MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-~ 43 Jinjiang single hair

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Xiao Yan's speed is not as simple as Jane. When Jane reached over and took over Xiao Yan's equipment, Xiao Yan refused him.

"My equipment can be backed by myself." After that, Xiao Yantou did not return to speed up the pace to try to chase Shanghai Yin's troops.

"Lieutenant Colonel, you are a harbinger of rejection!" Xuelun prospectively smiled and passed by Jane.

Outside the institute, several aircraft were parked there, the engine was running, and there was a whirlwind. Xiao Yan blinked his eyes and faintly saw a familiar figure standing in front of an aircraft and waving at them.

"Maya--" Xiao Yan rushed forward.

Maya took his long hair to the back of his head, a few broken hair fluttering in the wind, and a smile on his lips.

"Do you want to go with us?"

Maya shook her head. "Don't be stupid! The task with such a high risk factor is that I am going to die in my current physical condition. And by being rescued by the technical soldiers for the second time, I will lose the face of the special mission."

Xiao Yan suddenly covered his face with black lines. Even if he used prosthetic limbs, Maya’s combat power did not know how many times he was Xiao Yan. But this guy said that he was going to die, so Xiao Yan’s chance of survival is not lower?

"I am here to send you off." Maya brother took the shoulders of Xiao Yan well. At this time, Hai Yinli stepped into the cockpit and Liv and Mark followed. Two or three seconds, only Xiao Yan and Maya are left outside the aircraft.

Maya gave Xiao Yan a hug, and he said very seriously in his ear: "Brother, listen, no matter what happens, you only need to trust one person, that is Colonel Burton. No matter what he gives you." The instructions are not close to human feelings or you feel that you can't do it at all, you have to do your best."

Xiao Yan frowned and sighed and replied: "I know."

"Good, go." Maya's strength is still great, and Xiao Yan is pushed into the aircraft with ease.

Mark couldn't wait to put the safety device down for Xiao Yan. Just at the moment the door was pulled, Maya shouted: "Come back and have a beer!"

Xiao Yan made a "received" gesture and the aircraft took off. Xiao Yan took a breath, and he was sitting opposite Liv, and Mark was next to him. This seat was exactly the same as the last time he performed the task.

"Hey, rookie, I haven't been out of the task with you for a long time! Don't listen to it, don't run around, understand?" Mark's arm stretched over and shook Xiao Yan's hair in a mess.

When Xue Lun’s quasi-school called his rookie, the guy retorted it righteously.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, and then I remembered that I didn’t even figure out what happened to this mission!

"Liv, where are we going?"

"A cave." Liv did not sell the Guan, but continued to say it, "Xiao Yan, remember you submitted a data analysis report on level1?"


At that time, they were on the top of the rock. A level1 climbed up and was not noticed by the special forces. Fortunately, Haiyin reacted quickly, otherwise Xiao Yan was dead. Xiao Yan suspected that this level1 was deliberately genetically modified and submitted his report of suspicion to the Central Academy of Sciences. However, the Academy of Sciences declined to comment on this report. Xiao Yan thought that no one was concerned at all, but now It doesn't seem to be.

"The Lieutenant General Aiwei of the Central Academy of Sciences attaches great importance to this report. He dispatched troops to conduct investigations and finally found this cave. It is the secret cultivation base of the tide organization. What we have to do is to destroy the base and get all them. Research data."

Xiao Yan lowered his head and his brows wrinkled. This task is more sinister than he imagined. Since this is the base for the research of the tidal organization, the killer in the base naturally does not need to say that the most unknown is the monster that was developed in the tide. The level 1 that was previously silent has made Xiao Yan feel worried, and the research base of the tide is definitely not only level1.

"Hey! Xiao Yan, there is something to ask you!" Mark's big voice interrupted Xiao Yan's contemplation.

"Ah...what?" Xiao Yan felt strange. Mark’s nerves went straight and he would think about it.

"You have been supervised by Jane Wallis for a while? Is there any guy about you?" Mark's big voice shouted and all the special forces in the cabin looked over.

"...what can he do to me?" Xiao Yan screamed, and Jane Wallis's infamously hurt him.

"Of course it is yours... your little chrysanthemum!" Markton paused.

Not only Liv, but even other people laughed.

Xiao Yan’s face was completely red. “Your little chrysanthemum was smashed by Jane Wallis!”

Everyone laughed even more exaggerated.

At this time, Xiao Yan’s contactor shook and the holographic image popped out, which was Jane Wallis’s smiling face.

"Dear, are you okay?"

That "Dear" made Xiao Yan really want to jump off the aircraft. He converges on his own mind and blushes and replies: "I am very good, Lieutenant Colonel, you don't have to worry. See you at the destination."

