MTL - The Silver Hamster’s Daily Life-Chapter 74 (two in one)

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Jiang Xing is getting closer and closer to Ruan Yingyin. He lowered his head, the two of them breathed each other, and her thick and beautiful eyelashes flickered again and again under his eyes.

He even felt her trembling eyelashes tremble into his heart.

Under the eyelashes is a white and delicate nose bridge, as delicate as a good suet jade bottle, and then down is a pale pink lip.

Her lips are beautiful and the kiss is sweet.

He thought of the gentle kiss under the ginkgo leaves when he went back to school.

A little taste, but not enough at all.

Jiang Xingyuan's breathing became heavier and heavier, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and the look in his pupils became darker.

The surrounding air is getting thinner and thinner, and every air molecule seems to feel the dangerous breath of Jiang Xingyuan and shudder.

The trembling sensation reached Ruan Yingyin, she stretched out her hand and pushed him away with all her strength.

Jiang Xingyuan was unprepared and took a step back.

Ruan Yingyin hurriedly dodged, pulling a large distance, holding the broom behind him, and looking at Jiang Xingyuan warily.

If he wants to come over, she'll blow him away

Jiang Xingyuan smacked his lips lightly, feeling a little pity.

If it was faster, it would have blocked her lips.

If you still want to kiss now, I'm afraid it's a little dangerous.

His eyes glanced at the broom behind her, then fell on her red face, with a deep smile in his eyes, and said softly, "Let's go."

Ruan Yingyin's hand holding the broom handle loosened slightly, and nodded lightly.

She went to the door first.

Jiang Xingyuan followed behind her, looking at her fair back, her lips pressed against her teeth, she took a few quick steps and grabbed her wrist.

Ruan Yingyin was startled, and immediately looked back at him, afraid that he would repeat his old tricks, and said angrily, "Jiang Xingyuan"

Jiang Xingyuan let go of her wrist with a smile, and lazily raised her hands over her head, meaning surrender.

He said to Ruan Yingyin, "I really don't want to do anything to you, don't be too sensitive."

Ruan Yingyin snorted very lightly, looked up at him, and asked pretty lively, "Then why are you holding my hand?"

"Change a skirt." Jiang Xingyuan put down his hands above his head, walked to the sofa, picked up a paper bag on the sofa, and handed it to Ruan Yingyin, "This one is more suitable for you."

Ruan Yingyin looked at the paper bag handed in front of her, her mouth opened slightly, a little incredible: "But didn't you just say that you have to wear this kind of dress for dinner?" She grabbed the tight black dress on her body, feeling that she was once again being swayed by Jiang Xingyuan Cheated.

Jiang Xingyuan's eyes swept from Ruan Yingyin's head to the end, still with an undisguised surprise in his eyes: "I made a mistake in judgment, I apologize to you. You are not suitable for this kind of skirt, it is too tender to hold up. ."

It was so tender that people wanted to bite her. Such a skirt should be worn at home for him to see.

No, he should put it on for her by himself, and then take it off.

So how can he wear it out? He doesn't allow anyone to see Ruan Yingyin like this.

Besides, he didn't intend to let her wear this dress out in the first place.

Ruan Yingyin opened her mouth and clenched her hands into fists, instead of picking up the bag he handed over, she raised her head and stared at him.

From her point of view, her gaze is fierce. Because she's so angry

But she didn't know, in Jiang Xingyuan's opinion. Her eyes seemed to be coquettish.

Jiang Xingyuan just smiled and let her stare, with a soft tone like honey: "Honey, change it up quickly, I'm really going to be late."

Ruan Yingyin angrily pulled over the paper bag, lowered her eyelids, and stated a fact: "You just said that they sent a skirt over."

"Oh, I forgot." Jiang Xingyuan patted his forehead lightly and shrugged indifferently, "I just remembered that they sent two over here."


Ruan Yingyin carried the bag and turned around angrily to go back to the bedroom.

But after three steps, she couldn't be more angry, she turned around and walked back, carrying the bag and smashing it on Jiang Xingyuan: "You lied to me"

Jiang Xingyuan didn't feel it anyway, but felt itchy when the bag was smashed.

