MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4959 , border base station

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Remember [New] for a second,! At this very moment, the spacecraft that appeared outside the base station on the border of the mechanical galaxy, needless to say, it was after a long journey that they finally returned to Luo Ji and the others in the known universe.

At the beginning of the plan, Ye Qingxuan did not think that after rescuing Luo Ji and the others, they would directly lock the coordinates of their Ye's Chamber of Commerce and travel through the subspace.

However, considering that the Ye's Chamber of Commerce was not very peaceful at that time, they were being attacked by the hostile coalition forces.

By the time Luo Ji and the others arrived, they didn't know what the situation was, but it was easy to increase the risk.

Taking this into consideration, Ye Qingxuan set the exit location at the periphery of a border base station of their mechanical family after negotiating with the representatives of the mechanical family.

After all, looking at the entire known universe now, if you want to talk about which other powers exist, the whole situation is relatively peaceful. Apart from basically ignoring external affairs, other powers will not take the initiative to provoke their Gu Yue. Outside of the empire, there are only the mechanic who maintain absolute rationality.

Under this premise, Luo Ji happened to be a member of the machine family.

In this way, it can be said that it is more appropriate to set the outlet of the subspace channel here.

After their spaceship was officially docked at the border base station of the Mechanical Race, everyone who got off the spaceship, except for the newcomers Jerret and Lu Yang, were greatly relieved.

Among them, Xu Ji was not unfamiliar with this place.

They Ye's Chamber of Commerce and the Mechanic have been cooperating all the year round, and there are also many cooperation projects between them.

Under this premise, Xu Ji was naturally a member of the Ye family's chamber of commerce earlier, and came to the machine family for exchange and study, and he was relatively familiar with this place for the time being.

As for Luo Ji, even though he hadn't come back for many years, he was no stranger to this place.

After all, the technological development of their mechanical clan has long since fallen into a bottleneck, and there has not been much change over the years.

Not to mention, the moment the spacecraft flew back to the known universe, Luo Ji was already connected to the mastermind of their machine race civilization.

Along with the completion of the information update, and according to the information transmission efficiency of their machine race, many things, such as reporting and other tasks, were basically completed when Luo Ji got off the spacecraft.

Next, according to the instructions of the mastermind of civilization, they will first carry out maintenance and repairs at this border base station.

Not only the spaceship, but also the various mechanical units that go with it.

At the same time, like Xu Ji, Li Ke, and Jessica, they have traveled all the way and just finished a super-long-distance warp shuttle, so naturally they also need some time to rest and adjust.

In a short period of time, it is estimated that there is no spare time to do things.

During this process, Jarrett, who came back with Luo Ji and the others, was tired, but looking at the various technological facilities in the base station of the machine race, his eyes were still wide open, as if he wanted to use this method. , imprint all those designs in your mind.

Before disembarking from the spaceship, Jarret undoubtedly had an expectation of the scene presented here.

But he obviously never expected that the technological development here would reach such a level that he was amazed by it.

In fact, this is only on the side of the machine race, and there will be such a thorough technological scene, but if it is replaced by another technological country, even the Otto Empire or the Black Iron Empire, which are known for their technological development, will not do it. so thoroughly.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that over the years, with the development of the cooperation with the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, some facilities in their machine family have been made more humanized.

After all, as far as their machine race is concerned, they don't need any resting place, they don't even need any place to stay, or even a living space.

After the spaceship is docked, the internal mechanic will directly pull out the conscious body and put it in a special recuperation warehouse for recuperation. After the end, it is enough to place them in a unified placement warehouse.

In the territory of the mechanical clan, except for the patrol troops who shoulder the patrol task, it is basically impossible for you to see the mechanical clan that controls the normal movement of the body inside.

For that, they don't even need the street thing.

Because there is no need for this at all, after all, they control a body, what are they doing walking around there?

Even if something needs to be transported, they have built-in transport tracks for efficient transport.

In fact, let alone a 'street' here, even the flight path in the air is very narrow. Basically, the limited space is used to the limit, and the space in each planet, and even the base station, is fully arranged.

Of course, in these years, considering the teams from other countries who have come to exchange and cooperate, the Mechanic has also opened up some flight channels for them that can accommodate some transportation spaceships.

But even so, the whole scene is still enough to make Jarret stunned and amazed!

Although the entire space is basically filled in all directions where you can see, this scene cannot be described by the word 'crowded'.

Although Jarrett has not done regional planning and urban design, the design of individual ordnance weapons has some similarities with the former.

Let's say, efficient use of space!

Space utilization itself is a university question. The larger the space, the greater the difficulty. Even a top-level designer cannot guarantee that he can effectively use every inch of space perfectly.

But the design of the mechanical family in front of them has been done.

Seeing this, Jarrett, there is no need to say more about the horror in his heart.

But unfortunately, after being tired from the journey, Jarrett had a splitting headache just after watching it for a while, and he obviously couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

In the end, Luo Ji gave him a hand and let him follow the crowd into the spaceship.

The spacecraft maintained an average speed and moved flexibly in this border base station crowded with various technological and soon sent everyone to a resting place.

The basic living facilities required by normal creatures are all here, and they can basically meet the needs of everyone.

But after arriving at the place, one by one, they were basically not in the mood to eat, and they all fell asleep.

As a member of the entourage, Luo Ji was the only one who did not have this condition. His S-class body had been sent for a more thorough maintenance. After the maintenance, it would be sent directly to the placement warehouse.

As for the one transformed by Xu Ji, it is a special case. When Ye Qingxuan negotiated cooperation with the mechanical clan in the early years, this body had already been negotiated with their civilization masters. Basically, it can be said that it is no longer under the management of civilization masters. within the range.

In this way, repairing this piece is naturally not their responsibility, and it has always been fully handed over to Xu Ji.

Now Xu Ji is falling asleep like a dead pig, and during this period, Luo Ji was not completely unaffected. Unlike the previous information update, he needs to upgrade his system in an all-round way. renew.

This is a big update and will take a lot of time.