MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 612 New Year's Eve

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  Chapter 612 Year End

  As early as when Linmu Studio launched QR code payment.

  Mu Feng knew it.

  Now there are only two choices before all colleagues.

  Or, watch Linmu Studio dominate the mobile payment market.

  Either, it is to take the risk and go to grab food from them.

  The former is definitely not acceptable.

   This is not a question of whether to stumble or not.

  Obviously, it also has a third-party payment platform under its own banner.

  Obviously, he also has the ability to enter this market.

  In the end, I just watched.

   This is not conservative, but stupid.

   Maybe you will regret it for the rest of your life.

  So, even if you know that Linmu Studio is careful to only choose to pay the first party, there must be a reason.

  Whether it is Tianhu payment or other third-party payment institutions, they can only take risks.

   As for the later development.

   In fact, it is a regular commercial competition.

  Everyone understands how big the QR code payment market is. In order for their own platforms to seize enough markets, it is routine to exclude dissidents.


all of these.

   was urgently stopped by a document...

   Those who choose to take the risk to **** the food will understand why Linmu Studio is so cautious...

   Tell the truth.

  It really hurts.

   It turned out to be Iron Fist...

  And this is why Mou Feng muttered to himself, "It turns out that you have already prepared for it".


   Can this tm be predicted?

in addition.

  That being the case.

  Why does Linmu Studio launch the QR code payment function with great fanfare?

   Is it just to cheat your peers?

  Mou Feng looked at the announcement on the screen, in addition to being shocked that this tm can also predict.

   There is still a very puzzling thing, that is - if Linmu Studio predicts that this payment method will be suspended.

   Then why do they still do it?

  QR code payment.

  Offline merchants.


  Mou Feng looked at the announcement issued by the central bank, and then at the announcement issued by Linmu Studio, and fell into deep thought.


  He saw the sentence 'Linmu Studio and Tianhu, report the detailed introduction, management system, operation process, etc. of the relevant products...'

   After a moment of stupefaction.

   It suddenly became clear!

   "So that's how it is. I'm sure it won't be stopped completely, right?"

Mou Feng felt that all the clues in his head were connected, and he straightened his waist: "Deliberately not rushing into the third party, first let colleagues follow up, build momentum together, and attract attention, and then after having a unified standard... relying on safety and ease With the reputation, once again reproduce the previous miracle of the mobile payment market..."

this moment.

  Mou Feng felt that he had completely seen through Linmu Studio, and his thinking became more and more smooth: "The question now is, when will a unified standard be released... No, time is not a problem, since we are required to submit a detailed introduction of the relevant products.

  The Linmu Studio should be confident that it can allow QR code payment to be released again, and time is not the point at all.

  The key point is how to retain users as much as possible during the period of being suspended, so that they can continue to use their own mobile payment software... If they can impress them, that would be even better.

  Once the QR code is opened, users will subconsciously choose the platform they are familiar with…”

Speaking of which.

  Mou Feng suddenly raised his head, and suddenly said excitedly: "Safe! Yes, safe."

  He thought about what to do next.

   That is to pay for Tianhu as much as possible and superimpose safe BUFF.

  In the first mobile payment battle, why did Linmu Studio stand out and win a big victory?

   The most important reason, of course, is the cartoon mode, and the second is their software, which makes users feel safe...

   Don't underestimate this feeling.

   This is something that can actually influence user decisions.

  The strategy adopted by Linmu Studio this time is obviously similar.

  They are the first companies to launch the QR code payment function.

  The last movement is the slowest.

   I have no intention of joining the battle at all...

   Moreover, the person in charge also came forward to explain that there may be security issues in QR code payment.

  This responsible image, in line with the issued documents, stands up immediately.

  Then next.

  QR code payment is reopened, and Linmu Studio announced that it supports third-party merchants, so will users not use it?

  Users will definitely use it.

  The first choice is still WeChat.

  Because they have the largest number of registered users and seem to be the safest…

  What does the fox need to do next that day.

   is already very clear.

  That is to follow in the footsteps of Linmu Studio.

  During the period when QR code payment was suspended, funds were invested in the research of anti-phishing joint defense, anti-trojan horse joint defense, anti-money laundering, anti-malicious attack, user information protection and other fields.

   At the same time, we must build momentum.

