MTL - The Strongest Hokage-v3 Chapter 96 Identity

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Wearing a bubble on his head, because he thought that he was a **** and was not willing to breathe the common air with the human beings, at this time, he looked at Pluto.

The pistol in his hand also pointed directly to Raleigh.

However, Raleigh did not directly ignore the pistol, and ignored the Tianlong people. He did not stop laughing at all, and the others laughing were inexplicable.

The scene became very strange at a time.

Ian suddenly felt awkward and didn’t know what to do at the moment. It is reasonable to say that she as a navy must obey the orders of the Tianlong people.

But... this order is obviously nonsense!

Let Ain directly resist, she did not dare, so she could only look at the help of the feathers to the side of the night, as the role of the night, when the words, Tianlong people should also give face.

However, what Ian was a little worried about was that the night of the night did speak, but the words of the night, but not the same as she imagined.

"Whether it is intentional or not, it is really unsightly, Tianlong people..."

Yu night stood there, did not breathe a glance at the laughing Lama, and then turned to look at the Tianlong people, a touch of disgusting color flashed past.


It was just a scream, but it seemed to contain a horrible shock, and it was bombarded in the Tianlong people.

The Tianlong man wanted to shoot, but he didn't wait for him to pull the trigger. The gun in his hand was smashed and smashed. Then, the whole person was slammed by a shock, and he was hit hard. After breaking a building in the rear, it stopped.


A strange silence.

The original atmosphere was very strange, and the atmosphere at this moment obviously became even more strange. Those who quietly looked up and looked at this scene, but their expressions all solidified.

Even Ain, who is next to Feather Night, is also a dull look.

Originally thought that the identity of the feather night, Tianlong people have to give a face, but she did not expect that, not the Tianlong people give no feather night face, but the feather night simply does not give the face of Tianlong people!

Even, this is not to give face, it is simply not in the eyes!

Ai, who was dull, quickly smiled. She should have thought that she could not talk to the Tianlong people with a good night's character. Even if it was a Tianlong person, it was a world aristocrat.

Leo, who had been laughing all the time, saw this scene and finally stopped laughing, and his face did not show any unexpected color.

If Yu night will bow to the Tianlong people, then he is not a feather night!

Even the four emperors who are on the verge of the sea are all overwhelmed by men. Even if they face the world government, they will never have the idea of ​​surrender. The Tianlong people in the district are only relying on the world government to be high.


At the moment when Raleigh stopped laughing, the talents of the audience finally reacted. The screams, the shocks, the exclamations, almost simultaneously sounded in an instant.

It was this moment, the entire street, the chin almost broke a place, everyone’s eyes almost came out, watching the stunned Tianlong people, watching the collapsed buildings, all exposed exaggerated To the ultimate expression.

Tianlong people... actually got beaten!

"Then, that guy, what is the sacredness, even dare to give the Tianlong people..."

"Wait! No, how can he be so familiar, is he just..."

The civilians living in the Champagne Islands, as well as the thieves passing by, all of them are all looking at the feathers in an incredible way.

Just everyone is bowing and crouching, all centered on the Tianlong people, naturally no one noticed the look of the night, but now, when I saw the feathers, I finally recognized the night.

It turned out to be him!

The one who has changed the power of the world by one's own strength... Feather Night!

"Feather night... The Tianlong people are flying! This is big news!"

Many people looked at this scene, and their hearts were thundering in an instant. They only felt that their hearts were shaking, as if they had seen the scenes that would make the world turbulent.

The world government that ruled the world for eight hundred years, with one's own strength to the sea, defeated the four emperors, the invincible name of the well-deserved feather night, once these two sides collide, it is bound to shake the whole world!

Not just this sea, the whole world, it may change for it!

At this moment, the remaining two Tianlong people are also an unbelievable look, watching the flying Tianlong people, as well as the feather night and the Raleigh three standing there.

"Washley is actually... **** it!"

Among them, the older Tianlong people seem to be the father of the flying Tianlong and the other person. He looked angry at the moment and looked at the night, gnashing his teeth and said: "You are a navy, you dare to commit the following crimes." !!"

The Tianlong people apparently have become angry. They snarled at Yu Ye and Ain and others: "How did your marshal educate you, how did the navy general educate you, we are the descendants of this world creator, you actually Dare to do my son!"

"Sorry, I have never been educated by the Navy general. If I have time, I don't mind educating and educating the Navy."

Yu night stood there, looking at the Tianlong people with a look of lightness.

In this world, the Tianlong people are descendants of the Creator. The world aristocracy, or the royal family, who ruled the world, even the world government gave them the privilege to offend them, and the Navy is almost a servant of the Tianlong people.

However, the feather night is really a **** above the world, and it will put the Tianlong people and the world government in the eye. Since it is so unsightly, Yuyue will not mind cleaning it up.

As for the consequences, what will happen to the world government, the feather night does not care, or there is no qualification to let the night care!

"you you……"

The Tianlong people were trembling by the faint voice of Yubei. They only felt that the night of the night was too arrogant, even the Navy generals did not look at it.

"Give me a call to the Navy Headquarters. I want to ask the generals and marshals how to educate themselves!" The extremely angry Tianlong man screamed at the attendant around him.

However, his roar did not receive any The Tianlong people found that the attendant did not pay attention to himself, and suddenly became even more angry. He turned and looked directly, but found his attendant. At this time, he was full of cold sweat. there.

"Alrod, holy, he, he..."

"What is he?!"

"He is not a navy..."

The waiter, who was in a black suit, seemed to be a person who specialized in intelligence. At this time, he was watching the night of the night with a cold sweat, and the trembling voice opened.

"The world government passed the meeting before and decided to increase the position of a general general of the whole army. He was appointed as the general general of the whole army, and the status is equal to the general marshal of the world government."

After this sentence was said, the audience suddenly was silent.

After a few breaths, the Tianlong talent looked at his attendant opening with a blank look.

"What do you say...what?!" (To be continued.)

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