MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 704 Barbarian Ancestor Arrives

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As all the causes and effects of the Changhong Realm converged, the world in Yang Shou's body became more and more heavy.

It is now filled with three forces, cause and effect, doom, and curse.

"Now, it's time to put the Lord of the Black Mist and the others in."

Yang Shou took a deep breath, took out the residual lamp, summoned Xu Mu from the inner world, and directly moved the abyss of karma into the inner world.


With the entry of the abyss of karma, Yang Shou felt at that moment that the power bottleneck of the beginning realm seemed to be broken by a force.

Pushing him infinitely towards the tenth level.

However, although the bottleneck has been broken, if you really want to enter the tenth level, there is a long way to go.

With the power of the Lord of the Black Mist, Koos, and "Yang Shou", it was impossible for him to complete this accumulation.

"Changsheng, Ping An, Xu Mu, enter my world together!"

Yang Shou's eyes lit up. As he seized the world and entered the abyss of karma, he fully felt that the method he had newly developed was useful!

The stronger the creatures who enter his world are, the stronger his body power will be.

Now his strength has just reached the beginning realm, but with the entry of the abyss of karma, he has directly reached the peak of the beginning realm and climbed towards the tenth level.

Now that the world in his body is full of curses, Yang Shou did not let other disciples enter, and their strength could not stay in it for long.

With the longevity and peace, Yang Shou could feel that the increase in physical strength was not obvious.

"I am afraid that only the Beginning Realm can provide me with the greatest strength bonus."

Yang Shou sighed with emotion, and then Xu Mu stepped into his world. In just an instant, Yang Shou felt that everything between heaven and earth became extremely clear.

Everything in the world has slowed down.

The source, the law, the operation of the rules, the existence and accumulation of energy, are all displayed in front of him one by one.

"grade ten!"

At this moment, Yang Shou clearly felt the power to control the life and death of all beings in the universe!

However, this state did not last long.

After only ten breaths, he fell into the realm and returned to the peak of the beginning realm.

"And I only have ten breaths of tenth-level combat power."

Yang Shou half-squinted his eyes, he had already expected this.

The tenth level is too mysterious, and the moment just now, it only meant that his combat power barely reached the tenth level.

In terms of soul, cultivation energy, and the Dao of Rules, he did not make corresponding breakthroughs.

Naturally it cannot last long.

However, as long as Xu Mu and the abyss of cause and effect are in his body, Yang Shou can maintain the combat power infinitely beyond the beginning at any time.

He can even say with confidence that he is now the number one person below the tenth level in the world!

Ordinary Beginning Realm, in front of him, there is no power to fight back.

Moreover, in his body, there is endless energy of doom, curse energy, karma energy, and the combination of Xu Mu can completely suppress the three people in the abyss of karma.

Unless one of them really entered the tenth level!

"Calculate the time, Barbarian ancestors should arrive at Changhong Realm soon, right?"

Yang Shou restrained his breath, floated down from the void, and landed on the ground of the God Realm.

He raised his eyes slightly to look at the sky, with murderous intent in his eyes.

This is a crisis and a fortune.

After dealing with the crisis of the ancestors, he still has to go to save the five declines of heaven and human beings, and elevate the origin of cause and effect to the law.


It didn't take long for the Changhong Realm to vibrate violently.

Ross, who was in charge of the outer defense of Changhong Realm, quickly reported: "God, an unknown existence is attacking Changsheng Realm."

Yang Shou nodded, and then pulsing his steps, he stepped out of the realm of the gods.

"Since I have created the inner world now, there is no need for Changhong Realm to exist."

In the blink of an eye, the entire God Realm was taken into the body by Yang Shou.

He took away the Holy Spirit Orb, and the space in it continued to expand under his will.

Countless energies roared, making the world inside the body bigger and bigger.

This is still the case that he did not use the space collapse and fission method.

This secret method, according to Yang Shou's estimation, as long as the energy is enough, it is even very possible to turn his inner world into a brand new holy world!

As the realm became higher and higher, Yang Shou became more and more aware of the greatness of the holy world.

At his current speed, traveling for thousands of years, I am afraid that he will not be able to find its boundaries.

"The internal world, let's call it the Great Thousand World. When there is a chance in the future, I will destroy the Holy Realm. I have this method and do my best to expand the Great Thousand World!"

Yang Shou walked in the Changhong Realm, absorbing one world after another, and placing them into the Great Thousand Worlds within his body.

And a thick layer of defense is placed on the surface of each world.

Outside the world... is a forbidden area of ​​death.

Except for the ninth-level powerhouse who can barely survive for a while, no creature can cross the universe alone!

After absorbing several worlds, Yang Shou once again felt that if he exerted his full strength, his strength could be stabilized at level ten for three minutes!

This time is not too long!

The battle strength was raised to the tenth level without the ultimate sublimation of the tenth-level avenue. Such a situation has never happened in the history of the holy world.

After learning about Yang Shou's idea, Xu Mu was even more amazed.

