MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 30 nightmare

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When I woke up, it was just dawn, and the light divided the shadows along the person in front of me and then fell into my eyes, and the face of that person gradually became clear from the blur. His light-colored eyes blinked, as if he had just woken up, showing a childlike ignorance.

I really like him at this moment.

However, in the next second, his eyes were clear, and suddenly the dagger was on my neck, and the cold blade touched my skin, which made me sober up a lot.

This man was sleeping with a dagger with him, so he was used to being assassinated.

"Why are you here?"

I smiled helplessly and said, "If I want to harm you, do I still have to wait for you to wake up?"

I pointed to my wrist, which was still held in his hand, Ji Yu seemed to have just realized that he had grabbed my hand, looked at it for a moment in surprise and then let it go slowly.

I was finally able to retract my wrist, which moved somewhat stiffly. The bluish red on the wrist should be able to prove that he grabbed me hard, not that I forced my wrist into it.

"You had a nightmare last night. When I heard movement and came to see you, you grabbed my hand. I couldn't wake you up and you couldn't break free. I fell asleep here when I was so sleepy." I looked into his eyes and said calmly. He explained that we were so close that I could see myself in his eyes.

He probably didn't sleep well, his eyes were bloodshot.

I thought so, but the next moment he suddenly turned over and covered my body, with one elbow resting on the side of my head, and the other hand grabbing my still intact wrist. He lowered his head slightly and stared at me, his long hair fell on the side of my neck and tangled with mine.

I looked at him without moving, not avoiding his gaze.

Ji Yu raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and said softly, "How dare you just lie down and sleep beside me like this?"

His coda dips and rises, with a hint of menace.

"I'm a man, Ah Zhi."

Ji Yu lowered his eyes and approached me inch by inch. His eyelashes blocked his eyes. I couldn't see his eyes. I could only feel his breath brushing against my neck. avoid.

In the end, there was only a slight gap between his lips and my neck, and the warm and humid breath touched me vaguely. The time he hovered seemed surprisingly long, and then he suddenly smiled, and the breath passed me in clusters neck.

This is going to kill me.

I finally couldn't help covering my neck and curled up into a ball, but he was stunned, and then laughed even louder.

The extremely ambiguous atmosphere dissipated with the laughter, Ji Yu let go of my wrist, and lay on her side with her head propped up: "Are you ticklish?"

"A little bit." I reluctantly admitted, sat up from the bed, and stretched slightly.

Ji Yu looked at me, narrowed her eyes slowly, and said with some inquiry, "You really don't know what it means to be afraid."

"What do you really want to do, I can't break free. If you don't want to do it, I don't have to struggle. Get up, we have to hurry." I said so.

The relationship between us is really strange, one moment is a knife-edge kiss the next. The weirdest thing was that it didn't seem weird to either of us.

I didn't ask him what nightmare he had, and he didn't mention it, as if what happened that night was just an accident.

It was a whole day of bumpy rides. Ji Yu chose the best inn in the area when staying at the hotel that night, and I didn’t hear any movement in Ji Yu’s room. I thought that the nightmare was just a temporary attack . When I woke up the next day and saw Ji Yu, his eyes were bloodshot and slightly blue, and I realized that he was so quiet because he hadn't slept all night.

What a terrible dream it was, he refused to sleep.

The next day, he was still the same.

In the carriage during the day, Ji Yu leaned against the wall and looked out the window. Except for the bloodshot eyes, he looked the same as usual, neat and elegant. I suddenly understood why he chose to ride a carriage instead of riding a horse when he was short on time. He was no stranger to this kind of nightmare. He knew that revisiting the past would irritate him, so he chose a comfortable road and a relatively comfortable carriage to calm down the pain.

This person is too proud, not only to win but also to be beautiful. He completed his revenge in front of Pei Mu calmly and imperceptibly. Very classy, ​​very rational, with a smile on his face from start to finish.

In fact, he has lost control, but he is ruthless to others, and he is also ruthless to himself. Even the loss of control must be controlled, and the collapse must slowly seep out of the copper wall and iron wall.

I sighed softly and said to him: "Why do you pretend to be nothing, you should know that I can see that something is wrong with you."

He was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and turned to look at me, his whole body was lazy, exuding a kind of beauty that was almost crazy.

"Yes, you are so smart, why can't you see it? But if you see it, do I have to show a breakdown in front of you? What can you do, is it possible that you still want to comfort me?"

"If you want, I can."

"Hahahahahaha, you can? You will know how to comfort others? Besides, I don't need to..."

A bump in the carriage interrupted Ji Yu's words, I grabbed the window frame to stabilize myself but Ji Yu hit my shoulder like a kite with a broken string. When he wanted to get up, I hugged his shoulders and patted his back lightly.

He froze.