He raised his eyebrows slightly: "How did I lie to you?"

Ruan Yingyin grabbed her clothes bag and panted slightly: "You know it well."

"I don't know." Jiang Xingyuan shook his head, looking at Ruan Yingyin who was full of anger in front of him with interest, "What did I lie to you?"

It was the first time he had seen Ruan Yingyin like this since he knew it. She has always had a good temper, and even if she was angry with him, she was sulking herself. It was the first time she smashed someone directly with a bag. Ruan Yingyin like this is very vivid, which makes him a little happy.

Ruan Yingyin deformed the paper bag: "You tricked me into wearing this skirt."

"Why should I trick you into wearing this skirt?" Jiang Xingyuan lowered his head, Ruan Yingyin was a little shorter than him, and in his position, he could see some faint beauty.

"Because you want" let me wear it for you.

Ruan Yingyin swallowed the following words, her face flushed, she bit her lip and took the paper bag back.

The new skirt is quite satisfactory. A looser white and blue skirt is worn on Ruan Yingyin, which makes her look more obedient.

She was wearing comfortable clothes herself, and she was slightly relieved when she looked at herself in front of the mirror.

She really wanted to let her wear that black dress, she was really scared.

Ruan Yingyin glanced at the black dress on the bed, opened the door and walked out.

Jiang Xingyuan held a pair of small white leather shoes with a slight heel in his hand.

He was sitting on the handle of the sofa, waiting boredly for Ruan Yingyin.

"This dress is much better." He stood up with a smile. "Put your shoes on and go."

Ruan Yingyin walked over and reached for the shoe in his hand, but didn't move it.

She was stunned, raised her head and looked at him strangely.

At this moment, Jiang Xingyuan grabbed her wrist again and dragged her to sit on the sofa.

Then he squatted down in front of the sofa and reached out to lift her feet.

Ruan Yingyin's heart skipped a beat, and without thinking, she kicked off the slippers on her feet, and shrunk her feet on the sofa: "Classmate Jiang, what are you doing?"

Jiang Xingyuan stretched out his hand, placed the slippers she kicked off, and tapped the ground lightly with the small leather shoes in his hand.

His expression looked very natural: "Help you put on your shoes."

Ruan Yingyin stuttered a little, she curled up her feet: "No, no, no, no help, I can wear it myself."

Jiang Xingyuan looked at her on the sofa sideways, and said with a smile: "Baby, the princesses in the castle are all put on shoes by the knights around them."

Ruan Yingyin bit her fingernails: "I'm not a princess."

"But you are my princess." Jiang Xingyuan's tone was intimate, with a smile on his lips, looking up at Ruan Yingyin on the sofa, as if looking at the moon in the sky.

Ruan Yingyin was stunned.

She looked down at Jiang Xingyuan blankly, unable to explain her inner feelings for a while.

Jiang Xingyuan stretched out his hand and tentatively held her ankle.

After seeing that she did not resist, he put down her curled legs and put her shoes on.

His movements were gentle and his face serious.

Ruan Yingyin's face turned red again.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Xingyuan stood up, pulled up Ruan Yingyin, who was a little stunned on the sofa, took the bag she put aside in one hand, and went out.

Ruan Yingyin followed obediently, her heart beating a little faster.

Not long after Ruan Yingyin found her, Liang Yuan met with Yang Qingwei without telling the lawyer that her family had hired for Yang Qingwei.

Lawyers and police have inquired about the situation, read chat records, and listened to audio. From his point of view, the matter of Yang Qingwei asking someone to kidnap Ruan Yingyin is a certainty.

However, Liang Yuan didn't believe it, and Yang Qingwei himself said no.

The lawyer is very professional. He didn't dwell too much on this issue, and said straightforwardly: "Ruan Yingyin has found it."

Yang Qingwei still doesn't know the news. The police didn't notify her immediately. She was a little shocked: "How did you find it?"

