MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 109 High school campus super school bully (13)

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On July 31, 2017, an accusation article full of blood and tears started from Weibo and quickly spread across the country, sweeping major media and social platforms.

"Tear off the fig leaf of campus bullying: Zhuang students of Yuncheng High School, have you ever felt ashamed for killing my son? 》

The article is concise and to the point. The reasons for Fang Haoting's suicide are clearly stated as soon as it comes up. In the middle, two sentences of the grief of relatives and friends are exaggerated. Later, it describes in detail the various abuses Fang Haoting suffered in school. , Fang Haoting's suicide note, related photos and video screenshots, etc. are clearly listed. Of course, the current arrogance of Zhuang Yuenlang and others is also compared.

Finally, this article said in the tone of Fang’s father: [I know that our parents don’t care about the death of my son. I also understand the idea of ​​​​the school wants to reduce the impact, and I understand that Xiaoting is dead and can’t live again. It is for this reason that Xiao Ting's mother and I must spend the rest of our lives seeking justice for our son! 】

[We know that the law protects minors now, not to mention that it is difficult for Xiao Ting to be held accountable for committing suicide, but Zhuang’s swaggering and even triumphant attitude now makes us shudder. 】

[If Zhuang students are not punished and restrained, and the one who jumped down from the teaching building ten days ago was our kiosk, what about the next ten days, or even the next ten years? Extending to so many cities and schools across the country, how many kind and lovely children will be thrown off the cliff by the broken wings of the devil? 】

Originally, the incident of Fang Haoting jumping off the building caused a lot of trouble before, but there was no major case in the follow-up. Yuncheng High School was even more interested in suppressing the news, and even Zhuang Yuenlang's family was well-off, and he tried his best to keep it down. The heat has subsided a little in the past two days.

But now, as soon as this article came out, the public opinion that had just calmed down immediately boiled over.

Now there is a lot of controversy on the issue of school bullying in the law on the protection of minors, and now a child has indeed died, and the social dynamics of Zhuang Yuenlang and others in the article are not at all. There is no meaning of repentance, and if you promote one purchase and forward one more, will you still not be able to stir up the heat?

[Hell is empty, the devil is in the world]

[My God, how can there be such a vicious person? Still just a kid? Having said that, the second year of high school will soon be the third year of high school, and it is not far from adulthood, right?]

[I am a student at Yuncheng High School, to be honest, the arrogant behavior of "Zhuang students" is more than that! Many classmates were bullied by them, but Fang's too sudden, the school still wants to suppress the news]

[It is really difficult to punish severely. Although there have been sentencing cases of school violence, it is still a minority.]

[The law should not be the umbrella for such people to abuse other people's lives! 】

【The school does not act at all? 】

[Graduates from Yuncheng High School, in fact, our high school is quite good, but this kind of case... can't be suppressed no matter what, I understand the school's thinking, but some people really deserve a lesson]

[For Zhuang students, I am riding a horse to be a snowflake that braves the world! If the law can't punish you, can the society still not do it? 】

The online public opinion spread quite fast, and soon Yuncheng’s education bureau and other government agencies began to intervene. Yuncheng High School wanted to keep things quiet and no one could do it. In desperation, they could only make a statement and review their own attitude towards students. While not paying attention to health in a timely manner, he also stated that he would cooperate with relevant investigations, and that every student who violates discipline and rules will be severely punished.

Originally, Yuncheng High School was also hesitating about making up the summer classes—Fang Haoting’s jump disrupted all their teaching plans. Although the teachers were also distressed, the learning of thousands of students in the entire grade could not be left behind. Working hard as a parent is also for making up lessons later.

Don't say that quality education prohibits make-up classes, and they don't charge any money. What's more, under the current trend of the general environment, other schools are making up classes, and they will be thrown away if they don't make up.