   Let Tianhu pay equal to safety, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people...

   Then it will be time.

  QR code payment is open again...

  During this period, the resources invested by Tianhu will become meaningful.

   After all, no matter what.

   This is nearly half a month.

  The most common QR code payment for supermarkets still comes from Tianhu Payment.

  When the security level is similar.

  Tianhu Pay can also be opened 50-50 with WeChat Pay...

  Thinking of this, Mou Feng no longer continued to think deeply, but directly opened a document, and began to write the next plan for the "momentum" paid by Tianhu...


  January 11th.

   There is less than a month left before the Spring Festival.

   During this time, a lot of things happened.

   The biggest thing.

   Of course, the uproarious QR code payment was stopped...

   In this regard, users have more complicated views.

  Some felt it was a pity, while others thought it was good to stop.

   But no matter how the user looks at it.

   This time it was called to stop, the document has already come down, and it has been finalized.

  Major third-party payment institutions can only follow suit and suspend related businesses.

  Linmu Studio was the first to respond.

  Other large and small third-party payment institutions can only follow suit.


  Most users think that things are over here.

  Many merchants feel that this is the end.

  Then these sponsors who will send money for promotion will leave sadly.


  The development of the situation.

   But beyond the expectations of many people.

   There are indeed many third-party payment institutions that have withdrawn sadly.

  But still insist, still optimistic about the manufacturers of QR code payment.

   Also a lot.

  For example, Tianhu Pay, after suspending the internal QR code payment function, they immediately announced that they will join forces with multiple parties to build a security fund and invest nearly 10 million yuan to research security solutions for QR code payment...

   It seems that there is no intention of giving up QR code payment at all.

   On the contrary, during the time when the QR code was stopped.

   To improve the security of QR code payment.


   In addition to security efforts.

  They also maintain a certain amount of contact with the current major partners, that is, offline merchants, and did not cut off all contact immediately after the QR code was suspended.

   And do so.

   Not even Tianhu pays a family.

  Many large third-party payment institutions.

  I didn’t give up hastily this time.

   And this, but many users can't understand it...

  Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao sat in her seat, glanced at the news of her colleagues recently, and then sighed; "Sure enough, they are all smart people, and they don't want to give up this market..."

   "It's actually normal. If the offline market can really be opened up, it will not be as simple as over 100 million users, but a supermarket with nearly 700 to 800 million users..."

  Mu Wanqing replied softly: "As long as there is still a chance, I guess no one will give up..."

   "It seems that even if we are fully prepared, we will experience a big battle when the QR code payment is released again."

  Lin Yao put down her phone, flicked her ponytail lightly, and said with a smile, "And these people have learned a lot and started to work **** security... This is to compete with Lin Mugong's WeChat."

  Mu Feng did not guess wrong.

  Linmu Studio's strategy is indeed to use security and a large number of registered users to quickly occupy the market after the QR code payment is reopened.

  Because of this set of gameplay, for communication software like WeChat, which will soon exceed 100 million registered users.

   Really tried everything.

  Easy to use, users must open it at any time, plus it is safe and secure.

  Users don’t choose WeChat, what should they choose?

   Competitors such as Tianhu Pay obviously know this.

   They can't keep up with the ease of use for the time being, so let's compare the security with Weixin first!

   As long as this concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  During this period, relying on the weak advantage of the first publicity, after the QR code payment is reopened, it is really not necessarily that they will lag behind WeChat by much...

  As long as they can continue to instill in users that 'our mobile payment is the safest'.

  The final result is really hard to say...

   "Miss Mu, have you submitted the detailed introduction, management system, operation process and other documents of QR code payment?"

  Lin Yao thought of this and asked suddenly.

  Mu Wanqing nodded, and then replied: "It was reported the day before yesterday, and we will hand in the edited document almost as soon as the file is ready."


  Lin Yao pondered for a moment again, and then suddenly smiled brightly: "Then Miss Mu, have you used the New Year red envelope function?"


  Mu Wanqing couldn't help but smile when she heard the words: "In the past few days, red envelopes are being given out in the group, and Zhu Nianqiao has been squatting in the group every day. Whenever she sees someone talking, she asks the other party to give out red envelopes. It's very lively..."

   "I have tried it for so long, is there any problem?"

