MTL - The Spirit of God Million Domain-Chapter 4267 Spark

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Lot 4267

Daluo Star Field.

Yinger's spirit flowed, wearing a light blue dress, and she had a holy temperament on her body.

She stood in the hall of Daluo Xingyu in this way, as if standing in the sky, everywhere was confused.

Followed by the powerful men of Da Luo Star Field, headed by an old man wearing a black robe, there are many unique graphics carved on the black robe, like a star, with a crutch, wrinkled face, and One hand looked extremely dry.

The elder of Daluo Xingyu has been supporting Daluo Xingyu since her parents died.

If it weren't for her existence, I'm afraid Daluo Star Field would have been eaten by the surrounding Star Field.

You know, although they are the great power of the spirit **** continent, they are also cruel.

"Master, do you really want to go?"

The old man's old voice sounded, with a deep worry in his face.

In the past ten years, the Daluo Starfield has been fighting with Qingyan Starfield for open battles, and even many large-scale battles broke out. It can be said that both major forces have suffered countless deaths and injuries.

However, since Ying'er was found back by the old man, she awakened the strongest body in Daluoxing, after Wanxing Spirit.

Qingyan Starfield arranged no less than a hundred assassinations, and wanted to wipe Yinger into the cradle.

There is no doubt that these assassinations were skillfully resisted by the old man, and Yinger was not harmed in the slightest.

"Elder, I know that you have been struggling to die for the Daluo Star Field and the Star Family for the past few years. I thank you for your kindness!" Yinger stood in the cloud, her eyes flickered slightly, and she looked to the distant sky. It's all Xu Feng.

If she could, she would rather go to Xu Feng's side regardless of everything in Daluo Xingyu. She would still be Xu Feng's next girl, and she wouldn't have to think about anything, just follow her happily.

However, Yinger is very clear that her current status and status determine that she cannot abandon everything in front of her.

The billions of people in the entire Da Luoxing domain are under her jurisdiction. The most important thing is that the people in the Daluo Xingyuan Star Family are staring at her eagerly, counting on her to lead the Daluo Stars to stabilize the position of the Daluo Starfield.

If Yinger hadn't awakened the wanxing spirit body that has never been seen for thousands of years, she might not have to bear so many responsibilities.

However, since she awakened the million star spirit, all this is doomed.

"The old man is grateful to the young master for remembering that everything is the responsibility of the old man."

The old voice of the old man contains vicissitudes.

"Elder, I promise you, as long as I go to see the young master. Tell him about me, I will return to Daluo Starfield. I will become stronger and guard the entire Daluo Starfield."

Yinger bit her lip and said firmly.

The old man looked at Ying's stubborn face, and sighed secretly.

Why didn't she know the girl's character.

If she was desperate today, she might be able to stop the other party.

But what's the point of that?

A person wants to be stronger, but he has no heart.

Otherwise, there is always concern, how to become stronger!

"Young Master, the people in Qingyan Star Domain have become more and more arrogant recently, and the old man is worried about your safety."

The old woman said to Yinger.

"Relax! With my current strength, unless Qingyan Starfield sends the older generation of strong men, it will not hurt me." Speaking of this, Yinger was very clear that she could not always be a flower in the cradle. In that case, I will not be able to grow in the future: "If I have been hiding in the Daluo Star Field, even if I have been practicing for 100 years, I have become as powerful as the elder. Can I really control everything? Without going through the trials of life and death, how growing up?"

The motivation and habits of Yinger's cultivation in recent years are to learn from Xu Feng.

She believes that one day.

The young master will become stronger than himself.

Stronger than the entire spirit **** continent.

The old man looked at Ying'er's face and sighed secretly.

The woman in front of her looked exactly like her father.

Unfortunately, if her father is still alive.

I am afraid that Daluo Starfield will not have the current distress.


The old man did not continue to stop, but looked at a man and a woman not far from Ying Er, two figures.

The top powerhouse of Daluo Xingyu is known as Xinghuo. The two are in a husband-and-wife relationship. They are top-notch. Even if they are elders, they are afraid to kill them in a short time.

"Sparkfire, the two of you followed the young master and went together. Protect the young master well. If there is any accident with the young master, you should know the consequences." The elder was very clear.

Yinger is the hope of the future rise of the entire Daluo Starfield. Wanxing Spirit is really terrifying.

"The elders rest assured that if the young master had one less hair, we would not have to return alive!"

Starfire stunned the two, long since they were connected, with resolute and smiling expressions on their faces.

They are all members of Daluo Xingyu, and they are also the most trusted elders of the Star Family.

Having both of them escorted Yinger to the North Coast, she was very relieved.

Even if it is Qingyan Star Field, staring at Daluo Star Field all the time.

I want to kill Yinger in front of Xinghuo.

Unless it is the Qingyan Star Powerhouse who has done the same.

However, it is impossible for the strong to reach their level of strength.

