MTL - The Villain’s White Lotus Halo-Chapter 27 Burning character

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The sky is clear, the sun rises, and the morning fog does not.

This is a vast open space that has been cleaned up by the Qingjian Swords, leaving only a few tall, eucalyptus trees.

Although it is said at the foot of the heavy mountain, there is still a long way to go from the mountain. I can only faintly see the shadow of the cage in the clouds and the mountains.

Those who have a fight today are coming very early. The disciples of each martial art were arranged at the distance of Wuzhang in Fujian and Taiwan. They were separated by wooden fences. The elders of the squad were sitting at the front and the rest of the disciples were standing behind them. Looking from afar, under the four huge rectangular stone platforms, surrounded by black people, the clothing and the area are distinct, so that people can see the martial art. Across the ten feet, the people who came earlier than the sects were the people of Yecheng. When the sky is not bright, I will come to the straw shed in the first few days, take the tea and snacks, occupy a good position on the hillside, and wait for the opening.

However, at the moment, it is not the most people. In the first round of the Folding Club, many people will not watch the game. As the host of the Qingjian Jianzong, these days only sent a half-step Mahayana elders, sitting in the easternmost side of the stands to prevent accidents.

Duan Chongxuan is not the first game. So Yin Yue and the three people stood behind the elders of Ping Pingfeng, and before the rest of the disciples of Yan Yashan, they looked at the four people who had just jumped up on the platform.

The first two games of today are really nothing to watch. They are all small sects that are not well-known and reluctant to reach the disciples of the condensed period. As time went by, except for the Yecheng people who were amazed by the fire and haze, the elders and disciples of the stands were somewhat interested. The only group of ancestral sects against the Qing dynasty swordsmanship, but also because of the disparity in strength, the effort of less than a cup of tea is over.

Yin Yin looked very carefully, especially the Qingjian Jianpai. He looked at how the disciple's sword started, how to take a slant, how to slash a sword, and broke the sect of the sect. The movement of the pace and the angle of the heavier, he looked in the eyes, and in the sea of ​​knowledge, if it is the late Zhongshan, the same swordsmanship, to what extent.

Just then, there was a commotion in the team of Bao Puzong. The crowd separated from the two sides and a disciple walked out. He saluted his elders and did not forget to pay no respect to the elders standing behind them. The elder laughed at the pleats of his face and groaned at him patiently.

When Bao Puzong came, he also divided the two roads. One route was led by the elders, and the only one in the sect.

The difference between the team members is not higher than others in their realm, but because they are the relatives of the elders or high-ranking families of the elders in the Park. Li Lin is the only son of an elder.

The deacon of the Qingjian Swordsman shouted, "No. 3, Taiwan, Chongxuan, Cui Xuan, Bao Puzong Li Lin..." The voice is far from the true Yuan, and the audience suddenly became busy.

Only a few bored disciples, they immediately began to spirit.

Someone exclaimed, "Duan Chongxuan? Yan Huafeng's person? Juggernaut's disciple?" Someone lowered his voice to confuse him. "This person is said to have been a letter of recommendation from Mr. Jiayuan. , Juggernaut and Mr. is a good friend, this face is still to be given... but only a name apprentice."

The person who asked the question did not care about the loss, there is humanity, "but tomorrow you can see the real Juggernaut disciples on the field... You see the end of the mountain, the white-haired boy is Yin Yin, he is Juggernaut Under the door, the second disciple with a sword!"

There is also a lot of discussion about the other side of the battle. Apparently someone has heard of this name, "Li Lin? Is he the Li Changhong of Bao Puzong?" Some people have also revealed bitterness. "To be honest, I am most afraid of meeting such people. There are too many good things to protect the body. Who knows what it is! It is hard to win if it is higher than him!"

There is also more well-informed, "Isn't that his mother is also born in a big family?" Speaking here, snickering, "I didn't have a nickname before he was eight years old, ‘traverse mountain bully.’”

There is no doubt that this is the biggest point of view today.

Li Lin jumped on the stage and looked around for a lap in the audience. He set his position at the end of the mountain and smiled at the corner of his mouth. That smile makes people very uncomfortable, besides arrogance, there is disdain.