It's just that with this investigation now, it is impossible to make up classes. There are still many students' parents who have been looking for the school to explain - I handed my child over to your school. Have you taught and taken care of it properly? If so, why is there still campus bullying that leads to suicide and jumping off the building? Are those bullying students still at school? If I'm still there, I don't dare to let my child come back to class. Can you afford it if something goes wrong?

Besides, even if the students are called back, it is estimated that they will have to exchange information about the Fang Haoting incident, and it is impossible to study quietly.

In the end, Yuncheng High School was also very helpless, because a group of parents here were afraid that their children would have an accident, and there was another group of parents who were worried that their children would be left behind to study, and the conflicts were difficult to neutralize. Recommend some online courses and topics, and correct the explanation every day.

However, although Yuncheng High School was devastated, their supervision was poor, and they were not the main culprit in the Fang Haoting incident, but the group of school bullies headed by Zhuang Yuenlang who really drove people to death were panicked.

Especially Zhuang Yuenlang himself, because he was Fang Haoting's classmate and the one who bullied him the most. In that article, the word "Zhuang classmates" was directly used to refer to this group of people. There is no doubt that Zhuang Yuenlang It also bears the brunt of accountability.

And these days, on the one hand, the constant interrogation by the school police and education bureau has made him emaciated, on the other hand, some people on the Internet have already fleshed out his personal information, threatening and abusive language has filled his personal account, and even Someone who lived nearby came directly to the door to challenge him, even as daring as Zhuang Yuen Long was also frightened.

Compared with Zhuang Yuen Long, Xin Zong and others, who were much less timid, suffered even more from mental torment—the contempt and swearing they received was less than Zhuang Yuen Long, but it was far beyond the limit that an ordinary person could bear. .

Even Zhao Zhihao and others who had little interaction with Fang Haoting himself but also bullied others began to admit their mistakes spontaneously, and Futian, who had already left the arena after Xie Gu had already washed his hands and left the rivers and lakes, cried aloud, for fear that he was because of what he did in the past. Also harassed.

Only Xie Gu stood still.

In fact, Futian didn't quite understand it: "Boss, why don't you panic?" Although he has already stopped, do you want to think about how many things you have done before before talking?

Xie Gu seemed to be very Buddhist: "I can't escape my life, what am I afraid of?"

Futian, who didn't know why, admired Xie Gu's calmness, but Shi Haoxing knew why Xie Gu didn't panic.

—The entire blog post of the accusation was almost written by Xie Gu’s father and mother, each student’s signature was collected by Xie Gu secretly, and the evidence was also found by Xie Gu, and even how to buy promotion is Xie Gu As I told Fang's father and mother, Xie Gu also gave a free marketing account forwarding service after the event.

Skilled as if done many times.

- Shi Haoxing is indeed the truth.

Therefore, even if the time comes to pursue all the blame from a year and a half ago, these "repentance" behaviors and Xie Gu's own achievements and family background can save Xie Gu.

After this incident, Yuncheng High School was absolutely devastated, not to mention the impact on the source of students. Their grades in the college entrance examination may be weaker, but if they can win a champion at this time, I dare not say that they can turn the tide and save them. Fire is not difficult, Xie Gu, as a strong contender for the champion of liberal arts, Yuncheng High School must be able to protect it.

However, Shi Haoxing also felt strange.

Xie Gu used to be even more arrogant than Zhuang Yuen Long. Although he didn't have the disgusting hobby of pushing people into the urinal, he never gave up on hitting people. Even worse.

Even if Xie Gu is better now, can his past mistakes really be forgiven and forgotten? What's more, is Xie Gu's way of dealing with Zhuang Yuen Long right now?

If it was the attitude of a bystander, Shi Haoxing would definitely say no, but when he was in it, he was strangely unable to bear any resentment.

He even felt a burst of pleasure at Xie Gu's method of tidying up Zhuang Yuen Long.

Xie Gu noticed Shi Haoxing's suspicious gaze, and closed the web page he just opened: "What's wrong?"

