MTL - The Stand-in Refuses to Become a Regular-Chapter 44

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That day Xing Yun didn't go to work after all, just lay on the sofa quietly for a day.

Xue Yingshuang didn't care about him either. When it was time to go out to the training get out of class, he came back to cook after class.

The next day Xing Yun returned to normal and went to work as usual.

The two did not mention what happened that day, as if Xing Yun had never confessed, and Xue Yingshuang had never rejected Xing Yun's love.

Of course, the relationship between the two has undergone intangible changes.

Xue Yingshuang found that Xing Yun has been very polite to him recently, saying "thank you" every day.

It's not that Xing Yun never said it before, but that he didn't say it as often as now. Just like today's breakfast, obviously he just made a simple bowl of noodles, but Xing Yun said seriously: "Thank you for getting up this morning and cooking this bowl of noodles for me, so that I have the strength to go to work today."

This kind of situation happens almost every day, Xue Yingshuang said to Xingyun: "You don't have to be so polite to me, it's all my responsibility."

Xing Yun said: "If you feel grateful, just say it. That's good. When Bai Qianyi and I taught you earlier, you did the same thing. This is what I learned from you."

Not only that, since that day, Xing Yun no longer had any intimate contact with Xue Yingshuang, not even a hug, and Xue Yingshuang was not halfway through cooking, and was suddenly raided from behind.

In fact, whether Xing Yun does or doesn't do it, Xue Yingshuang doesn't care, that's all part of his job.

It's just that Xing Yun has changed so much in one day, which makes Xue Yingshuang slightly uncomfortable. It feels like seeing a puppy suddenly become an essence and become a human being.

And he didn't know if that was good or bad.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, Xing Yun has been very busy with work these days. After returning home every day, he has to work overtime in the study until eleven or twelve o'clock.

In the evening, Xue Yingshuang went into the study to deliver fruit to Xing Yun.

"Thank you," Xing Yun looked away from the computer screen, looked at Xue Yingshuang and said, "Let's put it there first, I'll eat it right after I'm done with it."

Xue Ying nodded. The documents on Xing Yun's desk were piled up into a hill. Seeing that the hill was about to collapse, Xue Yingshuang was accustomed to tidy up for Xing Yun.

He folded the folders neatly together, with the side with the name on it facing Xing Yun, and put it in a place where Xing Yun could easily take it. When sorting out, he found that a piece of letter paper was pressed under the document, the letter paper was full of writing, and it was Xing Yun's handwriting...

"Go get busy." Xing Yun put his hand on the letter and smiled at Xue Yingshuang.

Xue Yingshuang immediately looked away, pretending he didn't see it. He said to Xing Yun again: "Tomorrow is my holiday, I will report to you first."

Xing Yun: "Okay, do you have any arrangements? If you are at home, you don't have to order takeout for me tomorrow. I'll eat outside at night."

Xue Yingshuang: "In the afternoon, I'm going back to school to see Mr. Fang, and by the way, I'll bring some New Year's goods."

Xing Yun: "Then let me take you for a ride, I just happened to be going nearby."

After noon the next day, Xue Yingshuang went downstairs to Xingyun Company and set off with Xingyun.

There was nothing to say all the way, and when Xue Yingshuang got off the car, Xing Yun said, "Do me a favor, I will give Teacher Fang one of the gift boxes in the back, and please bring the other one to my head teacher."

Xue Yingshuang nodded, and when he opened the rear door, he found that Xing Yun had prepared three gift boxes of tea leaves. I don't know who the remaining boxes were for. Xue Yingshuang guessed that it was for the person Xing Yun was going to see later.

"How's the squad leader been recently?" When he arrived at the school, Mr. Fang was still so kind.

"Teacher, I've got a college diploma, you can take a look." Xue Yingshuang specially brought his own college diploma, and showed it to Teacher Fang as a treasure.

He has no parents, and he doesn't have many friends. Besides showing Xing Yun and Bai Qianyi the graduation certificate, he only wanted to show it to Teacher Fang.

Teacher Fang was also very supportive, put on reading glasses, and carefully read every word on the diploma.

"All the courses have passed the grades, and they are approved for graduation..." Teacher Fang smiled with relief, "Very good, this is very good."