After that, Xiao Yan will close the communication. Mark looked at him with an interrogative look, and other special forces bowed his head and laughed. Xiao Yan avoided Mark's line of sight and looked out the window.

After a few hours of flight, they finally reached their destination.

The aircraft came to a group of caves in the South Pacific Ocean. Xiaoyan looked through the glass window to see the huge deep cave underneath, swallowing all the light, and the feeling of horror in the whole body. The aircraft stopped at the side of the huge cave, and the special forces left the aircraft to the cave.

Xiao Yan squinted at a distance of two or three meters from the edge of the cave. He looked down and his eyes were dragged down. The moment of illusion of weightlessness made him feel terrified.

" are sure...the tide organization has set up the research base in this cave?"

Suddenly, a force pushed Xiao Yan forward, and he almost screamed, but his teeth were closed. Just when he almost flew out, he was smashed back. Someone tried hard. Hold him, his chin resting on his shoulder, and the warm breath of his words sprayed in his ear. "Dear, it is me."

Xiao Yan was undecided. When the heartbeat returned to calm, he hated to smash Jane Wallis's head.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis! Do you think this is fun?"

"Do you think my arms are at ease?" Jane smiled and asked Xiao Yan.

Mark rushed up with dissatisfaction and lowered his voice and said: "The Lieutenant Colonel, we are carrying out the task! If you feel that there is any need to exchange feelings, trouble change the day."

The lips still smiled, and the tip of the nose smashed on Xiao Yan's ear, looking at Mark's eyes.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, please let me go." Xiao Yan frowned.

"Mark, it’s gone." The cold male voice sounded, it was Hai Yin. Xiao Yan’s back is subconsciously arched.

"Yes, the head!" The mouth promised so, but Mark did not move at the foot, still squatting Jane.

Jane gave a chuckle and suddenly saw the eyes of Haiyin Burton's depression, and the absolute zero-degree killing spread in the air, as if to freeze the breath.

Xiao Yan struggled harder and opened Jane's arm. Of course, if Jane was willing to let him go, he could not get rid of his strength. He turned to Hai Yin not far away, this man just turned around.

Hai Yin divides his troops into two, one will sneak in with him, and the other will stay in charge of support. Mark took Xiao Yan back to Hai Yin's side. "Hey! The rookie should go with us?"

Xiao Yan thought that in the other party's heart, he belonged to the category of dragging and retreating. He should be left outside the cave, but he did not expect Hai Yin to replied in a cold voice: "He stayed outside the cave to analyze the sample."

Mark touched his nose and patted Xiao Yan’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, follow us! I will cover you!”

Xiao Yan smiled in his heart. No one knows anything below. Even you may not be able to retreat. How do you cover me?

Jane Wallis also deployed his troops, and the forwards came to the edge of the cliff and were ready to dive.

Now in the dry season of the cave, you don't need to dive to reach the entrance to the base of the tidal organization.

Xiao Yan put on the battle suit and put on the oxygen replacement device. This device is small, but it can continue to supply oxygen for 24 hours in the water. The terminal connection device is connected to the brain, and the data signal from the base appears in Xiao Yan's mind.

Jane Yan Xiaoyan reached out and said, "I will take you down."

Xiao Yan hadn't had time to think about it. One arm took him around Xiao Yan's waist and took him one step at a time.

Ah - ah -

Xiao Yan was arrogant in the bottom of his heart. The rapid weightlessness made him blank in his mind, and the light quickly pulled away. His eyes could no longer see other things except the darkness.

Just when he thought that the fall would never stop, his arm was suddenly tightened, and the tendency to fall stopped at that moment. Xiao Yan didn't even dare to breathe. He didn't even know who the person with him was.

The body was still in midair, and after a dozen seconds, Xiao Yan began to breathe. What is the sound of the slip in the ear, it should be that other special forces have fallen to their depth. Xiao Yan’s fear has multiplied, and as soon as the people around him let go, he will be broken.

Xiao Yan swallowed, and the cold, steady sound rang in his ear.

"Take your eyepiece."

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s fearful heartbeat finally recovered. It was Haiyin Burton. This man was still arrogant and arrogant and refused.


Xiao Yan did not react, and Hai Yin reminded him again. Xiao Yan thought that his eyepiece was still hanging on his left arm. He fumbled, because he was caught by Hai Yin, and his hand back was licking Hein’s waist, and finally he finally found his eyepiece. When I put on my glasses, I quickly put it on his face. Finally, Xiao Yan can see things. This is the first time he saw the sea bream through the eyepiece, and faded all the colors, leaving only the original outline of the five senses, elegant and full of strength.

When Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, Hai Yin was looking down at him. It was a silent, unobtrusive gaze, as deep as the abyss under his feet.

