MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 1060 lovesickness

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It was more serious than she thought ...

The Gospel of Lin felt that it should be instructed to investigate some of the things that Xiaosi had on his way back to Beirong.

Originally with the respect of the children, she didn't ask too much, just thinking that he could return to her safely.

But now ... she is so guilty that she is so small.

After discussing this with Huang Fujin for a while, Huang Fujin raised her shoulders and comforted softly, "I'll send someone to check it, you don't have to worry too much. Although the child in the fourth grade likes to carry it by himself , But he has a sense of mind. "

After he was comforted by Lin Gospel, he felt better.

A few days later, Huang Fujin sent a person investigating the incident to come back and report the experience of Xiaosiyi.

Both husband and wife were stunned.

Gospel Lin looked at Huang Fujin cautiously and asked, "Jin ... in this way, our little four in this family is still in love and has acacia?"

"Isn't it?" Huang Fujin couldn't figure it out, frowned. "Don't you come back to say that Xiao Si really hates the little princess of the Moon Branch?"

Gospel Lin remembered a saying that sometimes the more I like someone, the more I hate that person ...

Xiaosi is very proud, it is really possible!

When the Gospel of Lin said so, Huang Fujin was also not sure, and suddenly said quietly, "Just look at it from the newspaper ... The little princess of the Yuezhi tribe really can't compliment!"

The Gospel of Lin also shook.

It looks like that kind of sticky girl ... Just she saw that the girl was a young business man running around the world. There was nothing wrong with Enron. It should be a pretty girl.

"You ca n’t just look at the surface when you look at things," Lin Gospel said, and then laughed again. "Anyway, the little girl is very good-looking. Our little four likes people who look good Maybe I like the beauty of other girls. "

Huang Fujin laughed and looked at her and joked, "You just look at your son like this?"

Lin Gospel laughed unwillingly and didn't speak again.

"That's it, you can talk to a little four and talk. We don't have any guesses here," Huang Fujin seriously suggested.

If you really have acacia and don't think about eating and sleeping all day, that's also very serious, you have to cure it.

However, thinking of his son Huang Fujin's acacia, Huang Fujin felt ashamed.

I like girls chasing after others, it also hurts Acacia ...

Gospel Lin really accepted Huang Fujin's suggestion, and he asked Xiaosi to talk about it.

After a few words, Lin Gospel asked him, "Little Four, I see that you are not thinking these days, the injuries on your body are slowly healing, and there are no problems with your body. Can you tell your mother that you are what happened?"

Xiao Sijun's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she raised her eyes to look at her mother-in-law, and when she saw the gossip in her eyes, her heart moved.

"I'm okay, I don't need to worry about it, just slowly." Xiaosi pretended to answer easily.

Gospel Lin clearly saw his eyes dodging for a while, knowing that the child was a mother, she suddenly asked: "Son, would you be acacia?"

"Nothing!" Xiao Si heard his face flushed unconsciously, and denied it if he didn't want to.

But what came to his mind was the master who had been "tangling" his face during that time ... "It really isn't, you won't deny it in such a hurry. You should be wondering why the mother asked you this way." Lin Gou laughed.

This is no doubt a stone hammer.

It's just that the boy's dead duck mouth is hard.

"No, my mother must not think blindly, how could my son cause acacia?" Xiao Si really retorted with a stubborn stance, but did not admit it.

When Lin Gospel heard the words, he sighed quietly.

Her children are characters who dare to love and hate. Except for this young son, this proud little child is like her when she was young.

But he is a man. Such pride, can't please his wife.

Until she thought of the character of the little princess of that month branch, she felt relieved.

It was her fault that it would be difficult for the little girl to be "cheeky" when the young son was born with this character.

Now think about it, she really liked the little girl's personality.

Can be described as a drop of one thing, bittern tofu.

After Gospel Lin knew his thoughts, he was not anxious, and deliberately teased Xiaosi.

"But son, you see, the mother has also shown you, you are really fine, you are a doctor, and your heart is clear. If you ca n’t eat or sleep, you ’re sick of Acacia. The symptoms are the same, what do you say? "

Xiaosi heard that his ears were red, and he wanted to invite his mother-in-law out for the first time.

Who knew that the Gospel of Lin did not let go of her at all and continued to say, "I want my mother to say, if it really hurts Acacia, it's okay.

Where is your identity? No matter which girl you look after, we'll get married.

Look at you again. You are so handsome and beautiful, and you are so beautiful and beautiful. No matter what your external conditions are, there is no girl who can refuse you. So, which girl do you like, tell your mother, mother will marry you back! "

"Mother, please don't tell me!" Xiao Si looked at his mother unhappy, "the son really doesn't."

"Really?" Lin Gospel asked.

At this time, the little nephew who was waiting at the side of Xiao Si was laughing and covering her lips.

Gospel Lin glanced gently, looking at him gently with a look on his face and asking, "Xiaodou, do you have something to say?"

Xiaodouzi saw the queen mother finally noticed him and immediately stood up straight. She reported: "The queen mother, xiaodou thinks you are right, our second prince seems to really hurt the acacia! Xiaodouzi at home At that time, my brother likes a girl like this ... "

"Little beans shut up!" Xiao Si stared.

Xiaodou jumped out and was daring. He was cultivated by Lao Wei himself. When Xiaosi yelled at him, he flattened his mouth with a grievance.

In his opinion, the second emperor's appearance clearly harmed Acacia! How many times did he bump into the second prince and smirk by himself.

It's the same as his lobby brother's old acacia.

Had it not hurt Acacia, would it have been a ghost?

"Well, it's a good thing to hurt Acacia, what's the embarrassment?" Lin Gou's lips almost tilted to the sky, "Mother likes you to love Acacia."

Xiaosi heard a few twitches at the corners of her lips, and said with a cold face, "Mother! I said, there is no lovesickness, I am just tired, just rest for a few days, and I will go to Shang Dynasty in a few days It has not been a few days and government affairs must have piled up a lot. "

After finishing speaking, the fourth child didn't go to see Lin Gossip who had prepared Zhang Luo's marriage and chose to flee.