MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 116 I covered this agent

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Gu Hanshan, who had returned to China, sent Lu Yunsheng to greet the deputy director himself, and went into the studio with a warm greeting and a handshake all the way. Seeing the child who was still aching just now tried to let go of his restraint as he asked, and greeted everyone with a decent and modest smile, greeting inexplicably like a suffocation, and couldn't say anything.

Too little professionalism.

Scolding himself fiercely, the low-pressure gold medal agent sitting with a sullen head on the side of the field squatting and chewing quit smoking, with a cloud over his head, scared back all the running records that wanted to drink soy milk.

Lu Deng didn't delay too long. He greeted Gu Hanshan seriously and ran back while taking the gap between his clothes and audition. Squatting in front of Gu Hanshan, waiting for him to continue to teach himself the rules of attention.

The bright figure suddenly came back to his eyes, and his two hands were close to his knees. His eyes were bright and clean enough to pour out the shadow of a person.

Gu Hanshan looked at him. The heart had jumped briskly in a conscious step, and the clouds cleared instantly, rubbing his hair with Yan Yuese: "Isn't you nervous, what problems do you encounter?"

"Everyone is nice."

Lu Deng shook his head and poured out the sugar the director gave himself from his sleeve. He shoved it into Gu Hanshan's hands, and his dark eyes ran out. "The director gave it—very sweet, with food and mood." Enough."

Although he greeted the people in the house, his attention still couldn't help falling on Gu Hanshan.

Not knowing the truth about the annoying agent of the new official, Lu Deng and the system secretly discussed, and agreed that Gu Hanshan was still angry because of the moth that Tan Yizhe had tossed out. Seeing Gu Hanshan's anger biting the candy bar generally, he determined that the other party was probably lacking in sweetness. He carefully brought the candy from the director in his sleeve and brought it back to Gu Hanshan.

Gu Hanshan froze, watching him pour colorful candy from his sleeve, and suddenly his heart was sour, and he said softly, "Thank you ..."

In fact, he was not addicted to sweets. He couldn't smoke in the studio. He didn't rest assured that Lu Yunsheng was out of his sight. In addition, the inexplicable tangles that came out of his heart for the first time would only smash three quits.

Then he was watched.

Also remembered.

They do n’t touch any of the sugar they gave.

Gu Hanshan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, holding back the inexplicable tide of his eyes, trying his best to revert his thinking back to the professional mode, and confiscated all the sugar in his pocket one by one.

"Body management is very important, and the skin condition needs to be adjusted ..."

He is still an agent after all, and he has to make the children serious.

Can't be soft-hearted.

Worried that Lu Yunsheng was tired of squatting, Gu Hanshan pulled people to sit down beside him, and then asked him softly.

"I still have a few resources in your hand that you can pick up. I'll give you a run tomorrow-try to keep your body under control, you can't eat sugar, and you have to eat a little vegetarian food, remember?"

Can't even eat at will.

Lu Deng's eyes widened slightly, and a little surprised and frustrated in his black eyes, but he only obediently nodded: "Remember."

He was acutely aware of the point of the ear that the small animal pulled down for a moment, and Gu Hanshan was silent for a moment and did not continue.

The artist's management of recipes is actually not the responsibility of the agent. Gu Hanshan always pays little attention to these details. At this time, he personally started and looked at the young man who was slightly lost but still obedient, and he had an inexplicable guilt.

Lu Deng likes to eat snacks, but he has always been very restrained. When he ca n’t eat, it ’s just a moment of loss. Then he adjusted back to his thirsty learning state: “What else?”

"Also-learn to adapt to the rules of this circle. Newcomers are not good at talking about conditions. Be obedient and don't talk to them."

Before he got rid of his guilt, Gu Hanshan had a meal, and with professional inertia, he continued to say like sleepwalking: "meda's endorsement is quite good, I will help you check it. It is the same in the future, we would rather not do it , But do n’t overdo it. ”

Lu Yunsheng is as clean as a piece of white paper. People in the circle can see at a glance that there is too much to teach, even for days and nights.

Gu Hanshan picked up the key points and told him first, he was about to think about his thoughts, and the cell phone in his pocket suddenly buzzed.

The sound of vibration is unrelenting, and there is a tendency to hang up without answering the phone. Gu Hanshan took out a glance, and raised the eyebrows slightly, and Qindi Qin was too cold.

Coincidentally, the housekeeper came over to call someone. Lu Yunsheng instinctively turned to find someone. Gu Hanshan pressed the phone handily, lowered his eyebrows gently, rubbed the top of the fluffy head under the light: "Go, I Call me back. "

Lu Yunsheng listened to him, frowned, and ran towards the field affairs.

