MTL - The World I’m Wearing is Wrong-Chapter 29 Is it time to apologize now?

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"Mr. Bu, are you still going to the company this afternoon?" Lantern put a Band-Aid on him and asked casually.

Bu Tian couldn't help but think of the unhappiness in the company again, and his voice was indifferent: "Don't go."

Yuanxiao reaffirmed that he was in a bad mood, and simply shifted his position: "It's almost noon, then I'll cook and cook." After that, the man turned off the TV and prepared to leave.

But Bu Tian glanced over his arm and said, "You are injured."

Lantern hurriedly said: "It's alright, I don't feel pain as long as I don't exert any force... Speaking of which, Mr. Bu, did you put some special medicine on me when you knocked me out before, not only does my wound not hurt now, but it's starting to itch. "Itching means the wound is healing, and he knows how badly he hurts, it won't get better in ten days and a half.

"Well." Bu Tian said concisely, got up and went to the kitchen.

Lantern Festival is tired, this step is really a pity, and it's hard to please.

No, now the question is why did he come to the kitchen?

"I'll help you wash the dishes." Bu Tian didn't want to sit or watch TV and browse the web, he just wanted to find something to do.

Lantern Festival: "…"

Originally, Lantern thought that a young master like Bu Tian would definitely not touch the spring water, salt and sugar, but in fact, Bu Tian was meticulous and skilled in washing vegetables, and Lantern himself was not as skilled as him.

"...How can you wash vegetables?" He held back, but he still asked.

Bu Tian didn't even look at him, and replied, "I occasionally cook by myself when I'm abroad." Actually, he didn't. He counted the number of times he entered the kitchen before crossing the threshold of two slaps. The most memorable one was before Tang Hui's 38th birthday. Accompanying Bu Yang to practice cooking noodles in the kitchen, but he has no experience in doing it by himself. The reason why he is proficient at washing vegetables and can make a few simple dishes is that he learned it in the game world. Every family in Heishi Village is self-sufficient. He does not cook by himself and can only starve.

"Oh, that's more skilled than me. After you wash it, put it here and drain it and I'll cut it." Lantern expressed his understanding, but he himself took a kitchen knife and prepared to cut vegetables.

"I suggest you don't use force for the time being." Bu Tian said.

"It doesn't matter, I'm left-handed, so I don't have to work hard with my right hand." Lantern naturally held the handle of the kitchen knife with his left hand, grabbed the lettuce and placed it on the cutting board, and cut it neatly.

Bu Tian washed the vegetables for a while, and then asked casually, "So is writing with the right hand so ugly?"

Lantern shook his hands, almost cut his fingers, and stared at Bu Tian with round eyes.

Bu Tian put the last two lettuce leaves into the water filter basket and looked at him calmly.

Lantern swallowed his saliva, and then his face showed embarrassment. He asked sincerely: "Is it too late for me to apologize now? You can also re-open the loan."

Bu Tian's mood suddenly improved miraculously, and the corners of his lips unconsciously took on a slight curvature. He smiled, like a melting glacier and spring flowers blooming.

Faced with such a beautiful Lantern Festival, he was dumbfounded, and his heart skipped a double beat.

However, Bu Tian seemed to realize his emotional deviation and quickly restrained his smile. That smile was like a flash in the pan, but it was deeply imprinted in Yuan Xiao's mind.

"I'll accept the apology, there's no need to re-open the IOU." Bu Tian looked away, turned around to open the refrigerator, and asked, "What else do I need to do?"

"Chicken stewed with mushrooms." Lantern blurted out.

The two were busy in the kitchen for almost two hours, mainly on Lantern Festival, Bu Tian was only responsible for delivering dishes and seasonings, but the chef Lantern was still in a hurry, but Bu Tian was more like a general in the army. Pretty handy.

After so much work, the Lantern Festival was rumbling with hunger, and Bu Tian was also watching, making him a novice chef a little nervous, and he felt that he was not performing well.

Surprisingly, the three dishes and one soup that Lantern Festival was in charge of tasted pretty good, but he didn't control the heat very well. The chicken stewed the mushrooms for a little longer, the soup was gone, and the mushrooms were a bit stale.

Overall, this meal is quite satisfactory.

Lantern Festival was also really hungry, so he once again exerted an appetite that was worthy of his good strength, carried out a "CD" activity, and ate up the rice by the way.

Bu Tian couldn't help but glanced at his stomach a few times, and didn't know where he had eaten so many meals, but he didn't see any swelling.

"Mr. Bu, fruit." Lantern Festival brought another plate of cherries.

Bu Tian: "…"

"Today's fruit is only cherries, very fresh, I washed them clean one by one." Lantern said.

"...You don't eat?" Bu Tian asked when he saw that he didn't seem to mean to do anything.

Lantern scratched his chin, and said embarrassedly: "I think the price of cherries is quite expensive. It's a dozen or so. You should eat it."

Bu Tian was speechless and pushed the fruit bowl in front of him, "You're welcome."

Lantern wasn't sure if he was mocking him for a while, but based on what he knew about Bu Tian during this period of time, Bu Tian didn't seem to be that kind of person.

So, he did what he wanted, touched two cherries, but didn't take any more.

Bu Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, saying that he was so fat that he was really out of breath, but he actually became polite.

However, Bu Tian did not continue to urge Lantern Festival to eat. He didn't have much appetite for food. He was usually 70% full after eating. Even when faced with delicious food, he could control it. Fruits were optional after meals.

After eating a few cherries, Bu Tian did not continue, but took out his wallet and took out a stack of red notes.

Lantern Festival: "???"

"Part-time fee." Bu Tian said.

