MTL - There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse-Chapter 932 Auntie is dead

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  Wang Yulan saw the arrival of the fifth princess and thought she saw hope.

  I also thought that the fifth princess is the elder, and today it will be handled by the fifth princess. She will not leave the palace, and will teach Liu Ru severely. Thinking of this, she knelt on the ground with a bang, "My daughter, see the fifth old princess."

   "Who are you?" Fifth Princess asked.

   "The minister's daughter is the adopted daughter of Qin Xiangye's mansion, and she was sent to the palace to learn etiquette."

   "Show girl?"

   "Yes." Wang Yulan bowed her head again.

   "How long have you learned the rules?"

  When Wang Yulan heard this, she immediately said, "My daughter has been studying for a month."

"One month?" The fifth princess seemed displeased, "I have learned etiquette in the palace for two years before serving in front of the lord, and you only learned the etiquette for a month before you feel the empress showing her face?" After talking, the voice was still weak Weak, sudden changes in momentum.

  Wang Yulan knelt on the ground in fright, not daring to speak out.

  I thought that the fifth princess would make decisions for herself, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

The fifth concubine turned to salute Liu Ru, "Empress, the concubine is bored in the mansion, why not let the concubine take this righteous daughter from the Xiangye's mansion to the mansion for training, and if the training is completed, send it to the empress. , what do you think?"

  Liu Ru understands what the fifth princess means, the adopted daughter of Xiangye's mansion has been trained, these are the reasons for someone to die.

  Seeing how the fifth princess helped him, he finally understood what was going on.

  The beautiful girl who has just been sent to the palace will be criticized if she leaves like this.

  Being taken away by the fifth princess on the grounds of training, can be regarded as the past.

   It's just that Liu Ru feels that the fifth princess should not stop such a disaster on her.

  The fifth concubine saw Liu Ru's thoughts, and knelt on the ground to ask for an order, "The concubine Tao has learned all kinds of rules in the palace in the past two years with the old lady, and I implore the empress to give the concubine a chance."

   Liu Rushun pushed the boat and sent Wang Yulan away, but Wang Yulan was not happy.

She is not a fool, this time she left, she will never have the chance to enter the palace again, and she has no chance to compare Liu Ru, and she suddenly started to make a fuss. With just one look, Caiyu stepped forward and slapped Wang Yulan twice, in a daze to knock down Wang Yulan's arrogance. Not only that, but the fifth concubine began to plead guilty to Liu Ru again.

  After the commotion, Wang Yulan was taken away by the Fifth Princess.

Leaving Liu Ru, Wang Yulan made a fuss again, the fifth concubine was walking in front, and the Caiyu behind her was not used to it, slapping Wang Yulan's face one after another, so that someone could see the situation clearly and followed quietly later.

   When the fifth princess got into the carriage outside the palace gate, she glanced at Wang Yulan, "If you want to live, then go, if you want to die, you can do it now!"

  The fifth princess is a person who doesn't get angry easily. If she really gets angry, no one can stop her.

  All her good temper in this life has been given to the fifth prince. If others want to be a monster, it depends on whether she has the patience.

  After leaving the palace, the fifth princess made a detour to the mass grave outside the city, and looked at the concubines of the five princes who were subdued, "Look carefully, this is the fate of offending this princess!"

  After the words of the fifth princess, the knives were quickly dropped on the heads of many aunts, and the fresh lives disappeared before their eyes.

  Wang Yulan was frightened and fainted on the spot when she saw this scene!

  Liu Mansion.

  Dong Yue lay lazily on the soft bed in the yard, enjoying the sun.

   Liu Sanqiang just made it for her, and it still exudes the smell of wood. Next to it are snacks sent by Shiweizhai Qiu'e, and new tea sent by Wu Cheng'an.

   Don't mention how moist this day is.

  Dong Yue enjoyed the most when Liu Sanqiang retired.

  Every day when you come to wear clothes, stretch out your hands and open your mouth to eat, life is also happy!

   Seeing that his wife looked comfortable, Qinglan talked about the outside things.

   "Ma'am, Wang Yulan has been taken to the Fifth Prince's Mansion."

  Dong Yue opened her eyes, "Is there such a thing?" The beautiful girl in the palace was taken to the Fifth Prince's Mansion. Those who didn't know it thought that the Fifth Prince fell in love with Wang Yulan, but Dong Yue knew it was not the case.

   "The aunts of the Five Princes' House are all dead."

  Dong Yue's heart sank, the fifth prince was indeed the fifth prince, and the shot must be death.

  I still remember the situation that day. I didn’t expect that so many people lost their lives in order to train my son.

  Thinking of those women's thoughts again, I feel that I deserve it.

  Thinking that on the second day of the fifth prince's birthday, Dong Yue asked for leave for Liu Yiyue, and now Liu Yiyue has already practiced in the army.

  The method of experience is the same as being the third prince, everything starts from the bottom.

  Liu Sanqiang told herself about this, and she thought it would be beneficial to do so.

  Thinking about it, he ate a piece of snack and asked, "Where is Liu Sanqiang?"

  Knowing that these things have passed, Qinglan thought about what she saw and explained, "The general is in the wooden house."

   "What else?"

   "It seems to be making a low stool."

  Dong Yue smiled, "Let's go and have a look." Dong Yue got up, ate a piece of snacks, and drank a cup of tea before walking slowly to the wooden house.

My daughter is a queen, and I can see her way of doing things, so I can rest assured. Although my son is in the military camp, although he cried a little bit, fortunately, everyone starts exercising with sweat. She feels distressed and cannot hurt her. For Liu Sanqiang, he spent all day in the wood, either doing this or that, so he didn't have to worry about being taken away by the "wolves" outside.

   Now the small life is so comfortable and comfortable.

   When I came to the wooden house, I saw a man who was working hard.

  The only one who can still sweat in this weather is Liu Sanqiang.

   stopped in the distance, watching quietly.

  Zuo Qing hurriedly ran over from the side, "Madam, the Third Prince is here."

  The third prince.

  He hasn't come for a long time, why did he come suddenly?

  Speaking of which, since his daughter married the emperor, he who transformed into the third prince has never been here again. Thinking about it, he shouted at Liu Sanqiang, "Liu Sanqiang, the third prince is here."

  Liu Sanqiang was busy working and didn't hear it at first. Dong Yue came to him and said it again, and then he heard it.

   When the two of them came to the front hall, they saw the third prince who was drinking tea.

   When the third prince saw the two people appearing at the same time, it was obvious for a while.

  Dong Yue still looks familiar, and Liu Sanqiang seems to have made great efforts.


   "Little Treasure is here." Dong Yue warmly greeted the Third Prince to sit down, and it seemed that he had returned to the past after hearing the sound of Little Treasure.

  Liu Sanqiang was not happy anymore, and sat down beside him, gulping down his tea.

   Originally thought that the third prince came to find himself, but now it seems that he is looking for a wife.

  I knew this earlier, he didn't come here, and I was delayed in making things.

   "Master, I went to the barracks to see Yi Yue."

   "How is he doing?" Dong Yue asked.

   "Yi Yue is doing very well." The third prince said, he glanced at Liu Sanqiang who was silent, and then at Dong Yue, "Master, I am here to bid farewell to Master."

   "Where are you going?" Dong Yue asked.

   "Beihang University."

   "Why are you going there?" Dong Yue asked.

   "I entered the palace today and met the emperor. The emperor intends to let us go to the fiefdom."

  Dong Yue heard a silence.

  She had already prepared for this, but suddenly she heard that Dong Yue was still a little bit reluctant, "You have to take care of yourself when you go to such a far place."