MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 72 Influence the reaction of all parties after the event

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Pei Xuanjing walked here casually, but he didn't think about how much turbulence the events caused tonight would cause.

To be clear about one thing, the sky is the core of Gyeonggi, the core of Ming Dynasty.

Not to mention that it has not happened for a long time that several third-rank grandmasters and pseudo-grandmasters fought to the death on the streets, and even fourth-rank warriors dare not fight privately on the streets of Tiandu.

And the most important thing is that this master of the third-rank realm is still an editor with the identity of the imperial court. In addition, the identity of the three false masters who attacked turned out to be three murderers from Mobei, and they have been wanted by Six Doors.

It can be said that such an appalling thing makes many people stunned, and its impact is also huge.

Not to mention other things, but how did these three murderers sneak into the Tiandu, and how did they get Pei Xuanjing's whereabouts, there are a lot of clues involved, and I don't know how many people will lose their jobs and how many people will lose their lives because of this.

This time, the opponent attacked a third-rank grandmaster, and the third-rank grandmaster was powerful, so not only was he not injured, but he killed the three.

But what if the target of these three shots was not Pei Xuanjing, a third-rank master, but someone else?

What about the ordinary officials in the cabinet, the six departments and five temples and other institutions?

Are they just waiting to die on the spot?

Even exaggerating a little bit, what if the second- and first-rank warriors sneaked into the Heavenly Capital and waited for an opportunity to assassinate the emperor and the clan?

I don't even dare to think about it.

Or to put it another way, what about the martial artist who cultivated the evil law entering the capital of heaven and wantonly killing ordinary people in order to refine the evil art?

How can this be the best place under the emperor's feet to deal with himself?

Therefore, although it is already in the middle of the month, some officials in the whole city are no longer sleepy at this moment, they can no longer sleep peacefully, and one of them starts to act.


In a mansion in Tiandu City.

In the dim study room, a man with luxurious clothes and a high-ranking man sat in the dark with a gloomy face.

There was another man dressed up and knelt down on the ground, "Please ask the master to atone for his sins. The villain did not expect that the three wolves in Mobei would be so useless, and he couldn't even kill a newly promoted third-rank grandmaster."

The luxuriously dressed man, although his face was ugly, did not blame the other party, "It's just that we underestimated that Pei Xuanjing."

He laughed to himself, "Haha, I really didn't expect it. I originally wanted to kill chickens to warn the monkeys, but I didn't expect that we would become the monkeys who were warned."

"The villain should die, the villain should die." The men in strong suits kowtowed one after another to plead guilty.

The luxurious man waved his hand, "Go down, remember to clean up all the ends, and don't leave any clues."

"Yes, the villain retire." The man in strong suit withdrew.

After waiting for the other party to leave, the luxurious man said lightly, "Take care of these matters, and don't let the other party trace us to us."

"Yes, my lord." A voice came from the darkness and disappeared.

The noble man in the dark country let out a deep laughter, "Haha, Pei Xuanjing. Sure enough, the raptors can't beat the river!"

Six doors, the general office.

Fu Changge brought the body of the three wolves of Mobei back to the six doors, and then came to a room of Houya alone.

"Father, the corpses of the three wolves in Mobei have been brought back." He bowed and stood outside the door.

This is the study room of the six-door chief catcher, but the door has not been opened, but by the light of the candle, a shadowy figure can be seen.

The Six Gates was originally an agency under the Three Laws Division, but since the chief inspector took office, the Six Gates has become more and more powerful, and now it has a posture of keeping pace with the Three Laws Division.

The voice of the powerful chief inspector came from inside, "Have you seen that Pei Xuanjing?"

"Yes, foster father." Fu Changge replied respectfully.

"How would you rate it?"

"Careful, yet decisive." Fu Changge thought about it and expressed his feelings.

He could feel that after he revealed his identity and purpose tonight, even if the other party put away his sword, he still kept his vigilance towards him.

If you show hostility once, the other party will probably take action without hesitation and will not care about your identity.

Thinking of this, he added another sentence, "It's also a daredevil!"

"It seems that this person is very powerful, otherwise he would not have made such an evaluation of you." The chief inspector pondered.

"In your opinion, if the two of you fight against each other, which one is higher and which is lower?"

"I don't know?" Fu Changge thought for a while and replied.

"Ha ha..."



After listening to his subordinate's report, Jiang Bin, the commander of Jin Yiwei, smiled and said to Lin Qingyi, the deputy thousand householder on the side, "Qingyi, it seems that your friend is not trivial."

Lin Qingyi said with a smile, "My subordinates never thought that Brother Pei would be so powerful that he could kill the three wolves in Mobei. You must know that these three teamed up to kill a third-grade master, but unexpectedly died today in Tiandu."

He originally replied to today's invitation to the and was then left for dinner by Jiang Bin.

Just now while eating, I got the news of Pei Xuanjing's assassination.

Lin Qingyi also asked Jiang Bin for help, and wanted the other party to send someone to rescue Pei Xuanjing.

Jiang Bin also wanted to take this opportunity to win over Pei Xuanjing, but he didn't expect that just after they found someone, they got the next news.

"Unfortunately, we didn't have time to take action this time." Jiang Bin said regretfully.

He originally wanted to win over Pei Xuanjing, but now seeing that Pei Xuanjing is so powerful, he is even more eager to win over him, so it is even more unfortunate to miss this opportunity to sell his favor.

Lin Qingyi rolled his eyes and suggested to Jiang Bin, "Sir, I think there is still a chance."

Jiang Bin was surprised and said, "Come on."

Lin Qingyi said, "I didn't say that when Brother Pei was chasing and killing the last person, the commander of the soldiers and horses deliberately blocked him, so we can use this to make a fuss."

Jiang Bin's eyes lit up, it was true.

The commander of that soldier and horse did so, even if there was no one behind him, because he hated Pei Xuanjing at this time, he could use this to sell his favor.

As for what the commander of the military division thinks, Jiang Bin doesn't care.

Others may be concerned about the identity of the other party, but Jiang Bin doesn't care. To him, the command of rectifying a mere army and horse division is nothing.

And he also thought of one thing, Jiang Bin said to Lin Qingyi, "Isn't Fu Changge from the Six Doors going to the Martial Arts Academy tomorrow? You should also go with me and bring some gifts along the way."

Lin Qingyi understood Jiang Bin's thoughts and nodded yes.

At the same time, they are not the only ones who have similar thoughts in the whole day.

East Factory...

West Factory...

The Governor's House...