MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 144

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Time came to the summer vacation of 1977.

In two months, the little rice ball who just turned 10 years old and the little Zhuzi who just turned 11 years old will soon enter the last year of their elementary school career. If all his energy is concentrated on his studies, he should be able to graduate from junior high school now, but then he will miss the best childhood life. A child without a good childhood will not have a happy and complete life.

The little rice ball is much smarter than ordinary children. Fortunately, his parents are his best life mentors and have made the best life plan for him. He has been firmly on the throne of the first grade since he stepped into the campus, without exception, But at the same time, he is the most playful and fun student in the whole school. He has not missed all the things that he can play in his age group. Chess, calligraphy and painting are also role models among children of the same age. The pillar, who has always worked very hard, can stand up to him.

This is a group of children who grew up with love. In these turbulent years, they are all growing up well, and at the same time enjoying the fun of growing up with their younger brothers and sisters. , The brothers will carry them to class from time to time.

The three-year-old Xiaoroubao is still a veritable Xiaoroubao. He is still not picky eaters. He wants to eat everything he sees. The meat is so cute. Compared to Xiaodoubao, I just want to throw him out, but Xiaoroudun is so sturdy, sometimes so angry that his brothers beat his ass, Xiaoroudun doesn't hold any grudges, give him a piece of candy and follow behind the rice ball. Calling big brother, when the rice ball was a child, he was most worried that someone would steal the sweet and glutinous little sister. Now he is most worried that someone will cheat his brother away with a piece of sugar, so he now looks at the small meat bun more than the small glutinous rice ball.

The only good thing about Xiaoroubao is that he doesn't make trouble in class. It's strange to say that he is the king of sabotage anywhere outside the classroom. He is more upright than anyone else, and listens to the teacher's lectures with his head shaking. He listens more seriously than anyone else. Those who don't know, think he can really understand the math problems in the fifth grade.

Xiaoroubao sometimes goes to class with his little brother, and sometimes goes to class with his big brother. It depends on whether the big brother gives him biscuits today or whether the little brother gives him candy. In short, he will follow whoever gives him the food. who goes.

The energy of the rice **** is mainly concentrated on the small meat buns. Every day, I am afraid that a small meat dumpling in their house will be cheated by sugar. The small rice **** are basically managed by the small pillars. Taking care of his sister is much more careful than he is, so Shui Lingling's beautiful little dumplings have always followed brother Zhuzi to class. The pillars are guarded tightly, and other students can look at them, but if he dares to touch his sister, he will be angry.

The small glutinous rice **** are sweet and glutinous, especially when they laugh, they will reveal the shallow pear vortex and the white millet teeth. Who wouldn't want such a beautiful little sister?

Once, a male classmate in the back seat of Zhuzi couldn't help reaching out and tugging at the little tug on Xiaotangyuan's head. Maybe he didn't pay attention. Xiaotangyuan was so painful that his eyes were red, and Xiaozhuzi's heart was so bad, he was so angry Hit the ground.

Rice ball pillar Xiao Yuer and the others followed their father to exercise since childhood, especially after the age of ten, the training intensity is similar to that of Zhao Xianfeng and Zhang Hongtu's recruits, let alone children of the same age, even junior high school students a few years older. It's not their opponent, that's the first time the classmates know about Zhang Zhu. No, classmate Zhang Xiuyuan has a temper. If you mess with him, you might be fine, but if you mess with that pretty little glutinous rice dumpling on his back, you really can't eat it. Walk around.

But no one dared to touch the small dumplings since then.

Seven-year-old Xiaodoubao is now a third-grade student. He has no older brothers who can play. He is a god-like student who is quieter and more able to study than his elder brother. In addition, his foundation is the best because he has followed his elder brother since he was a child. They went to class, and a lot of knowledge was already imprinted in his mind without much need to learn. He also skipped preschool and second grade, and went straight to third grade at the beginning of school.

