MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 53 05.01丨

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Because I was afraid of affecting the rest of the roommates, Zhou Xu went to the public washroom in the corridor to wash it. It was precisely because of this that he had to dare to hold him without the permission of Zhou Xu.

It’s a pity that the fall of the late fall is in the eyes of Zhou Xu, which is especially ridiculous.

As if watching the clown like a jury, Zhou Xu said: "Roll."

The late fall was totally unconscious. Zhou Xu tonight gave him too much shock. He was afraid that he would not get Zhou Xu, because now Zhou Xu seems to have reached a height that he will never reach.

He wants to work harder again, and wants to pull down the already unattractive Zhou Xu and put it beside him.

"Zhou Xu, you want to think about it, I am not bad, right? You said, as long as it is good for you, both men and women will like you, I will be very good to you in the future, can you accept? I."

In the sound of the late fall, there is a kind of humbleness that has never been seen before, but even if it is humble, Zhou Xu can hear the meaning behind his words, that is, he is so good at himself, and decided to be good for Zhou Xu. Then if Zhou Xu does not agree, there is no vision and no knowledge.

For this, Zhou Xu can only send him one: "Oh, I refuse."

Zhou Xu turned and wanted to go, but the special fall actually went straight.

Instinctively, Zhou Xu pulled the arm that was put up in the late fall and gave him a shoulder fall.

"咚", the people on the entire floor should have heard it.

Looking down at the ground on the ground, Zhou Xu said: "Repeat it, I refuse, and if you dare to come, don't blame me."

After all, Zhou Xuyang went away.

On the cold floor, he lay down in awkwardness. He felt his heart keep going cold. He really couldn't catch up with Zhou Xu, but why, he is so good, obviously it is school grass. Why did Zhou Xulian not look at himself?

"It must be that Zhou Xu has someone else, it must be." You fall to himself, as if to give himself confidence, he said this sentence several times before he slowly stood up.

After that day, Zhou Xu became a big man in X. Some people worship him because he is the special prize winner of the National Design Competition. Some people like him because his women’s dress is not beautiful, and some people chase him. Because of his men's appearance, it is definitely no worse than any school.

There are also some people who have been paying attention to Zhou Xu, because these people hate people who are disguised. The representatives of this group of people are Chang Shaojun, the main singer of the student union.

This point, Chang Shaojun is the same as the previous one, because his nature will not change, hate is annoying, and this kind of disgust completely overwhelmed the kind of love he saw Zhou Xushi.

He was disgusting with Zhou Xu, especially after seeing Zhou Xu’s photo of women’s clothing, he was even more disgusting.

In the last life, he killed Zhou Xu. In this world, Zhou Xu did not know that he still wanted to force Zhou Xu to die. No, he wanted to kill all the people who liked the costumes. At least, he clenched his fists. Drive them out of x.

Zhou Xu did not care about the eyes of these outsiders. He was busy with Yang He’s design tasks these days.

That is a new luxury car introduced by a certain company. In this new function of the sports car, there is a function that Zhou Xu prefers, that is, there is an automatic air purifying device in the car.

For modern people who are getting more and more nervous, it is natural for them to live and rest in a comfortable environment.

The process of driving is the same. If you can clearly understand the advantages of this car, then you can naturally increase sales, but where should you start?

As Yang He said, this kind of directional design is really difficult to do, because even if you know the requirements of the other party, you may not be satisfied with the other party. Because the other party is a paying party, there are many options, if Zhou Xu can't satisfy them, they can always find other advertising companies or design companies.

After thinking about how to start for three days, Zhou Xu decided to let himself relax first. After all, design is like this. Creativity is the most important thing. If the idea is not good, the picture is beautiful and useless.

It happened to be the event day of the transvestite society. Zhou Xu went to the transvestite agency. When he arrived, Lu Zhongban’s teacher had arrived.

"Teacher." Zhou Xu said hello in the past, and the result was photographed by the teacher on the head. "Why, is there something?"

"Well, there are cases, I don't know where to start."

