MTL - The Stand-in Refuses to Become a Regular-Chapter 38

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The next morning, Xing Yun and Bai Qianyi woke up with a burst of pain.

The two turned their heads and saw that they were lying beside them. They both gasped in unison, startled.

Why him?

At the same time, they lowered their heads to check their clothes, and found that they were well-dressed, and both breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, nothing happened that shouldn't have happened.

But how did you get back yesterday? None of them can remember.

"Are you awake? Come and drink some soup, sober up." At this time, Xue Yingshuang came over with two bowls of soup, "After drinking, go back to bed and continue to sleep."

Xue Yingshuang boiled a pot of hot and sour sobering soup, drank it in one gulp, sour, spicy, fragrant, hot, all kinds of tastes came up at once, and people suddenly sobered up a lot.

"How did you get back yesterday?" Xing Yun asked while drinking the soup.

"I called a chauffeur, and I'll carry the two of you in by myself." Xue Yingshuang said, "That's a paid item, it's really tiring."

"Okay." Xing Yun nodded.

Xue Yingshuang's attitude was normal, but the two of them were vaguely uneasy.

It always seemed like something big happened last night, but they couldn't remember anything.

Bai Qianyi held the spoon and pretended to be casual: "I feel like I slept well. I should have slept well last night? Early?"

Xue Yingshuang nodded: "I fell asleep not long after I got home."

Bai Qianyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Me too?" Xing Yun also asked.

"Almost." Xue Yingshuang said honestly.

Xing Yun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Qianyi thought to himself: Sure enough, such an elegant me, even after drinking, is still an elegant young lady.

Xing Yun thought to himself: Oh, what about mere alcohol? How can you control me?

However, they looked up and saw that Xue Yingshuang looked at them with pity in their eyes.

The two suddenly felt a shudder in their hearts.

Xue Yingshuang packed up their used dishes and walked to the kitchen.

Walking into the dark, someone suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him into the laundry room.

When he turned back, he saw Bai Qianyi's nervous expression.

Bai Qianyi looked out and closed the door of the laundry room after confirming that no one was there, with a serious expression, like a spy who was preparing to do a dark transaction.

Bai Qianyi: "How much can you say?"

Xue Yingshuang: "Two thousand."

Bai Qianyi: "Too many!"

Xue Yingshuang: "I guess Xing Yun is willing to pay so much money to listen to some stories."

"You?!" Bai Qianyi gritted his teeth, "One thousand, that's it!"

"Deal." Xue Yingshuang said immediately.

Bai Qianyi sent the money to Xue Yingshuang and said, "No matter what happened last night, you can't tell me if you die!"

Xue Yingshuang nodded: "Certainly, I won't say anything if I kill you."

Bai Qianyi breathed a sigh of relief when the sealing fee was paid. He looked at Xue Yingshuang with a slightly embarrassed expression, but he still forced himself to remain calm: "Actually, I won't do anything shameful after drinking, I just want to feel at ease."

Xue Yingshuang nodded: "I understand."

"I didn't take off my clothes, did I?"


"Arresting people and messing with relatives?"




"That's good." Bai Qianyi was relieved, and suddenly thought, he didn't do anything, was he deceived by Xue Yingshuang's eyes?

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Xue Yingshuang suspiciously.

Xue Yingshuang said: "I didn't do anything exaggerated, just tell me that your name is Shao Nian..."

Bai Qianyi immediately covered Xue Yingshuang's mouth: "Enough! Stop talking!"

Bai Qianyi blushed, wishing to die on the spot.

God, he actually said that kind of thing! Does he want a face!

He grabbed Xue Yingshuang's hand and said anxiously, "It's all my nonsense after drinking! You? Don't believe it... How could I possibly think of a young lady... I..."

Xue Yingshuang looked at him quietly, he held his breath, and finally let out a long vomit, and said in a low voice, "Forget it, you will know as soon as you know it. Anyway, I am the life of a social animal, and there is a young mistress. What happened to the dream? You? Laugh at me."

Xue Yingshuang: "It's really funny hahaha."

Bai Qianyi: "You? You really laugh!"

Xue Yingshuang took Bai Qianyi's sealing fee and went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

He was about to wash the blanket that smelled of alcohol that had been used by the two of them yesterday, but he was just a few steps out of the kitchen when he was pulled again and dragged to the laundry room.

Xue Yingshuang: "?"

This time it was Xing Yun. Xing Yun, like Bai Qianyi just now, had a nervous expression on his face.

Xing Yun went out and looked around. After confirming that no one was there, he closed the door and turned back to Xue Yingshuang: "I'll give you two thousand hush money."

Xue Yingshuang: "..."

