MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 47

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Jane turned his head and looked at Xiao Yan's eyes. His eyes were firm and unshakable, and he was completely different from the rookie researcher who used to lift his gun and his fingers would shake.

"Are you sure you want to shoot?" Jane step by step.

The two special forces behind Xiao Yan were coming forward, but Jane made a gesture and they stopped behind Xiao Yan.

"I will."

"Do you like this kid so much?" Jane is still laughing, the lip line is drawn perfectly, and the strength in the eyes is almost crushed by Xiao Yan.

"I don't have many friends. Major Maya is one of the few friends I have. I will not only shoot for him, this is not the first time I fired at him." Xiao Yan’s hand is Condensing gun, another sample he made while finishing the base.

Jane looked at Xiao Yan, his eyes were getting colder, but in the end he let go of Maya.

Walking to the front of Xiao Yan, Jane deliberately let his chest against the muzzle, easily opened Xiao Yan's fingers, and put the condensation gun around his waist. He bowed his head and covered Xiao Yan's ear and whispered, "Don't let me find that he is not just a friend to you. Otherwise, I will make him die."

His tone was extremely slow, and Xiao Yan stood there and could not move.

Until Jane Wallis went far, Maya took Xiao Yan and said, "Hey! You are fine!"

"...I'm fine! You have nothing to do! How come you suddenly appear! Good end and the madman fight for something!" Xiao Yan smashed Maya.

"What madman? That guy is a pervert! He just wants to kiss you!" Maya angered and slammed the two special forces behind him. "You protect him like this! Is Lieutenant Colonel Wallis going to bed you?" Also watching it!"

The two special forces did not change their colors, but they were obviously blind.

"You almost killed by the guy!" Xiao Yan screamed, seeing that Maya fell in the pool of blood and his nerves had been enough to stab. Now, once again, he will definitely have a weak heart!

"Then I can't stand him to touch you! I promised..."

"What did you promise?" Xiao Yan looked over.

"I promised to be alone and I will be optimistic about you."


"What's the matter for you!" Maya turned angrily and walked forward hard.

Xiao Yan quickly chased him up and put his hands on his shoulders from behind. "How can it not be my business! You are so handsome to protect me! Don't be angry! I invite you to drink beer!"

"Can you still drink beer? You have been thoroughly supervised, and even the special mission force headquarters can't get out!"

"If you don't, I will pay, how about going to buy beer? Let's have a good time!"

"Less come, you fall down after drinking a dozen bottles, and it is said that nonsense is spitting everywhere!"

"That's not how... go to the restaurant to eat together?"

"Still eat." Maya muttered in a low voice. "Otherwise, if you get drunk, you will find me trouble."

"Ha? What?"

"Nothing! I said I want to eat steak!"

The two sit at the table, and the steaks are as simple as a special task force, without any beauty, and the taste is no innovation for decades.

"Hey, is this guy still fantasizing about Liv?" Maya asked casually, and Xiao Yan almost didn't kill himself.

"Ha? What? To Liv..." Xiao Yan remembered that he had discussed with Maya the reason for his hallucinations in his mind. At that time, the other party mistakenly thought that his fantasy object was Liv.

Maya held her chin with a smirk and leaned forward slightly. "In fact, Liv is very good! She is protecting you everywhere, and I have a good impression on you."

Xiao Yan is silent.

He didn't want to see a psychiatrist, he didn't want to see a brain expert, and he didn't want to talk to Casey about his illusions and fantasies, because he knew he would be bombarded by Kathy and would not stop in the future. .

But Maya is different. No matter how fascinating he looks on the surface, he is very thoughtful, otherwise he can't live on the cruel battlefield. He also has the sense of responsibility of the military. Xiao Yan still remembers his desperate situation to protect himself. He is a guy who is trustworthy and keeps his secret.

"Actually, my fantasy object is not Liv."

"Ah? Is it Snowen... You like Shiron... Oh, my God, I am sorry, I shouldn't mention this..." Maya immediately showed a sorry expression.

"I respect Shelen very much. My fantasy object is not her."

"Who can there be? The female special forces you know are only two of them!" Maya frowned and thought hard.

"The other party is not a woman."

Maya is a little bit stiff, "What? Who?"

