MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 48

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Starling and Xiaolu were hung at the door of the toilet. When the cold wind blew, the unique smell of the toilet hit their faces, and they couldn't keep their eyes open.

The starling covered his mouth and nose: "The ugly dog's papa stinks!"

Little green wants to cry but has no tears: If it ignores mynah, it must be staying in the living room watching TV now: it's all your fault!

Mynah snorted: "You rushed up by yourself!

Xiaolu snorted, and yelled into the kitchen a few times that I want to watch TV, but there was no response.

The sad little green shook the leaves: little green vine, the ground is yellow...

Mynah sang along: "Little green vines, the ground is yellow..."

Xiaolu angrily poked at mynah: Don't learn from me.

The starling snorted, and if he doesn’t learn it, he won’t learn it. Anyway, he can sing other songs, “Next is the most famous singing contestant—my starling’s high singing time.”

Mynah called himself the curtain, and then began to sing: "I can't stop loving you, I can live every day, month, year, year, and forever..."

Little Green shook the leaves, why does it sound nice?

After singing one song, Mynah went on to sing the second one: "I, who can't catch love, always watch it slip away..."

Xiaolu clapped her hands: keep singing!

Lin Ling, who was sitting by the door and keeping an eye on the movement outside, snorted indifferently, singing so cheerfully, it seems that she didn't need to let them in.

After one night.

Lin Ling got up and went downstairs, walked outside the toilet, only to see mynah standing on a protruding place above the eaves of the toilet door, huddled in a circle and falling asleep.

What about Little Green?

Lin Ling searched around, and finally found that Xiaolu was sleeping soundly under the starling's wings. She smiled helplessly. She beat so fiercely last night, but today she is hugging and sleeping together, like two children. of.

Starling opened his eyes, but Lin Ling blocked his mouth when he was about to open his mouth: "Don't open your mouth!"

The starling looked aggrieved, it is not dumb, why not let it speak.

Lin Ling saw through its doubts, and said softly: "I like partners who are cold and talk less. You know that Ba Ba Ba is really noisy all day long."

Do you like someone who is cold and talkative? The starling automatically ignored the word partner, excitedly thinking that if he said less, would he be able to win the beauty's heart? "I won't speak now."

"You are not forbidden to speak, but I just hope you will say a few less words and less hooliganism." In fact, there is an extra talkative starling in the house, and the room can be more lively, but it is not good to always play hooligans.

Lin Ling knew that it would be difficult for the starling to get rid of his old habits immediately, so he made a bet with it: "From now on, if you don't talk hooligans and don't speak more than 20 sentences per hour, I will do it tonight." How about sharing a piece of rabbit meat with you?"

Mynah's eyes lit up. It prefers meat to plant food like seeds. "Okay."

After finishing speaking, the starling raised his wings and drew a line around his mouth, indicating that it is now locked, and promised not to speak again.

"Then I'll let you go now." Lin Ling let go of myna and Xiaolu, and myna immediately flew to the front of the yard.

Xiaolu neatly wrapped her arms around Lin Ling's wrist, accusing her of being cruel: You don't even love me anymore! You tied me up all night.

"It's as if I've loved you before." Lin Ling thought of seeing Xiao Lu sleeping under the starling's wings just now, and smiled: "You two are reconciled."

Xiaolu didn't want to admit it, and muttered in dissatisfaction: Who reconciled with it? It's because it's afraid of the cold, so it insists on trapping me under its wings! Obviously I am not afraid of the cold at all.

Lin Ling rolled her eyes, you, a plant, told me that you are not afraid of the cold?

Xiaolu was afraid that Lin Ling would not believe her, so she said repeatedly: I really am not afraid of the cold at all.

"Okay, you're not afraid of the cold." Lin Ling sighed from the bottom of her heart, except for Dahei, all the guys she raised were duplicity.

After breakfast, Lin Ling gave Xia Mo a task for today, asking him to take Brother Chou out to pump water and irrigate the ground, while Lin Ling rebuilt the collapsed part of the house.

After the arrangements were made, Xia Mo and Brother Chou went to the pond with the water pump, while the remaining starlings flew to Lin Ling's side and pointed their wings at the distant sky, which meant that it was out to find wild boars.

Lin Ling looked at the starling who was feeling uncomfortable, and saw through his intentions, "Anyway, I can't find it when I go out, so I just stay indoors."

Starling shook his head, saying that he must go out and give it a try.

Lin Ling didn't tell the truth, it was still early anyway, she didn't believe it could hold back when it came back at night? "Okay, then go on to find the wild boar."

The starling nodded, and immediately turned around and flew out. After flying a little farther, it heaved a sigh of relief: "I'm going to suffocate you!"

After the starling left, Lin Ling first moved the bricks and tiles upstairs, then took a **** and dug some soil from the yard and came back, added water and sand and mixed it evenly, and then began to build the wall.

Among the three rooms on the upper floor, except for the room where Lin Ling lived was intact, the windows of the other two rooms were all broken, and the walls and roofs were damaged to a certain extent.

He had the experience of mending courtyard walls before, and this time he was able to mend the walls with ease. Lin Ling repaired all the damaged walls in a morning.

After patching the walls, it is time to patch the roof. The beams on the roof are still there, and they can still be used after a little treatment, but the other rafters have fallen off and rotted, and need to be replaced with new ones.

