MTL - The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You-Chapter 6 He just said that she is Mrs. Mo.

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Chapter 6 He just said that she is Mrs. Me.

"I really didn't mean it... Hey!" Mo Jingshen kissed her.

This is different from the sneak peek at his lips at the time of the season. She only felt that the whole body seemed to have a current flow, and the whole person trembled, from the head to the feet.

I have been married for half a year, and I have had my first experience last night. The season is still inexperienced. I can’t even respond to it. I only carefully moved my tongue, but I was deeply kissed by the man. Force, the kiss is deep and heavy, almost taking away all her breathing.

The warmth of the season was a little dizzy, and I suddenly closed my eyes, but suddenly I felt the kiss of the ink depth moved to her sensitive ear. The low-pitched voice stuck to her ear: "The sky is bright, if you don't sleep again, this evening. Don't want to sleep."

She raised her eyes and opened her eyes and slammed into a dark squat.

"Mrs. Me, I just had to die last night to live, are you sure you can afford it tonight?"

Before the warm season, I just wanted to lie down and talk about it. Although I also thought about the possibility of happening, but last night I hurt and cried, my voice was dumb and I was not put into the mind by the memories he had let go. The body is shrinking.

But I did not ignore that he just called her Mrs. Mo...

So all her fights today are not without any effect.

Since she is still Mrs. Mo, she has to be his wife for the rest of her life. How could this kind of thing be avoided?

"The second time will be so painful?" Her tone was somewhat vague.

He obviously did not expect that she would suddenly ask such a sentence, looked at her for a long time, her eyes seemed to be able to swallow her in a flash.

However, the gaze fell on the traces of her neck that have not subsided...

Mo Jing Shen clearly remembers what he had made to bully her last night because of the medicinality and anger in the wine.

I don't have a day, if I come again, I am afraid she can't get out of bed these few days.

Ink deep sighs, dumb voice: "Don't easily challenge the man's endurance, let go of you tonight, and dare to drill into my arms tomorrow night, you can try the consequences."

The season is warm and he doesn't talk in his arms.

"Go back to sleep." Mo Jing stunned her head.

The warm season was busy at the moment he was about to get up and stretched out his arms and hugged his neck again.

"I am sleeping here!"

Ink darkness is dark, and I look at a small woman who is firm and somewhat shy.

The warmth of the season was somewhat unsatisfactory on his face. He was busy pulling out the hand wrapped around his neck, and quickly grabbed the quilt and put it on his face, hiding from his sight.

He laughed lowly: "Shy will go back to your own room."

"No, I am sleeping here!" The warm season said in the quilt.

Finally, I had to face up to her sudden change of temperament. The ink side of the scene was lying down, and her eyes were looking at the warmth of the season that had been kept in the quilt and refused to show her head.

Everything around me suddenly became very quiet.

The season warmly slammed the quilt down.

When I lifted my eyes, I saw that the ink was deep and lying on the side, and the eyes of the clear and clear eyes were always watching her.

The season warmed his face and whispered in his eyes: "You don't sleep?"

"You are lying here, how can I sleep?"

The season looked warmly and looked at the bed under the two: "This bed is not small, it is no different from the bed of the master bedroom. I will not be crowded when I sleep here! Why can't I sleep?"

Mo Jingshen laughed because of her words.

"What are you laughing at?" The warm season thought he still didn't believe her sincerity. He simply approached him in the quilt and said that he really didn't plan to separate from him.

"The season is warm." He suddenly called her name, his voice was low and dull.


"You should have been so conscious."

After the warmth of the season, he relied on him again. He couldn't listen to him any more. Hearing it, he was afraid that he would be shackled into the night.

Mo Jingshen suddenly pinched her chin because of the action she posted. The bow was a deep kiss, and she was released until the warmth of the season was not smooth.

Kiss again, neither of them want to sleep tonight.

The warmth of the season was blushing to the root of the ear, and it was cramped into the quilt, and the ink was deeply out of bed.

She was busy sitting up with her quilt: "Where are you going?"

Ink did not return to the bathroom, only dropped two words: "Bath!"

The season warmed up a bit.

Didn't he just wash it? What are you washing?

It wasn't until she heard the sound of water that had been coming from the bathroom for a long time.

She was blushing, almost screaming, lying back, holding the quilt in her arms, breathing the bed and being clean and tidy.


At six o'clock in the morning, the mist was slight.

The warm season awakened from the nightmare of the past life, opened his eyes and slammed up from the bed.

The position next to her was empty. The quietness in the room made her feel empty, and she hurriedly opened the quilt and got out of bed. Because the movement was too fast, she slammed and reached for the table.

In front of the door, the door was pushed open, and the warmth of the season lifted up and saw the ink-framed dress standing neatly.

He seems to have just woken up not long after, just took a shower, shirt trousers, clean and clear.

“Is not feeling well?” Mo Jingshen saw the warm white to almost transparent face and walked over.

The warm season was always staring at him, watching him, and as he approached, she was still staring at his movements as he was concerned about the hand on her head.

It turned out that everything yesterday was not a dream.

Mo Jingshen retracted her hand because of her eyes. She used to resist his touch. Maybe yesterday's abnormality was a nightmare?

Is this awake today? Have to start pushing him out hard?

"Dizziness?" He did not continue to touch her: "Maybe the sequelae left after hitting the head last night, go to a brain CT today, my name is Chen Hao to help you change clothes."

When the words fall, Mo Jing’s eyes are faint, and he turns to leave.

"Ink deep!" The season warmth did not want to suddenly stop him.

The man who had just turned to the side looked back, and the warmth of the season suddenly slammed into his arms.

The ink scene was deep, and the subconscious raised his hand to hold her, but the little woman in her arms first hugged his straight back with his hand, and his hands were tightly wrapped around his waist.

He stunned for two seconds because of her enthusiasm, and then looked down at the small head in her arms and put her hand on her head to appease the shot: "I don't feel comfortable going to the hospital, huh? ”

The season is warm and does not speak. He only holds him hard and breathes the shower gel fragrance on the man with the morning breath.

"Do you have a nightmare?" he asked.

"Yeah." The warm season is still holding his straight and strong back. He is full of dependence and refuses to let go. He said with a slight dumb voice: "I dreamed that you wouldn't want me, dreaming that you are going for ten years, then You have married another woman."

Her voice was just soft, lazy and rare because she just woke up.

Ink dark touched her head, and the voice whispered: "Don't think about it, I will never get rid of anyone other than you."

The warm season buried his face in his arms and did not refute.

No matter what the past life, she will never miss him again!

"He still hurts?"

"No pain, just getting out of bed is too fast, not standing still for a while, nothing."

"Chen Chen has prepared the breakfast, and after going down, go downstairs to eat."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)