"..." Xiao Yan opened his mouth and said it, he must say it, otherwise he will sooner or later collapse, "is Colonel Burton."

Everything is quiet and empty.

Until Maya's hand swayed, the fork crossed the plate and made a sharp voice, but fortunately they came earlier, and there were few people in the restaurant.

Xiao Yan thought that Maya would have a bigger reaction, but he quickly put the plate back in front of him, the other hand pressed his forehead and asked very quietly: "How far are you fantasizing?"

Xiao Yan is really not good to answer this question.

"I can't even imagine the colonel hugging someone. Do you imagine that he is holding you?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yan lowered his head.


"Hmm..." Please, what is the question for this kind of question!

Xiao Yan feels that she is like a young boy who came back from her first date and was interrogated by her father.

Maya was silent for two seconds and asked the ultimate question: "Your little chrysanthemum is okay?"

"..." Xiao Yan's ears are red.

Maya’s summary gave Xiao Yan the urge to die: “It’s not the brains of 300 million megabytes of intervention! Even the fantasy is different from ordinary people!”

"Maa..." Xiao Yan wanted to kill each other. "I said this to you, I just want to know if there is any solution! It is not someone else! It is Colonel Burton!"

Maya’s smile was very relaxed, and there was even a sense of gloating.

"Xiao Yan, have you ever thought that you will have these illusions or fantasies because the head wants to go to you."

"Ha... Maya, you are not crazy? Jane Wallis has broken your head?" This is the most outrageous sentence that Xiao Yan has ever heard.

"The number of special forces is several times that of ordinary people. The more it is suppressed, the more crazy it is when it breaks out. I am sure that the head is not hurt, so when he wants to be someone, he can suppress the other person. The impulse to split into the abdomen does not mean that he can suppress the instinct. Hundreds of times the hormones released are uncontrollable. These are indeed the illusions in your mind, but they are also the signals that the head gives you, he I really want to go to you."

Xiao Yan wants to convince herself that Maya is making a story to scare him, but the expression of this brother is too serious! More serious than the professors in the Academy of Sciences!

"No... Colonel Burton can see who can do it..."

"What can it be? He will put you in the safest range, look at you, take care of you, ask you with a standard 100 times higher than others, but he will not touch you in reality. Because it is too cherished, so Fear of an impulse destroys everything."

"Listen to you seems to be Colonel Burton." Xiao Yan could not believe the words of Maya.

"Because I have something in common with Colonel Burton - we are all special forces. What attracts us is the same as what we fear."

Xiao Yan looked at Maya's eyes. Everyone thinks that the special missions are infinitely beautiful, they can squander and enjoy themselves for the rest of their lives, but their pain is always wrapped under combat uniforms.

"Well, your opinion is based on the condition that when I have the illusion and fantasy, the colonel must be by my side, right."

"Yeah, how can you feel his hormones?"

"But my hallucinations are not limited to when he is by my side." Xiao Yan smiled and ate the last steak, slowly got up and blinked at Maya. "If I told you if I was second person. I know, I will break with you, I will cut your hair!"

"What? When did you have an illusion?" Maya followed Xiao Xiao, but Xiao Yan smiled and did not answer.

"Secret." Xiao Yan did not tell Maya that she and Kathy were chatting in the terminal and even accidentally fell asleep in the research room and dreamt of Hai Yin.

After drinking the beer, Maya sent Xiao Yan back to the room, and two special forces were always behind them.

"You should know that you have become the target of the tide now?" Maya's fingers lightly clicked on Xiao Yan's forehead.

"Hey, I don't want to remember this at all!" Xiao Yan was troubled by his brain. He knew that Maya deliberately mentioned this.

Maya smiled and passed the two special forces. Although it was only a brief glimpse, his eyes were very heavy and his meaning was obvious: protect him.

Until Maya went far, Xiao Yan still put his hand on his forehead.

Maya! You are too fucking! I have told you the vast majority of my secrets, but I want to leave a little bit of **, you guys need to scare people so much!

Sure enough, under the mental torture of Maya, Xiao Yan did not fall asleep after lying in bed, and had a nightmare between half-dream and half-awake, scaring the body cold sweat. Just walked into the bathroom to prepare for a shower, and an alarm sounded on the top of his head. Xiao Yan’s fell. The special forces outside the door rushed in without saying anything. They saw that Xiao Yan was sitting on the ground with a slap in the face, and the shower overhead was dripping on him.

