MTL - There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse-Chapter 893 enthroned

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mother in law!


  Prince’s affirmation and attitude.

Dong Yue was not moved by these words. She looked at the prince with gentle eyes, as if the loving elders were educating the younger generation, "Words are not proof, writing is proof. If one day you don't do what you just said, my daughter will make peace with you." Li, you must not stop."

  The prince did not hesitate, and immediately asked people to prepare.

  Dong Yue obviously came prepared and asked Qinglan to deliver the prepared things.

   After Qinglan delivered it, she left quickly.

  There were only Prince Edward and Dong Yue in the gazebo, and they did not speak.

  Dong Yue stood by and watched, while the prince wrote seriously.

  Dong Yue saw this scene, she knew that her daughter would be happy in this life.

   Look at the prince again, the more you look at the son-in-law, the more satisfied you are.

  When the prince finished writing, she picked it up, read every word carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, she changed her gentle look, Dasangmen, "Liu Ru!"

  Liu Ru has been busy, trying to pretend not to care, but the light in the corner of her eyes still looks this way several times.

  Hearing her mother calling herself, she unhurriedly broke off the corn in her hand, threw it into the pile beside her, clapped her hands, and came towards this side.

  Liu Sanqiang, Zhang Ci, and Xie Baishan, who had been paying close attention to it quietly, felt even more strange.

  What the prince wrote, they obviously felt that Dong Yue's expression had changed.

   I saw Liu Ru walking again, dressed in coarse clothes, without any jewelry on his head, and even his body was a little dirty from work.

  The demeanor she walked out of was a completely different Dong Yue.

   Seeing this scene, they all looked at Liu Sanqiang with envy.

   "General Liu, what a blessing!" Zhang Ci felt that Liu Sanqiang's daughter-in-law is capable, and her daughter is a queen. Tuotuo is a big winner in life!

   "General Liu, don't be sad, you are also very good." Xie Baishan couldn't understand someone's arrogance, and just when the corner of Liu Sanqiang's mouth was about to crack, he patted him on the shoulder.

  They underestimated Liu Sanqiang's self-esteem.

  He didn't feel ashamed at all, instead he looked at the two old bachelors, "It's okay, don't be envious, I'll find some for you when I'm done with my daughter."

  Xie Baishan and Zhang Ci changed their faces instantly.

  What do you mean, you want the house to be quiet, and you only need a daughter-in-law, so you can stuff them with a nest?

   What is busy with my daughter?

   After you are done with your daughter, she will be the queen.

  The queen offered a marriage, how dare they refuse?

  A person who is so steady and ruthless that even the prince and the future emperor can give them a way out?

  At this time, Liu Ru came to the gazebo and saluted Mother, "Mother."

   "Ru'er, you were raised by your mother. Mother doesn't expect much from you. She only wants you to be happy. Now that you see clearly, he is really the person you have planned to leave for the rest of your life?"

   "Mother?" Liu Ru was puzzled, looking at her mother and then at the prince, wondering what they said?

  “There are many intersections in life. When you choose a road, no amount of intersections will exist for you.”

   "Mother, my daughter knows." Liu Ru understood, and a sense of reluctance welled up in his heart.

  The prince looked excited and excited, if Dong Yue wasn't there, he really wanted to hug her.

   Want to speak out all the words in his heart.

  As the prince these years, he knew that Dong Yue still had a lot to say, so he could only force himself to wait quietly.

Dong Yue nodded in satisfaction at her daughter, "Mother warns you, after you get married, you are no longer just my daughter, you are still his daughter-in-law, you have to think twice about everything, and the person you marry is not an ordinary person, It’s not yours alone, it’s the king of the whole world.”

   "Yes, my daughter knows."

Dong Yue is pleased that her daughter is married to love. Their future depends on how hard they work. Now she has done what a mother should do, holding her daughter's hand and handing it to the prince, "I will give you my daughter, you have to love her." She, loves her, and must not be wronged."

