MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 135 Celestial Family Cultivation Waste Materials (3)

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There is no way to store the spiritual energy, and it is useless to be sensitive to the spiritual energy field or other things, so it should have been the original body of the promising young genius, but in an instant, it has become a waste material that everyone ridicules.

Especially in the period from three to six years old, the original body that was regarded as the pillar of the future family was fully cultivated. First, the original body did not systematically learn other things, and secondly, it was consumed in order to cultivate his family. Sky-high resources, but when everyone finds that their previous investment is not worth the price, those strong expectations have turned into hatred and contempt, and they attacked the young original body unabashedly.

At that time, the original body still followed Si Lan's surname Si. After this incident, the whole family was attacking Si Lan. Si Lan was also resolute.

In fact, Si Lan didn't want to change her name because she couldn't stand the family's accusations. Her husband was an ordinary person. Originally, when the teacher was practicing, he was changing his life against the sky. Death calamity, that time it was her husband who suffered the calamity for her.

Of course, an ordinary person can't be saved. Si Lan was just pregnant at the time. The elders in the clan thought that she could have an abortion and remarry. Who knew that Si Lan gave birth to a child in one breath. He still wanted to make the original body bear his father's surname. At first, everyone thought that the original body was the next patriarch who was a sure thing, so he didn't do anything. In the end, when this incident happened, Si Lan simply changed the original name back to the original body.

Furthermore, the original body has already received too much attention, and the fact that the original body has attracted much attention and changed the surname also shows that there is no power struggle. After all, Si Lan cannot protect the original body for a lifetime. Only in this way can the original body grow better.

However, Si Lan's idea was obviously not obtained from the original body.

He only knew that once he fell from the clouds, Si Lan, as a mother, did not come out to help him immediately, but instead obeyed the accusations of his tribe and changed his surname, so that he was labeled as his father's "ordinary person". Being ridiculed, I can't lift my head all my life.

In addition, in the most important years of the child's personality formation, the original body did not get a good education at all, so it is very obvious that he is crooked.

At this time, Si Yiming, the protagonist of this world, also officially showed his edge.

Si Yiming is the same age as the original body. He is a child of the Si family's sideline, and a illegitimate child. His status in the Si family is very low, and he is a character who can be beaten and scolded by others. , only because of his good affinity for Reiki, he can be looked at in the eyes of others.

However, although Si Yiming's aura affinity is good, it is still far from the original body of the once-in-a-millennium genius level.

However, Si Yiming is a guy who can endure the city government, and has been practicing silently. When the original body was found to have a physical defect at the age of six, the elders of the elders looked back and looked at the younger generation, and immediately found that this man was silent. , The little guy who has cultivated a thousand miles in a day.

From then on, the original body fell into the quagmire, but Si Yiming flew into the clouds.

At that time, because Si Lan was in his prime, no one dared to mention anything, but when this generation of juniors grew up, the matter of succeeding the head of the family was of course also on the agenda.

The time when Xie Gu crossed over was right after the annual family meeting.

This family meeting officially proposed the assessment of the successor of the head of the family.

Although everyone thinks that the position of the successor as the head of the family must belong to Si Yiming, on the surface, in order to look good on each other, there must be an assessment. Cultivation, performance, earning merit for the family and other dimensions of assessment and scoring, the final trial was set after a year, and the scores were announced immediately to determine the candidates.

Everyone else knew that the successor, Si Yiming, was a sure thing, and that he was not a fool. Of course, they could tell that, so as soon as today's conference ended, they went straight to the bar of "good brother" Fang Feiyuan. After two glasses of vodka, Intoxicated with his sensitive constitution.

Fang Feiyuan should have called Si Lan before. Although the original body has not had a good relationship with Si Lan over the years, everyone knows how well Si Lan protects the calf, so he naturally rushed over.

And then there's the situation now.

In the original trajectory, the original body stumbled upon Si Yiming many times, and finally made a big mistake and was caught. Even Si Lan couldn't protect his son, and was directly executed according to the family rules. Si Lan was also killed because of this. In a later practice, he went into trouble and committed suicide in order to prevent himself from losing his mind and doing slaughter.

Si Yiming took over the title of Patriarch easily, and led the Si family to the top of the five Celestial Master families.

At present, the original body is also a stupid and poisonous type, but Xie Gu, who has read the whole world's original plot from a third perspective, knows that Si Yiming is not an upright person.