He is no longer a ‘transverse mountain bully’. The body is eight feet long, the muscles are strong and the skin is dark yellow. The eyebrows are correct, but because of the long-term arrogant squinting and the disdainful pouting, the mouth is squinting. However, he was burly and carrying an epee on his back. This figure stood on the platform, and the condescending glance was still very deterrent.

At this time, Duan Chongxuan smashed the hem of his robes and Shi Shiran went to the stage.

He is wearing a standard robes at the end of the day, but unlike other disciples. The cloth is slippery, the workmanship is fine, and the moiré of the cuffs, as he walks, seems to be in the general flow of light. Jade crown hair, silver belt waist, looks wide shoulders and narrow waist, long body.

This Qing Yue style is not particularly outstanding when standing on the edge of Yin Yue and Luo Mingchuan.

But when he stood opposite Li Lin, it formed a stark contrast, the difference between the clouds and the mud.

The first thing that was crazy was the female repair of the ancestors. These flamboyant girls screamed directly. When the elders of the ancestors looked back at them, they only woke up and realized that they were very shameful. But still blushing,

"Where does his family live?"

“How many people are there at home?”

“Can you have a marriage match?”


Yin Yin is more silent.

Did you make a mistake? Paragraph is the protagonist? Look at the effect of this aura with its own appearance -

Or is it that the three views of the monks are to look at the face?

The two men on the stage met the ceremony, Li Lin was perfunctory, and Duan Chongxuan did not leak. Then he stood up and folded his fingers. "Please enlighten me."

Just like Panlongling on the Panlongling Road.

This kind of temperament obviously makes the female practitioners of the 濂涧 more excited and excited. But they are not optimistic about the elders sitting there. It is unwise to take the initiative to give up the shots of the two players. It is not self-confident, but arrogant.

The disciples of Bao Puzong snorted.

Li Lin did not speak, he was not stupid, and he would not resign because of his temperament. On the contrary, Duan Chongxuan’s faction made him feel very ridiculous.

So he took the sword straight!

A golden light on the platform!

It is a heavy epee, and the sword is engraved with a complicated rune-up method. It is inspired by the real element and shines with a glaring light, which is enough to increase the power of the sword to 30%!

His move is unpretentious, there are no vain tricks, only the majestic real elements are exhausted.

Someone knows the goods under the stage and exclaimed, "Sure enough, it is a good thing!"

Casting such a sword requires at least two swordsmen and strategists who have taken a small ride to spend five years of hard work. It can be seen how much Li Changhong is fond of his only son and what kind of high hopes he has placed.

The female practitioners of Mou Zong have already held their breath, as if the young people on the sword against the sword are their relatives.

Yin Yue is suddenly worried.

Now think about it, he has never seen words and practice. If you are facing this sword yourself, you will not harden it. The best way is to use the cold water sword to switch to the third style.

No, no, I will not let Li Lin first out of the sword!

The best way to face this fast sword is to be faster than your opponent.

Not only Yin Yue, many people are thinking, if it is, how to pick this sword?

However, they did not expect that Duan Chongxuan had a raging fire wall out of thin air!

"He is a spiritual repair?! What is the practice? How fast!"

" flaws, even a little real fluctuations!"

Called with a sharp eye, "not a practice, it is a burning character!"

"The burning character?! Is it really a burning character?!"

Yin Yin is more and more relaxed.

Duan Chongxuan has a burning character and he knows. On the way they came, Duanyan also used a burning character to clean up the cave. It was easy to use without gray smoke.

At first he was shocked. Even the flames at that time were far from being so big.

In the ‘All Saints’ era, the practitioner’s use is as common as meditation. At that time, the power of a character can be a mountain rock. But after a million years later, the ‘the end of the era’ method, the method of making a sign is inherited. Up to now, the practitioners who are proficient in the battlefield have at most engraved the runes on the weapons, far from being able to cohesively force a thin paper.

In the black market, there is an occasional appearance of a symbol from the ancient ruins, the power is not scattered, and immediately was fired to the price.

So even if you see it with your own eyes, many people still don't want to believe that it is really a burning character.

Li Lin took a black shield from the ‘乾坤 sleeves’ and turned the fire away. The cracks on the black shield immediately appeared. He did not hesitate to go again! There is a shadow of the Eight Diagrams in Jinguang! Go straight to Duan Chongxuan! !

