MTL - The Sword Dynasty-Chapter 29 Life and death

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A horse on two floors drove Ding Ning into Wutong, and stopped in the blue wine without words.

The driver responsible for driving is a gray shirt swordsman. Although he does not understand what kind of contribution Ding Ning has made to this campaign tonight, he thought that since this wine cellar boy can always follow the side of Wang Taixu, this gray shirt sword The teacher naturally respected Ding Ning to the extreme.

Ding Ning thanked the ash-shirt swordsman who was called the province of Wednesday, and then pushed the door of the wine shop and walked in.

There was no fire inside, and after taking the door, the footsteps of Chang Sunshue’s foot sounded.

She seems to have just rinsed, her hair is wet on the top of her head, and her body is faintly fragrant.

In the dark, even if she can't see it, she is still beautiful.

Only her voice is still too cold.

"You are too anxious."

She looked at Ding Ning in the dark and said: "You have told me clearly that you will not attract too many people's attention before breaking through to the third world. Even your disciple of that person is in your realm. It was too easy to be killed before it was."

Although she has breathtaking beauty, Ding Ning usually speaks with her most naturally and relaxedly. However, at this moment, Ding Ning is in silence, as if swallowed by the darkness.

After the time of the interest rate, he asked: "Are you worried about my safety, or are you worried about your own practice?"

"You really have problems. In the past, you would never ask such a meaningless question." The voice of Chang Sunshue was colder. "You should understand that there is no difference between the two."

Ding Ning was silent for a while and said: "I am a little anxious, but in our plan, there is no such thing as Fuling Jun directly appearing here, asking for such an accident... With the ability of Fuling Jun, if the Dachu Dynasty did not accidentally happen He can't be so anxious. Baiyang Cave is a long-established place of practice in the Daqin Dynasty. All the places of practice are the foundation of the Daqin Dynasty. Even if there is anything that touches the Queen, if there is no accident, the Emperor and the two The name of the Prime Minister will never allow the Queen's power to directly merge such a place of practice into the Qingteng Academy, because such a merger is in fact no different from the direct disappearance of a spiritual genre, and the military's power is so urgent. Intertwined with the battle between the city's wells... The Gushan Jianzang is about to be born, and there are great changes in many places. It seems that after a heavy rain, everyone in Changling suddenly became very anxious."

After the meal, Ding Ning then said coldly: "I must get the identity of the practitioner as soon as possible. Today, Wang Taixu and what I said, you also heard it. You should understand that you can easily enter the White Sheep Cave. Going to Ivy League again, this is an opportunity we have waited for many years, so I can't miss it."

"I don't care what reason you have, you are upset after the fish market kills Song Shenshu."

The long-term grandson said: "I only know that with such a low level of cultivation, it is too easy to die when you contact so many practitioners and dignitaries so early."

Thinking of what I need to bear, I look at my own woman who is more arrogant and cold than most people in Changling, and at the same time has more affection than most people, thinking of her life and death and her close connection, Ding Ning The coldness in my eyes disappeared.

His eyes sparkled in the darkness.

"I will be more careful than before." He looked at the eyes of his grandson and snow, and assured him with great assurance. "Before you break through the eighth world, I will definitely cherish my life more carefully."

Feeling the strange meaning in Ding Ning's sincere words, the long-term Sunshine slightly frowned.

But she didn't say anything at the moment. She turned and walked back to the backyard. When she walked to the door of the bedroom, she thought of something like it. She asked: "You and Wang Taixu must go to the Lushan Jianzong to get the god. Is the embarrassing thing true?"

"It's almost true. If you can't practice the gods, I will die when I am very young." Ding Ning replied softly: "But it's not absolutely, at least in addition to the sacred gods, there are several kinds of cultivation. Yuan’s exercises can make me live well.”

The cold voice of the long-term grandson snow sounded again: "But the continuation of the gods is definitely the most promising one."