In fact, Si Yiming is not a cultivation genius at all. His aptitude is good, but he is not enough to kill his peers in seconds.

But the protagonist can finally ascend to the position of the head of the family, relying on a practice method from another world.

Coincidentally, I have seen this practice in the previous world, the kind of evil cultivation.

It was also mentioned in the previous world that there are two types of cultivation schools, the righteous path and the evil cultivation. The righteous path steals the spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and the evil cultivation method steals the spiritual energy from the practitioners. Therefore, as long as the physique is suitable, the speed of practicing evil cultivation techniques will be very fast. The disadvantage is that the aura may be relatively complex, but as long as you are willing to work hard, this is not a problem.

What's more, compared to the previous world, this urban spiritual world is considered to be the era of the end of the law. Originally, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin. If you can directly grab it with the cultivation method of evil cultivation, the cultivation speed will be faster.

Si Yiming's matter was concealed, and no one noticed it at first. Later, as he gradually became stronger, he ignored the rules and laws. Si Yiming knew when the original body first targeted him, but he guided the original body step by step. He made more mistakes, and finally killed him.

What is he for?

Si Lan's spiritual power.

Si Lan is the patriarch of the eight classics of the Si family. He has spiritual power from orthodox cultivation and is old. Naturally, it is not something that Si Yiming can easily deal with, but Si Yiming is greedy for Si Lan's spiritual power, so he simply uses it. The original body's incident stimulated Si Lan, and coupled with the guidance of other tricks, there is no suspense at all for people to go into trouble.

It's a pity that Si Yiming didn't expect that Si Lan's cultivation was so profound that he remained awake for a moment even if he was on the verge of falling into a demon, and Si Lan was really determined to be ruthless. In a moment of effort, he broke his heart with a single palm. In the end, Si Yiming worked hard and failed to recover his spiritual power, so he took the position of the head of the family and comforted himself.

Xie Gu strode into the room, scooped up all the messy things on his bed, and sat down.

Si Yiming used the evil cultivation technique?


He rubbed his chin, then sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and looked inside, wanting to take a good look at what was going on with his body.

The last world gave him the whole body of swallowing everything, how come this world has undergone a major reversal, and everything is leaked?

Xie Gu has been in the last world for more than 20 years. A dream-like mountain is sitting on the world's money. If nothing else, I have seen a lot of good things. I also learned a lot about the law.

Since there are people in this world who can practice the methods of evil cultivation, then the cultivation methods of the right way should also be available. The predecessors in this world have been groping for thousands of years, and it is the era of the end of the law. There must be no Xianxia world in terms of cultivation. The gods and demons have the right to speak, so Xie Gu simply used the exercises that the previous world knew, and practiced with this body one by one.

After a night passed, Xie Gu finally opened his eyes.

One bad news and one good news.

The bad news is that this body is really like a sieve, the aura cannot be retained at all, and any exercises are useless.

The good news is that this body's affinity for spiritual energy is really strong enough. Although it can't be retained, it can be guided and played by some special methods. In the last world, Xie Gu didn't study much about the special methods of application, but in this world, because they couldn't do anything about cultivation, they did a lot of research on the methods of application. It just so happened that one of them was very suitable for him.

- Painter.

The talisman itself is actually a special method to introduce the spiritual power into the vermilion ink, and then fix it on the carrier. When it needs to be used, it can be stimulated by external force or spiritual power. My own body just can't store the spiritual power. Induction is really no problem.

Therefore, the original body is an idiot. Even if there is no such thing as a fuxiu, the Si family is a family of celestial masters, and there will always be some knowledge related to drawing talismans. Isn't it stupid to have to dig a hole in the ground?

Xie Gu sneered, turned over and got out of bed in a good mood to wash.

-Find another way to make money, or the kind of technological monopoly.

It was already dawn, Xie Gu had not slept all night, but because he was in a state of meditation before, he could also replace sleep. When he went downstairs to eat breakfast after taking a shower, he looked quite energetic.

Si Lan has always worked and rested regularly, not to mention that she has practiced for many years. She is obviously fifty years old, but her spirit is not much better than that of a twenty-year-old girl. At this time, she has sat down at the dining table, drinking Have porridge.

She has already changed her clothes today. She is no longer the image of a capable and strong woman from yesterday, but a set of lady-style home skirts. It seems that she is not ready to go out. Seeing Xie Gu go downstairs, her expression is a little surprised: "Woke up?"