The crowd exclaimed, "Holding the Eight Diagrams Sword!"

The elder of Bao Puzong smiled slightly.

He recognized that it was a burning character, but then how to use the precious papers in the first round of competition, this person is not unskilled or stupid. No matter what kind of thing is not enough, can he still come up with the second and third characters?

Then his smile froze.

Because Duan Chongxuan’s finger appeared a slightly yellowed paper, swaying in the summer breeze.

The fire is back! Swing up!

Li Lin’s sword was swallowed up by fire!

This time, Duan Chongxuan’s movements slowed down enough for everyone to see clearly. The pot was blasted in the afternoon.

"It's really a burning character! He has two burning notes!"

"The heavens are on! This is how expensive!"

"Three thousand gold, eight hundred spirit stones, seventy 斛 Donghai 鲛 beads, a large manor of Feng Shui treasure land..."

Li Lin is unbelievably wide-eyed. He also has a character, which is the back hand he gave him. But who can think of this person, on the stage, used two in a blink of an eye.

The fire is close!

He did not hesitate to throw a big clock!

"The faint crows... oh, it's a good thing..."

However, there is a burning stagnation, this rare defensive instrument did not cause much sensation.

Li Lin is more painful and more angry! There are many generous instruments, which is his greatest advantage.

But he does not believe that Duan Chongxuan will have the next character! When this person runs out of paper, it is when he is smashed by his own sword!

The golden light of the sword reflected his scarlet eyes, and he was already in a mess.

So the above scenes are repeated.

Whenever Li Lin’s sword came over, Duan Chongxuan threw a note on the understatement. Going to the sword and then losing one of the other instruments.

The people in the audience were shocked and did not know what to say.

The disciples of Yan Yashan and the sects of the ancestors forgot to laugh, and even Bao Puzong forgot to curse.

In the distance, Yecheng people looked at the fire of the sky and screamed louder.

The elder of the half-step Mahayana of the Qingjian Swordsman began to condense, and his face was white!

The other three battles against the platform, I do not know when it has stopped, and no one reminded.

On the stage, everyone looks at one by one, as if there is endless burning!

The fierce fire ignited again and again!

Li Lin, who faces the fire, is getting angry!

The fire rushed to the surface, Li Lin took the sword and retired!

However, it is already late, and the flames roll straight up the tip of the sword!

His real yuan is rapidly consumed in the sword, and the implement is constantly damaged under the burning sign.

However, he has lost his mind!

It was not until he had a water curtain in front of him that he reacted. It was the water character he had just thrown out.

He left his backhand. The last implement on his body.

As soon as I looked up, I saw Duan Chongxuan shaking the folding fan and smiling slightly.

Just like being poured into the cold water by his pocket, he felt that he felt that every inch of the meridians on his body burned like a fire. That is because the sword is kept out, the real element has already been consumed, and then it will damage the bones of the tendons.

Then the fire started again, and Li Lin fell directly to the downfall.

The disciples of Bao Puzong, who was faint, also reacted and snarled.

"On the stage than fighting! Light depends on the paper! It is shameless! Desperate!"

If the preprocessor is pressing them, then the scene at this time is definitely showing off how deep the book is. However, when this method is used on oneself, it feels extremely wrong.

Duan Chongxuan smiled lightly.

The tall banyan tree on the side of the table creaked in the breeze, and the shadow of the tree shattered on him.

It seems that there is nothing to fight here, and there is no golden light and fire. There is only one good boy, and he laughs like a breeze.

He smiled and asked, "How can such a person be worthy of my shot?"

The disciples of Yan Yashan have not come and cheered, and there is a burst of cheers on the side of the ancestors!

"Section brother! Duan brother!!"

"Section brothers look here!!"

"Is the division brother married?!"

This time the elders of the embarrassed eyes narrowed, and they failed to suppress this madness.


Many years later, Duan Chongxuan became a big man.

This playful game is also included in the history book, using the words 'eclectic'.

But nowadays, there is no such euphemistic and implicit compliment. People are re-emphasizing the mountain, in Yechengjing, mentioning this fight, most of them will say 'unbelievable' is true? And... 'too rich' .

Duan Chongxuan... created a new style of folding.