MTL - The World That Tao Rules-Chapter 7 Qingming dream

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Standing outside the house, Jiang Yun hesitated for a long time, and finally did not enter the house, just stood at the door and said softly: "Grandpa, I am leaving!"

In order to avoid parting grief, Jiang Yun decided not to disturb anyone in Jiang Village and walked quietly, but he did not know that his day's departure, in fact, Grandpa has been quietly behind him until he returned safely.

At this time, Jiang Wanli certainly heard Jiang Yun’s words, and he was hesitating, whether he should show up or not, and then Jiang Yun points something, but in the end, he still did not move.


Jiang Yunqi was on the ground and bowed three respects to the hut: "Grandpa, you can rest assured that at the latest five years, I will definitely come back!"

Straight up, Jiang Yun with an infinite nostalgic gaze, slowly sweeping through every corner of the village, finally bite his teeth, turned and walked, step by step to the village entrance, out of the village.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Jiang Yun stumbled again, facing the entire village of Jiang, facing all the Jiangcun people, and smashed three heads, thanking them for their 16 years of support for their own.


With a slap in the face, Jiang Yun finally turned and strode.

Sixteen years ago, Jiang Yun came empty. Sixteen years later, Jiang Yun went empty, and there was only one stone that Jiang Yuerou gave him.

Jiang Yun did not immediately use the 10,000-mile magical character, but still used his feet to walk slowly along the familiar mountain road, because he wanted to go over the 100,000 莽 mountain again, so that he would be in the years to come. , can have more good memories.

"Jiang Shu, really let the cloud baby son go so far? He has not dealt with people, so he went out, how to survive outside?"

Above the big tree in the village, watching Jiang Yun's farther and farther figure, Jiang Mu couldn't help but open his mouth. I hope Jiang Wanli can change his mind and let Jiang Yun stay, or even let him send Jiang Yun to leave.

Jiang Wanli did not answer, until Jiang Yun’s figure disappeared completely, he slowly turned his head, and the eyes that were always squatting suddenly opened.

With his wink, the bright night sky above the bright moon suddenly sounded a thunder, and the sound was soaring, and his eyes had two golden light bursts, turning into a weird rune, straight shot Jiang Mu’s eyebrows, did not enter it, and screamed: “Wake up!”


The golden rune entered the body, and Jiang Mu’s body trembled abruptly. He suddenly raised a huge breath, and the whole tree was directly shocked. Even the entire square of the village was full of tremors, like an earthquake. And this breath is still spreading wildly in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Jiang Wanli also said again: "Convergence!"

Jiang Mu suddenly shuddered, and the smell of his body instantly disappeared. It seems that he is no different from the previous one, but in the eyebrows, there are eight more colored marks, and among the eyes is With a golden light, the whole person is clearly changed.

A long breath from the mouth, Jiang Mu brows a look, looked at Jiang Wanli said: "Qingming dream?"

Jiang Wanli nodded gently.

"For the cloud baby?"


"Jiang Shu, what is the origin of this cloud baby?"

Most {{new X' chapter=} festival...

"do not know!"

"This..." Jiang Mu's face was shocked: "Jiang Shu, you don't even know the origins of Yun's son, you will not hesitate to show your dreams, and even bring us hundreds of Jiang people here to accompany him. After 16 years?"

"Accepted by people, loyal people!"

Hearing Jiang Wanli’s voice without emotion, Jiang Mu did not dare to ask again. He was embarrassed in the Qingming dream, but now that he is awake, he is very clear, his identity and temper, and can make He is so hard and laborious to do things, he is better not to know.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mu once again looked at the direction in which Jiang Yun disappeared: "Jiang Shu, do you want to destroy the wind and the reincarnation? Especially the wind is unscrupulous? Their existence is bound to be a cloud Threat!"

Jiang Wanli’s eyes slammed again and shook his head. “There is a threat to have motivation. The wind is unscrupulous and it’s a good qualification. He is alive, and it will help a little for the growth of the cloud.”

After a pause, Jiang Wanli continued: "As for the wind, it is rare, and it is not sin. They want to catch the cloud, but it is the accident that senses the breath of the cloud, don't say them, I used to I almost couldn’t help but cook the cloud baby!"

"Hey!" Jiang Mu couldn't help but **** his mouth and said: "The cloud baby should not be, is it congenital, congenital?"

Jiang Wanli brows slightly, obviously this problem has also puzzled him for a long time: "Like, it is not like, in short, I can't figure it out, but no matter what the body, I have already covered it with the secret technique of my Jiang people. ”

Jiang Mu is still a little unwilling: "Ginger Uncle, is that really a matter of cloud?"

