MTL - The Sword Dynasty-v8 Chapter 152 Evaluation

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There is a meteor-like sword light passing over the fields.

The sky is constantly falling with arrows and fire, broken armor and corpses, broken giant symbols, and the beasts that are mad at the dead are constantly hammering the earth.

The fertile farmland of the past has already been covered by war and turned into a muddy stream with all kinds of things.

After a very short break, the Yanqi coalition began in Zhongshan County and launched the most violent attack on Guanzhong since the war.

Every day, the city has turned into a fleshy disc, and tens of thousands of sergeants have died.

The speed of the Yanqi coalition’s advancement was extremely alarming. It only took a few days, and there were more than a dozen cities in Guanzhong.

This kind of innocent attack naturally costs several times more than the enemy's casualties.

In the eyes of ordinary people or civil servants who do not understand the war, the Yanqi coalition army has its own army and practitioners who are several times the main force of the Qin army. Even if this method of warfare is adopted, it is enough to make the main force of the Daqin dynasty. The army is exhausted one by one. Another reason is that because of the near winter and the climate, the Yanqi coalition forces will achieve a huge victory in the stage before the winter. Can break through the entire Guanzhong, you can directly attack Changling, lost the granary, ordnance production, plus all the important city pools were separatist, the entire Daqin dynasty has already existed in name only.

However, all the high-ranking generals of Yan and Qilian Army are very clear about the real reasons.

This fierce attack, which is not to be lost, stems from the assassination of Xu Fu’s defeat.

The huge swords of Xu Fu’s six hundred boys and girls are not only for the practitioners, but also for the army.

Such power, at some stage of stalemate, is enough to determine the victory of a key war.

So before that, the Yanqi coalition forces must eliminate the main army of the Daqin Dynasty as much as possible.

In addition to this reason, there are only a few reasons why only a few of the highest-ranking generals know.

The secret workshops that Zheng sleeves built in Guanzhong were empty.

These secret workshops were only established for about half a year, but the key is that no one knows what she did in these secret workshops.

On the night of the assassination of Xu Fu, Zheng sleeves went to the secret workshops.

Then these secret workshops, which have never shipped anything outside, began to “sell” a lot like the relocation of the warehouse.

No one still knows what these "goods" are.

Because in accordance with the reliable military situation, these "goods" were directly transported to Xu Fu's Yufu fleet.

Then the UFO fleet disappeared.

It is no longer the time when the Daqi dynasty and the Qin dynasty smashed the Chu, and there was no cultist in the squadron, so no one knew where the squadron would go.

No one is sure, it means it may appear suddenly in any place.

For these well-known Yan Qilian high-ranking generals, only the decisive victory can be achieved as soon as possible to ensure the victory of this war.

At the time when the Guanzhong war was the strongest, a young man who had been away from Changling for a long time returned to Changling.

Su Qin walked in Changling.

He first went to Wutong and then to the ink garden.

It seems that the alleys of Wutong fall still, and the ink garden has been somewhat ruined. Even so, he has encountered some young practitioners who come to pay respects.

Especially for some young practitioners who have just arrived in Changling, these places seem to be a must-see destination.

He felt a bit ironic.

It’s not just the attitude of the young practitioners of the Daqin dynasty to Ding Ning, but also the city at this time, as well as himself.

The wall of Changling has been completed.

However, the lack of ink to defend the city, the lack of night policy, including Huang Zhenwei at this time was also transferred to Guanzhong, this seemingly guarded city, but like a huge array of positions has been pulled away.

He walked in this, even if it was completely unsatisfactory, he only used his true colors, and no one cares at all.

He finally went to Fuling Junfu.

At this time it is already in ruins, and it is full of grass.

Thinking of what happened here, Su Qin smiled ridiculously and felt a little regret.

It was too early to leave Changling, and Fuling Jun died too fast. When he left, he was too weak. Even when he came back, he was somewhat uninteresting. Even an enemy who wanted to kill did not. Walking on the road is also no one knows, where there is the scenery of returning home.

He walked through the ruins in a lonely way, pulled a wild glutinous rice, chewed it in his mouth, and then boarded a carriage parked behind the ruins.

This seemingly ordinary carriage is moving towards the imperial city, but it is an easy customs clearance and has been driving into the palace.

In the depths of the palace, even the autumn light was piled up in the temple, where the case was blocked. The old man at the desk slowly rose straight up.

He looked at the soft push door and walked in, and Su Qin, who gently brought the door, brows slightly, with a hint of curiosity, seriously asked: "Who are you?"

Su Qin did not answer the words of Yan Xiang positively. Instead, he looked at everything in this temple and said faintly: "In fact, I have been thinking about the road I came to. If there is no Ding Ning into the White Sheep Cave, what will happen to Zhang Yi?"

Strictly explained: "You are Su Qin."

Su Qin looked at him and smiled, beheading for the ceremony, said: "Da Qin two phases are the most wise, Li Si is dead, only the rest of you, so the younger generation wants to hear your views on my just question."

"Heart is hard, it is still a chaotic world." Yan Xiang looked at Su Qin, but also smiled.

"What is the saying about Yan Xiang?" Su Qin nodded, thank you, and asked.

Yan Xiang looks the same, said: "It is useless to kill me, Yan Qi will be defeated, you will see it soon."

Su Qin frowned and frowned, and said: "In fact, I really want to ask you, Yuan Wu and Zheng Shou on the Bashan sword field, whoever you think will win."

After a pause, he looked at Yan Xiang and then said seriously: "Because it is about what you should do after you die."

Yan Xiang laughed.

"It turns out that you are not just a chaotic world."

"If I look at it, half and half. But no matter who wins or who loses, it is better than the last one."

After Yan Dunton paused, he looked at Su Qin deeply and said: "Because even Zheng sleeves only enjoy the process of winning the world, and you, but do not care about the process and the world, only care about yourself. ”

Su Qin smiled.

He squatted and said: "Please!"

This seems to be the invitation of a fair duel. However, before his slight devotion, a silent black cloud has fallen from the beam behind the strictness and fell to the back of the strict phase.

"The charm is not on the table."

Yan Xiang suddenly glared and glared, and drunk out the final evaluation of Su Qin, a golden light has been from the upstream of his back, a bang directly shattered the dark cloud.