Shi Haoxing hesitated a bit: "...Can people really change?"

His words were too mindless to ask, and Xie Gu was too lazy to do reading comprehension, so he answered literally: "Of course."

"No," Shi Haoxing defended, "I still don't quite understand why you want to rectify Zhuang Yuanlang, you have no friendship with Fang Haoting at all." He even rectified the school.

Xie Gu's tone was casual: "I'll let you out."

If you let out your anger, you will be more grateful to me, and you will work harder when my younger brother makes money for me in the future.

Shi Haoxing was shocked: "Give, vent your anger?"

At this time, he couldn't understand Xie Gu's real purpose at all, but was full of shock and emotion.

Although in the future, after Xie Gu revealed his true purpose, all these emotions would be turned into ashes, but it doesn't matter, he is still very moved now.

After answering that sentence, Xie Gu put his eyes back on his computer, but because Shi Haoxing didn't speak again for a long time, he still turned his head and took a look, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Shi Haoxing's eyes. : "Stupid? Have you finished writing the paper?"

Only then did Shi Haoxing return to his senses and continue to do his homework.

Xie Gu closed the computer, got up and walked into his room. After a while, he pulled out a suitcase.

Xie Feng and Yuan Qing seem to want something for Xie Gu, but the actual desire to control is not low. Xie Feng is okay, he is often away from home, so there are few requirements, but Yuan Qing is difficult to tolerate Xie Gu. "Disobedient," she was not happy when Xie Gu said that she would stay with the school, but now that things got worse, she asked Xie Gu to go home and live even harder.

Xie Gu doesn't really care, anyway, Shi Haoxing seems to be in a stable mood now, and nothing should happen, so Xie Gu can go back to the villa by himself to live, just to observe Yuan Qing and Xie Feng.

Seeing Xie Gu pull out all the suitcases, Shi Haoxing was a little surprised: "Are you going home now?"

Xie Gu said "um": "I gave you the key to the house, you can come and live if you want, and you have to pay the water and electricity bills."

Shi Haoxing asked, "Trust me so much?"

Xie Gu nodded, but didn't say that he had stuffed valuables into the box a long time ago, and it was impossible for Shi Haoxing to do bad things.

He told Shi Haoxing again: "We don't have make-up classes. After the start of the third year of high school, it is estimated that we will lag behind other schools. Don't miss your homework. The college entrance examination is the most important thing. If you have any questions, you can ask me, anyway, I will. "

Shi Hao Xing also asked Xie Gu about the subject of arts and sciences, but Xie Gu said as a matter of course: "Anyway, I am good at science, and Xuewen should challenge myself. Besides, if I didn't pretend to be pitiful at the time, would you be soft-hearted?"

He said it quite rightly, but Shi Haoxing was still not angry - after all, isn't Xie Gu still letting him?

At this time, Xie Gu repeatedly reminded the importance of the college entrance examination. Shi Haoxing felt warm, nodded and said, "I will work hard."

Although he is less likely to be the champion, he can't be thrown away too much anyway.

Probably because of the peace of mind in his heart, although the strange nightmare full of oppression appeared again this night, Shi Haoxing was not affected much, that is, he frowned when he was awake, and then got up to study. went.

In August 2017, the investigation into the incident of Fang Haoting jumping off the building at Yuncheng High School was basically completed.

Several students such as Zhuang Yuen Long and Xin Zong have been expelled for many serious violations of discipline. A few have been prosecuted and are likely to face jail time. Although the rest will not go to jail, their reputations are already bad and they have no education. No ability, the narrow road in the future can be foreseen.

Although Zhao Zhihao and others, who were relatively restrained, were not expelled, their past incidents were revealed, and the relevant punishment could not be escaped. However, compared with the miserable situation of Zhuang Yuen Long, they were quite satisfied with their ending, and they remembered all the demerits. Very happy, I guess I won't dare to be arrogant in the future. After all, Zhuang Yuenlang's "death" is so ugly, who is not afraid?

