MTL - The Sword Dynasty-Chapter 28 This destiny

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The bang banged.

Zhong Xiu was unable to fly backwards to the corner of the wall. The lilac sword fluttered weakly and slanted into the upper beam.

His face was all tiny blood beads, his blue lips shivering slightly, watching the numerous cracks in his left arm, his eyes were full of despair and despair.

It was the solitude and despair of a powerful realm that was completely irresistible.

at the same time.

The lack of Tang also fell back in vain. His blue sword had been bent and twisted by a horrible force, like a twisted steel bar, falling to the ground.

The wind and rain are quiet.

The soaked Zhang Nan is like a fat fish that has been thrown out of the water and thrown on the ground. When he opens his mouth and is thirsty, he is desperate and can't make a sound.

Tang Mengchen's hand is still carried, through his riddled sleeves, you can clearly see two blue square boxes. At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the tip of the sword of the shofar-like sword, and it was full of despair and despair.

All the people are stuck in the local area.

Some people's swords are bleeding, some people are bleeding, but all people have stopped completely because of this sword.

Just a sword.

A sword squats from top to bottom, and then flies the butterfly and shatters the huge waves.

Numerous footsteps sounded in the corridor and rushed toward this quiet room.

It seems like the house is demolished. There are countless holes in the door of the quiet room, on the window and on the wall.

Looking at the cold-skinned figure crowded outside the hole, looking at the layer of cold light flashing across the eaves from the window, Zhang Nan, who is thirsty for fat fish, finally cried, "How could you! I have just said that I don’t want to be related to any noble person. How can you have a big practitioner in Aries, how can you please move such a practitioner!"


Zhang Nan’s crying now represents the voice of most people in this room.

The tip of the sword of the Aries horn is disappearing like a melt. The whole sword is slowly, and the strange melt is in the hands of the white-haired old man, just like taking back his body.

This represents the sixth place of the practitioner, this life!

One territory is through Xuan, two places are refining, three real elements are true, four elements are melting, five are gods, six are living, seven are moving mountains, eight are Kaitian, and nine are longevity.

The practice of the fifth sacred mind, the change of the practitioners caused by the real yuan and the heavens and the earth will greatly enhance the cultivator's mindfulness. When this state is reached, the power can be controlled to attach to some unique instruments. For example, Feijian, for example, Fuxi.

When I read it, the flying sword will arrive, and the symbol will arrive.

This naturally represents a speed and strength that is completely different from the fourth world. There are countless unimaginable flexible and variable means of enemies, which are unpredictable.

When it comes to the practice of the sixth world, it is even more terrifying than the fifth. That is, the real yuan can be divided into five elements of yin and yang. The practitioners can choose the natural treasures suitable for themselves and cultivate their own life.

For Zhang Nan and others, although there are many practitioners in the Changling City who know that there are many practitioners on the six continents, on the weekdays, their class is a practitioner who has never seen the real six realms. I have never seen the power of the real life-threatening shot.

The practitioners of the fifth world can be seen as long as they want to see them, but the practitioners of the sixth world can't see them.

Between these two environments, it can even be said that the watershed between the real weights and ordinary people is the watershed of the real dragon and fish and shrimp.

This is exactly what Zhang Nan most wants to understand, the most desperate place.

Are the practitioners who are able to reach the sixth place and repair their lives, not all of them who are heavy-duty officials in the DPRK, or are the figures of the elders and sovereigns of the Zongmenli Township?

Such a person, even if it will cause the attention of the two middle-class priests, how could he personally shoot for Wang Taixu!

How can this be!


No one cares about his shouts.

A white-haired old man who has completely decided on the pattern here today does not seem to have heard Zhang Nan’s crying.

Wang Taixu did not control the crying of Zhang.

He turned his side to the side, not looking at the three people who were getting more and more white behind them.

These three are brothers who were born and died with him. However, the three are fighting the enemy to kill him.

Under the violent attack of the genius, the three men have seriously injured the two people around them.

So at this moment, there is a snow-white sword in the hands of a person, still bleeding.


The eyes of Wang Taixu fell on the **** sword of this man.

"Li Xueqing, I bought you from the hands of the slave dealers, and even your snowflake sword, I can't help you get it. Why are you killing me?"

"Tell me why, tell me the real reason."

Seeing this young practitioner never speaks, Wang Taixu calmly and earnestly said: "Even to satisfy my curiosity, just tell me the real reason, I can guarantee to be kind to your family, and even tell them You are dying to protect me."

When I heard the words of Wang Taixu, the young practitioner holding the white sword and a sword smiled and said: "There is only one other good girl in the building who fell in their hands. This made it a matter of sorry for the big brother. ""

After he finished, he fell to the ground against the king.

