MTL - The Whole Tribe Wants To Have Baby With Me-~ 41. Old turtles know the way

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Although the skin of the turtle is not rotted, the turtle has been living in fresh water, so Liang Yue knows how it will happen.

This is not because you are not accustomed to the salinity of the sea, but you have soaked up the turtles who have lived in fresh water for many years.

Therefore, Liang Yue used the water to wash the sea water for the turtle, and then used the water to maintain a large water cube, wrapped the turtle and wrapped it in it.

This does not require much effort, Liang Yue directly turns the sea water into fresh water, but it is very easy.

I have to say that after Liang Yue’s adulthood, the strength has not only reached a level. Now, even if he is sailing at high speed on the sea for many days, he does not feel tired. Even if he plays a group like Axiong, it will be very easy. Even if you keep dozens of such big water cubes and keep them for a few years, it will be as simple as breathing.

With the soaking of the clear water specially prepared by Liang Yue, the tortoise was completely relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief, stretched his four claws, and gratefully looked at Liang Yue. Then, Turtle Man shook his big shell in the water cube, and the water wave swayed around with the action of the big turtle. One small fish and small turtle also swayed from the big shell of the turtle. Come out.

Axiong exclaimed. "The original turtle is such a child..."

Turtle Laobo.."..."

Liang Yue smiled and took Axiong. He did not forget to sell stupid at this time. It was really stupid to sell it into the bones.

Turtle Laobo shook so many fish and shrimp orcs out, Liang Yue's water cube is easy enough space, and some fish and shrimp orcs have been shaken out of the water cube, and a face horrified to be shaken just under the blood of the Axiong war sea beast.

The life of the orcs of the aquarium can not be separated from the water, so Liang Yue quickly took them with a water bubble smaller than the water cube. Now, a prototype of a fish, shrimp, orc, is immersed in blisters and floats in the air.

Turtle Laobo explained and said: "Before, I saw the waves are a bit strange, there is a dangerous foreboding, but the temple is not there. I will let the fish and the shrimps of the beasts come together to take refuge in my body. It is."

"Later?" Liang Yue wants to know the direction of the waves.

The turtle was slow and found Liang Yue. His heart was fixed. He said, "Later, the sudden change has come. The waves suddenly roll over, and the bottom of the lake has been overturned. The sandstone and buildings at the bottom of the lake. I was so entangled in the vortex and torn into pieces. Fortunately, my shell was still hard, but it was too dizzy. When we woke up, we were here. There are many terrible sea beasts bigger than me. I didn't dare to release them. I was swallowed by one of the huge sea beasts a few days ago. Just the sea beast broke through a big hole, and I came out from the big hole to see it, and I saw my highness. Finally I am very happy to see my Highness!"

In the water cubes, the beasts are excited to see the descendants of Liang Yue, one by one, and they don't mind running in front of Liang Yue. The fisherman orcs greeted their fish tails and the shrimp orcs raised their claws and welcomed them. Even the turtles were very happy to swim.

Turtle Laobo asked in anticipation. "Is it your majesty to let the temple come down to save us? Your Majesty."

Liang Yue smiled bitterly and said: "My father is gone, and half of the mainland of the palace has disappeared. I am looking for him. Turtle, can you feel the direction of the tide before you faint? Give me a detailed description a bit."

Turtle Laobo also has a life span of several hundred years. He is very long-lived in the orcs. His experience and experience are very rich. Now he answers Liang Yue’s problem and speculates with Liang Yue about the general direction of the disappearing continent.

With clues, Liang Yue rekindled hope and prepared to move in the direction of speculation - the northwest controlled water.


Liang Yue and Axiong don’t need to eat anything. Liang Yue can practice as long as there is water and moon, and he can do more with half the effort at the sea. The same is true for Axiong. The stage of eating wild when children are born is over. Now just let the sun shine.

The turtles, the fish, the shrimps, and the turtles of the small tortoises are different from Liang Yue and Axiong. They need to eat. Take them to the north to find the father, but also need to find food often, do not know how the sea winds, it is better to send them back first.

Liang Yue asked. "Gui Bo, you have been missing for almost half a year, what are you eating for?"

Turtle Laobo replied with embarrassment. "There are sea water everywhere, there are sea beasts nearby, I have been eaten by the big sea beasts, I dare not let them out. So, eat me - the inside of the shell and the skin The dander and mud down, as well as the moss and small bugs on my claws. Fortunately, the Highness will come to save us in time, otherwise the dirt on my body will be eaten up."