Ding Ning silently silenced for a moment, then nodded in the darkness: "At least in the past, I did not have the chance to get the secret tactics of the 岷山剑宗... This practice of 岷山剑宗 not only allows me to live well. Go on, and it will make me stronger."

"Which means of practice in your veins will be stronger if you continue to cooperate with the gods?"

The long-term Sunshue was silent for a while, and then he used an extremely indifferent voice to say: "I remember that the man and the lord of the Mt. Lushan were deadly enemies. He couldn’t even enter the door of the sword of the mountain, so he I really can't get the practice of Lushan Jianzong."

Ding Ning has never concealed her, but she does not want to ask more.

So he simply replied: "Yes."

The long-term grandson calmed down and asked: "If it is smooth, you enter the Shaoshan Jianzong, what should I do with my practice?"

Ding Ning also calmed down, at least his voice began to look very calm: "I have already considered this, so in my plan, the choice of entering the Shushan Jianyuan is the second method. The outer court entered the Shushan sword through a big test. The hospital is not really a disciple of the Shushan Jianyuan. There is only a limited time to enter the Songshan Jianyuan to study in Jianshan. It will not be like a true Dushan disciple. Will affect your practice."

The long-term Sunshine Snow stopped asking more questions and continued to walk into the house. He said, "I am waiting for you in bed."

The long-term grandson Xue Xue no longer asks, just said this sentence.

This is a sinister, very embarrassing discourse.

However, in this shop full of alcohol, this sentence almost appears every day, such a word, there is no embarrassment between the two.

Only sinister and murderous.

Ding Ning, as in the past, sorted the bed and lay down on the inside of the bed.

The long-term Sunshine snow lay down on his side, and all the water droplets in the hair were shocked by the scent of the world.

There was another snowstorm that began to dance around him and his grandson.

Breaking through the last pass, there is no crisis in the recent practice of Chang Sunshue.

He didn't need to force her to practice by forcibly touching her body and forcing her to practice, and she didn't need to warm her body with her body temperature.

However, today, during the day and night, there are too many things happening, and everything is much faster than planned. Those people and things that seem to be far away are so clearly appearing in front of him.

Looking at the shadows of the dark snow in the darkness and the snow, he suddenly wanted to hug her.

However, he knew that if she hugged her at this time, she would really hesitate to kill him.

So he only stared at her in the snow.

In his eyes.

He and her body are only a short distance away, but it is like a mountain between the countless heavy rivers, separated by life and death.


At the same time, the night policy was cold walking in the prison.

After a long passage, she walked to a room in the deepest part of the prison.

Oil lamps were lit on both sides of the passage, and they went out when she passed.

She walks in the dark.

However, the white tunic on her body is still the same as what Zhao Wei said. It seems that this black, and the gray of Changling, are out of place.

In the deepest room, there are a lot of heavy coveted.

The overlapping stacks of cocoons are not only like a labyrinth, but also allow the enemy to easily find her figure when there is an enemy. At the same time, the overlapping of the coveted, can also cover a lot of breath, and even the power of the powerful practitioners can not penetrate.

At the heart of the coveted, there is a round soft couch.

In front of the soft couch, there is a medicine tripod that always keeps a slight boiling.

The sound of "噗" sounded softly.

A blood spurted out of the night's cold mouth without any warning, and dyed the white skirt on her body and the ground in front of her body.

However, the look on her face still looks calm and powerful.

Because she knows that Changling does not know how many people want her to die, she must be strong in front of everyone.

Only strong, she can live well.

She walked forward without expression.

A crystal of water vapor followed her.

The scarlet on her body and the blood on the ground became lighter and thinner and eventually disappeared.

She sat quietly and confidently on the soft couch and uncovered the medicine in front of her.

In the deep red liquid boiling, boiled a golden dragon.

She sent a few spoonfuls of liquid into her mouth and swallowed slowly.

Her brows wrinkled slightly, seemingly painful, but in the next moment, the look on her face became calm and powerful again.