At the same time, she was a little scared, afraid that Ruan Yingyin would identify her. But she never met Ruan Yingyin. When she went to the wine cellar to teach Ruan Yingyin a lesson, Ruan Yingyin had already fled. She was a little relieved.

"I lost my way in the mountains, and I only found the exit early this morning." The lawyer said briefly, "Since Ruan Yingyin has been found and no one is in serious trouble, my opinion is. You should admit to the police that it was your contact who kidnapped Ruan Yingyin. "

Yang Qingwei denied it: "But I really didn't"

He has been a lawyer for decades and has seen countless people. He quietly looked at Yang Qingwei: "But the police's evidence is solid, it doesn't make any sense for you to entangle this matter. From my professional point of view, you admit the facts, and Say you were instigated by your father, and you sincerely admit your mistake. You will be free soon."

The kidnapped Ruan Yingyin was not injured, Yang Qingwei was a minor, instigated by his father, and sincerely admitted his mistake. Under this premise, Yang Qingwei will not be sentenced to any penalty, at most a fine, and then released.

The lawyer explained these principles to Yang Qingwei.

"But my dad's side"

"It doesn't need to be considered. Even if you and Ruan Xudong disagree, neither of you has any evidence. In court, the judge will favor you."

An underage girl with excellent grades in school, and a cruel man who killed his wife two years ago.

Everyone will believe the former.

And Ruan Yingyin was not injured, even if Yang Qingwei said she did it, there would not be much loss.

Yang Qing rubbed his eyebrows slightly, and said after a while, "Okay."

In this case, after she went out, Liang Yuan and Liang Yuan could also say that they listened to the lawyer's advice and had to admit that they had kidnapped Ruan Yingyin.

His image in Liang Yuan's mind will not collapse.

Ruan Xudong lost power, and she had no one else to rely on, only Liang Yuan. She must hold on to Liang Yuan, the last straw

Another round of interrogation.

These days, the same question has been asked over and over, over and over again, and Ruan Xudong's heart collapsed when he was asked.

His clenched fists burst into blue veins. Looking at the light in the interrogation room, he felt pain and despair in his heart: "I have already said everything I know, and I have told you everything. Why do you still ask me? Why do you still ask me?"

"Ruan Xudong, what I want to ask you this time is that you instigated Yang Qingwei to kidnap Ruan Yingyin."

Ruan Xudong was stunned: "What do you mean, didn't I say that Ruan Yingyin's matter has nothing to do with Qingwei? What is abetting?"

"Yang Qingwei has already explained everything. You used your father's identity to threaten her not to tell the truth, and let her kidnap Ruan Yingyin instead of your contact person. If she doesn't do it, you will beat her mother, right?"

Ruan Xudong's hands were trembling: "What are you talking about? Qingwei has already explained everything."

"And after Ruan Yingyin escaped, you threatened Yang Qingwei. If she told the police the truth, you would slander her. She planned all this."

Ruan Xudong began to realize that something was wrong: "These words were told to you by Qingwei himself."

The opposite nodded: "Ruan Xudong, I advise you to explain it honestly, and don't make the last struggle."

There's no way the police could lie about this sort of thing.

An indescribable emotion came to mind, Ruan Xudong's eyes were scarlet: "It can't be that she is talking nonsense, how can she talk nonsense, you let Yang Qingwei come to see me, let her come to see me"

The police looked at each other and frowned.

They didn't have a good impression of Ruan Xudong.

"Ruan Xudong, Yang Qingwei and Ruan Yingyin are both your daughters. As a father, at the last moment, didn't you come to your senses?"

Ruan Xudong could feel a **** smell coming up from his throat, and he roared in despair: "What Yang Qingwei said is false, the idea of ​​kidnapping Ruan Yingyin was made by her and hers."

But no matter how desperate or angry Ruan Xudong's roar was, it could no longer be heard.

No one would trust him, he killed his wife and kidnapped his daughter.

No matter who is in the heart, the three words Ruan Xudong mean irony and become the endorsement of scumbags and soft fans.

In the future, he will always be imprisoned in a place where there is no sun, without seeing the sun, and then waiting for his due trial.

The death penalty will be his end.