  Lin Yao can understand, after all, how to play red envelopes here is still a new thing.

  Even if it is inside Linmu Studio.

   It has only been tested for a while.

   It's normal for everyone to be so excited and excited.

   "No big deal."

Mu Wanqing shook her head, then couldn't help but said: "The most feedback is probably the issue of uneven distribution of lucky red envelopes. This is the most people say about the bug, but in the end Li Qi checked and found that everyone is just plain black. , For this reason, he even lost his temper, saying that everyone is deliberately pressurizing him..."


  Lin Yao was a little dumbfounded: "Okay, since there is nothing wrong with the red envelope system, there is still some time before the official release of the version...Miss Mu, please call Li Qi, and we will add a new function to the new version."

   "New features? Chinese New Year is coming soon, is there time?"

  Mu Wanqing was slightly taken aback, then a little surprised.

   "It's too late, new function, we just need to make a shelf."

  Lin Yao explained with a smile: "This is a preparation for next year. The red envelope system will let everyone see the popularity of WeChat, and the new function is to prepare for killing big users next year..."

   "...a big butcher?"

   "I plan to add a new service window to the payment portal of WeChat as an advertising space."

Lin Yao picked up her mobile phone, opened the wallet window, and then showed it to Mu Wanqing: "Just below, in addition to loan-related applications, whether it is online shopping software or other consumer software, you can talk to us and pay a certain fee. After paying the rent, put your own application under the entrance of the WeChat wallet...

  As long as the application is logged into our WeChat, the user will be able to open the other party’s application directly in WeChat..."

  Mu Wanqing: "..."

   "Of course, in addition to rent, when logging into our WeChat app, the payment terminal must also support WeChat's payment system."

  Lin Yao continued.

   Actually she did.

  The purpose is obvious.

   is to cultivate user habits.

  Although the QR code payment function has been suspended, mobile payment is still available.


   This is also to maximize the benefits of the red envelope system.

"I see."

  Mu Wanqing finally came to her senses, and nodded slightly.

   "What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like a Taotie?"

  Lin Yao noticed the change in Mu Wanqing's expression and was a little amused: "This is just to get Weixin on the right track as soon as possible. Do you still want to run away?"

   "There is no such beautiful Taotie as you..."

  Mu Wanqing came behind Lin Yao, stretched out her hand, and gently tugged at her ponytail, then she got angry.

   "Going home this year?"

  Lin Yao didn't mind being pulled by her ponytail, so she leaned back, and then looked at Miss Mu whose chest was horizontally shaped like a peak, and suddenly asked.

"not going back."

  Mu Wanqing hardly hesitated, and immediately replied.

   "Aren't you going back? ... Then why don't you go to my house to play?"

  Lin Yao hesitated for a moment, then said with a bright smile: "There are more people in the family who are more lively, have you stayed in Pengcheng for a few Spring Festivals? I will take you to experience the unique style of my hometown!"

"…no thanks."

  Mu Wanqing shook her head lightly, then bent down, hugged Lin Yao's small head with open arms, and rubbed her face vigorously: "It's better for me to be alone."

  If you celebrate the New Year with Lin Yao alone.

  She would be more than happy.

  But there is no need for a big family.

   "Miss Mu..."

  Lin Yao thought for a while, but still couldn't hold back: "Speaking of which, you haven't told me about your hometown yet, have you? Where is your hometown? Parents..."

   "I'll call Li Qi."

  Mu Wanqing interrupted Lin Yao suddenly, and straightened up again: "My hometown is a small town, so I don't have much to say. Shall I let Li Qi go to the meeting room? When is the right time?"

   "Eh... in half an hour."

  Lin Yao had no choice but to change the subject.

"it is good."

  Mu Wanqing responded, then gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of Xiaoqiao's nose, hugged the documents in her arms tightly, turned her back to Lin Yao, and left the office quickly.

I got caught. I had a bad throat yesterday. Today I woke up with a high fever. I was groggy. I felt tortured when I sat down for the first time. It was really low back pain, thigh pain, ankle pain, pain everywhere... What’s worse, I don't have any medicine yet, it's really **** up.

   This chapter is two thousand short, and I didn’t check it at all. I’m sorry, but I really can’t help it. I can write these four thousand words, all by instinct...



  (end of this chapter)