"Then let go first, we are doing design, don't forget, not doing homework, never thinking about step-by-step, and never fixed thinking, otherwise your work will not be new, there is no market without new ideas, so, "Lv Zhongban took out a pen-like thing, opened it, and said, "What is this?"

Lv Zhongban's must be cosmetics, the beauty of the day, they received a lot of sponsorship after the disguise.

A variety of cosmetics, they finally got four drawers.

Yes, Zhou Xu does not know how to use this quantifier. He can only use the "drawer" to calculate.

Zhou Xu opened the first drawer. The first layer was said to be the base makeup. He asked, "What do you take from here?"

Lu Zhongxian shook his head, Zhou Xu opened the second drawer, and the second layer was said to be makeup. He asked again: "From here?"

Lu Zhong nodded, Zhou Xu then nodded and said: "This thing is for makeup."

"Hey." Zhou Xu was photographed by Lu Zhongban and another palm.

"I also know that it is cosmetic."

"Right, the makeup artist seemed to draw a picture under my eyes that day. It should be this thing."

"Let's try it."

After all, Lu Zhongban took a pen and drew it under Zhou Xu’s eyes. Then Zhou Xu’s face showed a bright and bright trace.

Teacher Lu Zhongban clap his hands and said: "I know, this must be called a sequin pen."

Zhou Xu thought about it and thought it was really possible.

"Hey, that's called a silkworm pen." A hearty voice sounded, Zhou Xu looked back and found that it was Yang He who was not someone else.

Yang He grabbed the lying silkworm pen and then gently rubbed it together at Zhou Xu's eyelids. He said: "The silkworm pen, as the name suggests, is to draw the silkworms to the eyes, because people who are said to have silkworms will be very lucky. So many girls will draw a silkworm out."

Zhou Xu and Lu Zhongye looked at the tall man Yang He like the neuropathy. "Why do you know such a delicate thing?"

"Yes, Xiao Yang, you don't say that I don't even know what the silkworm is."

Yang He opened the drawer layer by layer. After reading it, he said: "Before, because ps was not used well, I went to the studio for a while. I have to repair hundreds of pictures every day, and they are all women, so I know it."

Teacher Lu Zhongban continued to ask: "That is also a p picture, how do you know how to use cosmetics?"

"Because the makeup artist of the photo studio has ten people, six of them have changed jobs on the same day, so I went up. Hahaha, yes, tell you, the first girl I gave, I shaved her eyebrows. Half, hahahaha, I will show it later."

Zhou Xu sees Yang He’s look like a haha, and can’t help but laugh: “Isn’t you being beaten?”

"She didn't hit me," Yang He continued. "Her boyfriend slammed me."

"The teacher is good, great, good brother." A slightly neutral voice sounded in the activity room, and finally interrupted the laughter of Zhou Xu and Lu Zhongban.

The three people brushed their heads back, and they were a handsome figure. Zhou Xu asked: "Are you?"

"Big, my name is Su Kang, it is He Ge who called me, let me do makeup artist for you."

Zhou Xu nodded, no wonder he hadn't seen him when he recruited new people. "Don't call me big, call me Zhou Xu. It's right. After another ten minutes, the members of the community should come. You may have to trouble you." It is."

"It's okay, after all, I like it myself. It makes me feel good. I am very happy. Right, I am a girl, but I am used to it myself now."

Both Zhou Xu and Lu Zhongban were a little surprised, but they were somewhat gratified. Several people looked at each other with no smiles and no prejudice. Only the most sincere appreciation between people and people.

After that, the members gradually came. There were a total of 60 people, more than 30 boys, and more than 30 girls. First, Lu Zhongyan and Zhou Xu said a few words, they were encouraging their self-esteem and self-confidence. What else, because as long as you come to this community, everyone is the same.

After that, the makeup session began, and Zhou Xu was too busy.

When he was dizzy, Zhou Xu looked around and found that Yang He had already left, and Su Kang, who he sent, smiled and served the members.

