MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 41 generally

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Yu Bai was being interviewed in the center of the art exhibition. During the meal, he met a few journalist friends who were all acquainted by Qian Shen, so they invited them over along the way. They were particularly interested in Yu Bai's guidance from Mr. Bai Ye abroad, and they asked him several times. question.

Sitting next to Yu Bai, Qian Shen called Lin Qiushui. When Lin Qiushui said that Jiang Liuyi would be there in a while, she squinted her eyes and smiled, "Got it."

Putting down the phone, Yu Bai glanced at her, and Qian Shen said to some reporter friends, "Are you dry? I'll get you a glass of water."

Several friends laughed: "Thank you Xiaoshen."

The paintings in the exhibition cannot be made public yet, so they are now in a lounge outside, half a glass room, and they can see people coming and going outside.

One of them fiddled with the camera in his hand, took several pictures of Yu Bai, and finally raised his head and said to Qian Shen: "By the way, Xiao Shen, I remember Miss Yu has a girlfriend?"

Qian Shen laughed: "You remember all of this."

"Of course, I can't remember anything about beautiful people?" She winked at Qian Shen, full of gossip, as if she wanted to explore, but it's not such a coincidence today, she just wanted to find a publicity stunt for the art exhibition , They can't get in, they can't start from the painting, they can only start from the gossip.

Yu Bai had a relationship before, and it's not a secret in the circle, but people outside the circle don't know it very well, after all, it's been three or four years.

Qian Shen said, "It's useless to remember, people have already divided."

"Break up?" The reporter was surprised: "How can you be willing to break up with such a beautiful Miss Yu, and she is so talented, it's a pity."

The other reporters were also interested, and wanted to start questioning from this point, Yu Bai said: "If you divide, you will divide, maybe your personalities don't match."

Qian Shen murmured: "What kind of personality does not match? Isn't it because I have a crush on someone else."

She said something strange, and only after she finished speaking did she realize that someone was there, and quickly covered her mouth: "Sorry, let's continue talking about other things."

The others looked at each other, knowing something.

Everyone stopped entangled in this topic, moved on to the next one, and returned to Bai Ye. Yu Bai recalled his impression of Bai Ye and said: "Teacher Bai is very kind, and he is also very kind to students."

"Then, did Miss Yu see his two closed apprentices?"

Yu Bai shook his head: "No."

She said: "I heard that his two apprentices usually stay in the house to paint and hardly come out." Then she thought of something and said: "Teacher Bai's apprentices should also like playing the piano."

The reporter immediately followed up and asked, "Playing the piano?"

Yu Bai nodded: "One time when I was delivering materials to Teacher Bai, I passed by the house and heard the sound of a piano."

I don’t know if I ask other questions. Bai Ye regards these two apprentices as treasures and is never willing to bring them out. He said that the two apprentices don’t like facing the media and the camera very much. They prefer pure painting. When the two apprentices are willing to Show up, he'll be the first to hold a press conference.

Several reporters asked for satisfactory answers, and when they just wanted to get up and leave, they saw two people walking outside the door, one of whom they were very familiar with.

"Jiang Liuyi!"

The reporter's eyes lit up, and he immediately wanted to take pictures. Qian Shen said, "Okay, Liu Yi is cooperating with Yu Bai this time, so please don't disclose it in advance, and don't take pictures."

Although everyone was unhappy in their hearts, Qian Shen had the final say here, so he put down the camera.

These are all new friends Qian Shen has met in the past two years. They don't know the relationship between Yu Bai and Jiang Liuyi, and they don't know that they were in a small circle before, so they turned around and asked Qian Shen: "You seem to be with Jiang Liuyi." Very familiar?"

Qian Shen said, "Yes, we are very good friends."

The reporter glanced sideways at Qian Shen, knowing that her family is rich, her sister is an artist, and her background is not bad, that's why everyone is happy to praise her, but she didn't expect her to know the piano master Jiang Liuyi.


The reporters couldn't take pictures and didn't leave. The person standing next to Yu Bai asked, "By the way, last time I read Mantong's magazine, did Jiang Liuyi have a flash marriage?"

"It seems to be." Another person replied: "I heard that I fell in love with my wife at first sight."

Qian Shen lowered his head and sneered.

Several others whispered.

Jiang Liuyi took Song Xian over, stood in front of Yu Bai, and said, "Shall we go in directly?"

Yu Bai dazed, she said, "I'll open the door for you."

Several other reporters also said: "Miss Yu, can we go in and take a look? Absolutely no photos!"

Yu Bai looked at Qian Shen, saw her nodding, and said, "Okay, but please put the cameras outside."

There are staff members standing at the door, responsible for safekeeping, while others laugh: "No problem!"

Jiang Liuyi didn't know those people, so she guessed that they were Qian Shen's friends. Qian Shen used to be a well-known socialite in their small circle, so it was not surprising because he had a little relationship with them.

She didn't care, she just looked at Qian Shen, looked away, and said to Song Xian, "Let's go in."

Song Xian nodded and took the lead to enter inside.

Yu Bai walked behind them, she turned her head to look at Qian Shen, she didn't seem to understand why Song Xian was brought here, she thought Jiang Liuyi would only come here alone.

Does she not even have time to be alone with herself now?

Do you have to bring your wife here?