Can't take care of his wolverine, Xiao Yan stood up and said, "What happened!"

"It is a special mission force to prepare for the war. There is a small team that is attacked outside the city. Tonight, the prepared troops will go out to support."

"...Is the tide of people entering Shire?"

"currently there is not."

Xiao Yan exhaled, but this does not mean that he is at ease. Seeing Xiao Yan is fine, two special forces have withdrawn from the room. Xiao Yan closed his eyes, and the water flowed down from the top of his head. His palms were covered on the wall and slowly held into a fist.

Everything that happened in the research base of the tide organization once again came to my mind.

The torn special forces, countless monsters, Xuelun who never wakes up again...

This night, Xiao Yan is destined to sleep.

I don't know how about Casey? Is genius like him a target of tidal?

Jane has already left Shire?

Is it really safe to stay in a special mission unit? Will the special forces outside the gate be like the cours of the tide? Will the tidal organization killer in Xiaer’s nephew sneak into it quietly, even if it is a special task force that is strictly guarded against it? Maybe his brain will be taken away in his sleep, and his cold body will be found in the bed tomorrow morning...

He has always been a lazy person, thinking is a very laborious thing. Even if the sky falls down, you can sleep until it is dark, but what is the current anxiety? As if the belief that has been supporting myself has been suddenly taken out of the ordinary.

He thought that he was no longer afraid, and even death was no big deal.

But he is still in fear. He fears that one day he is not thinking about what he wants to think. He has achieved all the achievements. He is not for the people he cares about but the weapons that hurt them.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Xiao Yan’s nerves suddenly tightened and his back stiffened.

who is it?

The other side is getting closer and closer, Xiao Yan closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep.

In the end, is it to supervise his special forces to come in to see, or ... the people of the tide organization?

The heart beats so badly that Xiao Yan can't keep going.

The other person sat down beside his bed, and the cool fingertips crossed Xiao Yan's brow bone, which made people feel inexplicable.

Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes, and even in the boundless darkness, he could recognize the deep outline of the other side.

He really thought that no one could hold the man's clothes and let him stop. Even if he was entangled in the expectations of the whole world, he couldn't crush him, but at this moment, he sat next to him and stayed at the end of his sight. The most realistic expression.

"Coloton Burton!"

Xiao Yan’s subconsciousness will hold up the upper body.

How could it be Haiyin Burton? How can this guy come in!

The other's body slowly fell, so that the distance that kept coming close made Xiao Yan's thoughts uncontrollably chaotic.

His palms pressed against Xiao Yan's ear, and the warm breath blew in Xiao Yan's lips. It was a silent invasion. Xiao Yan felt that the man in front of him was no longer so high. He fell from the edge of the cliff near the sky and fell into his own eyes.

"Give you three minutes, if you can't fall asleep, I will make you faint."

There is no turbulent tone, no ups and downs of sound quality, imperative and unrequited but natural and natural tone, except that Haiyin Burton will not have anyone else.

His fingers lifted up and gently covered Xiao Yan's eyes, closing his eyes.

This cold and incomprehensible man, few people know that his palm is warm.

Xiao Yan remembered the night he and Hai Yin spent in the windbreak, and Hai Yin was also beside him with a high fever, as if he had become the man that the man must guard.

There are so many problems in his heart, especially the words that Maya said to him, and at this time he struck his heart word by word.

Do you want to hug me?

Ever wanted to kiss me?

Even more uncontrolled than these?

However, Xiao Yan knows that once he asks for export, he has only two results: Hai Yin will pull out the sharp edge as if he had been in the nuclear power plant, piercing all his imaginations, or directly to him. But no matter what the result, Xiao Yan knows that he is not yet strong enough to accept.

He didn't know when he was asleep. The breath of Haiyin penetrated into the depths of his mind. Between dreams and dreams, there seemed to be something soft that touched his lips and gently glimpsed everything. Sinking.

When he woke up again, the electronic clock on the bedside showed no more than 7:30 in the morning. Xiao Yan was a bit stunned after washing, and he didn't know what to do.

Pushing open the door, I saw two special forces standing outside the door.

"Excuse me, who entered my room last night?"

