MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 35 praise

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Min Yue was trembling and didn't sleep well all night. The next day, with two huge dark circles under her eyes, she struggled to get out of bed, opened the bedroom door, and a furry thing rushed straight in.

Min Yue took two steps back in fright, her chaotic mind cleared up a little, she opened her sleepy eyes wide and saw that it was a kitten.

I suddenly remembered that I picked up a cat and brought it home yesterday.

She seldom eats breakfast at home, and goes directly to the hospital when she wakes up. She is not in the habit of making breakfast, so naturally she can't think of preparing breakfast for the cat.

No, it's not just breakfast, it's the ration for the whole day today.

But obviously it was too late to prepare.

Min Yue vaguely remembered that there was a pet shop on the way to the subway station, but it was too early, and they probably didn't open the door. I don't know my neighbors very well, and I am too embarrassed to ask others to take care of them for a day.

Min Yue stared at the hungry kitten meowing anxiously, but couldn't think of a way out, so he had to take it to the hospital to see if he could ask the guard to take care of it.

Min Yue walked to the bathroom with a sad face, but before she went in, she smelled a very lethal smell, pushed open the narrow door, and suddenly saw a puddle of yellow urine on the plain white floor tiles.

The kitten spun around her legs and raised its neck and purred, sounding rather proud.

The murderer is you!

After finding out the criminal cat, Min Yue still couldn't be happy. It is said that the smell of cat urine is still lingering and extremely stubborn after being washed and exposed to the sun for a few days. Fortunately, it didn't pee on the living room carpet, so it had to be thrown away.

He took a flower umbrella and rushed towards the puddle of urine for two minutes, then sprayed toilet water, and opened the window to the maximum to diffuse the smell. Washing and changing clothes in a hurry, picked up the kitten and put it in the cloth bag, and went out with it.

While looking around, Min Yue actually found the pet shop called "Ai Pet" in the neighborhood next door. Surprisingly, the owner came back from a morning run to feed the pets in the shop, and the shop had already opened.

Min Yue successfully fostered the kitten there, and asked the clerk to help it take a bath to catch lice and feed insect repellent.

I encountered a little trouble when I checked in. In addition to registering the pet owner's name and contact information, I also had to record the pet's name.

The boss asked: "What's the name of your kitten?"

Before Min Yue had time to name it, she casually said, "Mimi."

A few black lines hung down the boss's face, and he reconfirmed: "Eight out of ten cats are named Mimi, do you really plan to choose such a random name?"

It seems to be too casual. It is said that pets are important family members, so we should pay more attention to naming them. Min Yue changed her tune and said, "Then call it Pangpang."

The black line on the boss's forehead became thicker, and he reluctantly agreed: "It matches its coat color very well."

In the morning, she was delayed for a while washing the floor, and was delayed for a few minutes in the pet shop. Without any suspense, Min Yue missed the usual subway ride, and she stepped into the gate of the cafeteria of the First Affiliated Hospital 20 minutes late.

According to the operation arrangement, Marie will use the da Vinci robot to repair the mitral valve this morning, and she will go to the operating room before 8 o'clock, brushing and disinfecting her hands to make preparations.

There wasn't much time left for her to eat breakfast. Min Yue bought two meat buns, devoured them hungrily, and rushed to the operating building.

She hasn't drank any water since she got up, and she ate dry steamed buns again. Her dry mouth was exacerbated by strenuous running. When she swiped her card to enter the shoe changing area, Min Yue's throat moved and she burped abruptly.

A meat bun-scented burp.

The itinerant nurse looked away in disgust, put on a mask, handed her the key, and left without looking back.

"Thanks, hiccup, thanks…"

Before she could finish saying thank you, Min Yue couldn't help but hiccupped again, and the smell of meat buns became stronger.

Fortunately, I didn't eat leek stuffing.

After changing clothes and getting ready to wash her hands, Min Yue was still hiccupping, feeling terrible, and might not be able to enter the operating room.