Yesterday suffered such a big blow, even if you are drunk and sober quickly, according to the usual practice, I am afraid that you will not get up so early, right?

Xie Gu also nodded, with a calm expression on his face: "I'm hungry."

Si Lan was not too surprised by Xie Gu's answer. She didn't really know how to educate her children, and she felt that she owed Xie Gu a lot, so she often let her go. When she realized that her son seemed to be crooked, He is already an adult. Even if Si Lan cares about it, most of his son will not be convinced, so the dialogue between the mother and son for the past five years is this style. It would be weird if Xie Gu suddenly became enthusiastic.

She estimated the atmosphere and cared about Xie Gu, seemingly casual, but her tone was stiff: "After one night, are you awake?"

Si Lan felt a little annoyed as soon as she said this. She didn't mean to be provocative, but after saying this, she seemed cold and inhuman. .

Who knew that Xie Gu didn't mean to be angry at all, but nodded, and followed Si Lan's words lazily: "Sober up."

Si Lan was shocked again.

But in the end, it was developing in the direction she hoped, so she didn't destroy it, just nodded.

It's just that such a harmonious atmosphere is rare, and Si Lan wanted to mention something else, but suddenly found that he didn't know where to start.

Are you talking about training? Clearly this was a minefield for her son, and she couldn't say anything at all.

say life? But she has been busy with family affairs all these years. Although she wants to participate in her son's growth, she is completely powerless. Even now, her son is trying to hide from herself. No topic now.

In the end, Xie Gu turned the spoon carelessly, made a ding ding sound when it collided with the porcelain bowl, and then spoke first: "I heard that some tasks are regularly released in the family?"

Si Lan was stunned for a moment, then reacted, nodded and said, "Yes, they are all tasks that are not too complicated, for the juniors to practice their skills."

The Si family will regularly issue tasks, such as cleaning up spirits or transcending the soul. For experts, they are trivial things that can be solved with the touch of a finger, but it is quite difficult for the novice Tianshi. The business specially collected by the family can generate some income, and by the way, it can also sharpen the juniors.

However, the concept of "junior" usually refers to minors.

The Si family is a big family, and those who can cultivate must invest resources to fully support them from childhood. Therefore, when they reach adulthood, the Celestial Masters of the Si family are considered to have completed their cultivation. In order to maintain their leading position, these young people must also To carry out the necessary experience, it is said that education should start from the child, so when the Si family goes to junior high school, they will be assigned tasks to do during the holidays.

Generally speaking, a Celestial Master of the Si family, from junior high school to senior high school graduation, has at least ten assignments, except for the third year of high school or the college entrance examination.

Ten missions are more experienced than many older grassroots Celestial Masters.

However, the original body, a waste material that cannot be cultivated, is of course impossible to carry out this kind of experience.

At this time, Si Lan was a little surprised to hear Xie Gu mention it: "Why are you asking this? Do you want to go?"

It's not that she doubts Xie Gu's strength... well, she just doubts it.

Seeing Xie Gu nodded naturally, Si Lan conditioned reflex to frown: "Although these are all simple tasks, you don't have much ability to protect yourself, and..."

Xie Gu, as his own son, must still have a bodyguard, but it's not worth spending the bodyguard on such a small experience, and secondly, what Si Lan is more worried about is Xiegu's mentality.

Originally, he was inferior and sensitive because he couldn't cultivate, and the tasks were all children. They had a conflict with each other. Si Lan was worried that there was nothing wrong with the task, and that his own people would have an accident first.

Xie Gu saw through Si Lan's worries at a glance, and said directly: "I promise not to use my personal treasures, and I won't let them bully me." After all, he can punch a child by himself.

He seemed helpless, and his brows stretched: "Mom, I know you care about me, but I can't be so useless forever, right?"

Rich woman, I know you are rich, but I can't stay so poor until I inherit your inheritance, right?

The author has something to say: You guys suddenly gave me nutrient solution so aggressively, but I was really wilted last month. Do you know what sage time is? It's not a 20-bottle problem (hint)

Then I changed the cover today, and then the facial features, it was wrong. Finally, I told the artist base friend to wipe the facial features, and see how I acted. Now I think it fits the theme very well (certainly nod), I used it on purpose. RMB, no US dollar!

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-04 23:59:24~2020-07-05 23:55:51~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Guoguo; 20 bottles of generators; 10 bottles of fire in July and no clothes in September;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!