Yu Bai panicked with chest tightness, she said shortly after she entered, "You go shopping first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Qian Shen followed: "I'll go too."

When the two reached the door of the bathroom, Qian Shen grabbed Yu Bai: "What are you doing? Do you want to retreat now?"

Yu Bai frowned: "She brought Song Xian..."

"Bring it, bring it!" Qian Shen wanted to poke Yu Bai's forehead, but he didn't give up. He gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you stupid! You forgot what your major is? Your major is painting! She Song Xian Isn't it just that the family has some money? She is not as good at painting as you, and now this is your art exhibition, your home field!"

Yu Bai was moved by her words, looked up at her, Qian Shen said: "I didn't think Jiang Liuyi would bring Song Xian here, but now, isn't it just right?"

"Those outside are all reporters. If you know that Jiang Liuyi's wife learned to paint and doesn't even know how to paint, do you think Jiang Liuyi will feel ashamed?"

Yu Bai's depressed mood got better, she nodded, and said to Qian Shen, "I'll go in and get sober first."

Qian Shen said, "Don't take too long, I'll wait for you at the door."

Yu Bai stepped on high heels to go in. The person in the mirror had exquisite makeup and a good figure. She didn't sleep well last night, and when she closed her eyes, she thought of what Song Xian said.

You don't like Jiang Liuyi at all.

how is this possible? How could she not like Jiang Liuyi? If she doesn't like it, will she immediately contact Jiang Liuyi when she returns to China, or even ask for a reunion in a humble way for the first time?

Song Xian doesn't understand anything!

It's like she is standing in the art exhibition now, but she doesn't understand anything.

Yu Bai took a deep breath, washed his hands, put on his makeup and went out, seeing Qian Shen still standing at the door waiting for him, she said, "Let's go."

Qian Shen patted her on the back: "Straighten up!"

Yu Bai straightened his back, proudly like a peacock, and the two went back into the art exhibition. Jiang Liuyi and Song Xian had already seen two exhibition halls, a total of three exhibition halls, the innermost exhibition hall is a special exhibition hall, and it is also Yu Bai's proudest work , even Director Yao came to the art exhibition, and he was full of praise for the paintings inside.

She may not have much confidence in other things, but in her professional field, she is very confident.

Yu Bai swept away the haze just now, and his whole body was much brighter. The light was shining on the exhibition hall, and the surroundings of the picture frame hanging on the wall reflected light slightly, but it would not be dazzling. It would make the edges of the whole picture transparent, very high-end design , at least in China, rarely seen.

A reporter habitually wanted to touch the camera, then touched the back of his head and said, "Is this the designer contacted by Director Yao of the Art Association?"

Yu Bai nodded: "Yes."

She smiled lightly: "It's the designer that Director Yao helped to contact."

"Director Yao hasn't cared about the art exhibition for several years, is this an exception for Ms. Yu?"

Qian Shen said, "Of course."

"But Director Yao is also looking at Teacher Bai's face. Who told us that Yu Bai is Teacher Bai's student."

Everyone sighed, being able to be Bai Ye's student is really the dream of many people. After sighing, they walked to the third exhibition hall.

Jiang Liuyi has been thinking about what kind of style and theme to use, talking to them from one ear to the other, Song Xian followed behind her, after watching the first art exhibition she was not interested, but Jiang Liuyi still wanted to Into the third exhibition, she had to accompany.

Everyone went in one by one, and their eyes lit up. Although they didn't know how to paint well, a painting made people feel like they were on the scene, and the fresh breath rushed to their faces. A picture of mountains and flowing water seemed to be in the real world. In the high mountains, there is the sound of Chun Chun flowing water in my ears.

"It's amazing!" Someone whispered something, and the others nodded empathetically. Jiang Liuyi looked sideways. She knew Yu Bai's level was not low, otherwise he would not have received the notification from Neus.

This legendary school only recruits the best students.

Everyone exchanged a few words, saying: "As expected of Mr. Bai personally guiding."

Even Qian Shen said with a smile: "That's for sure, there are not many people in China who can meet Teacher Bai, let alone teach them in person."

The reporter nodded, and Qian Shen turned around and said, "By the way, Liu Yi, I heard that your wife also learned to paint. Would you like to let her talk about this painting?"

Jiang Liuyi frowned.

It is true that Song Xian learned to draw, but she is different from Yu Bai, Qian Shen clearly did it on purpose!

The others also looked at Song Xian curiously, wanting to hear what she had to say. Song Xian received everyone's attention, as well as Yu Bai's and Qian Shen's burning eyes, and asked, "Do you really want me to tell you?"

Jiang Liuyi frowned, and said to Song Xian: "It's okay, you don't have to say it if you don't want to."

Qian Shen smiled: "Liu Yi, you are not being kind. For art, you have to listen to different voices. Few of us here can draw. It's rare that your wife is a professional. Let's listen to it from a professional point of view. Is this painting good or not?"

Yu Bai also stood beside Qian Shen, with an expression of swearing and waiting to be praised.

Here are some of her best works.

The others also held their breaths and became nervous for no reason. Everyone looked at Song Xian, waiting for her to say a lot of professional terms or compliments.

Song Xian just looked at Jiang Liuyi: "I told you, are you not angry?"

Jiang Liuyi paused: "No."

Song Xian groaned, turned his head, looked at Yu Bai, and said calmly, "Your painting is very ordinary."