Hiccupping sadly, she walked towards the hand washing basin, raised her eyes, and collided with the cold gaze from the opposite side, Min Yue was so frightened that her whole body trembled, and abruptly stopped hiccupping.

Xu Mai was standing in front of the pool and brushing his hands.

Thinking of sending a wechat message to the wrong person last night, and sending a paragraph of ignorant text to Xu Mai, Min Yue immediately faltered, standing stiffly in place, trembling all over, not daring to look at her, let alone approach her.

Seeing her standing still, Xu Mai urged: "Come here and brush your hands."

She didn't dare to approach, but Xu Mai told her to come over, she didn't dare to refuse.

Her legs were shaking like noodles, and her knees were as soft as two **** of cotton. Min Yue felt that she had really eaten too little breakfast and her blood sugar was low, otherwise why would her legs be weak.

You can't fall, and if you fall on the ground, you will be laughed at by the nurse for a lifetime.

Relying on her strong mental strength, Min Yue gritted her teeth, took small steps, and tremblingly moved to the hand-washing pool, stopping at the end farthest from Xu Mai.

She didn't take the initiative to say hello, Xu Mai didn't speak, and the only sound in the empty and quiet corridor was the rustling of hands and the splashing of water.

Weirdly awkward.

Min Yue couldn't bear it anymore, and carefully glanced aside from the corner of her eye. Xu Mai's expression was as cold as usual, even the angle of the corners of his lips was exactly the same as usual, like a finely crafted ceramic mask, beautiful, no temperature.

Is Master really angry?

Min Yue swiped her thumbs and got angry. Then he swiped his index finger, not angry. After brushing, brush your forearm with your hands, and every time you brush, recite a sentence of being angry or not angry. Brushing and brushing, the rhythm is out of order, and the count is wrong.

Min Yue irritatedly gave up this boring reasoning, decided to die early and rebirth early, mustered up the courage, and asked bluntly: "Master, are you angry? I didn't say that on purpose. I was going to send it to Shen Fei, but I accidentally made a mistake. Sent it to you...Master, I'm sorry..."

Xu Mai's arms were covered with disinfectant, and he held them up to dry in the aseptic area on his chest, without responding immediately.

Min Yue's heart turned cold. Judging from this reaction, she should be angry.

Min Yue, who has watched too many dog ​​blood dramas, began to imagine the tragic drama, from Xu Mai ignoring her, to thinking of her liver shaking and lack of interest in work, and was finally dismissed by the hospital. Thinking that resigning voluntarily would be better than being fired, so he silently wrote a letter of resignation.

While thinking wildly, I suddenly heard people around me say, "It's pretty cute."


Xu Mai smiled very lightly. "Your kitten is very cute."

Ehhhhh? Master is praising me, isn't he, is he praising my kitten?

She said she was fat and cute! Master is not angry!

In his mind, fireworks shot straight into the sky like a flying dragon, and Min Yue was instantly revived with full blood, and ran to the other side of the sink, bragging: "Master, my cat's name is Pangpang! Isn't the name cute too? "

With a smile on the corner of Xu Mai's mouth, he nodded slightly.

"It's my name!"

"Well, it's good."

After being praised, Min Yue felt very satisfied and complacent. The owner of the pet shop has no aesthetics. He thinks that I am not good at getting it, so he slapped me in the face. Master said it was great!

Min Yue made persistent efforts: "Does Master like cats?"

Xu Mai's expression was indifferent. "fine."

"Then what animal does Master like? Dogs?"

Xu Mai twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I like you."

In an instant, Min Yue felt that all the flowers in the world were blooming, and the small universe in his body was expanding infinitely, almost like a second big explosion.

The traces of Xu Mai's smile were too obvious, Min Yue gradually realized something was wrong, turned his head around, and after thinking about it, he was extremely depressed: "Master said I was a dog..."

When did Master learn badly? Where did that cold, unsmiling ice beauty go?