Thinking with the other's eyes constantly rising, will drag the body, at that moment Xiao Yan realized that he is rude, quickly do not go too far, what he should do now is to check the environment inside the cave!

The inner wall of the cave is a stalactite washed by water. Even if it is not touched by hand, Xiao Yan knows that they are very slippery and cannot attach strength at all. On this stone wall, there are several holes that look natural, but Xiao Yan knows that one of them should be the entrance to the surge organization base. Just...what is it?

On the rock wall, there are suspended special forces waiting for instructions. Liv and Mark are not far from the sea. Ten meters away, Jane Wallis and his troops.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Xiao Yan always felt that something on the rock wall was moving slowly, very careful, but it could not cover the creepy killing. The eyepieces make their shape clearer.

Xiao Yan's breathing was rushed, and the terminal's data scan told him that these guys had the animal form and the basic characteristics of the zombies, all of which were genetically modified level1, no... according to the database, they have been defined as level2.

They climbed out of the caverns of the rock wall. Because they were too excited, the mouth was constantly secreting some kind of mucus, and dripping down the rock wall, Xiao Yan only felt a nausea.

"Your locks." Hai Yin's voice sounded again, instantly suppressing Xiao Yan's uneasiness, but Xiao Yan knew that this would be the most dangerous task he had ever participated in.

Xiao Yan quickly pulled out the lock on the waist, and Hai Yin suddenly loosened his arm and violently fell. When Xiao Yan thought that Hai Yin had to throw himself down, the other party grabbed Xiao Yan’s lock. I tied it to myself.

Sucking his mouth, Xiao Yanqing forgot not yelling out, otherwise Hai Yin might have thrown him down.

The special forces are ready to fight, and the zombies have lost their crouching patience.

The first one leaped violently and rushed to the Xuelun school. Sheron pulled out the sharp blade and suddenly swayed. In the midair, a big leap, the blade crossed, the zombie screamed, and the back was cut into deep scars. It fell on the other side of the rock wall and shook. The body, the wound on the back healed.

Xiao Yan’s heart was so cold that she had just hit a hot and powerful blow, but did not give the zombie a fatal blow. These guys’ muscle strength is really higher than the average level1.

Like being stimulated, the dozens of zombies have rushed up.

Hai Yin was slashed, and a zombie flew to Xiao Yan. Hai Yin slammed the lock and slammed. Xiao Yan felt like he was riding a roller coaster. The mucus from the zombie was splashed from Xiao Yan’s ear. The ropes of the two special forces were bitten by the zombies. The moment of the fall was stopped by Mark, and Mark suddenly became the object of besieging. Li Fu struggled to support him.

Hai Yin slightly tightened the rope and swayed to the edge of the rock wall, during which a zombie was attacking Liv, and it fell into the bottomless abyss.

Hai Yin once again picked up Xiao Yan, slammed on the rock wall, and all of them vacated. Xiao Yan’s body moved with his rapid movement, his arm rotated, and a zombie’s head was cut off. The moment when Hai Yin’s toes stepped on its body, it was a wave of arms. A zombie trying to bite the mark rope was degraded.

Xiao Yan once again felt that the sea is like a god's combat capability.

On the other side, Jane also opened his eyes. He lazily hangs on the ropes, waiting for the zombies to attack. When they leaped to Jane, Jane used the inertia of the rope to recede. His body leaned back and the blade crossed the neat semicircle in midair. The zombie was cut off by the waist, almost at that moment. Direction, smashing the head of a zombie.

Gorgeous and cruel.

Finally, these zombies were killed and killed. Each of the special forces was almost full of zombie pus, except for Hai Yin and Jane.

Hai Yin and Xiao Yan slipped into a hole. At the moment of landing, Xiao Yan’s heart jumped wildly. Everything that happened just now was terrible than a nightmare. He didn’t know what to wait if he continued to move forward.

"Head, how do you know that the entrance is this cave?" Mark came to Hai Yin, feeling a puzzle.

Jane quietly landed and chuckled and said: "Because there is no zombie crawling out of this cave."

Mark snorted and turned away. Anyone could laugh at his IQ, but Jane Wallis could not.

This hole is very narrow and cannot accommodate all the special forces.

Xiao Yan can see the end of the deep cave through the eyepiece and has a door.

"Hey, rookie, can you open it right?" This time, Mark's tone also hesitated, which is after all a research base for the tide organization.

Xiao Yan took a breath and if he wanted to open the door, he would invade the base's main control system. Although Xiao Yan once invaded the public transport system of Shire, compared with here, it is completely the gap between the small ants and Godzilla. Once they fail, they become alarmed and their entire task is completely exposed.