   "Mother-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely not make Ru'er sad."

  Prince’s words are simple to say, but it has yet to be verified.

  Dong Yue also knew enough was enough, and gave the letter of guarantee written by the prince just now to her daughter.

  How their relationship will be in the future, if there is a problem, how will the daughter use this piece of paper, she will not participate too much.

  She proved by her actions that her daughter has a family. If the prince makes Ru'er wronged, even if the price of reconciliation is death, she will do the same.

   Now she is someone who has experienced it, and knows that every unhappy marriage is not caused by one person.

  She intends to cultivate her daughter to be independent, not the kind of submissive woman who blindly pleases men.

  In the current palace, there are no elders, and there are not so many women. The only one who pokes eyes is Shen Rong.

  Because of Shen Rong's other identity, it was considered an obstacle, but he thought of Su Shangshu who was about to return to the capital.

  If he comes back, he will be rehabilitated, and Su Shangshu will also wash away the grievances he has suffered in these years, and he will definitely be reused in the court.

   At that time, Shen Rong will regain her identity, and because of the change of identity, she will become a threat to her daughter.

  Dong Yue thought of this, but didn't say it.

   For the future, we will make plans later, the most important thing is the present.

  Ten days later.

  The crown prince and Liu Ru ascended the throne, and Liu Ru was canonized together as the queen.

  The long-awaited enthronement ceremony finally arrived, everyone was excited, and began to get busy following the cumbersome etiquette.

  When some people bowed their heads in prostration, they didn't have much joy in their eyes, just because the prince they supported failed to defeat the prince, and seeing the prince ascend the throne, they had no chance to make meritorious deeds.

   Seeing Liu Sanqiang, who they looked down upon, sitting in the position of the head of state, his nose almost crooked with anger.

  No matter how many thoughts you have in your mind, you can't change what happened.

  At this time, the crown prince was the happiest person. He was relatively restrained all year round, and his joy was not shown on his face. He kept holding Liu Ru's hand, and his palm was covered with sweat.

   On the contrary, Liu Ru was calm throughout the whole process, and did not cause too much disturbance to the scene in front of him. When the prince was excited, he could gently squeeze his palm a few times, which was regarded as comfort.

  Another place.

  Dong Yue was in the Liu Mansion and heard about various processes.

  She didn't feel much about the emperor's ascension to the throne. Anyway, she was not the one who became the emperor, so she was worried about her daughter.

  So many people watching, so many wolves staring, I don't know what my daughter's mentality is.

  Whether the prince can do what he says and help his daughter when she makes a mistake.

  Worried for a whole day, Dong Yue's mind was up and down, and she still couldn't calm down.

  Finally at dusk, Liu Sanqiang hurried back.

  The moment Dong Yue saw him, Dong Yue's heart was about to jump out of excitement. Liu Sanqiang knew what the woman was worried about, and quickly told her that everything was going well.

  Dong Yue felt relieved.

   When she calmed down, she looked at Liu Sanqiang, "Why are you back?" Today's enthronement ceremony should be celebrated in the palace at this time.

   Today is the day when the daughter becomes the queen again, and it can be regarded as a day of great joy for the emperor and his daughter.

  He came back no matter what.

   "Yue'er, how could you not be present on today's big day!" Liu Sanqiang said, pulling Dong Yue away.

  Dong Yue didn't move, "I'm not going."

   "Then how?"

  Dong Yue's eyes were red, "The daughter I raised was abducted by others, I feel sad, can't I?"

  Liu Sanqiang felt that he had overlooked this, and quickly comforted him, "Yue'er, my daughter will always marry when she grows up!" On the contrary, he felt that it was good for his daughter to leave, and no one would compete with him anymore.

  Dong Yue knew this truth, but felt uncomfortable.

  Liu Sanqiang specially took the woman to the palace banquet, how could she miss it.