There are also a few people like Futian who washed their hands very early or didn’t commit any crimes in the first place. They didn’t get fired and didn’t record any demerits, so they were fined for review and had to read aloud in the class meeting after the school started.

As for the rather delicate status of the bones, the school wanted to let it go lightly, but who knew that this wonderful person wrote a self-inflicted book and submitted it to the school journal. After quite a stir, many students felt admiration—this is a warrior!

However, Yuan Qing was quite dissatisfied with this and felt that Xie Gu was destroying his reputation.

Although Xie Gu is quite indifferent, firstly, he is not scolding himself, and secondly, Yuan Qing is short-sighted. It is impossible for people who really hold grudges to forget what the original body has done. Now he is foolish to rely on someone to protect him. It is better to take the initiative to reveal it , but more likely to win a good reputation.

As for those who despise themselves? There are trolls everywhere, and people will be dissatisfied if he writes this review or not.

At this point, the matter of Fang Haoting has basically come to an end. Although Fang's father and Fang's mother are still sad, they have done the best they can. guy.

However, Fang Haoting still stopped in 2017 forever, and more people are still moving forward in a hurry, turning over the chapters day after day.

In the blink of an eye, winter is coming to spring, and summer is coming, and the third year students across the country still usher in the college entrance examination as scheduled.

Speaking of the college entrance examination, many people feel as if it is an insurmountable mountain.

But for students in schools such as Yuncheng High School that pay close attention to the quality of teaching, the college entrance examination is actually the easiest level of the various exams they have experienced since the third year of high school. It's going to be difficult on several levels.

And academic tyrants like Shi Haoxing are not worried about failing the college entrance examination at all, they are worried that they are not good enough in the test.

So when everyone really faced the college entrance examination, they also found that the whole test was only two days in total, and it passed in a blink of an eye. Maybe they had not fully tasted the tension, and the bell rang before the candidates' thoughts.

The exam questions for this college entrance examination were not too difficult for Shi Haoxing, so he dealt with it calmly. A good friend had dinner together, and then went home early, washed and slept in accordance with the adjusted good routine.

In fact, he will have an oral exam tomorrow morning. Although it is not mandatory to register, most of them still have to take the exam. After all, no one knows whether they will apply for a major that requires oral scores, or they will just make up for it. Dude, you take the exam and I take the exam, anyway, there are a lot of pieces of meat, the exam is not difficult.

Although the major that Shi Haoxing wants to apply for does not require this, but out of good habit, Shi Haoxing still listens to some English materials carefully, and then reads it aloud. important.

At night, when he went to bed, the weather was a little stuffy, and the air felt a little moist, but it was still very hot.

Shi Bozhi has always held back Shi Haoxing, and it is impossible to allow Shi Haoxing to turn on the air conditioner—in fact, there is no air conditioner in Shi Haoxing's room. There is only one hanging air conditioner in the living room, and it is closer to Shi Bozhi and Li Zhi. Room.

But the weather was unbearably hot, so Shi Haoxing could only set the fan on a timer before going to bed, and then leave a gap between his room and the living room to allow the cool air to leak in faster.

He was probably used to this kind of environment, so after doing all this and lying on the bed, he fell asleep quickly, but the nightmare that had not appeared for a long time once again haunted him.


"So this is all designed by you?" The boy has grown into an adult's body, and now he is leaning against the door, his whole person is a little embarrassed.

His head drooped slightly, but his eyes slanted to look at the person in the door, his facial features were buried in shadows and broken hair, and there was an inexplicable gloomy smell.

The person opposite scolded: "What is design? Shouldn't we raise you for a while? It's worthy of you not to throw you in the trash!"

"That's worthy?" The young man laughed sullenly, and finally raised his head, revealing a handsome and gentle face, the corners of his mouth were obviously raised, but he seemed to be sad.

