MTL - The Stepmother is Unkind-Chapter 34

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The authority was challenged by a lamb. After Yin Mingyu threatened a "whole sheep feast", he changed into a light cotton gown and took his family to the stream to fish.

Xie Ce wanted to lead the lamb. After obtaining Yin Mingyu's consent, he grabbed the rope with both hands and said to the maid, "I will."

Yin Mingyu nodded, "Teach him to lead."

Xie Ce was overjoyed when he was in control, even if the long rope was dragging on the ground and almost knocked him down, he was still smiling.

However, the lamb who was about to be promoted to the Right Chancellor's family was not a safe one. Originally, Xie Ce led the rope and walked ahead. With a kick of its hooves, it passed Xie Ce and rushed forward.

The rope followed it forward quickly, then stretched straight, Xie Ce was dragged and had to stagger forward.

Seeing that he was about to fall, Nanny Tong suddenly exclaimed nervously, "Little Langjun!" She hurried over to help Xie Ce.

They made a fuss, Yin Mingyu calmly raised his foot, and stepped on the last rope tail on the ground.

The little lamb in front was running hard as if to rush for freedom. Suddenly, the rope around its neck tightened. The next moment, its head stopped in place, but its body rushed forward due to inertia and was restrained by the rope.


The little lamb screamed and fell to the ground.

Xie Ce was better. He couldn't run fast at first, but when the rope was tight and loose, he couldn't stand firm for a while, so he fell forward.

But he had already held the rope too short, and this time, he threw forward and threw himself straight on the little lamb who was pretending to be dead.


Xie Ce was startled, was picked up by Nanny Tong, and hugged Nanny Tong tightly around her neck.

The little lamb staggered up from the ground, as if drinking fake wine, and staggered two steps before stabilizing its body.

Yin Mingyu raised his foot and said to Yin'er, "Untie the rope."

Yin'er worried, "Will you run around?"

Yin Mingyu glanced at the tender lamb, and said leisurely: "There are many hungry beasts in the mountains, and I just want to have meat delivered to my door to eat."

The lambs stomped on the spot, and they were very obedient during the untying of the ropes. They were no longer bound, and they stopped running around, just running and jumping near them.

But it was still unfriendly to Xie Ce, as long as Xie Ce approached, it would avoid it.

Xie Ce thought it was playing with him, so he continued to chase after him, making the sheep irritable.

There is a fishing platform by the stream, two feet wide, but there is no fence around it.

Jin'er instructed the maid to set up tea and snacks, and Yin'er led someone to order wormwood to repel mosquitoes.

Yin Mingyu sat on the futon, put the bait on his own, and said casually, "Don't teach Xiao Langjun to stay close to the water."

"Yes, young lady."

All the hooks of the three fishing rods were thrown into the stream, Yin Mingyu took the book and tea handed over by Jin'er, read the book and drank tea, while waiting for the fish to take the bait.

The sky was high and the clouds were wide, and the cries of sheep and the crisp laughter of children kept coming, Yin Mingyu leisurely turned a page of the book.

Yin Mingyu had turned over a dozen pages in the book, and the fishhook had not moved. He put down the book, picked up a rod on the right, and pulled it up.

The hook is empty.

She didn't give up, picked up the other two poles, and ate them all, cleaned them, and cleaned them up.

Yin Mingyu put on the bait again. This time, he stopped reading and kept his eyes on the water surface. When any hook moved, he immediately pulled it up.

Unfortunately, no fish was caught.

Seeing it from behind, Yin'er didn't dare to speak, but she slandered her heart. Isn't her wife just looking at her posture, she must be a master, and she will return to the world as soon as she closes it?

And Yin'er didn't dare to break it, but the child didn't know how to show face.

Xie Ce ran over and came over to drink water. He opened his eyes and looked curiously at the empty bucket, and asked, "Mother, where's the fish?"

When Yin Mingyu turned his head, he caught a glimpse of someone snickering. The corners of his mouth curved up, and he said with a serious face, "Mother is a female Bodhisattva, so I need to enlighten them first."

Xie Ce believed it, put his little hands on his knees, sat upright on the futon, and asked, "Yes, enlighten me."

Yin Mingyu calmly dipped in the tea, and lightly tapped his **** on his forehead, "You're alive and well again, let's go."

Xie Ce was so happy, he got up and continued to chase the sheep.

On the side of the road, I finally found a lamb that was free to graze. When I saw the terrible person coming again, my body froze, and I fell on the grass, tongue sticking out, eyes straight, and panting.

Xie Ce stretched out his small hand and pulled it, "Get up! Sheep!"

The lamb's hind hoof gave him a kick, overturned Xie Ce, propped up his body, and ran away.

"Da da da…"

"Da da da…"

A series of lighter footsteps, moving away and closer, were lamb's.

Another series of horses' hooves, kicking footsteps, and the sound of wagon wheels rolling closer and closer, directly overshadowed the sound of the little lamb.

Nanny Tong hugged Xie Ce, who was going to chase the sheep, and walked back to the vicinity of the fishing platform.

Yin Mingyu looked sideways, saw the familiar carriage, frowned slightly, and got up.

The carriage slowly stopped, and a handsome man stepped down first, then turned around and helped another radiant beauty get off the carriage.

The maids present first taught Na Langjun to dazzle his eyes a little, and then looked at the noble beauty in a daze.

Yin Mingyu bowed slightly, "I don't know if the county master is coming, but I will be far away."

Weiyang County Lord's expression is always arrogant, she glanced at the fishing rod on the fishing platform, refreshed, and jokingly said: "Mrs. Xie Shao is really in good spirits..."

Yin Mingyu said lightly: "The county master has said that, but it's just taking a break."