"When I was sad in the early stage, I just hugged her like this and talked about what she was worried about. I'm not very good at comforting people, I just know how to do it."

I hugged his shoulders and said softly, "You've had these nightmares before, how did you get rid of them?"

He was silent but didn't break free from me, as if he had no strength, he buried his head in my shoulder tiredly, and his breathing was silent.

When I thought he would not answer, he said: "It was like this for a while before, I endured without sleep for three days, and then I slept all day, and I never dreamed again."

This approach is very Ji Yu's style.

I asked him: "You hate Yan Shizi so much, Yan Wang and Pei Mu, it doesn't seem to be just because of yourself. Your sister... really died of miscarriage?"

In the final analysis, Yan Shizi wanted to save his life, King Yan cherished his son, and Pei Mu was coerced. I don't think Ji Yu would go out of his way to destroy Yan State just because of this, and still find Pei Mu to torture him after many years

Ji Yu was stuck on my neck, and after an unknown amount of time, he said, "You guessed it right again."

"She was beaten to death. King Yan beat her to death after drinking too much, and killed her twice. But do you know what I was doing when she died?"

"Are you... detoxifying?"

"Hahahahahaha, yes, how ridiculous... She was pregnant and died at the funeral. I didn't know anything about it. When I detoxified and was released, all I could see was her tombstone. They... beasts."

He gritted his teeth and said the last sentence, wishing he could pierce through and bite into pieces, and finally he lost the ease of elegance.

"When I killed Lu Qi, he knelt on the ground and cried and begged me. He said he was very guilty all the time and he tried his best to make up for me, just like Pei Mu. Hahaha, my sister did this before, and no one let me go at that time. Even if she is now, I will not let anyone go."

Lu Qi is the eldest son of Yan Kingdom. He thought he had lied to Ji Yu about the drug test. According to what people saw, they had a good relationship before the drug test. After Ji Yu recovered from his illness, Lu Qi treated him better and handed over many important tasks to Ji Yu. Ji Yu also elected him to be the young master.

I think Lu Qi is indeed guilty.

But for a person like Ji Yu, he doesn't need anyone to make up for it or feel guilty. He would rather hear 'I hate you' than hear "I'm sorry", which proves that he finally inflicted all the pain on himself return.

The word "reconciliation" will never appear in this person's life.

I slightly raised my hand and patted his back lightly. Ji Yu's body was very warm, and his back was straight even after he relaxed, like a habit accumulated over the years of stubbornness.

He has such a proud and hard shell.

"When Qiqi and I met a famous dancer in Korea, she danced beautifully, and she also liked dancing very much." I said softly.


"Yes, she is very famous. The king of Han loved her very much. He abandoned the government just to watch her dance every day, and built a Yingsheng Pavilion for her. Every floor there can make different sounds. He let Yingying Ying danced there for him to watch, day after day. Later, the Korean king died, and the Korean doctor Yu Zixing caught Yingying. He hanged her on the city gate to show his hatred. Afterwards, he was busy every day Among countries, I hope to restore Korea to the country."

"Actually, Yingying doesn't understand anything. She just likes King Han and dances. King Han can dance when he wants to see her. Yu Zixing hates her for thinking that Han died on her body. In fact, what he hates most is that there is no way to persuade him." Han Wang's self is just venting on Yingying. He refuses to let Yingying go, just like he doesn't want to let go of himself."

"Ji Yu is the same for you. The most painful thing for you is actually that you think you could have saved your sister. Maybe there are also your elder brother and your mother. You think you could have saved them, so you can't let yourself go."

"Ji Yu, have you ever thought that maybe you can't save anyone from the beginning?"

Ji Yu was silent for a while and suddenly laughed, he had never laughed like this before, he smiled lowly for no reason, a kind of suppressed hysteria and madness. The throbbing in his chest travels from our skin-to-skin to the pulse in my neck, like his spreading grief.

He said, "No, I haven't thought about it. Ah Zhi, I can do anything."

"I'm different from you, you can't convince me."

I laughed and said softly, "I didn't expect to convince you."

A lobbyist like him can convince and influence everyone in the world, how could he be persuaded by just me. I just want him to be messed up and out of control, not perfect but complete.

Ask him to accept his powerlessness and stop indulging in nightmares.

Is this possible? This is no longer Ji Yu.

I turned my head and looked at the endless field outside the window. In the field, a group of chirping sparrows were flying in groups, like a black storm, free and easy.

The sound of horseshoes came regularly, accompanied by the ups and downs of the slightly bumpy carriage. I felt that my shoulders were getting stiff and sore, and I couldn't help turning my face to ask Ji Yu to move his head away, only to find that he had fallen asleep with his eyes closed.

His eyes were black and blue, and he looked surprisingly peaceful and innocent when he was asleep, like a lazy child.

I watched him for a while, and had to resign myself to relaxing my shoulders again so that he could lean comfortably.