MTL - The Stand-in Refuses to Become a Regular-Chapter 10

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Xue Yingshuang rarely expected Xing Yun to go home early. As soon as Xing Yun stepped into the house, he looked at Xing Yun eagerly.

Xing Yun: "…"

Xue Yingshuang: "How is it?"

Xing Yun was expressionless: "What do you think? What else can I do?"

Xing Yun walked to the master bedroom while taking off his tie, Xue Yingshuang followed him all the way. Xing Yun threw the briefcase, and Xue Yingshuang asked, "Do you like it?"

Xing Yun crumpled the tie that he had taken off and threw it out, and glared back at Xue Yingshuang: "How dare you say it! I opened it in Lu Yan's office, and I was not scared to death!"

Xue Yingshuang was surprised: "Why are you eating hot pot in someone else's office!"

Xing Yun: "How did I know you were preparing hot pot!"

Xue Yingshuang thought, how did I know that you love to show off so much!

He thought it was Xing Yun's withdrawn personality. At most, he took a photo and took it in front of Lu Yan. He would have expected Xing Yun to bring the hot pot to other people's offices to cook!

Want a face?

"Next time, ask me first."

"How can I ask? You don't bring it up yourself! Throw it away and run away."

"Hey, how can I get it?" Xue Yingshuang said, "I'm not yours for things like food delivery. It's bad for others to misunderstand me. If others think I'm your object, it will damage your image."

Xing Yun was quiet for a while.

Xue Yingshuang approached cautiously and asked, "So how does it taste? Do you still like it?"

Xing Yun snorted a few times without comment, then said after a while, "Anything else?"

Xue Yingshuang: "I know you definitely want to eat tonight! Of course there is!"

So Xing Yun started today's second hot pot meal.

After all, Xing Yun was concerned about his image when he was eating in front of Lu Yan, so he didn't care about anything in front of Xue Yingshuang, he just opened it up to eat, eating more wildly than noon.

And after Xue Yingshuang came home at noon, he accidentally indulged in his studies and forgot his lunch. He would be starving and faint, so he hurriedly joined the ranks of Hu Shihai and Drinking.

"How did you make this shrimp slip? Lu Yan said it was delicious."

"It's not difficult, but it's time-consuming. I also made squid slips, you can try it. Isn't it delicious?"

"good to eat."

"There are fritters, do you want it?"

"Oh, he doesn't eat such greasy food."

"Eat or not?"

"Eat more."

"You made the hot pot base yourself?"

"There's no time to do it, buy it."

"This one is good, I will buy it next time."

The two were gossiping, Xing Yun thought of his hot pot at noon, and asked, "How did you do that pot lid, you bought it too?"

Xue Ying stared at the meat in the pot with both eyes and replied, "It's not difficult to make it yourself."

That's not difficult for Xue Yingshuang. In junior high school, he would take manual work from the factory and do it at home to earn tuition for himself.

He folded cardboard boxes, strung light bulbs, and glued musical cards that sang as soon as they were opened.

He felt that it was meaningless to just do it without learning, so when he handed over the finished product back to the factory, he would pester people to ask what was going on with those things, and he learned it by going back and forth.

Therefore, making this gadget is too easy for him, as long as Xing Yun is happy.

"By the way, is this a meal that is distinctive, can highlight your personal style, and take into account the taste?" Xue Yingshuang looked at Xing Yun. Xue Ying had no expression on both sides, but there was light in his eyes.

"It's barely qualified." Xing Yun added, "Anyway, no one else has it, only me."

Hearing this answer, Xue Ying's eyes brightened even more, obviously happy.

Xing Yun looked at those eyes, and somehow remembered what Lu Yan had said.

Knowing that Lu Yan misunderstood, but after hearing that, who wouldn't care?

To blame, blame Xue Yingshuang for always curry favor with him.

Speaking of which, what did Xue Yingshuang do to him so well? Could it be... just thinking about it, Xue Yingshuang put the freshly cooked meat into his bowl.

Even the boiled meat must be given to me first... Xing Yun recalled the joy that Xue Yingshuang said that he wanted to help him bring meals the other day.

Others are helping their lover with meals, but he is a small substitute, but he took the initiative to help me with meals.

Could it be…

On this end, Xue Yingshuang had no idea what Xing Yun was thinking, and he was full of fat cows.