Lin Ling thought that when he moved the wood back to make the door, there were still a few pieces of wood left over, which could be divided into many rafters.

It took a lot of effort before Lin Ling divided the wood into dozens of three-finger-wide strips. After dividing them, she climbed up to the roof with the hammer and nails, and nailed the wooden strips to the beams one by one.

After the nails were finished, Xia Mo, who had gone out to water the ground, also came back. He looked at the house that was just short of tiles, and ran upstairs with some excitement. His eyes were full of light and he looked at Lin Ling who was sitting on the beam: "Is it going to be fixed?"

Lin Ling sat on the beams against the bright sun, raised her hand and pulled the brim of her hat, "Hurry up."

At the end of Xia, he climbed up the stairs, "I'll help you."

"You don't need to come up." Lin Ling said to Xia Mo: "You just need to move all the tiles in the yard up."

Xia Mo said, "Then I'll move now."

At the end of summer, the tiles were moved one after another, and Lin Ling used Xiaolu to pull the tiles on the roof. The two worked together and installed all the tiles in less than two hours.

After putting the last tile in place, Lin Ling climbed down from the roof, grabbed the water bottle and poured a few sips, and then said to Xia Mo: "You can move in when the mud is dry."

Mo Xia's eyes were full of joy, and the corners of his mouth parted with joy, "Can we move in tomorrow?"

Lin Ling hummed, "Yes."

Xiaolu glanced at the empty room: there were no beds or cabinets inside.

There used to be beds and cabinets in these two rooms, but because the doors, windows and walls were damaged, the things inside were rotted and damaged by the wind and rain. Lin Ling cleaned up all those things on the first day of living here up.

Lin Ling said, "It's still early, I'll go around and see if I can find a bed that can be used."

Lin Ling repaired the house and let him move in. Xia Mo was too embarrassed to ask for more: "I can sleep underground."

"It's cold at night, and it's very cold to sleep on the ground." Lin Ling walked towards the outside of the fence without delay. She remembered that there were several villages near the road, and one of the houses had an iron frame bed, which could be moved back for use.

Xia Mo followed quickly: "I'll go with you."

The two ran out of the wall, turned over several hillsides, and ran towards the road on the other side. They soon found the abandoned iron frame bed, which was covered with rust and burnt black marks, but it did not affect its use. Just go back and wipe it clean.

Xia Mo happily ran to the iron frame bed, "It's still there."

Lin Ling hummed, the surrounding villages were burned bare, basically no one would come, even if someone came, they would not bother to remove an impractical iron frame bed, "Come on, let's move out."

Lin Ling and Xia Mo struggled to move the iron frame bed towards home, when they heard a bird singing on the way, she looked up at the dark sky, and vaguely saw a black bird flying towards her.

The next moment, the black bird flew to Lin Ling, "Beauty, I'm back!"

Lin Ling frowned, "What are you calling me?"

Thinking of the bet with Lin Ling in the morning, the starling immediately covered his mouth, indicating that he didn't say anything.

Lin Ling said with a sullen face, "Don't let me hear you call 'beauty' again, or I'll pluck your hair off."

Mynah protects his wings subconsciously. Is a bird without hair still a bird? That's a rabbit chicken!

"Have you found it?" Jiang Nian asked it.

The starling shook his head, saying that he still didn't find it today.

Xiaolu looked at mynah with disgust: You are really useless!

Mynah jumped onto the iron frame and stood there, flapping his wings angrily, little man, wait for me! Curse you when I can speak!

Xiaolu provocatively said: Come on, come on!

Although the two little ones were fighting each other, they never fought, which showed that being tied together last night was still effective.

Brother Chou glanced at the two disappointedly, it's boring not to fight!

"There are no trees in the two directions I flew today. I will try another direction tomorrow." Mynah suddenly thought of something, and then raised his neck: "Although I didn't find wild boars and wild birds, I made a big discovery .”

The starling approached Lin Ling and asked mysteriously, "Do you want to hear it? If you want to hear it, I'll tell you."

"I don't want to." Lin Ling pushed the tricycle and continued to move forward.

"Are you really not listening? It has something to do with you." Mynah said meanly: "You will regret it if you don't listen."

Lin Ling felt that the starling was too noisy, and there was a restlessness between his brows, "You can still say a few words."

The starling spread his wings helplessly, saying that I won't talk about it.

After walking for a few minutes, after turning over a steep slope, he was almost at the wall. At this time, Xiaolu pointed in the direction of the wall: Look, there are people there.


Lin Ling immediately looked in the direction of the fence warily, and saw a man in full armor standing by the ditch from a distance, not knowing what to do.

Brother Chou also arched his back subconsciously, looking ahead warily.

Xia Mo's complexion also changed: "How can there be someone?"

Only the starling old **** said, "I always knew that there was someone guarding there."

Xiaolu put her hands on her hips angrily: Then why don't you say it? What is your heart?

Starling looked innocent, and pointed to Lin Ling, meaning it wanted to say something just now, but she didn't allow me to speak.

Lin Ling glanced at the mean starling with a sullen face, then looked back at the people standing under the wall, and whispered to Xia Mo, "You stay here and listen to my signal."

After explaining, Lin Ling took Xiaolu and walked towards the person standing under the wall. After getting closer to see the person's appearance, she realized that it was an acquaintance, "Why are you?"

The author has something to say: Guess who?