"I managed to take him for a while, I couldn't manage him for a lifetime, and then he said that although he is not my family, he can't practice my family's exercises, but in the past 16 years, what I can do for him has been done! Just look at his own creation."

Jiang Mu nodded with a sigh of relief: "It is also the time to be able to follow your old side for 16 years. If it is spread out, countless people will be envious of death, not to mention the medicine bath that you have personally prepared, even if it is the landlord. The flow is all eye-catching! Suspected of the innate celestial body, plus your Pharmacological true biography, this cloud baby, the future achievements can not be limited, I want to stay and see!"

Jiang Wanli glared at Jiang Mu and said: "Yes, you will stay here!"

"Forget it!" Jiang Mu scared and hurriedly waved: "Children and grandchildren have their own children, Sun Yun, Yunwazi has his creation, I will not stay to disturb his monastic!"

"Well, wake up everyone else, Yunwazi is gone, we should go home!"

"The last question, Jiang Shu, although the cloud baby can't cultivate my family's martial arts, but the old master's mastery of the martial arts is more than a thousand, just take out one kind, it will make a sensation in the world, why not teach him, but let him go What asked Dao Zong? Going there, it is simply delaying him!"

This question made Jiang Wanli silent for a moment before saying: "The reason why I came here is because the method of Yun Wazi is here, and I ask Daozong, I can't see through it!"

"What!" Jiang Mu's eyes suddenly reached the limit, and his face was incredulous: "In this small world, there is something you can't see?"

"Any place is a dragon and a tiger. I can't see anything. It's more! OK, let's go back and talk about it. Recently, I have a bit of trouble. It seems that something is going to happen! Otherwise, I won't be so anxious. Let the cloud go!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Mu’s expression suddenly became serious, and there was a strong murderous temper in seriousness: “Is there anyone who dares to shoot at my **** family, that is really impatient.”

After that, Jiang Mu was no longer nonsense, turned to face Jiang Village, and the eight color marks in the eyebrows suddenly turned up, emitting eight colored lights, forming a huge aperture, shrouded the entire village, and even more in the mouth. Exhale and open: "Wake up!"


The entire 100,000 莽山 seems to have shaken with these two words, and there are several colors in every room in Jiangcun, but once they touch the aperture of Jiang Mu, they immediately bounced. go back.

Then, one after another, the sounds sounded one after another: "Hey, how am I here?"

"My Tao Ling?"

"I am going, how can I get through the whole world!"

"This is Jiang Qing's Qingming Dream!"

In the voice of the voice, everyone in Jiang Village walked out of the house one after another, and when they saw something in their doorway, they were all in unison.

"Stunning beast!" Jiang Lei stroked the five-footed beast in front of the door, suddenly turned his head and looked at the distance, his face showing a thoughtful color.

"Is it a good boy? It is a good boy!" A middle-aged man held the tiger's gums and his eyes showed relief.

Jiang Yuerou is holding the three-color bird in his death. Although there is no opening, there is already fog in the eyelids.

Jiang Wanli did not pay attention to everyone, just to Jiang Mudao: "Erase our traces!"

Jiang Mu nodded and made a big move. All the Jiang people were vacated, and the village of Jiang, at their feet, whether it was a house or something else, was turned into pieces in an instant.

Then, the earth roared, under the piece of land where the former Jiang Village was located, several trees sprouted out of the ground, rising from the ground, growing with the wind, and growing into a towering tree between the eyes. Fully covered, lush.

Jiangcun seems to have never existed before, and can no longer see even a little trace of it.


Watching Jiang Lei finish all this, Jiang Wanli opened his eyes again, and the golden light in his eyes soared, and in front of everyone, turned into a golden light door.

"Let's go home!"

All the Jiang people were nostalgic and took a look at the foot of this piece of life after sixteen years of Lushan, which in turn went into the golden light door.

Finally entered Jiang Yuerou, her hand firmly holding the three-color bird, whispered to himself: "Cloud brother, I will send you the baby, you must keep it! We will definitely see you again. !"

When all of them entered the Guangmen, Jiang Wanli also looked down at the foot of the mountain, faintly said: "Have you live for 16 years, give you a chance, thank you, as far as you can How much you get, look at your creation!"

After that, Jiang Wanli reached out and a greenish light flew out from his fingertips. It was a medicinal herb that fell directly into the earth.

With the integration of this medicinal herb into the earth, the 100,000-mile mountain that stretches for 100,000 miles, the shaking of the hills and the swaying of the trees seem to be extremely exciting.

Jiang Wanli has turned his head and looked at the direction in which Jiang Yun disappeared. He said with a smile: "Yunwang, one day, maybe, we will see you again!"

When the voice fell, he stepped into the light, silently, the light door quietly closed, everything was restored to calm, but among the 100,000 mountains, there was one village named Jiangcun.