MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 21 Heartbeat

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"I teach you."

The soft and low voice of Xu Mai rang in the ears, along the external auditory canal, to the tympanic membrane, causing subtle vibrations in the auditory ossicles and cochlea.

The numb feeling rises from the extremities, travels along the nerves, and finally gathers in the heart.

His heart was jumping happily, like a little rabbit living in it.

Because he had just taken a shower, Xu Mai's palm was slightly hot, covering Min Yue's cold hand from the air conditioner, his presence was very distinct.

Her hands are soft, but her fingertips and wrists are strong. Under her guidance, the puncture needle seemed to turn into a snake, softly adjusting the angle of the body, aiming at the target, and rushing forward without hesitation.

The blocking sensation of the needle suddenly disappeared, which indicated that the puncture needle had entered the pericardial cavity.

Xu Mai's movements stopped abruptly, the needle tip seemed to be hovering in a vacuum, and the surrounding was so quiet that he could hear his own breathing.

The more and more obvious vibration from the needle tip is the beating heart of the simulation model.

Min Yue's fingertips trembled, maybe it was her illusion, she felt the peripheral blood vessels beating slightly with the pulse at the fingertips where the two overlapped.

It is not clear whether this pulse is from his own heartbeat, Xu Mai's heartbeat, or the two gradually synchronized heartbeats.

Min Yue swallowed nervously, the hand holding the needle was about to move, trying to let go of the needle, hooking Xu Mai's finger, but the latter let go of her hand suddenly.

The hot skin was suddenly exposed to the cold air, and Min Yue suddenly felt a sense of loss from the bottom of her heart.

Xu Mai's voice was still as flat as ever: "There is liquid coming out, now connect the syringe, let go of the clamp, and draw it out slowly."

This model is extremely realistic, the appearance is completely modeled after the human body, the texture is soft, the touch is real, and even a negative pressure is set in the heart model, so that the internal liquid can flow out smoothly, perfectly simulating the real situation.

Min Yue was startled, and according to what Xu Mai said, slowly drew out a needle of liquid.

When withdrawing the needle tube, Xu Mai said again: "Use the hemostat to clamp the rubber tube first to prevent air from entering."

Min Yue did as said, and then carefully pulled out the puncture needle, covered the needle port with sterile gauze, pressed for a while, and then fixed it with adhesive tape.

After observing her movements, Xu Mai nodded and said, "That's all right, you can try to insert the needle from the apex of the heart."

"it is good."

A drop of water rolled down from the tip of her hair and landed on the back of Min Yue's hand, Min Yue was taken aback.

"Sorry." Xu Mai reached out to wipe off the water stains, and asked instead: "My hair dryer broke down before I left the country, and I haven't had time to buy a new one...Can I borrow yours for a while?"

"No problem, I'll bring it to you."

Min Yue got up and took out the hair dryer from the cabinet, and handed it to Xu Mai.

"Thank you..." Xu Mai asked a little uneasy, "I'm blowing my hair here, will it disturb you?"

"It's okay, Master, it won't affect me." Min Yue waved his hands again and again.

After all, Xu Mai felt sorry, walked to the window, inserted the plug into the socket under the table, turned on only one wind speed, turned his back to Min Yue, and blew his hair.

Considering the people around her, she tried her best to keep the movement to a minimum.

She held up the hair dryer with her right hand, inserted her left hand into her thick black hair, combed it from the top of her head down, and finally lifted the end of her hair, shaking it gently in the hot wind.

She was wearing a gauze top, and the back was soaked in water, revealing a little bit of skin color.

Halfway through the blowing, she turned her head to let the wind blow the hair on the other side.

A few drops of water fell from her forehead hair and landed on her eyelashes. The LED lights in the lounge are very bright, and the water droplets reflect a crystal clear brilliance.

Xu Mai's outline seemed to be painted with a layer of pure light, and Min Yue couldn't help staring at her silhouette in a daze.

Master is so beautiful...

It's like...white marble soaked in mountain streams...

Xu Mai didn't blow on it for too long, and turned off the switch when it was half dry.

Min Yue suddenly came back to her senses, quickly looked away, stared at the simulation model, pretending to be practicing seriously.

Xu Mai unplugged the plug and carefully wound the wires. Seeing that Min Yue was busy, he said, "I put it in the cabinet for you."


Min Yue tried for a long time but couldn't find the right angle, and the liquid still didn't flow out. She held the needle nervously, afraid that Xu Mai would come to check it.

There was a "stab" sound, and the sound of tearing the plastic packaging suddenly sounded from behind.

Min Yue turned her head curiously, and saw that Xu Mai was holding a packet of biscuits in his hand, he had just squeezed out a piece, and was about to eat it.

Seeing Min Yue staring at the biscuit, Xu Mai thought she was hungry, so he took two steps forward, ready to hand it to her.