There were not many people at the luxurious reception, and everyone drank quietly and occasionally said a few words to the people around them.

At the door of the reception, Jiang Xingyuan stopped and motioned to Ruan Yingyin next to him to go in first.

Ruan Yingyin was a little nervous. She glanced at Jiang Xingyuan subconsciously, with a hint of encouragement in her eyes.

This kind of reliance softened Jiang Xingyuan's expression, which was very useful in his heart.

He whispered: "Go, don't be afraid, there is me."

Ruan Yingyin was a little embarrassed and retorted softly: "I'm not afraid."

Jiang Xingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

She took a deep breath: "I'm just a little nervous."

"Then don't be nervous, it's still me." Jiang Xingyuan smiled.

Ruan Yingyin gave him a small glance, feeling much better.

She walked in with her head held high, and all the people at the banquet looked at her.

Lin Zixiong and Li Yi were also there. When they saw Ruan Yingyin, Li Yi's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked over to Ruan Yingyin: "Yinyin, do you remember Auntie?"

A smile appeared on Ruan Yingyin's face, and she called out politely, "Auntie, I still remember it."

"You kid, I've heard of it." Li Yi's eyes flashed with anger, "You have suffered so much in Ruan's family before, why didn't you ask your aunt for help?"

"Auntie, I don't feel much wronged." Ruan Yingyin's temperament is very outstanding, "but I really need Auntie's help now."

Li Yi patted Ruan Yingyin's hand: "Don't worry, Auntie knows what you mean. No matter what, as long as Yinhu is your company, I will let your uncle Zixiong cooperate with Yinhu."

After finishing speaking, Li Yi took Ruan Yingyin's hand and introduced Ruan Yingyin to the people at the dinner party.

Lin has been working with Nguyen for many years, so he is familiar with the senior management, R&D team, and other partners.

Although Ruan Yingyin invited these people, they had never seen them before, so with Li Yi in the middle, the next progress was naturally logical.

Jiang Xingyuan stood at the door for a while, and after seeing Li Yi taking Ruan Yingyin away, he walked in unobtrusively, looking very low-key.

On the surface, he had nothing to do with the Silver Fox Company. This company was jointly founded by Ruan Yingyin and Xu Hao. He came to participate because he had a close relationship with Ruan Yingyin.

There was a sofa for discussion at the dinner party. After Li Yi and Ruan Yingyin met the people at the dinner party, they sat down with everyone.

Ruan Yingyin put down the orange juice in her hand, her eyes swept across the people on the sofa, and she said straight to the point: "I'm very grateful to everyone for taking my mother's face and coming to the dinner party." She paused, "Silver Fox Company, I am With a 70% stake, the purpose of this dinner is that I hope everyone can cooperate with Silver Fox."

She was originally only 50%, and she just changed the contract terms a few days ago. Because Jiang Xingyuan said that if she was only fifty percent, these people would not necessarily come.

Lin Zixiong sat next to Li Yi, his eyes turned around Ruan Yingyin.

He worked with Li Da in the past. Although Li Da and Ruan Yingyin are mother and daughter, they have different ways of doing things. Ruan Yingyin is much softer than her mother.

I don't know if this kind of temperament will work.

"Is Yinhu Water the formula developed by President Li back then?" the leader of Ruan's R&D team asked. He has always been interested in Yinhu Water.

Ruan Yingyin nodded thoughtfully: "Silver fox water was indeed given to me by my mother back then. Due to some reasons, it has not been possible to mass-produce it. We invited Dr. Yang Qiqun to study silver fox water some time ago, and some progress has been made. It won't be long before the silver fox water can be mass-produced. As you all know, the reputation of the silver fox water in the market has completely overwhelmed the glass water. If the production of the silver fox water can be raised, the future of the silver fox group will be greatly improved. , I'm sure you all know that."

She said the words she had prepared for a long time without being arrogant, and then took out a document from the bag she was carrying: "This is part of the research report of Dr. Yang Qiqun, you can read it. I believe in the reputation of Dr. Yang Qiqun. You have all heard it."