Xiaodoubao's favorite thing to do is to study with his younger brother. He has passed on the little blackboard that he has followed for many years to his younger brother, and let him use it to write and draw. Xiaoroubao also likes to draw, but he draws things He has his own style and persistence. He only paints food. He likes to paint anything that can be put into his mouth, but he is determined not to paint anything that cannot be eaten.

The three-year-old Xiaoroubao already knows most of the food and has an absolute talent for eating. Some of the food may not be remembered by his brothers, but as long as Xiaoroubao has eaten or seen it, he will definitely remember it. .

His favorite thing to do is to go to the kitchen to watch his mother cook. No matter what his mother cooks, he is always the first cook. The magic is, no matter how salty, sour or sweet, he will be right as soon as he eats it. , As a result, Su Xiaoxiao has now developed the habit of letting Xiao Rou Bao take a sip before serving.

On this day, Han Cheng came back for dinner at noon, and brought back a piece of heavy news by the way. He hugged his wife excitedly: "Xiaoxiao, the college entrance examination may be resumed soon."

Today, it’s Xiaoroubao’s turn to order. The little guy wants to eat barbecued pork with honey sauce. Su Xiaoxiao is cutting the barbecued pork. She subconsciously cuts a piece to give Xiaoroubao a taste. Han Cheng’s hug interrupts her feeding. Meat Bun was waiting with his mouth open, and he closed his mouth in dissatisfaction and pulled at his father's trousers: "Baba, you are blocking my flesh!"

Han Cheng didn't react. He looked down at the little guy whose head was not much higher than his knees. He bent down and picked him up, pinching his bun face: "Which piece of meat is Dad blocking you?"

Xiaoroubao ripped off his father's hand: "It's not my meat, it's the meat that Ma Ma wants to eat for Xiaoroubao!"

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and handed a piece of barbecued pork to his mouth: "Come on, our little tester, try it and tell mom if it tastes right."

Satisfied, Xiaoroubao ate the meat handed over by his mother, chewed it slowly and tasted it carefully for a long time before swallowing it, and said to his mother seriously, "Mama, this is too little, I may need to eat another bite to taste the taste. ."

Su Xiaoxiao believed his ghost, in order to deceive meat and eat nonsense, I don't know how many times I have used this trick, and I still enjoy it so much that it is so delicious that I narrow my eyes and dare to say that I haven't tasted it: "Lie Children who lie to their mothers will not have meat to eat in the future."

Xiaoroubao tilted his head and said cutely: "Okay Ma Ma, I lied to you, in fact, the meat is super delicious, and Xiaoroubao wants to eat another piece."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't do anything about this little elf ghost, and cut another piece and handed it to his mouth: "You can only eat another piece, and the rest will be eaten together later."

Xiaoroubao is not greedy, he is very satisfied to eat two pieces of meat in advance, and dances with joy: "I love Mama, the barbecued pork made by Mama is the best in the world!"

Han Cheng couldn't stand this numb little guy, so he put him down and patted his fleshy buttocks: "Go and call my brothers to have dinner, it's about to be eaten."

Xiaoroubao has everything else to say, but he is the most active in eating. He took his short legs and asked his elder brother and younger brother to help with the meal.

Su Xiaoxiao continued the topic just now: "You said that the college entrance examination will resume soon? There is news so soon? Not October...cough..."

Su Xiaoxiao almost missed her mouth. She remembered that the notice of the first resumption of the college entrance examination was not released until around October 1977. The college entrance examination started more than a month after the news was released. Because it was the only winter college entrance examination in history, so Su Xiaoxiao was a little impressed, and because of the rush of time, the admission rate of the college entrance examination that year was so low that it was called a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge. It was the college entrance examination with the lowest admission rate in history. , the motherland is thirsty for talents, and after half a year, the second college entrance examination is ushered in, so the college entrance examinations in 1977 and 1978 are very close together. It is only July, so there is news so soon. ?

Han Cheng thought that Su Xiaoxiao was choking on her own saliva, didn't understand her question clearly, turned around and poured water for her.