A warm current flows into the bottom of my heart, and Zhou Xu feels very comfortable.

Yes, comfortable, isn't this what modern people want most?

The design picture appeared in my mind, and Zhou Xu couldn't wait any longer. He had to design the idea of ​​this moment.

"Teacher, I use your computer." The activity room is a computer, or Lv Zhongban teacher himself. He doesn't have to help, naturally he goes to see the computer.

"I am still using it."

"I will use it for a while." After that, Zhou Xu has already pulled Mr. Lu.

Ten fingers are like flying, Zhou Xu applies the feeling of this moment to the design. There are water droplets in the picture, there are streams, grass, flowers, sun, and people in the sun, but an hour, the design The general framework and most of the content have already come out.

Save the picture and send it to your mailbox. Zhou Xu Chang is relieved, "Call."

"Hey." A slap in the face of Zhou Xu's shoulder, he just looked up, and then saw a big smile on Lu Zhongban's teacher: "Yes, if you pass, remember to invite me to dinner."


"I saw that the advertising map designed for a car, if it is chosen, certainly must not save money, remember to treat."

"And me, I want too."

"Hey, does the president want to treat you? Do we have a share?"

"It seems that all members can go."

"Wow, great, I want to eat fish, the fish in the school restaurant is too bad."

"What do I want to eat mutton hot pot?"


Silent, Zhou Xu looked at Lu Zhongban, Lu Zhongya shrugged, then smiled and said: "I support you mentally, come on."

At this moment, Zhou Xucai really saw the situation of the entire activity room. The original teenager became a girl, and the girls were already handsome boys at the moment. Some people may still be a bit of a dew, but they can come to the club, Zhou Xu. I feel that it is an improvement.

After that, Zhou Xu also said: "If you have the courage to go out, I will accompany you out. If you need to add more fuel, stay here and chat with the good guys, or you will do your homework together. Our society Don't force anyone, no matter when you need it, here is a harbor."

"Oh..." After the applause, Su Kang said: "Big, your makeup has not finished, how about I give you a glamorous 贱?"

"Well, it must be good-looking, Su Shuai is giving the president a quick turn."

"Well, well...we want to see too, Su Shuai is fast..."

Zhou Xu: "..."

Zhou Xu was once again pushed to the front of the mirror and closed his eyes. Zhou Xu thought, forget it, let the members be happy.

Just after opening his eyes again, he himself stayed, the **** beauty inside is really himself?

The eyes of the small smoky makeup are matched with the red lips, and the long curly hair is scattered. Zhou Xu thinks that a man will probably fall in love with this beauty, of course, except for gay.

On this day, there were only ten people who walked out of the activity room with Zhou Xu in a different form, but each of them was confident and full, because they all knew that only their own excellence is the most letting others shut up. Good weapons, and they are ten, each of them is excellent and horrible.

A high-level English student, male, sophomore, got the national advanced translation certificate, and the third year has the ability to interpret simultaneously.

A computer is a ghost, a woman, but her height is one meter and eight two. She has not graduated and has been hired by relevant state departments to fight certain criminals.

A fine art genius, female, at the age of fourteen, his paintings can already be sold for millions of dollars.


When these ten people come out, they are the most beautiful scenery.

Facing the eyes of everyone, they are light and smiling.

In the evening, when everything was gone, Zhou Xu still remembered his own design, but the dormitory was inconvenient after all, so Zhou Xu hit it and went to Yang He's design room.

The key, Yang He had already given Zhou Xu, so Zhou Xu was not worried about the door.

However, what Zhou Xu didn't think was that when he opened the door of the design room, Yang He was also there, and Zhou Xu clearly saw that Yang He was swallowing several times after seeing himself.

The author has something to say: This chapter is written to the lying silkworm pen. I want to say that I didn't know what it was at first, but I was despised by my friends.

For those who just finished rubbing a BB cream, makeup is simply torture, but I am very supportive of others to learn makeup, really good and beautiful.

Thank you for changing id madness, ritaleesk, vanilla, sly mine, what?