A slamming sound, the long sword in his hand had been reversed when he stumbled. At this moment, a sharp tip of the sword emerged from his back, and the blood covered his entire back.

"Thank you."

A middle-aged man with a beard sighed and said, "I want to kill you because I have done some things to help my brothers in the past." In the past few years, Liu’s brother-in-law was raped and raped. That was the big mistake I made when I was drunk. It’s just that this old account was somehow turned over by them. I was confused for a while, and I made a bigger mistake.”

After that, the middle-aged man with a beard was directly poked at the heart of his heart, and the whole palm did not enter the chest, and the face fell backwards.

There is also a white-faced man of the same age as Wang Taixu. He looked at the blood of the land and sighed and said: "I feel that I am a better master of two floors, and I have no confidence in you. Now I am I know I still underestimated you."

After he finished, he was also deeply worshipped by Wang Taixu, and a long sword in his hand broke his hand into his body.


Rivers and lakes naturally have the rules of rivers and lakes.

Knowing that there was no reason to be spared, Tang Xiao and Tang Mengchen looked at each other and each reached out and cut their neck.

This is a more violent death, with the scarlet blood of the body temperature blowing in the air.

The splashing blood even stained the half body of Zhang Nan.

"You don't have to die."

However, Wang Taixu is watching him and saying this.

Zhang Nan’s fat fluttered like a wave. He looked at Wang Taixu with disbelief. He was afraid that Wang Taixu only deliberately ignited his own hope, and then ruthlessly extinguished, letting himself be more dying before he died. pain.

"There are enough people to die tonight. I don't want my brothers outside to fight with your ambush outside."

Wang Taixu seems to be a little tired. He closed his eyes and silenced the time of counting. Then he continued: "But Zhong Xiu has just shot me, then he must die... As for your Lei Yutang business in Nancheng. If you can't cover it, then we will be covered by two floors. Your business, we only account for 20%. From now on, you can be regarded as a shackle with us. I hope you will remember later. Words and positions."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Nan finally stopped tremble, and his eyes finally got angry.

And the clock that fell in the corner like a butterfly, but it was a resentful scream, his back slammed against the wall behind him, and for a moment he was accompanied by countless broken bricks. The wood flew out.

Wang Taixu did not wrinkle his brows.

He didn't even look at the clock that rushed out.

In the thick night, there were countless fierce sounds, and then there were countless gold and iron into the sound of the meat, and the sound of heavy objects falling into the ground.

He waved at Zhang Nan, who was almost soft on the ground, in a more low-pitched voice: "Now you can go out and tell everyone, you are still alive, take them away, and then remember you. The next thing to do."

"I only know that it is a big man in the army, but who is totally ignorant of it." Zhang Nan screamed at the door and snorted.

Originally, I wanted to occupy a few floors of business. As a result, I lost 20% of my business and lost a fat man who was guarded by a strong practitioner. This weekday is also a slap in the face. The heroes of the rivers and lakes, when they went downstairs, were legs softly rolling down the stairs several times.

Rather than frightening his courage is the blood of the land, it is better to say that the white-haired old man's domineering sword is a hit.

"Mr. Xie Du is very good."

Behind him, he went up to the next level. In the future, Wang Taixu, who must have an extraordinary position in the market of Changling, was deeply grateful to the white-haired old man who could not sit still.

"The person you chose is good. If you are in peacetime, maybe I will let him get started." The old-fashioned white-haired old man just faintly returned this sentence. When he looked at Ding Ning, he stood up and got up and left.

"I have survived."

Wang Taixu sent the old man away, then turned his head and looked at Ding Ning seriously, whispering with infinite emotion: "So from today, you are already a student of Aries."

Ding Ning shook his head and said softly to himself: "Is it so simple?"

Is this simple?

If it wasn't for the White Sheep Cave that angered the Queen's clan, it would be forced to merge into the Qingteng Jianyuan in the near future. If it wasn't for this, Mr. Du had already obtained the grace of the Holy Spirit, and allowed the old man to return home.

If it is not for the practitioners, I would like to be as comfortable as possible for the rest of my life. If it is not for anyway, I don’t have to worry about the ideas of some people in the pilgrimage hall... How many people in the Aries cave, how can they help? Solve this problem yourself?

This is a very complicated and costly thing.

It’s just that Wang Taixu doesn’t understand what Ding Ning thinks, and the blood of a place has made him too tired, so he just smiles tiredly, no longer explains anything, just thinking, sometimes alive, indeed Very tired.