Xiao Yan didn't understand why he was full of expectations. He even got nervous when the other person opened his lips.

"Only Colonel Burton has come in."

The thoughts that have been squatting have finally spread out of control.

Last night, the seaman who sat on the bed and watched him fall asleep turned out to be real!

Just as he was worried, the liaison showed a notice: From now on, all researchers will conduct unified militarization training.

Click on the contact, the training schedule is popped up on the holographic image, from the most basic physical training to the fighting skills. Their time is basically occupied by the training in the first three months, and they are allowed to return to their respective research positions until the assessment is passed. Technical soldiers who have not been examined for physical strength and fighting skills in the past will also undergo a monthly military assessment like the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Interrogation Force. If they are unable to pass, they will return to the training camp for training.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath. The armed forces of the military have always blamed the technical soldiers represented by the researchers for their lack of combat capability in times of crisis. They cannot become the help or even the burden of completing the task. They repeatedly demanded a unified military for the technical soldiers. Training. The Central Academy of Sciences stated that the technical battalion's duties are scientific research and technical support to the armed forces. If limited energy is dispersed, research efficiency will be reduced. The proposal of the armed forces has not been passed. But from the recent events in the Institute, this has become necessary. Not to mention the last mission, if you have the fighting power of the armed forces, Xuelun will not be...

The video phone rang and Mark's exaggerated face appeared on the screen.

"嘿肖岩! I am here to send you combat suits!"

"Oh, thank you!"

Xiao Yan opened the door and took the combat uniform from Mark. The palms were covered. This is completely different from the military uniform. It is soft and fit, but it can maintain body temperature and prevent external damage. In addition to hunting the zombies, there is no What can easily penetrate it.

Before I even had time to talk to Mark, the radio sounded.

“All researchers should note that all researchers should note that they will go to the training grounds in the five minutes!”

"So fast?"

"Hurry up and change the combat uniforms. If you miss the collection time, the instructor will definitely give you a good look!"

Mark, who has been laughing, converges on the smile and urges Xiao Yan.

In a hurry to put on the combat uniforms, Xiao Yan’s body was outlined.

Mark touched his chin and looked at Xiao Yan. He shook his head. "You can’t really look at you all over the body!"

Xiao Yan walked through the mirror and smiled awkwardly. If Mark is a good steak, then he can only be a cognac.

The two walked quickly in the passage.

Mark looked at Xiao Yan's serious side face and rubbed his eyes. "Hey, the mentality looks good, rookie! Many researchers have heard the news and asked them to die!"

"It's better to save yourself than to wait for the rescue from the sky."

As a reserve technical soldier, Xiao Yan is tired of his weakness in front of the zombies. The lack of self-protection means that he will never have the opportunity to get out of the aircraft to do what he wants. No matter how good he is to think, it is just the burden of others.

Once freedom leaves strong, it is vulnerable to being vulnerable.

Mark patted Xiao Yan's shoulder and suddenly regarded him as the posture of his little brother. "The rookie don't be arrogant, your physical training program is not easy at all! Otherwise, you can't even hold a fist with your body." !"

Xiao Yan did not speak.

No matter what kind of training he experienced, he couldn't reach Mark's level, but at least... He still remembers that Hai Yin was unwilling when he walked back to the No. 2 base, and remembered that Jane was trying to protect him from falling into the ground. The crispness of the sound, even Li Fu had to expose himself to the fire for him, and he had to stop breathing forever. Once he accepted his incompetence, but every time Hai Yin’s eyes were reminding him, even if there was only one point, a little bit, he was eager to get closer to the field of Hein Burton.

When he followed Mark to the training ground, he saw more than a dozen researchers standing in battle suits and whispering.

"What are you doing? If we even have to learn what fighting techniques are, what do the special missions do?"

"Our work is not research?"

"I am almost forty years old. Do you still need to go out to fight?"

"Xiao Yan!"

Xiao Yan glanced at the sound and saw Kathy.


When Xiao Yan came forward, Casey hugged him. The strength of this guy was still so great. Xiao Yan’s bones were crushed by him.

"Slightly... Kathy... I can't breathe..."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: I want to exercise! Never do the burden of others!

Hai Yin: The bed is also.

Xiao Yan: ... 2k novel reading network