When the senior R&D boss of the Ruan family heard it, he quickly overtook the others and snatched the report over to take a look.

He is a research maniac. The reason why he joined Ruan was because Li Da promised that he would be equipped with the best R&D team and R&D conditions, so that he could only focus on R&D.

However, after Li Da's death, Nguyen changed and began to have factional struggles. In the past two years, their R&D department has not received much attention in the Nguyen family.

In fact, he was thinking about changing jobs a few months ago.

Yang Qiqun's report made him more and more excited.

This silver fox water is so amazing, if it can be thoroughly researched, maybe the cosmetics market in the future will be completely turned upside down.

The potential of the Silver Fox Group in the future is limitless

The R&D boss immediately stood up and said excitedly, "Okay, I can bring the R&D team to join the Silver Fox collectively, and I can resign to Nguyen tomorrow. But my request is"

"Everything is the same as what my mother promised you back then." Ruan Yingyin also stood up, "and Dr. Yang Qiqun is also very willing to let you study the silver fox water with him."

When the R&D boss heard that he could study the silver fox water with the idol Yang Qiqun, he was excited like a 20-year-old Maotou boy, he picked up the red wine, raised it to Ruan Yingyin, and drank it: "Then thank Ruan. All in all."

Ruan Yingyin opened her mouth, and she couldn't accept the title of President Ruan for a while.

However, she will get used to this kind of thing, just like she is accustomed to Jiang Xingyuan calling her baby, and after a whole night, she is also used to other people calling her Mr. Ruan with a smile.

The R&D boss and Dr. Yang Qiqun both feel that there is a potential project, and other bosses will naturally be excited.

And it is impossible for those who came to participate today to be unprepared in advance. They have all learned about the silver fox water, and they naturally know the potential of the silver fox water in the market. As long as the output can be raised, it will be a popular product, and making money is just a matter of time issue.

Jiang Xingyuan kept a low profile and looked at Ruan Yingyin in the crowd.

With a polite smile on her face, she has her own style between advancing and retreating, giving people a very comfortable feeling, like a spring breeze.

People in shopping malls like to drink. But Ruan Yingyin, no one irrigated her.

Not afraid, but unwilling.

When she stood there smiling, no one would reject her.

She may not know it herself, but she is a natural negotiator, and she has an affinity that makes people not want to reject her and subconsciously trust her.

In the car, Jiang Xingyuan leaned over to fasten her seat belt and said to her ear, "Mr. Ruan, you did a good job tonight."

Ruan Yingyin hid by the door: "Don't call me President Ruan"

"What's your name?" Jiang Xingyuan smiled, "Baby, it seems that you like the name Baobao very much."

"I don't." Ruan Yingyin refuted him, clutching the seat belt.

Jiang Xingyuan lowered his eyes, looked at the blushing lips in front of him, and was about to kiss him.

Ruan Yingyin quickly covered her mouth with her eyes and hands, and her voice was a little dull when she spoke: "If you kiss me, I will really ignore you."

Jiang Xingyuan lowered his head, his eyes were facing hers, and his lips kissed her fingertips covering her mouth: "Then when can I kiss you?"

Ruan Yingyin opened her mouth, and when her eyelashes trembled, Jiang Xingyuan's eyelashes trembled as well.

At this moment, she felt more nervous than ever.

She should have said no when, but oddly, she didn't say it.

She was just silent, and her glittering eyes quietly looked at Jiang Xingyuan who was close at hand.

Thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger.

Jiang Xingyuan opened a little distance and said with a low smile, "Why don't you speak?"

Ruan Yingyin slumped on the co-pilot, blushing like the sunset on the horizon.

Jiang Xingyuan stretched out his hand, grabbed her wrist, took her hand away, and threatened, "If you don't speak, I will take it as your default that I can kiss you now."

Ruan Yingyin panicked: "No"

"When can I do?" Jiang Xingyuan tilted his head, smiling a bit sly.

She was stunned, and without thinking, she blurted out: "Anyway, it can't be done now."

"That's okay in the future." Jiang Xingyuan touched his chin and nodded, "Okay, I see."