MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 146 School tyrants (9)

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Who knows that more than half of a class, "small bar fine" has not yet spoken, she is very neatly sitting next to the school tyrant, the small body is quite straight, eyes look at the blackboard without hesitation, even if not talking, The curiosity in the eyes and the small expression that clearly wants to talk but hold back without saying it is still very clear.

She is so embarrassed that the history teacher is not used to it.

It's like you are mentally prepared, and rack your brains to find out how to deal with the "enemies", and found that "enemy" she is very embarrassed, not thinking about chaos, never thought about playing against you.

history teacher:"……"

Forbearing most of the lessons, the history teacher was finally unable to endure before the class.

After he finished the courseware today, he stopped and looked at the dumplings.

"Sounds and children?"

The gang had just wanted to speak, and he thought of what he was going to do, and turned his head and looked at him.

Shen Hao was very satisfied with the performance of Xunzi today, touched her little head and nodded.

At this point, the corps was like a banned spell, and cheered. He turned his head and said to the teacher: "The sound is there, is the teacher having something?"

The history teacher greeted the small eyes of the reunion, as if to ask me to ask me, just wait for you to ask.

He silently and curiously said: "How can you not talk today? So what?"

The gang turned his head and looked at Dad. He honestly said: "I don't want the sound to speak. He wants the voice to be stunned. Don't talk, don't allow it to move, and wear a beautiful skirt for the sound."

The little cake skirt that was directly called by the girls to Mengxian once again caught everyone's attention. The head of the group also had a small hat of the same color, which was not taken off.

The aesthetic teacher's aesthetic is exactly the same as the indulgent straight male aesthetic. He smacked his mouth and tried to ignore it. He tried to respect the aesthetics of the three-year-old child and smiled dryly. "So?"

Tuanzi said: "So the sound is very awkward, no words!"


The history teacher looked at the school squad leaning against the window and sitting on the side of the squad. This mixed kid is hard to do a good thing?

Other students looked at the school's gaze. It was not quite right. They wanted to say it yesterday. Shen Baoba himself dressed so well in the tide brand, the troupe was a small broken skirt, and his conscience was too good to pass? Just brought people out.

Today, it is rare for the group to wear a good dress. Haven’t had time to praise the schoolmaster? I don’t even want to talk to the group?

The classmates of the ten classes had some resentment. They were more happy when they were in class yesterday. Today, the source of happiness is a small skirt that allows the schoolmaster to buy and ban.

Sinking received so many sights, still sitting calmly, eyes squatting, "obeying the discipline of the classroom is everyone's responsibility."


Other people say that this is all right. Does the school do not hesitate to say this?

The history teacher rarely boasted: "Not bad."

What really surprised the history teacher is that the three-year-old children are generally active, unable to sit still, and their concentration is difficult to concentrate. Yesterday, they can continue to talk and interact with the teacher. The group’s serious and well-behaved is still normal, but today’s small "Ping Jing" was banned, and he was able to sit there and listen to a lesson.

Very embarrassed, in addition to not talking, sitting as right as yesterday, big eyes stunned at the blackboard, full of exuberant curiosity and curiosity.

Anyway, the content of the class was finished. The history teacher asked in a joking mood: "The audio and audio children are also very embarrassed today. What have they learned?"

The squad’s eyes were bright and she felt that this bald teacher was really good. She was no one to ask her. If the teacher didn’t ask her again, the corps couldn’t stop.

She immediately said with a small hand: "Teacher, the sound is learning things, my father is not good at reading, the sound is hard to learn, and then teach Dad."

Indulge in the past: "..."

Tuanzi seriously shared his thoughts with the teacher. "Sisters said that Dad is not good at studying, and his grades are not good, so the sound can only help his father to study."

history teacher:"……"

The bald history teacher would like to ask the group, what can you learn from a three-year-old small group? Have you learnt that?

Xuexue re-study **** is also a ten-year-old adult, and listening to classes with closed eyes is much better than a three-year-old squad.