Min Yue groaned sadly, brushed her hands and disinfected them dejectedly, dried them, followed Xu Mai, and walked towards the largest operating room at the end of the corridor.

As soon as you enter the door, a huge machine comes into view powerfully with the attitude of Mount Tai.

The machine, which is about two meters high by visual inspection, stands next to the operating table. Four stable mechanical arms that can be twisted at any angle are suspended in the air. At first glance, it looks like the long arms of Avalokitesvara.

Another device is placed in the cubicle outside the sterile area, which is the doctor's console, which is connected to the robotic arm system through cables to realize the control function.

Min Yue doesn't know much about this equipment, and she doesn't know how to use it. She only knows that the chief surgeon sits on the bench in the center console and controls the robotic arm through pedals and joysticks to move, cut, stop bleeding, suture, Various operations such as knotting.

It is said that the 3D effect of its display screen is very good, as if looking directly at the human eye, the resolution is 1080p, and the field of view is quite clear. The robotic arm is even more flexible than a human hand, and is also anti-shock. The chief surgeon performs the operation while sitting, and the arm is also supported, which greatly improves the comfort and reduces fatigue.

The fly in the ointment is that, first of all, the price is very expensive, 20 million yuan for a single machine, and 100,000 yuan for each robotic arm, which can only be used 10 times at most, so the operation cost is relatively high. Secondly, if the four robotic arms do not cooperate well, collisions are likely to occur, which may damage the equipment and affect the surgical effect. Therefore, it is necessary for the chief surgeon to have sufficient experience to choose a suitable surgical incision location.

If you want to use the Da Vinci robot, you must participate in the training at the designated international training center, pass the assessment, and obtain the training certificate from Intuitive Company before you can work with the certificate. So Min Yue could only watch from the sidelines this time, and was not even qualified to suture with hooks.

Because Da Vinci surgery is not performed much, doctors from the Cardiac Surgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital are not very motivated to participate in the training, and only five or six people have this qualification. Chen Sitian, as the only attending doctor, naturally became the assistant of this operation.

She came early, and when Min Yue and Xu Mai arrived, she had already assembled the robotic arm, and was currently covering the robotic arm with a transparent sterile protective layer. Seeing that Xu Mai had arrived, he arranged for the roving nurse to push the patient in.

Marie was under general anesthesia, and Chen Sitian inserted a double-lumen endotracheal tube and a transesophageal ultrasound probe, intubated the right vein, and established extracorporeal circulation.

According to the plan finalized before the operation, Chen Sitian made a small incision of only three centimeters long on her right chest wall, and several small holes were inserted into the puncture cannula. Then she pushed the robotic arm cart to the proper position on the left side of Marie, adjusted the robotic arm, and established a connection with the puncture cannula.

All these tasks were done independently by Chen Sitian, Xu Mai did not intervene. Min Yue was dazzled by what she saw, but she followed the steps in an orderly manner.

Xu Mai sat in front of the console, waiting for Chen Sitian to adjust the surgical field of view and video parameters. Standing behind her, Min Yue watched the field of vision on the display gradually become clearer. As the magnification increased, even tiny blood vessels could be seen very clearly. She couldn't help sighing: "This machine is so powerful!"

Recalling what Xu Mai said before, "No matter how powerful the machine is, it is still controlled by people", and added: "Senior sister is also powerful, she can handle so many things by herself, if it were me, she would definitely be in a hurry."

"She's doing great."

Min Yue was stunned for a moment before realizing that Xu Mai was praising someone, and then felt a little regretful. If Chen Sitian heard this compliment in person, how pleasant he would be.

In fact, Master is not as indifferent as he appears on the outside. If you do well, she will not be stingy with praise. If you do not do well, she will encourage you to improve in a strict way. She's not cruel, on the contrary, she really wants you well.

It's a pity that most people only saw her sternness, but didn't feel her ardent expectations.

The author has something to say: the hand speed is terribly slow... I'll update it every other day...