Liang Yue.."..."


Turtle Lao Bo said again: "His Highness is worrying about our food? No need to do this. Your Highness will fill in enough water on the boat. There are so many barbecues at sea, so we can eat for a while."

Liang Yue said: "I still send you back first, so it is safer."

Turtle Laobo shook his head. "We have been living in the palace of our Majesty, and we want to join our Highness and find our Majesty."

"Yes! Please give your Highness!" The beasts of the fish and shrimp family and the small turtles have joined.

Then everyone stared at the big eyes and looked forward to and pleasedly looked at Liang Yue.

Liang Yue looked around for a week, the orcs nodded, and their eyes were more and more hopeful. Liang Yue hooked his lips and said, "Well, I will bring you together."

"Oh yeah! Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone started swimming and dancing, and then happily ate the barbecue that Liang Yue took the water to the boat.

When I was full, Turtles finally asked Axiong, saying, "His Royal Highness, who is this strong man?"

When Axiong heard it, he automatically put his hands together. He took Liang Yue’s waist behind Liang Yue and put his head on Liang Yue’s shoulder to make a very intimate posture.

Turtle Laobo has understood it in seconds.

Liang Yue took Axiong's hand and pulled him to the side, then let go, the left hand naturally licked Axiong's waist, said: "He is my partner, I have already given birth to me. Today's barbecue They are all baked."

Axiong was satisfied, slightly swaying, learning the cold look of Liang Yue, asked arrogantly. "Can the barbecue still have enough?"

Turtle Lao Bo quickly led all the orcs together to pay tribute to Axiong, saying: "I have already given birth to my Highness, congratulations to my Highness to find a partner! Thank you, Madame Royale's barbecue reward!"

The word Axiong was called by her lady, and she waved her hand indifferently. "Is it delicious? I can have more barbecues when I meet."

Turtle Laobo said very honestly. "It is definitely not good to eat in peacetime. It burns too much. It is especially delicious today because I met His Royal Highness~"


Ah Xiong is speechless, well, he just hasn't eaten much, he hasn't studied it at all.

Liang Yue took Axiong's shoulder and said, "I can't eat anything, you are good now."

"Yeah!" Axiong was comforted and happy again, but he remembered that Liang Yue would still like to eat, and secretly decided to practice barbecue. The object of the test is the orcs of these fish and shrimp families.

Therefore, the beasts of the fish and shrimp families eat barbecue every day and eat very well.

Next, it was sailing day after day.

Every day, facing the endless sea, repeating the scenery day after day, much more, would have been very boring.

However, now with the turtles and them, they have found the father and the half of the continent where the disappearance is located. Liang Yue’s heart has raised hope again.

After more than a month, Liang Yue was pleased to find that he felt the coastline of the waves was long enough to shoot the shore on a large scale.

In other words, he is about to encounter a continent that is bigger than all the small islands he has encountered before!

With excitement, Liang Yue speeded up the pace. The iron boat flew forward at a super-fast speed on the sea. The turtles, fish and shrimps on the ship were suddenly attached to the stern by inertia. The iron boat split the sea. Two long waves of vaginal discharge were formed on the sea.

Although they all made the orcs faint, but Liang Yue has been very considerate, because with so many orcs, they have not exhausted their efforts.

And Axiong was also anxious about Liang Yuezhi's urgency. He observed the reaction of Liang Yue's speed increase, and immediately flew high and advanced at full speed, and took the lead to observe. Liang Yue couldn't help but look up at the figure of Axiong Feiyuan, and he gave more expectation.

Ah Xiong quickly returned and landed on Liang Yue’s boat. He said excitedly. “See! See! There is a continent without a margin! I don’t know if it is our father?”

"Hope is," Liang Yue said with a smile. "We will pass."

The coast is in front of you, no more than this can make Liang Yue more happy.

However, when Liang Yue did not drive the iron boat to shore, he encountered a tortoise shell on the shore and cracked a large crack, the super-large black mysterious turtle.

This mysterious turtle is more than 500 meters long. He had originally drilled out of the sea and had to climb ashore. But when he saw the vessel of Liang Yue, he saw that there were so many aquarium orcs on the ship of Liang Yue, and there were more than 200 visual inspections. Now, I immediately turned around and spoke a big mouth. I wanted to swallow the iron boat of Liang Yue.