MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 16 sixteen tripods

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◎A Ding, do you know Daojun Wuzang◎

The palm he tapped on her jaw was cold, comparable to Pei Ming's body temperature, but there was a cold and sticky touch between his fingertips, like a spitting python clinging to the skin.

The breath he blew was so cold that it didn't feel the slightest charm, so he just wanted to stay away from him.

Song Dingding looked at his yellow-green snake pupils and the black scales around his temples, almost without distinguishing, he recognized that he was the snake king who fell in love with Pei Ming at first sight.

The Snake King looked at her with condescending eyes, and the curvature of the corners of his lips was somewhat cool and sarcastic. It was not difficult to see that he regarded her as a plaything.

But even if it was a plaything, Song Dingding was already staring at him.

Seeing her staring blankly at his eyes, the Snake King smiled and said, "Woman, what do you think?"

woman? ? ?

Could it be that this Snake King has read a lot of the words of the overbearing lord, and what kind of mess is in his mind?

The breath of forcibly grabbing the blood of the dog rushed to his face, and Song Dingding felt a chill when he was called, causing goosebumps all over his body.

Although she didn't know what she did to be targeted by the Snake King, it was obviously not a wise choice for her to directly reject him in public because of his cold-blooded, paranoid and conceited temperament.

Moreover, the Snake King and the Queen have a good relationship, and now the only person who has the ability to save Ma Yun seems to be the arrogant Snake King in front of him.

Song Dingding weighed it, smiled at the Snake King, raised his hand and brushed his hand: "It is an honor for the little girl to be in the Snake King's eyes."

"However, now that the little girl is a guest of Nvzunguo, if the Snake King wants to marry the little girl, he should follow the rules of Nvzunguo. How can you break the rules and get married in a hurry?" When she said this, there was a hint in her tone. Jiao Qiao, as if coquettish with him.

The book does not detail the relationship between the snake king and the queen.

But according to the empress's face-loving character, since she did not reject the Snake King and pointed out that she was a distinguished guest of the Nvzunguo, the Snake King could only ask for marriage according to the rules of the Nvzunguo if she wanted to get her.

If not, the Snake King does not give face to the Queen and does not take the Nvzun Kingdom seriously.

If you want to hold a wedding according to the rules, it will take at least three or five days to prepare.

As long as she can delay for a few days, she can find a way to rescue the queen's youngest daughter and male pet. After they get the swallowing dragon ball, they will immediately leave the Nvzun country.

Listening to her delicate voice, the snake king twisted his thumb and index finger together, enjoying the residual warmth she left between the fingertips.

"Okay, just do as you said." He didn't seem to notice her thoughts at all, and the smile on his lips deepened: "Three days later, this king will give you a grand wedding."

Seeing the snake king's face, the queen ordered Ma Yun to be dragged out and thrown into the Ye Ting Palace. The male servant cleaned up the blood on the ground, and the palace was restored to a luxurious scene.

Song Dingding carried the insulated food box and sat beside Pei Ming: "Miss Pei, I cooked some brown sugar egg water for you."

Pei Ming picked up the celadon bowl she put on the table, clutching the rim of the hot bowl in his palm, and said lightly, "Congratulations."

She was stunned for a moment, and it took a long time to realize that his 'congratulations' meant that the snake king wanted to marry her.

Looking at his red palm, she gently opened his hand and brought back the celadon bowl with the brown sugar egg water.

"It's just a plan to slow down the army." Song Dingding held a spoon in his hand, scooped a spoonful of brown sugar water, and blew it on his lips: "I can't watch Miss Pei's relatives and friends go to jail and die without burial."

Pei Ming lowered his eyes and tilted slightly: "Is it for me?"

She gave an "um", carefully lifted the corner of the tulle on his face, and passed the spoon to his lips: "Open your mouth."

Pei Ming slightly opened his thin lips, and the hot brown sugar water became warm and palatable, and slid into his throat along the tip of his tongue, even warming his chest.

He doesn't have a human heart, and naturally he doesn't have a human body temperature. Although he's used to it and doesn't feel that it's too hard, now that he touches something warm, he still can't help but want to approach.

The unpleasant memories disappeared without a trace with the mouthful of lipstick, sugar, and egg water she fed.

Pei Ming was the most coaxing woman Song Dingding had ever seen. With only a bowl of brown sugar egg water, the system reminded her, and her favorability increased by another 10%.

She counted with her fingers. There are seven levels in the secret realm of Tianmen, and now that she has just come here, her favorability level has risen to 36%. At this rate of increase, she can complete the task and go home without using the three secret realms. went.

After a while of joy, Song Dingding suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of guilt. She felt that what she was doing now seemed to be a scumbag who would do anything to achieve her goals.

Perhaps sensing the shake in her heart, Xiao Ai quickly comforted her: "This is an ancient abusive text. Even if Pei Ming doesn't like the host, he will like Daojun Yuwei."

"Although Pei Ming is also used, at least, the host will not hurt Pei Ming like Yuwei Daojun."

Song Dingding felt that what Xiao Ai said was reasonable, but not entirely reasonable. Love is love, and utilization is utilization, and love mixed with utilization is already the greatest harm to another person.

But as long as she wants to return to her own world alive, she must complete the strategy tasks issued by the system and use Pei Ming to harm Pei Ming.

It wasn't until the end of the banquet that Song Dingding heard the mechanical sound of the system again, and finally recovered.

【Ding! Xiao Ai publishes tasks! 】

[Send charcoal in the snow, attack the heart first. Invite the host woman to go to Ye Ting Palace, take out the bullet from the leg bone of Ma Yun, the third love rival, and bandage it with medicine. 】

Song Dingding didn't react much. Even if the system didn't release this task, she would go to Ye Ting Palace tonight.

If the queen does not give orders, no one will take out bullets for Ma Yun. If the delay is too long and the legs are abolished, it is very likely that people will lose too much blood and die.

Seeing Pei Ming get up, Song Dingding gently grabbed his sleeve with his fingers: "I'm going to Ye Ting Palace, please don't go alone, Miss Pei, go back to the room to rest early."

She knew that Pei Ming wanted to swallow the dragon ball, but the queen's youngest daughter and male pet were all hidden, and the whereabouts of those death row prisoners were uncertain, and their rash actions would only scare the snakes.

Pei Ming looked down at her, she was wearing a pale blue wide-sleeved fairy dress, knelt among the mats, blue silk hanging straight behind her waist, slightly raised her arms and pulled him, revealing a small half of tender white snow muscles .

She was also looking at him, her eyes seemed to have a ginkgo tree planted, and the clean and clear light pupils reflected the face that did not belong to him.

"A Ding, do you know Daojun Wuzang?" Pei Ming crouched down again, stroking her jet-black temple hair.