The dumplings licked their fingers and said, "The teacher said today...and..."

The speed of the squad is very slow, because she is retelling, she is recollecting things in her mind, so Xiaoyin said slowly that she learned something.

The entire classroom is quiet.

They looked at the dumplings and said.

Waiting for the dumplings to be finished, it’s been a while, and the history teacher has been stunned for half a minute.

The bells of the class rang, and he only came back.

Unbelievably asked: "Have you remembered?"

The reunion of Tuanzi’s milk is exactly what he said in class and the lessons he has taught.

Those things that appeared on the blackboard in the textbook, the corps did not know how to read, but she wrote down everything that the teacher had said, and never stopped.

The history teacher even made a mistake in a place where there was a pause in the middle. The next moment he immediately corrected it, and he was backed up by the word.

history teacher:"……"

Class 10 school students: "!!!"

With so many eyes, the group thought that they had made a mistake, seriously recalled it, and carefully asked: "Is the sound and sound wrong?"

The ten classmates swayed their heads, yes, that's right!

History teacher: " children, you, very smart, remember, the teacher praises you."

When the class went, the history teacher walked a little erratic, and it was difficult to return to the office until he returned to the office.

A three-year-old is not a little bit. When she is full of calculations, she just learns to talk and walk. She can actually recite all the words he said. This ability... If I go to school later, is it not a small child prodigy?

Sinking with amazement, he looked at the dumplings with a small fat face and praise.

He is a student of scum, does not mean that he has no knowledge. This amazing memory can be foreseen in the future.

Sinking was still thinking, if she had been taking in the scorpion and even adopted her, she would adopt her in the name of the old fox, and the old fox would not agree.

But now the heart is put down for a third, the scorpion is so smart, the old fox may have promised.

The history teacher held a cup of hot tea. After a long time, he didn't drink it. The tea was cold. Several teachers in the office were surprised to ask: "What happened today? How is it not?"

There is a female teacher who is also a teacher of the 30th class. She teaches the language and asks: "Is it not... is it to sink and bring the child over?"

The history teacher nodded.

The Chinese teacher raised his glasses and said, "Let’s ask Lin Fang again. It’s always a matter of tube. It’s really inconvenient for a three-year-old child to appear in class.”

The history teacher screamed: "Not like this, she is coming, but she is not confused, and a class is very squatting, no noisy."

Other teachers have heard about the children brought by the school tyrants. They are very famous in the school. They nod their heads. "It doesn't matter if you don't have to sit around. Anyway, do you not understand the nature of our school? These students are not true." If you are going to study in the college entrance examination next year, there will be more than ten classes in a class."

"Sinking is not so good, you will be able to do it, don't go with him, save trouble."

The language teacher nodded and sat back to the original position to organize the lesson plans. Later, the 30th class was her class.

At this time, the history teacher was slowed down. He said, "No, you want to marry, the child..."

He took a deep breath: "It's an amazing little child prodigy in memory. Do you think she listens carefully to class?"

"No, she remembers, what I said in class, she remembered it all, and like a repeater, I can recite all the words I have said. I suspect that if she is literate, She can also recite those things in the textbook."


They looked at the history teacher like an alien. "Lao Zhang, are you stupid today? Are you talking nonsense?"

The history teacher finally drank the cup of herbal tea and sighed on the back of the chair. "Don't you believe that even if you ask the ten classes, they will not be alone in my day?"

When the language teacher picked up the lesson plan, he quickly walked out, and the high heels were stunned.

The author has something to say: Two more ~ ​​呜呜呜 just saw that there is a deep water rolling, thank you love the little demon, I decided to add another chapter at night to sleep! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Deep Water Torpedo]: 1 love demon;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: the only one;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Eurus, 23 bottles; 15 bottles in summer; 11 bottles of delicately wrapped melon sauce; 10 bottles of 潼潼; the most beautiful of us 3 bottles; 夕影, only 2 bottles; nine dust mites, white 驹 驹 , 唯 唯 唯 唯 唯 唯

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