Xie Ce was lying in Nanny Tong's arms and looked at her quietly and curiously.

Weiyang County Master noticed that with his imposing eyes swept over, Xie Ce was so frightened that he turned his head and buried it on the shoulders of Nanny Tong.

The county master of Weiyang had no interest in him at all, looked away, and said to Yin Mingyu, "Cuju wasn't very enjoyable that day, and now there is no one else in Longyu Mountain, Mrs. Xie Shao will compete with me again."

Yin Mingyu really didn't know what the county master was obsessed with, but now that there are no third lady or fourth lady, she directly refused: "Excuse me, county owner, I'm a little uncomfortable, so I can't play Cuju with the county owner."

Weiyang County Lord Liu Mei raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "You are using pregnancy to prevaricate this County Lord again?"

Yin Mingyu silently glanced at Lang Jun next to her, and said euphemistically: "The princess misunderstood, it must be pregnant."

"No..." Weiyang County Master stopped halfway, frowning, "It's really troublesome."

Yin Mingyu was speechless, and ran to Zhuangzi of Xie's family to say that she was troublesome. When she was an ooze, would you pinch her casually?

So Yin Mingyu stopped laughing and said, "County Lord, do the officials and wives have to obey you in everything? There is no such rule in Beijing."

Weiyang County Lord's eyelashes twitched, and after a while, his expression closed slightly, and then he raised his chin and said, "I knew you were a pretentious person, but now you don't pretend to be that little kid?"

Does she pretend or not, what does it have to do with outsiders?

Yin Mingyu asked straight to the point: "I don't know if the county master has any other orders?" It meant that he would see off guests if he didn't.

The head of Weiyang County could not hang on his face, glared at him, and scolded: "Yin Erniang, you dare to collide with me?!"

Yin Mingyu said solemnly: "When the county master came to Xie's house, did he want to teach me to recognize some unwarranted mistakes? I am also Xie's wife, so aggressive, but the intention of His Royal Highness?"

Weiyang County Master was slightly stagnant. She heard that Yin Mingyu did not leave, so she did not return to Beijing together, and she did not come to conflict with Yin Mingyu...

But she would never be soft to anyone, so she still said arrogantly: "What does this have to do with my father, I want to compete with you, Yin Erniang, even if I don't kick the ball, I need another way."

Since she said that she had nothing to do with King Cheng, Yin Mingyu said angrily: "Forgive me for being difficult to obey."

Weiyang County Master was angry, pressed down again, rolled his eyes, pointed his finger at the fishing rod, "fishing, right? You and me try fishing."

What fish to catch! That's a self-destruction weakness.

Yin Mingyu immediately wanted to refuse, but Weiyang County Master had already lifted the hem of his skirt and sat on the futon.

Yin Mingyu couldn't drive people away, so he could only pretend that the Weiyang County Lord did not exist, and he looked like a perfunctory fisherman. He picked up the book and read it.

And the handsome gentleman who accompanied Weiyang County Lord turned around and went to the carriage to get a small table, and then began to put various delicate snacks on it. The most outrageous thing is that he actually started to burn incense and make tea.

That anti-customer-oriented posture, that graceful and gentle figure and temperament, that flowing movement...

Yin Mingyu caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of his eye, and a burst of energy came up, quietly winking at Jin'er and Yin'er.

The two maids understood and stepped forward one after another. One held a handkerchief to wipe her unwanted sweat, the other squeezed the preserved fruit and put it into her mouth, and asked softly, "Miss, do you want to listen to the piano?"

Yin Mingyu nodded reservedly, "Get ready, it just so happens that the county master will also be rewarded."

The county master of Weiyang suddenly said proudly: "Xunlang's qin skills are excellent, this county master has a treasured qin on his carriage, teach him how to play the qin, and ask Mrs. Xie Shao to reward him."

As soon as she finished speaking, her entourage went to the carriage to fetch the piano.

Xun Lang took the piano carefully, placed it on his lap cherishingly, and gently plucked the strings with his fingers, and a string of melodious piano sounds jumped out.

Yin Mingyu: "…"

It would be good if the red silk was here, and with the beauty of the red silk, she would definitely be able to win back a city for her.

But it was more than that, the fish that was always unwilling to be hooked, the Weiyang County Master began to frantically bite the rod not long after sitting down. When the Weiyang County Master pulled the fishing rod, he caught a fish the size of a palm.

The fish fell on the fishing platform and kept jumping.

Xie Ce exclaimed, "Big fish!"

When the concierge saw that something was wrong, he turned around and went in to report.

Mrs. Xie ate roast mutton the day before yesterday, which led to her greed, but from top to bottom in the mansion, they all paid attention to maintaining health, especially controlling her diet.

She insisted on staying in the village, and Yin Mingyu couldn't control her, so he taught the pantry to make some meat with strong flavors to eat.

The concierge suddenly came in a hurry, and Mrs. Xie panicked for a moment, and then she heard that the Weiyang County Lord came to the door, maybe still bullying Yin Mingyu, and suddenly became angry: "So aggressive, why don't you put my Xie family in the house? In your eyes?"

"Let's go, I have to see for myself, can a little girl ride on top of my Xie family?!"

After she finished speaking, she stood up and went out in a hurry with a cane.

The steward prepared a sedan chair for her and carried Mrs. Xie to the Diaotai.

Madam Xie saw them surrounded, and could hear the sound of the piano, and Xie Ce's voice could be vaguely heard in the middle, which was very different from the bullying scene she imagined.

But Mrs. Xie still cleared her throat and said solemnly: "The county master is here, and you will be welcome."

When Yin Mingyu heard this, he raised his head in surprise, and immediately walked over to grab the old lady's arm and straighten his chest.

Doesn't she still have an old lady?