Su Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, "Is there any news?"

Han Cheng handed the water cup to Su Xiaoxiao: "The news from the capital, the great leader put forward this proposal immediately after his reinstatement, and it has been arranged on the agenda, and a corresponding meeting will be held soon, although it is still pending. It has not been announced, but I think next year at the latest, it will definitely happen, maybe it will be this year, lol, let's wait, you haven't put down your books for so many years, your college dream will be realized soon, your persistence must be It will pay off, and I'm happy for you!"

Han Cheng was already a little incoherent with excitement. Han Cheng knew that such a day would come sooner or later, but it was the first time in so many years that there was such definite news. After a certain group was crushed, Han Cheng paid close attention to the relevant news every day. , this time finally saw hope.

No one knows better than Han Cheng how much Su Xiaoxiao wants to go to college. It has been ten years since Su Xiaoxiao graduated from high school. Except for the few days she gave birth, she never put down her books every day. His wife, Han Chuang, has been studying hard for twelve years, ranking first in the exam every year, and studying hard for ten years. She has been waiting for this belated opportunity to take the college entrance examination for ten years. Can Han Cheng not be excited?

Su Xiaoxiao was alright. She had finished her graduate studies in her last life, but she really didn't yearn for college life, but this was the original owner's long-cherished wish, and it was also the wish of the whole family of the old Su family. She looked at the face of the foolish person she joked, so she really had to go to this university.

Seeing that Han Cheng was so excited, she couldn't help but get excited: "That's great, that's really great, Han Cheng, from today onwards, we have to make a new study plan and try to get admitted to the highest institution in the capital."

Su Xiaoxiao's school in her previous life was a pretty good 985 university. She was a bachelor and master student, but there is still a certain distance from the top universities in the first echelon. If there is a chance in this life, she still wants to go to the first tier. Feel the atmosphere of learning in one of the top universities.

Han Cheng hugged his wife and kissed her head: "Xiaoxiao, you are good enough, you have reviewed the knowledge of junior high school for ten years, you must have confidence in yourself, as long as you relax your mind, you will not be afraid of any test."

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Well, by the way, are there many people who know this news? Those who want to take the college entrance examination can buy more time to review and have one more chance than others. Tell Dad and the others that the commune who wants to take the college entrance examination, especially the educated youth, also start preparing?"

Han Cheng shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, this is just gossip, what if the meeting doesn't pass? It may cause unnecessary confusion at that time. Besides, when will people like you who haven't left their books take the test? Not afraid, but those who have left their books for several years or even ten years know that there is no difference between knowing it a month earlier and knowing a month later. This is not something that can be done in a hurry, but a high school textbook. We try to find a way to help them. Prepare a few more sets and send them to Dad when the time comes, I'm worried that once the news comes out, everyone will come to **** the textbooks."

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Okay, listen to you."

Han Cheng hugged his wife and rubbed her hair. The rice ball came in to help open the meal. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw his parents hugging each other. The common rice ball couldn't help but sigh. His parents were really the most affectionate he had ever seen. Good couple: "We're both old and married, so why are you still so tired? Okay, you ignore me, go on, go on..."

Su Xiaoxiao blushed and let go of Han Cheng.

Han Cheng glanced at his eldest son, who was already as tall as his wife: "Stinky boy, let's have dinner."

The older and more humorous little rice ball clasped his fists and bowed to his father: "Well, Mr. Han, the little one will serve you right away!"

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing: "Which one is on the radio today?"

Since the radio can receive a few more channels and can receive channels for storytelling and storytelling, several children in the family are very happy.

Han Cheng scolded him with a laugh: "Stinky boy, he is very quirky all day long, and I don't know who to learn from."

Rice ball: "Master Han is easy to talk about. Both parents are smart when they are young. When they were young, they inherited their wisdom and intelligence from their parents. They are self-taught."

Han Cheng: "..." Today, my hands are itchy and I want to beat my son.