Gu Hanshan turned out of the studio and found a quiet place. The second phone call happened to be in a hurry.

It's still the same number. Gu Hanshan answered the phone this time, with a concise and indifferent meaning: "Is there something wrong?"

"Gu, brother Gu ..."

Tan Yizhe's assistant was calling. The voice on the phone was distorted, but I still heard my voice trembling: "What's your text message--what do you mean? I don't understand ..."

"It's not interesting, just ask you how much you want to buy paparazzi now. I will also buy it in two days, so as not to be pitted."

Gu Hanshan played the tai chi with him unhurriedly: "How many did you buy? Three? It is enough to squat for a long time under the big sun, but it is slower to send a message-"

"Gu brother!"

The assistant's voice had been changed, and his voice was interrupted by a loud voice, and his tone was quickly pressed down, almost crying out: "You can say-what do you want? I can give anything I have, and that's it A way of life, please ... "

Be careful, the paparazzi has not been hidden.

When encountering such a thing, they usually have to talk to the main artist. Those who followed Tan Yizhe never dared to deal with it in private. Everyone was so sad that they would become the next Gu Hanshan.

Everyone had to live, Gu Hanshan had no intention of remembering to hate those who were still following Tan Yizhe, and he waited a while before finally speaking out: "All the photos with Lu Yunsheng-the original negatives, packed for me , They can't keep the bottom of their hands, and they are not allowed to send out on any platform. "

The assistant was half a while, tentatively asking, "Just ... these?"

Originally thought he was here to revenge, but did not expect it was for this.

They still remember the name of Lu Yunsheng, who was the kid who handed a business card today-it did look good, but it was a pure newcomer everyone could see at a glance. There are too many new people in this circle who have good conditions and can't make it, and they don't pay much attention.

It was even more thought that Gu Hanshan actually took on this unreliable job, and even took it to this point, calling in person for such a trivial matter.

Most of the time, I ca n’t stand it ...

The assistant's heart was astringent, and he gritted his teeth and whispered to him, "Gu brother, please have dinner in two days. Will you come?"

Tan Yizhe must report that none of them dare to have contact with Gu Hanshan and can secretly invite him for a meal while he is away from work.

He was so eager to get Gu Hanshan's brain to make up for it, and even couldn't help giving him an urge to steal some money from Gu Hanshan.

The person who was fed by the brain didn't even notice it, and even peeled off the sugar happily, and put it in his mouth in strict accordance with the taking guide provided by Lu Yunsheng. , Intend to be vegetarian. "

In order to make things uncomfortable in the future, he accompanied Landing Yunsheng to become a vegetarian together. The pain of two people was much better than the suffering of one.

A loud noise came from the studio. Gu Hanshan stood upright and hid his ears, which he pulled down from his head, quickly hidden, and hung up the phone with a few words.

It's far enough from the studio, but still can hear unusually noisy people, and I don't know what's going on inside.

For Lu Yunsheng to make a serious debut, he has to use this advertisement as the first stepping stone, and nothing else. Not to mention that his current reputation is not good. If he gets involved with him, if he spreads it to the Internet again, maybe there will be another storm.

He can be aggrieved. In fact, these days, he is already aggrieved, but Lu Yunsheng is not.

This matter must be dealt with as early as possible-if this phone call had to be made, he would never put Lu Yunsheng alone in the studio and run out by himself.

Obviously ordered the director not to rush to shoot ...

Gu Hanshan raised his eyebrows, walked back quickly, and remembered the second for the director who dared to put sugar on Lu Yunsheng.

Even if you put sugar, the sugar paper is still colorful!

Maybe I just want to take the sugar and abduct people!

I haven't dieted yet, and maybe even more dangerous later.

The gold medal agent took precautions, put the director on the blacklist, and determined that the next time he invited the hot pot, he must give the scrupulous director a pervert.

Do not give shabu-shabu.

The studio was extremely lively, and Gu Hanshan's movement of pushing the door did not attract much attention. The inexplicably warm atmosphere was still accompanied by the sound of excited whistle. Gu Hanshan stood there for a moment, stood out in a sharp line, and saw Lu Yunsheng placed under the camera at a glance.

With his head bowed, he unbuttoned the shirt seriously.

The author has something to say: Regrets · Gold Medals · Meda is very disciplined · Cooperates with others · Can't talk about conditions · Broker :! !! !! !! e = e = e = ┌ (# ▼ 皿 ▼) ┘

#Talk about conditions! #

#No cooperation! #

# Can't undress! !! #

(ノ ≧ д ≦) ノ


Tomorrow continues at 12:30! Month, the end of the month, cover your face and ask for a nutrient solution o (* //// ▽ //// *) q!

Thank you everyone for your love woohoo qwq will definitely cheer!

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