MTL - The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You-Chapter 870 You are my little love song (Qin Ge 146)

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Chapter 870 You are my little love song (Qin Ge 146)

It turns out that Qin Situ is indeed more thoughtful than the song of the time. The next morning, when she opened her eyes, it was only four o'clock. When she turned her eyes, she saw the man lying on the floor next to the bed, seeing that he was still asleep, lying flat. Covering the quilt that she deliberately found out from the cupboard, breathing evenly, calming her face when she was asleep.

Qin Shiting, who is usually awake, looks even normal. His face is inevitably a little indifferent, as if he was the normal state when he was with others. He always felt that the distance was far away.

But now, he is so real lying on her side... cough, lying under her bed.

The outside is already at dawn in the early hours of the morning. It is not too bright at four o'clock, and the curtains are still pulled.

But the eyes that have adapted to the darkness can still see his outline.

When I missed the song, I couldn’t sleep, so I kept looking at him. I didn’t know how long I watched. Suddenly I heard that there was some movement outside.

My parents got the door at five o'clock today. Now they are awake, get up and wash, and move around, and my mother goes downstairs to prepare breakfast.

When she heard her mother passing by, she seemed to be staying in front of her for a while, as if she was listening to what was happening inside, as if she was reading a song when she was sure to sleep, probably standing outside. Minutes, his real-time singing is not very understandable. This early morning, my mother stayed outside the door for so long.

After a while, I left, and then my father walked out of the bedroom over there.

Because both of them deliberately let go of their voices, the reason for eating breakfast downstairs is not that big, she can't hear it at all.

When the song was closed, he gradually closed his eyes, and he went to Qin Shiting under the bed and slept.

On the weekend morning, quiet and warm, my parents have already left.

When I read the song, I slept for another two hours. I opened my eyes and looked at the bedside. What about people?

She sat up in amazement, her eyes looked anxiously around, how did Qin Siting disappear in the early morning? Only the quilt at the bedside is empty.

Then she suddenly heard the sound of the bathroom door and turned her head. She saw that Qin Siting was just taking a shower and coming out. She wore the clothes last night, but the body was clear and clean, and there was no intention to use a hair dryer. The hair that is blown is as black as ink.

"Wake up?" Qin Siting saw her hairpin on the bed, walked in her direction, stood at the bed and looked at her for a while, chuckling: "A big early morning, I can still run Where to go, see your eyes seem to have lost something."

When I read the song, I said, "I thought you were gone and left."

Qin Siting leaned over to see her at the bedside, and saw her just woke up and looked like a small look, and raised her hand on her head and gently rubbed it, then looked at her again. The sly expression, bowed to her forehead and kissed her: "Reassured, I will never leave without saying goodbye, even if something is left, I will tell you why."

When I read the song, it was like this time I recovered from the shackles that I just woke up, raised my eyes, and suddenly realized that my parents were not at home, only two of them at home, and they were crisp and soft inside. Trembling.

She raised her hand and hugged his buddy, and took the initiative to get together to kiss, Qin Situ whispered as she looked like she just woke up and smiled. She looked at it for a long time and bowed down.

"Oh... wait." She suddenly remembered: "Hey... I haven't... brushed... fangs."

There was a spare new toothbrush in her bathroom. He could feel the mint smell of his teeth just brushed in the moment, but she just got up and didn't brush her teeth!

I can't sleep, but I just want to lie in bed like this, even if I don't do anything, just so tired in his arms, it's good to hold it forever.

I haven’t gone anywhere, so I’ve been holding it.


Mom and Dad don’t know whether they will come back in the afternoon or come back in the evening, but after all, they will soon return to the United States. When they read songs, they don’t want them to misunderstand anything, so that they have to call and manage when they are abroad, so she is only so strict. Holding the greasy one morning, the two talents went out to eat.

When my parents came back at night, they didn't find anything wrong. They just talked to her a lot. Regarding the status quo of the company, how busy it will be after returning to the US, maybe there will be no time to come back in a year and a half.

When I read the song, I listened to their embarrassment and confession. For Dad, I finally mentioned that if she feels that she is too tired to study medicine and is willing to transfer to finance, she will arrange the best school in the United States to let her go to school. Give her the best tutor to bring her. After all, there are not many relatives at home. If she really does not want to take over everything at home, she may only consider his uncles and uncles.

The answer to the song is still the same as the original, insisting on studying medicine.

And that day, Qin Shiting’s words also awakened her. She said, “Dad, what did you remember when Qin Shiting said last time? You are still not old, you and your mother can continue to manage the company for decades, I There is no need to be a reserve army for business management in these decades. It’s not good to be young and do something meaningful and like it.”

When the father knew that she was stubborn, and then moved out of Qin Si Ting, once I heard the name, first of all, because of the huge power of the Qin family, the time group was also unable to twist the thigh in front of the Qin family, but after all, the father and son in the Tang family In front of him, he still hurt his face, but he still has anger, but he can’t say anything if he has the temper, and he will blind her. This topic will be gone.

The next day was Monday. When the song was taken after school leave, he accompanied his parents to the airport and sent them to the security check until they saw the plane take off.

The moment I walked out of the airport, on the one hand, I had to see my parents for a long time, and on the other hand... she took a deep breath of free air, um, really sweet.

In the afternoon, she went back to school. In the evening, she couldn’t wait to go to Qin Si’s family to eat. Her favorite onion noodles had already waited for her. Qin Siting did not let her down. She took her a satisfying pen-hold for a meal. belly.

(End of this chapter)