In fact, there are still a lot of practices like Yang Shou's in the Saint Clan.

Some people open up the world in their bodies, and use this to evolve life and enhance their strength.

It's just... They are far from being able to do Yang Shou's way, and they can use the living beings to exist in the inner world of so many beginning realms.

Xu Mu himself counted one, Koos, Lord of the Black Mist, and "Yang Shou" three, and only gave Yang Shou a chance to enter the tenth level in a short time.

Yang Shou devoured all the world very fast. When the Changhong world was empty, only the long rainbow hung in the sky, Yang Shou slowly raised his head.

He ignored the violent shaking of Changhong Realm's barriers at this time.

"This Changhong is a rule, let's just earn it in the world."

In line with the principle of not wasting, Yang Shou's mind moved, and everything came into the world.


"Yang Shou! Die!"

After he brought Changhong into the Great Thousand World, the entire Changhong world finally couldn't bear the impact of that unknown existence, and it shattered!

Yang Shou's whole person was exposed to the outside world.

With his long hair fluttering, his divine sense scanned him, and he instantly caught a terrifying aura in front of him.

"The Beginning Realm!"

This is a man with a naked upper body, his eyes are full of disdain, and he is also staring at Yang Shou coldly.

"You have actually broken through to the Beginning Realm?" After realizing the Yang Shou Realm, the man showed a look of surprise.

But he was not surprised for too long, and he still snorted coldly: "So what if I broke through the Beginning Realm, I am one of the true bodies of the ancestors, and the ancestors sent me to take your life first!"

Then he reported himself to his home, and as soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Yang Shou.

His breath has already surpassed all the beginnings of the world.

Ordinary Beginning Realm, in the face of his terrifying power, will not have the slightest power to fight back.

But Yang Shou is different.

After turning his body into a thousand worlds, Yang Shou's current strength...


He waved his fist, and the two forces in the front of the fist were intertwined, and the energy of doom and karma was entangled with each other, and slammed into the opponent fiercely.

Then the two forces that surpassed the Beginning Realm collided wildly, and finally... the opponent took two steps back.

" did your strength grow so fast?"

The shirtless man in front of him showed a look of horror.

Before he came, he had specially learned about the traitor's situation.

You know, thousands of years ago, how long did he rebel?

Did you reach this level?

"Are you the real body of the ancestors? How many real bodies of the ancestors are there?"

Yang Shou stared at him, thinking about a question in his heart.

A mere true body is an existence beyond the beginning.

Even... if I hadn't seized the Holy Spirit Race and built my body into the Great Thousand World, I'm afraid I would have to go through another life-and-death showdown!

And listening to the other party's meaning, he is just a pioneer.

That is the first to arrive.

Could it be that there is still a real ancestor like him behind?

Thinking of this, Yang Shou's mind became hot.

If this is the case, **** them into the body and suppress them again, and their strength will rise again!

The man sneered: "There are three thousand real bodies of the ancestors, and I am only the weakest one, so go first, and when the rest of the real bodies arrive, you will surely die!"

Yang Shou's heart sank, he thought... just one or two real bodies.

Unexpectedly, this barbarian ancestor lost his cultivated 3,000 clones.

At the same time, in the Great Thousand World, Xu Mu went on to explain: "Master, the barbarian ancestors were three thousand real bodies who became enlightened, but after enlightenment, the three thousand real bodies never appeared, and once they merged, the real The barbarian ancestor will be born!"

"This time the barbarian ancestors are coming, I am afraid that something has changed, otherwise it is impossible to split the three thousand real bodies!"

Xu Mu's analysis was very reasonable, and Yang Shou had a new idea in his heart after hearing about San Qianzhen.

If the real body in front of him is beheaded, will the ancestors be unable to recover to the peak?

After coming up with this idea, Xu Mu immediately objected: "How could the barbarian ancestors leave such huge flaws, these real bodies are just a cover, the barbarian ancestors in their complete state only need the fusion of the ten strongest real bodies. Appears, but if he kills other real bodies, it will weaken his strength by one thousandth!"

Yang Shou: "..."

After hearing this news, the killing intent in Yang Shou's heart completely disappeared.

Instead...the urge to collect.

The man in front of him is extremely powerful, far exceeding the beginning realm. I am afraid that Xu Mu is not his opponent.

The gains from beheading him are far less than collecting him, imprisoning him in the Great Thousand World, and suppressing him in the abyss of karma!

Just got together a table of mahjong.

According to Xu Mu's prediction, this avatar will come first, and soon, the ten Xeon avatars of the barbarian ancestors will also arrive.

Those real bodies have one-tenth of the power of the ancestors.

That is one-tenth of the tenth level of power, but it is the real tenth level!

And if they encounter danger, they will merge in the first time and summon the real ancestors.

"I have a thousand worlds, why don't I enter the world and fight?"

Looking at the man in front of him, Yang Shou raised the corner of his mouth and issued an invitation.