He stretched out his finger and tapped the tears in the corner of his eyes: "Shi Bozhi, you are really joking."

Then he turned around abruptly and slammed the door shut. Shi Bozhi in the door was yelling, but the young man said coldly: "I'm an adult, even if you are my father, you have no right to interfere in any of my affairs."

He strode away, and then the picture changed. On the sunny university campus, a handsome young man was holding a beautiful woman with a cigarette in his mouth, and was bragging about his experience loudly to others: "Shi Haoxing? Haha. , that’s a weak chicken. What if I get admitted to Qingda University? I can also buy a degree! Anyway, no matter how much I study, I’m not as rich as my dad? My dad will definitely leave me money in the future! He works so hard It's useless, you can only work for me in the future. Let's see if I don't punish him severely!"

The next moment the sun shines brightly.



Thunder sounded.

A flash of lightning flashed outside the window, illuminating the house as bright as day.

Shi Haoxing suddenly opened his eyes.

here we go again.

At this moment, his face was expressionless, and the image from the dream just rolled over in his mind again.

In fact, it was not the first time for him to watch something similar to the second act, not necessarily with Xie Gu as the protagonist, but after all, some people mocked him and bullied him. After so many times, Shi Haoxing was a little used to it , and the fact and dream are exactly different, so Shi Haoxing has always regarded this as a reverse predictive dream and no longer cares about it.

But what about the first act?

Although the content of that conversation was not very clear, Shi Haoxing's intelligence certainly understood what he and Shi Bozhi were talking about in that dream.

He should not be Shi Bozhi's own son, maybe even a child that Shi Bozhi deliberately stole.

In fact, this is nothing. To put it utterly outrageous, looking at the way other children get along with their fathers, Shi Haoxing himself doubted that he was not his own.

It's just that the anger and desire for revenge in the dream still affected his mood at the moment, and with the rumbling of thunder outside, Shi Haoxing estimated that it would not be so easy for him to fall asleep again.

He glanced at the time, it was two in the morning.

Shi Haoxing lay down for a while with his eyes open again. He was really thirsty and wanted to go out and get a glass of water to drink.

Usually, Shi Bozhi was asleep at this time. As long as he kept his movements to a lesser extent, he should not be woken up, and he would not be scolded.

Thinking of this, Shi Haoxing quietly got out of the bed and crept out of the room door.

Under the cover of thunder and rain, Shi Haoxing entered the living room and poured water, but when he turned around, he found that Shi Bozhi's bedroom door was lit, and there were faint voices coming from inside.

Suddenly remembering the scene in the dream, Shi Haoxing stood there and didn't rush back to the room, but instead took two steps towards Shi Bozhi's room.

Perhaps it was because of the concentration, or because the sound of thunder and rain was not so loud, but in short, the voices of Shi Bozhi and Li Zhi became clearer.

"It's been eighteen years in a blink of an eye, and our son has already passed the college entrance examination. I don't know if he is doing well."

"Could it be? Our son is now Xie Feng's son! That's the eldest young master! Rich man!"

"Hey, I heard that our son has a good relationship with Hao Xing, will he..."

"I didn't want this **** to go to high school back then!" Shi Bozhi scolded, "It's not that you have to worry about old age, you want me to say that after our son gets all Xie Feng's money, Something we enjoy!"

"Don't take it for granted! Our sons don't even know us, so why should they be filial to us?"

"It's up to him!" Shi Bozhi sneered, "If Xie Feng knew that his son was in our hands, our family would be doomed, and our son wouldn't be able to eat and walk around. As long as our son still wants to enjoy wealth, we have to Offer us! I am his father!"


It rained heavily again.

The author has something to say: Xiao Yao: Big brother, it is useless to show Shi Haoxing a video! he doesn't believe us

Main system: Impossible, you wait, I'll hold him back