In the face of Xiao Yan, Hai Yin and his face covered his cheek, forcing his confused eyes to focus and staring at his blue eyes.

"You listen well, all system intrusions start from an inconspicuous place. The more inconspicuous the place, the weaker its defense. The so-called invasion is from a grain of sand to the whole world."

Hai Yin is teaching himself that Xiao Yan swallowed, and he suddenly remembered that Hai Yin was once a top student of the Central Academy of Sciences.

From a grain of sand to a world?

His mind must be divergent from the most vulnerable part of the system, he must be faster than ever!

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly. He has no retreat. What he can do now is to go all out!

His terminal began to emit wireless signals, constantly searching for gaps that could be invaded, and finally found loopholes in the air replacement system and invaded. His mind was extended in the base in an instant, looking for the master, opening the door of the passage. The most important thing is to close the emergency alert inside the door.

Everything is like a huge criss-crossing network. It is very fast and hides its own aggressiveness, covering the entire base unconsciously. His mind gradually outlines the framework of the base, the distribution of its research room and sample room, complex passages, and deeper layers. When Xiao Yan finally finds the master, he can't help but sigh that the master control system is very hidden. Cleverly, he didn't care that he thought it was just an ordinary drug matching system.

Mark 等 waited a little anxiously and whispered, "How come it hasn't opened for so long? Can't you open it?"

Hai Yin’s eyes swept over and Mark immediately shut his mouth. Jane leaned against the rock wall and bored with the dagger in his hand, as if Xiao Yan could open the door.

Xiao Yan cleverly turned off the alarm but avoided the main control. Then, when the closed door and the door valve made a slight noise, Xiao Yan opened his eyes and looked at Mark.

Mark was about to open the door, but Xiao Yan grabbed him. "Wait a minute, listen to me."


Xiao Yan took a breath and connected his liaison with his wireless terminal. The holographic image popped up and formed a structural diagram inside the base.

“The research center is at the bottom, and there is a sample room on the same floor... Their data protection is very precise. If I go deeper, they will touch their system alarms, but by monitoring I see... they really create some ratios. Level2 is even more terrible... Are you sure you want to go in?"

Xiao Yan looks to Hai Yin and Jane.

Hai Yin’s eyes did not shake.

Jane shrugged his shoulders. "If this mission is not dangerous, there is no need to dispatch two elite troops."

"Well, let's go in." Xiao Yan turned his head on the equipment and his heart beat like a drum.

"What do you see, Xiao Yan?" Jane stretched his arm and pulled him into his arms, rubbing his head.

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly. He only hoped that he could live and bring the analysis data back to Charles.

Mark first entered, the channel was unexpectedly bright, and Xiao Yan still maintained the state of connection with the main control, shielding all the monitoring here. Although Xiao Yan did not say it, the moment that Hai Yin and Jane stepped on the smooth metal floor, it was known that this is an all-round sensing channel, not just monitoring, any gravity and temperature can be sensed and transmitted into the master. But they have already passed this entire passage to the first node, and the alarm still does not sound. This is entirely Xiao Yan's credit. Hai Yin did not have any reaction to this, but it was a little more to see Xiao Yan's gaze.

The road ahead is divided into two, passing through different directions but eventually reaching the destination. Even Xiao Yan can't accurately explore what is going on in front of each road.

Along the way, Xiao Yan's wrist was caught by Hai Yin, which made people nervous, and feared that one of their arms would be crushed by the other side.

Haiyin and Jane’s troops are about to enter separate passages. Since there are unpredictable dangers waiting for them, moving from different directions will increase the chances of success in reaching the main control room.

Just as Xiao Yan took the course of Hai Yin to the left channel, suddenly he was smashed. His whole person was almost in his arms, and Hai Yin was looking at them with cold eyes.

At this time, Xiao Yan admired himself, no matter how sudden or dangerous, he could never scream, what a power!

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis." Hai Yin's eyes implied a killing, with a strong warning.

"No one stipulates that Xiao Yan must follow you." Jane's voice is very low, but it has a hint of provocation.

Everyone stays alert, they have to move, and the longer they stay in the same place, the easier they are to be discovered.

"We are carrying out the task, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis." Hai Yin's voice is even cooler.

Jane smiled, still the tone is not too slow, "so we have to decide the right to belong to Xiao Yan as soon as possible."

What is the right to belong? I am a person, not a tool!

Xiao Yan just tried to move, and Jane’s strength suddenly multiplied, almost crushing his bones. Xiao Yan suddenly felt the heartfelt fear, and Jane had been together for too long. Forgetting this guy was also extremely crazy. Side.

The author has something to say: Jane: Dear, are you following me or following Haiyin?

Xiao Yan: ... can I die? 2k novel reading network