Lantern Festival didn't answer, "I don't have a formal part-time job, so I don't want this money." Even though Butian asked him to translate at the same time today, it was not enough to charge him.

Bu Tianding looked at him, and he looked back without blinking, without any intention of changing his mind.

Half a minute later, Bu Tian put the money back in his wallet and said, "Then consider it your repayment this month."

"No way!" Lantern answered immediately and met Bu Tian's gaze, he said sternly: "Mr. Bu, we are one yard, one yard is the same, it is only natural for us to repay our debts, and it is only natural to get paid part-time, but I can't be ignorant. If you don’t do anything in your conscience, you will still get your salary.” After a pause, he added: “I checked the Internet, and the highest monthly salary for professional translators is generally around 20,000 yuan. Senior translators who take free orders may only be paid a few thousand per order. Without a certificate or certificate, the high part-time fee you paid me before is more than the average fee, and you also put on a suit and leather shoes. No matter how thick-skinned I am, I am too embarrassed to take so much from you, so I should repay the repayment, this The part-time fee is really unnecessary.”

Bu Tian: "Really?"

Lantern's tone was firm: "I really don't need to." He also has principles, right?

Bu Tian: "Okay."

Lantern Festival showed hesitation again.

Bu Tian: "... Regret?"

"No, no." Lantern hurriedly waved his hands, and after waving his hands, flies rubbed his hands, with a shy face: "That's it... If I don't find a place to live on the 23rd, can I rub it for two more days?"

Bu Tian: "…"

Sure enough, this is the correct way to open the black sesame stuffed dumplings.

Yuanxiao felt guilty when he saw him, and said indifferently, "I'm free today, and I plan to go out later to find a rental house. If it goes well, I should be able to move out on the 23rd."

"...You can find it online." Bu Tian reminded.

"I can't afford to rent it." Lantern Festival returned, and couldn't help but vomit bitterly: "Mr. Bu, don't you know, since the government's approval was issued some time ago, the southern district was officially demolished, and we migrant workers had to move out. The rent in other parts of the old residential building in the southern district is at least 1,500 yuan. If the single room of 1,500 yuan is shared by two people, it will be fine. The problem is that the room of 1,500 yuan is only 3 square meters and a 1-meter bed. Two people can't squeeze together."

"...And a room of three square meters?" Bu Tian focused on the focus.

Lantern glanced at him and said resentfully: "A house as big as yours can be divided into thirty or forty three-square-meter rooms with partitions."

Bu Tian looked strange: "Have you ever lived?"

Yuanxiao shook his head: "No, but I have seen it before. There are not many people in Beidriu, and many people who rent a house in a serious way don't have enough salary for one month, so they can only live in this kind of group rented house. There is a family of old and young living together, and the bathroom has to be used. It’s like fighting every day, but it’s hard work.”

"Where did you live before?" Bu Tian asked.

Lantern Festival: "Our foreman's house is an old residential building in the southern district. The foreman's mother is a good person."

Bu Tian nodded, then thought about it and felt wrong, why did he discuss with Lantern about renting or not renting here?

He was fine in the afternoon, and he didn't want to go to his mother's place. Let's go to the gym. The depression in his heart was not completely gone, and he needed to vent.

However, after deciding to go to the gym, he asked Lantern in a mysterious way: "I'm going to the gym in the afternoon, are you going?" After asking, he was stunned.

Lantern Festival was also surprised that Bu Tian would invite him to the gym. He was also stunned for a moment, but before Bu Tian took back his words, he cheerfully said, "Go, go, it just happened that I didn't move bricks today, I'm still not used to it."

Bu Tian: "…"

He bite the bullet and reminded: "Aren't you going to go out to find a room?"

Lantern said indifferently: "There will be no brick-moving work tomorrow, and the brick-moving workers will have a day off. I can look for a house tomorrow."

Bu Tian: "..." Does this count as digging a hole for him to jump in?

Forget it, just for the sake of making him feel a little better.

"Butian" has a fitness card, just in a high-end gym near Yanhu Community, Butian also saw that the wallet has a fitness card, and only thought of going to the gym to vent.

Lantern was a new visitor and received free care for the first time, but his exposed arm was bandaged, and he couldn't do any arm training, so he politely declined the coach.

Bu Tian also did not let the coach guide him, his purpose is very clear - sandbags.

Lantern practiced his kicks beside the sandbag, and his eyes widened slightly when he saw that Bu Tian took off his jacket to reveal his short sleeves.

Bu Tian definitely belongs to the type of dressing that looks thin, **** and fleshy. In the past two weeks, every time he sees him at Lantern Festival, he wears very conservatively. Lantern Festival has never seen the skin below his neck and above his wrists, but visually he should be quite good. thin. But looking at it now, Lantern found that his figure was so good that he had nothing to say.

Wide shoulders and narrow waist, a pair of long straight legs, not thick arms, but well-proportioned muscles, paler skin than other men, coupled with his cold and abstinent face... Lantern Festival has seen several fitness trainers frequently Look this way.

Well, the profession of fitness instructor is also given a relatively high proportion.

Lantern suddenly wanted to suggest that Bu Tian still put on his coat, at least it wouldn't be so conspicuous.

Bu Tian didn't seem to notice the glances that were cast from time to time. He only wore a pair of thin gloves, and punched in those eyes that were either admiring or moving.

This is an average punching bag, not a professional punching bag.



The sandbag with the outer layer of leather and the inner layer of canvas was broken by a punch, most of the fist was embedded in the sandbag, and the iron sand in the sandbag fell like running water as the fist was pulled away.

The crowd was stunned.