After all, if you are strong enough, in the event of being paid by others, your old nest will be ruined.

That is at least the accumulation and background of thousands of years, and the losses are heavy, and no one can do so.

"Go! Go early and return early!"

The elder also made great determination.

After all, Yinger left Daluo Star Field and took a lot of risks.

Uh ...

Yinger's body flowed with dazzling stars.

As if bathed in thousands of stars.

The shirt floated and faded away.

Starfire nodded to the elder, followed immediately.

"I did not expect that this girl could be promoted to such a level in just ten years. It was really unexpected."

Feeling the breath of Yinger, the elder could not help but sigh.

"Elder, young master's martial talent is really terrifying."

Not far away, a man wearing a light blue robe is also a high-rise of Dala Starfield, with a shock on his face. Even if he has a Wanxing spirit body, he has never seen anyone who can rise to this level in just ten years.

The old lady heard her words and saw her arm wave gently.

Picture after picture, constantly emerging.

In the picture, Yinger's figure constantly floats.

Holding a long sword in his hand, twinkling with starlight.

In front of her, endless monsters emerged.

She did not flinch in the slightest, killing frantically.

His body was red with blood.

"This is the scene where she entered the seven killing secrets of Daluo Starfield six months ago."


The middle-aged man was completely shaken by the picture.

In these years, Ying's training was handled by the elders himself.

No one knows how Yinger cultivates.

At this moment, they finally understood.

The major prerequisite for young masters is the increasingly sophisticated one, which is exchanged for nine lives.

"If I remember correctly, the most powerful record of Da Luo Xing Yu's smashing of the Seven Killing Realm was her father two thousand years ago, killing 33.33 million monsters and raising six realms."

"And she spent half of her father's time killing 99.97 million monsters and raising nine realms."

"Wandering on the edge of life and death many times, not only did she not flinch, but she became more and more brave. Can you guess what sustained her so hard?"

Old Lao said slowly.

She knew very well that the stubbornness of the girl came from the thoughts and figure in her heart.

She also promised the girl herself. If she can reach her goal within ten years, she will be asked to see the "master" in her mouth.

"Big elder, who is the young master?" The Confucian man frowned slightly, and their Da Luo Star Field was also a strong man. What's more, the young master is still a rare celestial body that will never be seen for thousands of years. The future is boundless, and it is doomed to nine days.

Ever knowing the young master of the Daluo Star Field, the awakening is the Wanxing Spirit. Over the past few years, there have been more than ten people, all of whom are proud of the sky, and want to marry Dala Star.

He was really curious, in the eyes of Yinger, what a precious young master was.

If he hadn't been sent by the elder to protect the young master, he really wanted to see it.

The old man heard the words, his old eyes twisted slightly.

That year, when she met Yinger, she met Xu Feng in the lower continent.

That feels wonderful.

Apparently like a ant.

However, there is always a temperament in the other person's body.

And, most importantly, in the inferior continent of that kind of resource.

The opponent can be the strongest in the lower continent in a short time.

It's incredible.

"That's a man of inferior continent."

Old Lao said slowly.


The Confucian man suddenly opened his mouth, his face horrified.

If anyone knows, the young master of the star-studded star field, awakening the wanxing spirit body, even took the initiative to wait for the continent to find a young man.

It can be said that the status of the two is so different that Toad wants to eat swan meat.

"The elder, this matter is absolutely necessary. I'll go and bring the young master back." The Confucian man rushed out immediately, but was stopped by the old man's words.

"You ca n’t stop her, I ca n’t stop her, and let her see her. Maybe the other party comes from the lower continent, and gradually appears to everyone. When you see the young master ’s talent and strength, it will happen. With a strong sense of inferiority, the young master will completely die. "

The reason why the old lady asked Yinger to look for Xu Feng was also to make Yinger completely disappointed with Xu Feng.

Otherwise, on the road of Yinger's cultivation in the future, there will always be a knot that cannot be opened, which is not good for her cultivation.

"I don't know where the ants of the inferior continent come from, where the blessings come from, they are actually called the young master by the young master."

The Confucian man couldn't help muttering.

"Ah ... don't look down on people from the lower continents. They can come from the lower continents. They are all outstanding and can bear hardships. Don't forget them. Recently it seems that a strong genius has appeared on the horizon. It comes from The lower continent is called Long Aotian! "

The old man educated the Confucian man.

(I don't know how many people remember Long Aotian. At the time, the largest supporting character in the southern continent, he didn't die when he came to the spirit **** continent! Instead, he got a certain magical power inheritance! Many things are almost handled, and I will write well in the future This chapter is a large chapter close to 4,000 words. In order to thank everyone for their understanding and support, a lot of them have been merged and updated!)

(Finally, I would like to give you a word of recent enlightenment. Life is beautiful. Enjoy life, protect life, care for life, happy life, hard work!)

(End of this chapter)