MTL - The Vicious Female Supporting Role is So Tired [Quick Transmigration]-Chapter 40 vicious sick girl 20

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Ai Qian wronged: "Why am I disobedient?"

Bai Yuan's eyebrows trembled angrily, "I told you to stay at home and evacuate if you have something to do. Why did you come here by yourself?"

At this time the adjutant came over and said: "The commander should go, if you don't go, it will be too late."

Bai Yuan wanted to scold Ai Qian again, but when he thought that he was wasting time scolding her here, what if his daughter didn't have time to run away?

Several people carried Bai Yuan into the car together, and Ai Qian sat beside Bai Yuan to take care of him. The car was a little bumpy on the road, and blood began to ooze from Bai Yuan's body. Ai Qian looked at her feeling uncomfortable and wanted to cry a little. Bai Yuan originally wanted to say something to her, but when he saw her like this, he sighed and said, "Why are you here? Where's Lu Ange?"

"I sneaked out without telling him." Ai Qian said: "Dad, do you know? After you left, those people knew that you were in danger but didn't come to support, and they withdrew their troops a long time ago. And Lu Ange, dad, do you know ? He is actually our enemy, his parents..."

Ai Qianbalabala told all about Lu Ange, and finally she said: "I sent you a note after I heard their conversation in the western restaurant that day, Dad, did you receive it?"

Bai Yuan didn't actually receive the note, but he was happy that his daughter cared about him so much. He reached out and touched Ai Qian's hand, and said in a weak voice: "Gua Wazi, Dad actually knows about this. Lu Ange told Dad early in the morning."

Essie's eyes widened, which means you know how to make it like this?

Bai Yuan knew what she was thinking. He said: "But Dad can't help it. Wars are always going to be fought. If Dad doesn't fight, who will fight? Dad just wants to fight back the enemy, so that the good girl can stay at home with peace of mind and be a bride happily." gone."

"As for Lu Ange..." Bai Yuan said: "It's not easy for him, he never harmed Dad. Didn't you always want to go to America, if you like him, go with him, but Dad can't help you now..."

Jia Renlu said from the side: "Uncle, don't say that, you are still fine."

Bai Yuan looked at Ai Qian and then at Jia Renlu, with a sense of helplessness in his eyes.

When night fell, Bai Yuan started to have a fever. The accompanying military doctor looked at the situation and said, "The shrapnel in the commander's body can't be removed, and now he is infected and has a fever."

Ai Qian quickly took out the antibiotics in her bag, and said, "Is this useful?"

The military doctor looked a little happy, but he still said: "Not necessarily, just let fate."

Ai Qian leaned against Bai Yuan limply, her chest hurting badly.

Jia Renlu noticed it, and said, "My cousin was bombed when she came here, and now she's still suffering, so you can show her."

The military doctor asked, "Where is the pain?"

Ai Qian pointed to her chest, and the military doctor listened to her with a stethoscope. After listening, the military doctor said solemnly: "Not very good."

Jia Renlu asked anxiously, "Can it be cured?"

"There may be an operation, but there is no such condition now." The military doctor thought for a while and said: "Either go to a big city, or go abroad. The lady said before that she wanted to go to the United States? The medical technology in the United States is very advanced, and maybe it can be cured."

Ai Qian blinked, but said nothing.

The military doctor gave Bai Yuan an injection of antibiotics immediately, and another injection in the middle of the night, but there was still no improvement.

"The commander has too much blood, and there is no condition for blood transfusion here. I don't know if I can persist until home." The military doctor's eyes were red, and after thinking about it, he said to Ai Qian: "Two injections for the commander are enough. Can you give it to me? There are other brothers out there who need antibiotics."

Ai Qian nodded, "Take it, take it..."

"Thank you, miss." The military doctor hurried out with antibiotics.

Jia Renlu's dirty face was full of worry, "Cousin, your face is so pale, please rest."

Ai Qian couldn't sleep, not only because she was worried, but also because she was very uncomfortable. She asked Jia Renlu, "How did you think about the matter I asked you earlier?"

Jia Renlu asked in bewilderment, "What's the matter?"