Xu Mai's long hair has just been dried by the hot wind, and it is warm and fluffy. The wind from the left and right swings of the air conditioner was blowing from behind her, lifting the ends of her hair.

In this instant.

Min Yue was suddenly surrounded by the faint fragrance of shampoo.

A certain place in her heart was scratched gently, and Min Yue recalled in a trance the scene where she and Deng Sang were chatting in the lounge a few days ago.

At that time, she told Deng Sang that when she was a student, her feelings were very pure. When she fell in love with someone, it might be because the wind lifted her long hair, and the faint fragrance of shampoo surrounded you all at once.

Min Yue moved her nose and took a deep breath, the hot and humid fragrance spread from the nasal cavity into the lungs—

It's really heartwarming.

In the next second, a piece of seaweed-flavored biscuit ruined the charming atmosphere.

Min Yue was startled, turned her head, saw the brilliance in Xu Mai's eyes, looked at herself with a smile and asked, "Do you want to eat biscuits?"

Min Yue pursed her mouth, took the biscuit, and took a big bite unhappy.

Master is so good-looking, how come he doesn't understand style at all?

Xu Mai didn't know the little Jiujiu in her heart, seeing her gloomy face, he thought she didn't like this taste, so he said: "There is also cheese flavor, do you want to try it?"

Min Yue shook his head violently. "Master, don't eat biscuits anymore. They are full of carbohydrates, fat and salt. The dietary structure is very unreasonable."

Xu Mai was stunned for a moment, holding a biscuit and watching her quietly.

"Let's go eat stir-fried vegetables!" Min Yue suggested, "One person can only eat fast food, and two people can order three small stir-fries!

Xu Mai has always been not particular about what he eats, biscuits are fine, and meals in the cafeteria are fine, as long as they can replenish energy. But Min Yue showed that she wanted to eat fried rice very much, and she was willing to cooperate.

The two came to the small restaurant at the side entrance of the hospital. Because it was a meal, there were many customers. The waiter guided the two to sit at the only empty table left.

Min Yue has been to this restaurant several times, so without waiting for the waiter to greet her, she went to the cashier to get the menu, put it in Xu Mai's hand, and asked, "What does Master want to eat?"

Xu Mai looked back and forth, then put down the menu. "You can order, I can do it."

Min Yue asked again: "Master, can you eat spicy food? Can you eat Sichuan food?"

Xu Mai nodded.

Min Yue raised her hand to signal that it was time to order, and said to the waiter, "I want to order mapo tofu, stir-fried beef with hot pepper, and stir-fried seasonal vegetables."

"Okay." The waiter copied down the name of the dish and went to the back kitchen to place an order.

After a while, stir-fried spinach was served first, followed by mapo tofu.

Min Yue added two more bowls of rice, and said to Xu Mai: "It takes a long time to wait for the fried beef, Master, let's eat first."

"it is good."

Xu Mai pulled out the double disposable chopsticks from the chopstick barrel, tore off the outer plastic wrapping, broke it apart, and naturally held it between his fingers.

She picked up a piece of tofu and put it firmly in her bowl.

Min Yue also stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the tofu. The tofu was very tender, and it was slippery with the gravy sauce. The first time he didn't pick it up, but the second time he pressed harder, and the tofu was crushed.

Min Yue looked at Xu Mai enviously, Master's hands were really steady, not only good at performing surgery, but also good at pinching tofu.

My thoughts followed the vines and drifted to yesterday's operation.

Xu Mai's hand piercing the needle and thread came to mind, like a dragon flying in the sea of ​​clouds, with an elegant and graceful posture.

The technique of knotting is particularly clean and neat. Min Yue has been practicing for so many days, and she thinks it is not bad.

Min Yue couldn't help asking: "Master, what is the secret to practicing knotting?"

Xu Mai pointed to the tofu on the plate and said: "Tie a knot on the tofu, when the knot is tight, but the tofu is not rotten, it will be in place."

Min Yue was dumbfounded, practicing with tofu? !

"I'll demonstrate it to you."

Xu Mai removed another pair of chopsticks and held them in his left hand. With the two pairs of chopsticks working together, he picked out a strip of spinach, wrapped it around the tofu, and tied a few knots smoothly. In her hands, the disposable chopsticks seemed to have turned into needle-holding forceps and toothed forceps.

Min Yue was dumbfounded.

Xu Mai handed her the chopsticks in his left hand and said, "Try it."

Min Yue nervously took the chopsticks and tried to imitate Xu Mai's movements, but to no avail, either he couldn't make a knot, or the spinach was torn off due to too much force.

Min Yue was so annoyed that she put the spinach into her mouth and chewed vigorously to vent her anger. "Master, this is too difficult, I can't learn it."

Xu Mai smiled softly, and said in relief: "After all, it's not a professional tool, so go back to the department and practice again."