Xue Yingshuang was experienced, he made the deal directly, and raised his hand: "I swear, I won't kill me..."

"Wait? Wait?" Xing Yun interrupted him, "You? To put it another way, you? Say, even if someone gives you 100 million, you won't say it."

Xue Yingshuang was taken aback: "Is it necessary to make such a poisonous oath? Is it not enough to kill me?"

Xing Yun said coldly, "When I first met you??"

Sure enough, capitalists are well versed in manipulating people’s hearts!

Xue Yingshuang gritted his teeth and swore that even if someone gave him 100 million, he would not say what happened last night.

Xing Yun breathed a sigh of relief when the sealing fee was paid.

He looked at Xue Yingshuang and said nonchalantly, "So what did I do last night?"

Xue Yingshuang: "Say you are a grandson for your client."

Xing Yun took a deep breath, nodded reluctantly, and motioned for Xue Yingshuang to continue.

Xue Yingshuang: "I also said that you lost money in business."

Okay, it's true. Xing Yun asked again: "Then what?"

"Say you want to be virtuous."

"...Anything else?"

"Also, they said they wanted me to win the Nobel Prize in mathematics."

In the end, this Xing Yun really made his toes roll up. He took a few seconds to control his expression, and finally asked, "Anything else?"


"Really gone?"

Xue Ying nodded.

Xing Yun pouted: "It's okay, as expected alcohol can't control me."

Xue Yingshuang thought, in fact, there are.

But that was his little secret with the dog, and he didn't want to tell it.

Although he said socially deadly words after drinking, Bai Qianyi was in a better mood.

First, he finally poured out the pressure hidden in his heart to others, and secondly, Xue Yingshuang smiled and finally comforted him.

Xue Yingshuang said, "You are already very good. If I could be like you, I don't know how happy I would be."

It was a very simple sentence, but Bai Qianyi was very comfortable listening to it.

Bai Qianyi thought to himself that Xing Yunruo and Xue Yingshuang were together, and he was very relieved.

Thinking of this, Bai Qianyi picked up the pile of contracts that Xing Yun gave him that day and went to Xing Yun's study.

Xing Yun was working, Bai Qianyi put the contract on his table and said, "Take it, I'll give you the problem? Mark it out."

Xing Yun raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Thanks."

Bai Qianyi found a chair by himself and said with a bored expression, "The contract has already been read for you, so don't ask me to do it again. It's not good for Xue Yingshuang if you treat me."

Xing Yun flipped through the contracts as if nothing had happened: "How can I be such a boring person."

Bai Qian said easily, "Are you and Xue Yingshuang together?"

Xing Yun froze for a moment, looked up at Bai Qianyi: "What are you talking about, I don't understand."

Bai Qianyi smiled: "I don't care why you found him in the first place. Now that you like him, treat him well."

Xing Yun looked down at the contract again, and said quickly: "I don't like him, you don't misunderstand, he is just my assistant."

Bai Qianyi just smiled and said nothing more.

At this moment, the door of the study room was knocked.

Xue Yingshuang came in with the fruit: "You guys, eat some fruit."

Xue Yingshuang cut a plate of rabbit apples, Bai Qianyi forked an apple, and took the contract on the table to look at it. He was about to take it, when suddenly he saw a piece of paper pressed on the table. Picking it up and taking a look, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha! What is this! So many ugly things!"

Xing Yun was also about to eat an apple, when he heard the laughter, he quickly reached out to grab it.

Bai Qianyi ran away early, he put the ugly dog ​​picture on Xue Yingshuang, and said with a smile: "You? Look? Look? Are you ugly?"

That ugly dog ​​picture was drawn that day when Xing Yun was angry, and it was full of ugly dogs.

Ugly dogs are all kinds of strange, some eat, some play, some sleep, and their postures are different. The only thing in common is ugly. Each dog has different lengths of limbs, some lack arms, some lack tails, and some fart.

It's amazing to be able to draw so many ugly dogs.

However, ugly turns ugly, but Xue Yingshuang finds it cute. He sincerely said, "The painting is very good."

After he finished speaking, Xing Yun stepped forward and grabbed it, tightly protecting his ugly dog ​​picture, and waving to drive away: "Go away, don't even look at it!"

After Xue Yingshuang left, Bai Qianyi was still laughing.

Xing Yun glared at him: "Is it finished? Why didn't I know about you before? How can you laugh like that?"

Bai Qianyi smiled and said, "Is he really nice to you? Good, that kind of picture can be said to be pretty."

Xing Yun angered: "Get out of here!"

After Bai Qianyi left, Xing Yun sat alone in the study.

