Besides, when I proposed it, you didn't object, and didn't even explain."

"Okay." Fernando's anger came and went quickly, and seemed to be less angry than Roland imagined, "I'm just curious about being a female xìng ..."

Roland seemed to be interested, and asked curiously, "How does it feel to be a lady? Have you been caught by a wolf?"

"Feeling? It's weird. It's also a pleasure to see someone obsessed with minis, but this belt is not perfect, and the changed situation is false. I can't really experience the physical feelings of women ..." Fernando seemed to be doing Thinking about magic research, "I have to find a way to make a perfect ..."

After speaking, he looked at Roland and saw his friend stunned. It took him a long time to spit out a word:


"Huh?" Fernando snorted, and the air pressure suddenly increased.

Roland Hahagan laughed twice: "Just kidding, right, Fernando, the day after tomorrow we have to rush to Port Padre. A magician is coming by secretly from the opposite side of the strait, and is a great mage!"

"Mage?" Fernando said, slightly surprised.

"Well, a fairly young mage, this is a great complement to our strength!" Roland said excitedly, "If it was not for Garros who had dealt with him across the strait, we would have no way to contact him. , Other magical organizations will definitely come to win. "

It has been divided into three kingdoms, a principality, and the northern coastal corridor city group. The magic empire of the past was broken up, and many magical organizations appeared. Among them are large-scale organizations with a long history, such as “Palmela ’s The "huts", as well as newly established small organizations, such as the "Magic Union" where Fernando belongs, have in common the fact that they can only hide in the dark corners of yīn and struggle for survival.

Fernando nodded gently: "A master mage who knows the nine ring magic can really help us to truly join other organizations."

Their organization is called the "Magician Union", which is to hope to unite the major magical organizations and fight against the church together. However, they are not strong enough to persuade other organizations.

Roland sighed deeply: "Yeah, the legendary lords can hide on their own half plane, hide and close the entrance, and escape into the dark mountains, and we can only work hard to survive. A master mage is The most important weight is now. "

"It can't be said that, if it wasn't for the legendary lords who had drawn the attention of the cardinals and epic knights, we might have been annihilated." Fernando rarely did not describe those legendary magicians as rats in the yīn ditch.

Roland sighed again: "There are also important cities such as Aalto. It is said that most of the strength of the truth cult is to overcome them. Well, there are many legendary lords there, although not all, but also For the most part, it seems that the glory of the empire has not died down with the fall of Antivre, but has reappeared as a cohesion. Hey, if not so many legendary lords have disappeared in the past, the truth cult will not develop at all ... "

"It's already true, don't regret and regret it, look into the present and the future!" Fernando interrupted Roland rudely. "What is the name of the Archmage? How old is it?"

He compares himself subconsciously.

Roland shook his head: "I don't know, anyway, it won't be too small. Which one can become a master is not hundreds of years old?"

"I won't have it in the future!" Fernando said proudly.

Although he was born after the Divine Calendar, the Dawn War was still anxious at that time, and most of this area of ​​the Strait was still under the control of the two magic empires.

Roland reluctantly smiled again: "By the way, his name is Derek Douglas, and we are in exile because of the fall of Antivre."

"Derek Douglas," Fernando repeated, remembering the name, as a target for future comparisons, "why didn't he fly over directly?"

"It is said that it was injured, which is not conducive to flying. There is no inspection on the boat anyway." Roland was not too concerned about the authentic.


A thunder exploded.

Fernando looked out the window and turned to Roland. "It's time to rest. I have to move some place tomorrow and then go to Port Padre."

Rowland raised his eyebrows with a clear expression: "Understand, you want Ingrid to come over."

"Go!" Fernando growled rudely.

Roland laughed and shouted, "Ingrid, Fernando lets you pass."

Fernando's anger disappeared, and a sense of helplessness and emotion appeared. He and Ingrid, the female magician, could not talk about how deep their feelings were, but in this desperate, depressed, dark environment, they urgently needed each other. The other's physical comfort.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and a mirror with countless mysterious symbols was directly displayed in front of his body.

A holy light that seemed to fall from the sky hit the mirror with a vast breath and completely shattered it, but the holy light was rebounded back, pierced through the rain curtain and darkness outside, and flooded several figures.

"An enemy attack!" Fernando shouted loudly, pointing with one hand, a figure jumping out of the shadow of yīn immediately became glittering, stiff in the air, and then fell to the ground, making a crackling sound ~ ~ Broken into countless pieces like glass.

"No ..." A female xìng scream stopped abruptly, and Fernando frowned. Is it Ingrid?

He pulled out and entered the corridor, where a figure in black gloves crossed a corpse.

This corpse, he was so familiar, but at this point was no longer angry!

"Damn!" Fernando's eyes were bloody, crackling around, then silver and white lightning like a serpent surrounded the night watchman, as if a forest of thunder and lightning came to the world.


Lightning seduced the lightning outside, and a large electric snake fell from the sky and directly penetrated the roof.

Surrounded by a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, to isolate the enemy, Fernando didn't delay. He had become accustomed to death, and he angered and covered other magicians to evacuate from the secret passage.

Then, he cast a spell to ignite Ingrid's body and regarded her as a funeral.