"Are you going to the United States?"

"Of course I want to go if I can." Jia Renlu said, "It's only been two days, but I've had enough of these fearful days."

"Yes." Ai Qian nodded and said, "I have saved a lot of money in the bank of the United States, which should be enough for us there."

Jia Renlu said embarrassingly, "How dare you use your money."

"Let's just say we're going to America to get married." Ai Qian reached out and touched Bai Yuan's forehead, "Didn't you always say you wanted to marry me?"

Jia Renlu blushed dirtyly, lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, after a while he smiled and said: "This trip is so worth it, so cousin, you like such a hero who saves the beauty."

When it was dawn, Bai Yuan became even worse. The high fever made him start talking nonsense. He said a lot in a daze, and mentioned the names of many people, some of whom Ai Qian knew and some of whom Ai Xi had never heard of.

After a while, Bai Yuan started calling Bai Xunmei's name, and Ai Qian held his hand and said, "Dad, I'm here."

"Good girl...good girl...good girl..."

Ai Qian couldn't help crying, and Bai Yuan's lips began to crack and bleed due to excessive blood loss. Ai Qian fed him water with red eyes, and after not seeing him for more than a month, Bai Yuan has aged a lot. Ai Qian hugged him all the time, and when the sun was strongest at noon, Bai Yuan woke up.

He woke up and looked at Ai Qian, then at Jia Renlu, without saying a word, he just reached out and touched Ai Qian's head. Ai Qian couldn't help crying after seeing that look, and Bai Yuan also cried. He still had a lot to say and a lot of things to do, but it was too late.

His head slowly tilted into Ai Qian's arms, and he closed his eyes.

Jia Renlu burst into tears, and all the soldiers present cried. The military doctor pulled his hair vigorously, and there was not much hair left. Ai Qian was very calm. Speaking of it, Bai Yuan had only been her father for a few months, but he gave her the same feeling as her real father.

Essie blinked and looked at the horizon outside the car.

Lu Ange finally came after him with someone, and this was what he saw when he came over. The remnant soldiers were defeated, and Ai Qian, who was holding Bai Yuan's body, was all dirty. Lu Ange opened the car door in a panic, Ai Qian looked up at him.

Lu Ange said: "Believe me...I, I didn't intend to kill the commander."

Ai Qian nodded, "I see."

So both of them fell silent for a while, and after a while Lu Ange said, "When did the commander leave?"

"Just now."

"I'll take him home with you."


The long convoy drove back to the city and back to the White Mansion. Because the entire Bai Mansion was in a hurry to evacuate, nothing could be done about Bai Yuan's funeral, and he was buried soon.

Jia Renlu was beaten up by his mother when he got home. He coaxed his parents to agree to go to the United States with him by talking a lot of sweet words.

Ai Qian asked Xiao Xing if she would like to go to America with her, and Xiao Xing agreed. She didn't have any relatives, and she always followed Bai Xunmei.

On the day of departure, Lu Ange came to see Ai Qian off. He was much emaciated and looked more mature than before. He asked Ai Qian if she would come back.

Ai Qian looked at him, and finally didn't say any nonsense about marrying her cousin. She said: "I will come back when the disease is cured and the domestic situation improves."

Lu Ange bowed his head and said nothing, Ai Qian smiled and said, "Then I'm leaving."

"Can I go with you?" Lu Ange looked up into Ai Qian's eyes.

Ai Qian said: "I still don't want it. Didn't you say that you want to do something for the country? If you leave with me, there is no other way."

So Lu Ange just stood there and watched Ai Qian leave, the morning sun shone cool on her body. The car passed by kicked up dust, and he still had a photo of Essie in his hand, which he never had a chance to give her. Now he keeps the photo in the breast pocket of his shirt, the place closest to his heart.

Lu Ange stood where he was for a long time without leaving, the leaves fell on him like a pillar.

Forty years have passed.

The world is changing rapidly, and sometimes you can still see the panicked expressions on the faces of people on the battlefield when you close your eyes.