He put his forehead in one hand and the picture of the ugly dog ​​in the other, and he was annoyed.

He was annoyed, but what really upset him was not his masterpiece being laughed at, but what Bai Qianyi said.

Like Xue Yingshuang... How could he like Xue Yingshuang?

Obviously Xue Yingshuang likes him!

He and Xue Yingshuang have a contractual relationship, how could he be tempted?

He just saw Xue Yingshuang being pitiful, so he was a little better to Xue Yingshuang. What? What do you like, idiot!

Is Xue Yingshuang worth his liking?

The more Xing Yun thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and after an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door. Looking up, he saw Xue Yingshuang.

Xue Ying held the advanced mathematics textbook in both hands, Xing Yun subconsciously was overjoyed, he really needed him as a little stand-in.

But as soon as he thought about it, he felt that he was inexplicable, and he was so happy!

"What?" Xing Yun asked coldly.

"I have a question to ask you, okay?" Xue Yingshuang said obediently.

Xing Yun didn't respond, and after a few seconds, he nodded lightly.

Xue Yingshuang asked a difficult question this time, but Xing Yun did not immediately tell him the solution, but gave him a few ideas for him to try.

Xue Yingshuang nodded and began to answer questions obediently, while Xingyun sat aside to watch.

When Xue Yingshuang was doing the questions, his expression was focused, his lips were slightly pursed, and he felt like he was working hard.

You work so hard to do a question, how can there be such a good person?

Xing Yun's heart was a little soft, but he realized it immediately, what am I thinking?

"I wrote it!" After a while, Xue Yingshuang completed the question according to Xing Yun's instructions. He happily said, "Thank you, Teacher Xing! Teacher Xing is the best!"

Xing Yun nodded coldly.

Xing Yun asked: "Are there any questions?"

Xue Yingshuang replied, "No more."

"Then go out, I still have to work."

"Okay." Xue Yingshuang nodded and got up to leave. Suddenly he stopped and turned to Xing Yun and said, "I think those dogs are very cute."

Xing Yun glanced at him and said coldly, "Don't try to please me."

Xue Yingshuang didn't know what was wrong with him, and replied, "I don't mean that. That's how I found out that the picture on the cup in my room was drawn by you. You also know that I saw it at a glance that day? Now, that dog is so ugly and energetic!"

Xing Yun let out a soft "hum", and agreed.

"You? Draw me another dog doing advanced math problems."

"No! How can a dog do high numbers! Get out!"

Xue Ying double ran.

In the study, Xing Yun lowered his head and drew an ugly dog ​​trying to do advanced math problems. After the drawing, he thought it was really ugly.

If you think this kind of ugly dog ​​is cute, it's an idiot.

How could he like such a stupid person?

A few days later, the three of them went out to eat together again.

This time, they ate at a Japanese food store. During the holidays, there were many people in the store. Xing Yun didn't book a private room. Fortunately, every table in the store was covered by a high screen, so they were not afraid of being caught. interference.

On all sides of the table, Xing Yun and Bai Qianyi sat opposite each other, while Xue Yingshuang sat beside them.

As soon as he entered the store, Bai Qianyi began to teach enthusiastically again, grabbed Xue Yingshuang and began to count the rules of eating Japanese food.

Xing Yun was bored listening to it, and sneered: "You? Just let him learn, didn't you see that he copied the formula on his hand and memorized it?"

Bai Qianyi was startled, and quickly grabbed Xue Yingshuang's arm to see.

Sure enough, Xue Yingshuang's left arm was densely copied with a bunch of mathematical formulas.

"Shuangshuang..." Bai Qianyi was shocked, "You? How could you betray me..."

"How dare you?" Xue Yingshuang hurriedly pulled up the sleeve of his right hand, revealing the English words copied on his right arm.

This time, Xingyun looked stunned.

Is it so fair?

Seeing that Xing Yun and Bai Qianyi started bickering again, Xue Ying turned a deaf ear and lowered his head silently.

Suddenly, only one voice said: "Xing Yun? And Bai Qianyi?"

Xue Yingshuang looked up and saw a man of the same age as Xing Yun standing by the table. The man was wearing a gray casual suit with a pleasant smile on his face: "Why is it so coincidental? I just met you two when I entered the store."

The person here is a little familiar, and Xue Yingshuang always thinks that he has seen him somewhere.

Thinking about it again, Xue Yingshuang remembered, this is Xing Yun's high school classmate, An Fu!

However, when he looked at Xing Yun and Bai Qianyi, he saw that Xing Yun's face was not natural, and so was Bai Qianyi.

However, An Fu didn't seem to realize that he was not welcome, and took a seat in the remaining empty seat.

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