MTL - The Sweetest Medicine-Chapter 15 shocked! Fang Zhihan actually...

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Chapter 15 is shocked! Fang Zhihan actually...

Yu Gangan is like a lion that is irritated by people. He wants to ask the person to know how to get cold. How did he come in to her house? The result is that for a long time, no one should be her, she rushed into the bedroom like a looting city. The generals rummaged through the entire house.

I can’t wait to let the party know how to chill out, just like the battle of the Forbidden, you will die.

Can be in the house.

Except her.

No one else.

Yu Gan’s eyes are not so big in this life.

When she saw the box at home, she subconsciously thought that she knew the cold and privately owned the house. As a result, the box was in the house, but she knew that the cold was not there!

Can't he just put a box? !

Yu Gangan does not believe it! !

I found it again in the room, and even the cabinets that can be hidden by the Tibetans were opened. I still didn’t see Fang Zhihan.

Yu Gangan was shocked again!

I can’t figure out what I want to do.

She really can really be sure of herself, not knowing the cold.

But the party knows the cold, but it seems to know her well, even the password of her house is known.

Does she really know Fang Zhihan?

The room was very quiet. Although she stood alone in the living room, the box that knew the cold was like a camera, so she had a feeling of being imprisoned, like the prey in the cage, and in the distance. A pair of cold and deep scorpions, watching her quietly.

When Gan Gan almost never thought about it, he pushed the suitcase of Fang Zhihan out.

And the password of the gate was changed.

When she didn't want to sleep, she woke up and saw a man sitting on the edge of the bed.

The next day, when Gan Gan went out again, he found that the suitcase that bothered her was gone.

She couldn't help but smile. It seems that she knew that the cold had been retired and she pulled the suitcase and flashed.

Then she can solve the fiance again and she can find the master with peace of mind.

Hospital, pediatrics.

When Gan Gan came to find Song Chabai, Song Chabai just took care of the patient in the ward.

It is also the VIP ward, the best ward in the hospital, exquisitely decorated, warm and elegant, gorgeous and dazzling, just like the senior suite of the five-star hotel.

Living in the ward is a little boy of about four years old. His facial features are exquisite, his face is round and he looks very cute, but his face is sublime, gray and pale. At first glance, he knows that his body is weak and his yang is insufficient.

Yu Gangan stood by the bed and waved at the boy with a smile: "Hey, boy, hello."

The little boy looked at Gan Gan and saw that he was shy at a young age. He actually turned his head a little embarrassed and his face was slightly twitched.

Song Tea Bai helped the boy to cover the quilt, then whispered softly: "Hey, you have to sleep for a while, the doctor and sister will come back to accompany you."

After the children agreed, Song Chabai took the Gan Gan out of the ward.

Sitting on his own rest chair, Song Tea White raised one hand and rubbed his sore shoulder. "How come you?"

After Gan Gan will bring his own drink, open a bottle and hand it to Song Tea: "Come and wait for you to go to work together. I just checked the Internet and found a new hot pot restaurant is not bad. Let's pay in the evening."

(End of this chapter)