Jia Renlu was amazed when he got off the plane. He had seen the current state of the country on TV and online before, but seeing it with his own eyes was still particularly shocking. Back then he left to escape the chaos of war, but he didn't expect that after so many years, he got old, and this place became completely unrecognizable.

He held the hand of his favorite little granddaughter, who was stunningly beautiful with blonde hair. The child ran forward in a hurry, but Jia Renlu couldn't catch up.

His wife said to him: "Kristen is a very smart kid, don't need to watch too closely."

Jia Renlu said, "That's different. This is not the country of America. No matter how smart a child is, it's useless."

His wife is very helpless. After so many years, the two always have differences in the concept of educating children. But Jia Ta has been wanting to return to China for so many years, and now that he is finally back, he should be in a good mood, right?

Jia Renlu finally caught his granddaughter, and he took his wife and granddaughter on the strange way home. The house at that time had already been demolished, and the area between Jia's house and Bai's house had been transformed into a park, and there was an old man with white hair feeding pigeons in the park.

For some reason, Jia Renlu suddenly stopped in his tracks. He stood there watching for a while, and suddenly said to the old man feeding the pigeons, "Hey, is that Lu Ange?"

The old man who fed the pigeons paused for a moment, raised his head and squinted his eyes at Jia Renlu for a while, "Who are you?"

"I'm Jia Renlu." Jia Renlu said, "You don't recognize me."

"Oh, it's you!" The white-haired Lu Ange stood up tremblingly, walked up to Jia Renlu and said, "Have you returned to China?"

"Going back to China." Jia Renlu said: "When people get old, they miss home. No, I'll bring my wife and granddaughter back to visit."

"Oh, welcome back, welcome back." Lu Ange looked at Jia Renlu's wife, and said, "Is this your wife?"

"Yes, my wife, isn't she pretty?"

Jia Renlu's wife greeted Lu Ange with a smile. Lu Ange looked left and right, with a dazed expression, and said, "Where's Xunmei? Didn't Xunmei come back together?"

"You said my cousin passed away," Jia Renlu said.

Lu Ange was taken aback, "How come..."

"He passed away that year." Jia Renlu said: "She was seriously ill, and she left within half a year after arriving in America."

"Oh." Lu Ange just oh, and then couldn't speak anymore.

Jia Renlu said, "Why are you feeding the pigeons here alone? Where's your wife?"

"No." Lu Ange waved his hand, "I don't have a wife."

Jia Renlu was surprised and said, "You haven't been married for so many years?"

Lu Ange still waved his hands, "No..."

Jia Renlu was shocked for a while. He patted Lu Ange on the shoulder and said, "Actually, my cousin likes you. She already knew that she was not in good health, but she just didn't want you to know."

Lu Ange couldn't speak, so he kept nodding his head.

When Jia Renlu left, his wife asked him who the old man was just now. Jia Renlu wiped away his tears and said, "Oh, it was a friend back then. I told you about my cousin. He is my cousin's fiancé. My cousin died. For so many years, he has never married."

So the lady exclaimed, "What an infatuated person."

Lu Ange didn't know how he got home, he was a veteran of the revolution and was a political commissar back then. After being alone for so many years, the state arranged his life well, and specially sent someone to take care of his three meals a day.

When he returned to his room that day, his mind was empty, thinking about Jia Renlu's words all the time. She passed away, she passed away that year, and she didn't last half a year after going to the United States...

He thought, why left so early? Didn't you say that you will come back when you recover from your illness? Why did you just leave?

He sat like this until dark.

There are always showers in summer, and at night, there will be lightning and thunder. A bolt of lightning struck, instantly lighting up the entire room.

Lu Ange saw himself in the mirror, with wrinkled face and white hair.

If you want to turn the dark night into white hair, you don't know the age of the infatuated person.

It turned out that she was already gone, and I had waited for so many years, and I had lived to this age.

He took out a very old photo from his shirt pocket. He didn't dare to touch it for many years, for fear that the photo would be damaged. Singer Lu An was lying on the bed clutching the photo, having a deep dream.

In the dream, he still had black hair, and he was waiting on the street in front of the Baifu Gate. A girl came back, wearing a beautiful cheongsam, holding a sun umbrella, smiling very beautifully.