There are not many fat cows left, and he is trying to implement the strategy of "one piece of you, one piece of me, one piece of me, one piece of me, one piece of you, one piece of me...".

He looked up and saw Xing Yun staring at him with deep eyes. He felt guilty, and hurriedly took another piece for Xing Yun: "Hurry up, don't you want to eat cold?"

Xing Yun saw that he was so diligent, and his suspicions deepened.

Why is Xue Yingshuang so kind to me?

This issue has become Xing Yun's most concerned topic outside of work these days. He secretly observes Xue Yingshuang every day and wants to know what Xue Yingshuang means.

After a few days, Xue Yingshuang was not blind. He felt Xing Yun's sight, and every time he turned around, he could find Xing Yun secretly watching him.

He wondered, thinking that there is something wrong with this boss, could it be that... he wants to resign me again?

Thinking of this, Xue Yingshuang became nervous, and began to observe Xing Yun secretly, occasionally glancing at Xing Yun.

Xing Yun was even more certain now, and old Xue Yingshuang peeked at him.

The two peeked at each other, and the more they looked, the more they felt that there was something wrong with the other, so they paid more attention to each other, and at the same time, they were more suspicious of each other, and the cycle was endless.

On the evening of the holiday, Xue Yingshuang knocked on the door of the study and said to Xingyun, "Are you free? I want to ask you to drive me to buy vegetables. This time there are more things."

Xing Yun just came to the end of his work, and although he said, "Is it me to invite you or you to invite me", he immediately packed up his things and drove Xue Yingshuang out of the car.

What Xue Yingshuang went to was not the high-end imported supermarket they had been to, but an ordinary supermarket a little further away.

The decoration of the supermarket is simple and has a sense of age, and it can't compare with imported supermarkets. Xing Yun said in disgust, "What are you doing here?"

Xue Yingshuang: "Today's special offer is cheap."

Xing Yun: "I didn't limit you to buy groceries. You don't care about special prices. It makes me feel like I'm abusing you. Don't be so poor!"

Xue Yingshuang said "Hey" again, and said casually: "No way, I'm not happy if I don't save money. Isn't there a sentence that says that, even if you cover your mouth..."

What Xue Yingshuang wanted to say was, "Poverty, even if you cover your mouth, it will run out of your eyes", but he was afraid that Xing Yun would turn his face again later, so he stopped halfway and blinked at Xing Yun. , said obediently: "Let's go, Mr. Boss."

Xing Yun finally went in with Xue Yingshuang and helped Xue Yingshuang push the cart.

Xue Yingshuang picked in front of him, Xing Yun pushed the car with one hand and swiped the phone with the other, occasionally instructing Xue Yingshuang to ask for this or that.

Seeing Xue Yingshuang's careful comparison of prices, Xing Yun thought that this little stand-in was getting wilder and wilder, and that his true nature was revealed after a long time together. If it weren't for his magnanimity, he would not have allowed the other party to be so presumptuous.

Thinking of this, Xing Yun remembered that Xue Yingshuang had just said something, but he didn't say it completely. He checked it casually, but it was fine if he didn't check it, but when he checked it, he was suddenly shocked.

The vague sentence Xue Yingshuang said turned out to be "I like this thing, even if I cover my mouth, it will run out of my eyes."


Was he trying to imply me by slurring that sentence?

Xing Yun stared at the screen of the phone, so shocked that he couldn't move.

Xue Yingshuang actually likes me!

That Xue wins double!

That little stand-in!

Xing Yun couldn't believe it, but thinking about it like this, all the previous questions were figured out! Xue Yingshuang is so good to him because he likes him!

I just like him, so I have to travel thousands of miles to buy vegetables, just to save him money!

"Come on, what are you doing standing there?" Xue Yingshuang, who was carrying a bottle of milk, waved to Xingyun, "You like to drink milk, buy two bottles this time, just buy one bottle and it will be gone."

He knows I like to drink milk! He really likes me!

"What's good for dinner? Have I made curry for you?" Xue Yingshuang was picking potatoes, "Let's have beef curry today."

He's going to make curry for me! He really likes me!

After checking out, drive home.

While waiting for the red light, Xing Yun was still thinking, Xue Yingshuang likes me? How dare he?