Teacher Fang returned the graduation certificate to the smiling Xue Yingshuang, and Xue Yingshuang said again: "I am currently taking the undergraduate entrance examination. I have already passed the four subjects. I will show off to the teacher when I get the undergraduate graduation certificate."

"Okay, the teacher will wait for you to show off." Teacher Fang said.

What Mr. Fang thought of how cute Xue Yingshuang was, and said, "Monitor, although studying every day is very important, don't forget to relax, don't be bored all day long. You should spare some time to fall in love at your age."

Xue Ying's face was slightly red, and Xing Yun's confession that night naturally appeared in his mind. He shook his head hurriedly and said, "I haven't made up my mind yet. Studying is the most important thing."

After talking to Teacher Fang for a while, Xue Yingshuang was about to leave.

Before leaving, he took the gift box that Xing Yun had brought with him and gave it to Teacher Chen, the former head teacher of Xing Yun.

"Xing Yun couldn't get away from work recently, so he had to ask me to bring it over first." Xue Yingshuang politely said to Teacher Chen, "After a few years, he will come again to visit Teacher Chen in person."

Teacher Chen is bald and tall and thin. He is about the same age as Teacher Fang. He is about to retire, but he looks very energetic. He smiled: "Xing Yun? I still remember him, what has he been doing recently?"

Xue Yingshuang said: "Xing Yun started his own business, and now he is doing very well."

Teacher Chen nodded and said, "Looking at his appearance in high school, I knew that this child is not simple."

Teacher Chen said, and took out a folder from the drawer. Inside the folder was a stack of essays, all of which were stained yellow, and looked quite historical. Teacher Chen took out one of them and handed it to Xue Yingshuang: "Look, I still keep all the articles he wrote in high school."

On the yellowish manuscript paper, the handwriting is clear and handsome, and it is Xing Yun's writing.

It was a post-exam review. Xing Yun analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of his subjects from all aspects, analyzed the reasons for his failure, and finally arranged ways to improve.

Although it is only a review, it is well-structured and in-depth analysis.

"He didn't do well in the first mock test, so he wrote this article." Teacher Chen said, "Hey, when I saw it, I thought this kid was very interesting. Later, in the second test, he really did Corrected all previous mistakes? Here comes."

Teacher Chen said with satisfaction: "I think in my heart, this kid is a person who knows his mistakes and can correct them, and he will become a great asset in the future."

Knowing mistakes can be corrected... Xue Yingshuang thought, Xing Yun is really amazing.

Teacher Chen took out Xing Yun's graduation photo from somewhere, Xue Yingshuang saw Bai Qianyi in the crowd first. High school Bai Qianyi was born very handsome, with an elegant smile on his face, which is almost the same as now.

The one behind Bai Qianyi was Xing Yun. At that time, Xing Yun was almost as tall as he is now. He looked young, but his eyebrows and eyes were very handsome.

It is incredible for Xue Yingshuang to think that such an excellent person would like him.

He was also glad that he didn't agree to Xing Yun, otherwise Xing Yun would wake up someday? It would be embarrassing.

When he got home in the evening, Xue Yingshuang told Xing Yun what happened in the school, and passed on Teacher Chen's praise.

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, it means that you have made mistakes. This is not a glorious thing." Xing Yun was particularly humble about this. "And if you make a mistake, you must make up for it. Is this a matter of course?"

Xue Yingshuang nodded and said again: "The teacher also showed me your graduation photo, it's so handsome. If you are a star, I will auction it and sell it for money."

Xing Yun was silent.

Xue Yingshuang: "..."

In the past, Xue Yingshuang often praised Xing Yunshuai as a male star. And Xing Yun said that he was "flattering", but his expression was always very proud and very useful.

But after Xue Yingshuang had been accustomed to praise for a while, Xing Yun's reaction let him know that it was embarrassing, and their current relationship was not suitable for such words.

"By the way," Xing Yun changed the subject, "After a few days of the Spring Festival, you can take your annual leave."

"Okay," Xue Yingshuang said, "do you need me to move out?"

"Move? Why do you want to move?" Xing Yun was immediately nervous.

"If your family is coming during the Chinese New Year, I'm not here." Xue Yingshuang replied, "Of course, if you need someone to clean, I can work."

Knowing that Xue Yingshuang didn't want to leave, Xing Yun breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "No need, you can stay here for annual leave, no one will come to see me."

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