Suddenly Xing Yun was shaken by Xue Yingshuang, and when he regained his senses, he saw Xue Yingshuang's nervous expression: "The green light is on, drive! The horns at the back will be turned off! If you don't drive, they will get out of the car and hit you! "

He was worried about me being beaten, and he really liked me...

Xue Yingshuang felt that Xing Yun's problems seemed to be more serious today, and he kept looking at him with the deep eyes of the boss when he was eating, and it seemed that something was wrong with him.

"Eat more." Xue Yingshuang didn't want to leave any leftovers, so he poured the rest of the curry and rice into Xingyun's bowl. When it was over, Xing Yun's eyes were even deeper.

Xue Yingshuang: ?

Xing Yun: Oh, little stand-in, is your liking so straightforward...

After eating, Xue Yingshuang looked at Xing Yun and pointed to the corner of his mouth.

Xing Yun looked at him deeply.

Xue Yingshuang pointed again, and seeing that he didn't respond, he leaned over and wiped the corner of his mouth for Xing Yun: "Wipe it, don't wipe it, it's like stealing **** and not wiping your mouth."

Xing Yun: Oh, why do you have to be so bewildering if you want to touch me...

After dinner, Xue Yingshuang cut the watermelon and brought it back to the living room to eat watermelon and watch the dog show with Xing Yun.

The dog show was over, and the dog blood drama was broadcast on TV.

Xing Yun pretended to watch TV, but the real purpose was to observe Xue Yingshuang.

As expected, Xue Yingshuang, who was beside him, always looked at him secretly. As soon as he noticed his gaze, Xue Yingshuang would turn his eyes to one side and pretend to tidy up the table.

Heh, this guilty look...

On the other hand, Xue Yingshuang was really guilty.

After watching the dog show, he still relied on watching TV series. Watching TV with pay is really cool, but it's also too exciting!

He had no choice but to pretend that Xing Yun was looking at him, and pretended to try to tidy up the table, pretending that he was not watching TV.

The weekend is over, and it's work day again.

This morning, Xing Yunche had just left the community and found something in the study. He thought that the distance was not too far, so he simply went home and picked it up by himself.

He usually went out at eight o'clock, and he didn't know what Xue Yingshuang was doing between eight and nine o'clock.

He opened the door, but did not see Xue Yingshuang greet him. Shaking around at home, I heard noises coming from the master bedroom. Approaching quietly, the door of the master bedroom was not closed properly, and Xue Yingshuang could be seen folding his clothes inside. Meanwhile, a song is playing.

"I counted 123, the wooden man, if you don't act, you will be deducted points. I have been waiting, and love will happen vigorously..."

In the morning, Xue Yingshuang was still wearing a white shirt and black trousers, looking gentle and gentle. When Xing Yun was not around, Xue Yingshuang had a smile on his face, singing softly to the music, while folding Xing Yun's clothes neatly and putting them away carefully.

"The footsteps are too fast, you walk ahead, I'm behind you, can't speak, I hope you will hold my hand at the next intersection..."

Xing Yun outside the door looked at Xue Yingshuang's smile and couldn't move for some reason.

"I count 123, wooden man, give me a heart-warming look for a second, I look forward to it, because of you, love will be more complete..."

Xing Yun's face flushed, his eyes drooping away, he didn't dare to look at Xue Yingshuang again.

He was a little hot for some reason, so he could only quietly leave the master bedroom and leave in a hurry, even forgetting to take the things that fell.

In the car, Xing Yun sat in the car and scratched his head angrily, and finally lay on the steering wheel.

This little stand-in likes me so much? What sweet love songs are you listening to?

Could it be that he not only has a crush on me, but also wants me to like him?

Does he want my heart?

In the master bedroom, the song on the mobile phone was finished, and the content of the outside was changed. The male voice said: "Hello.InternationalFriendsClub.CanIhelpyou"

Xue Yingshuang stood up straight and pricked up his ears to listen.

"Oh, Hello. Ireadaboutyourclub…"

Xue Yingshuang downloaded the English listening materials for the college entrance examination online. He usually listens while doing housework to hone his tattered English listening.

Those materials have collected English listening papers from all over the world in the past ten years. They are very easy to use. The only drawback is that when the main uploader uploaded a few songs accidentally, every time I listened to a few volumes, a song would suddenly appear...

As a result, Xue Yingshuang hadn't learned English listening well, but the song was catchy first.

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